#it's def had sections in like. my hcs about their gender before but i don't believe i have any dedicated specifically to their hair...
byanyan · 6 months
it's been a while since i've talked about how important byan's hair is to them... how, after 10+ years of having little say in it, foster parents and caretakers always insisting it be kept shorter in boyish styles, it eventually became one of the first aspects of their appearance that they had any control over... one of the first ways they were able to express themself and their gender the way they wanted to... how excited they were the first time it was long enough that they were able to pull it back into pigtails and ponytails and how much they love playing with it and decorating it with cute little clips and scrunchies and ribbons... how they've bitten at least one hairdresser who tried taking scissors to it and how they hate having to cover it with a beanie during winter... how they consider it such a significant part of their look and style and how they take very good care of it because they do take so much pride in it... it's something i have a lot of feelings about, i really should talk about it more
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of two of our pretty setters being your older brothers !
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kageyma tobio, oikawa tooru <3
[ trigger warnings ━ manga spoilers !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
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➜ the type of older brother that acts as if he doesn't care but he actually does.
➜ he acts as if that one time where no one from his family but you actually came to one of his volleyball games ─ well, besides from your guys' grandfather; but ever since of his passing, the clostest ─ tangible and most concrete reminants of him were just lingering in the form of a volleyball.
➜ he acts as if the absence of most of his family members didn't affect him and yet, he usually found himself looking for them in the stands ─ hoping that they'd be there cheering him on
➜ he was used to always being left alone when it was just him and his older sister but then you came along
➜ when you were young, you would always cling onto him for your dear life for some reason
➜ and ever since tobio was young, he somewhat had difficulties expressing himself so it was no surprise that he usually shakes you off violently off your tight graps
➜ like how can someone with so little hands be so strong at holding him down??
➜ he wasn't used to these affections, and the start of your guys' sibling relationship was quite rocky
➜ but now when he remembers those times where you hated to jog but you would always, ALWAYS, find yourself catching up to him
➜ slowley, gradually & subtly
➜ just to match up to his pace so you guys would jog together
➜ and then he realizes, that he wasn't alone anymore
➜ bb boy had you right next to him
➜ ugh enough about angst people
➜ I DO
➜ since he is a setter, he needs his fingers and nails in tip-top shape yknow?
➜ since you're one of the only persons he trusts his life onto, he makes you do it
➜ like it's not even because of whatever gender you are
➜ you will do his nails, and you WILL learn to do the best manicure this boy could ever get
➜ because all you want was the best for the best older brother ever.
➜ and that's how he always had healthy clean nails & is always manicured
➜ and it's ON YOU
➜ he would never, NEVER let anyone else do his nails
➜ you would 100% go along with his finger exercise thingy
➜ and these spa days usually ends in a sleepover with facemasks on miwa-nee left in her drawers
 ➜ kageyama may not show it, but he really appreciates you
➜ like alot
➜ you had all the reasons to deny him of his spa days, matches, etc.
➜ but you choose to stay, to learn how to manicure, to skip school and go to his matches & give him the support he was deprived off
➜ like if this blueberry boyo ever offered to share you his mILK, while you guys already have seperate milk cartons in the fridge
➜ you know that he holds you so close, and so fucking dear to his heart that it's going to make me crYyyY
➜ he's not good at expressing his emotions, but he will do everything in his will to make it known to you that you are important to him
➜ he'll always walk with you to school and go home with you whenever he doesn't have volleyball practice
➜ if he noticed that you're feeling down or stressed he'll take you away from whatever that is & will force you to play volleyball with him
➜ just so that you could get your mind off from it
➜ if you forget your lunch money, he'll buy you two mini milk box with curry buns on the side
➜ and then when you guys go home he'll force you to make bento with him until it's late at night in a school night with tons of food on your closed because y'all forgot to use an apron lmao
➜ he's always so stiff with receiving affections and giving one
➜ but he's so good at giving headpats
➜ and he only does it on you
➜ his warm huge hand in comparison to your head, and it'll always be the best way he could convey his emotions
➜ it's through the familiar, homey feeling of the palm of his hands
➜ he's the type to have one picture with you and his grandfather together that's literally so old, it doesn't need those vintage aesthetic effects to make it look vintage
➜ he'll also the type to carry it around in his wallet ALWAYS, but forgets to bring money?? for?? some?? reason??
➜ 11/10 would recommend as a brother
➜ in conclusion, he may not be the best at showing affections and giving them, but you'll always be reminded in different and special ways that he loves you so much; you'll always have each other's back & would stay in each other's side, always.
➜ like harry potter typa shit always.
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➜ he's the type of brother that is ALWAYS UP YOUR FUCKING BUSSINESS
➜ he already has his head up his ass,  you don't want him to be up on yours as well
➜ he'll always be up on your room & he's very very clingy, like a lot
➜ fights are an ALWAYS
➜ y'all would fight about many things honestly
➜ probably most of the reason would be because you're just fed up on him
 ➜ but even if things are serious, like that one time where he's just so exhausted of EVERYTHING, because why the fuck won't his serves be good enough?
➜ and he'll just breakdown in front of you, pouring his heart out on how they lost again to ushijima in the semi-finals
➜ he'll also spill out all his insecurities about volleyball because even if it may not seem like it, he gets insecure too 👉👈
➜ and you'll just be there, listening since you know that he wasn't looking and asking for advice ─ he just wanted someone, anyone to listen to him
➜ you'll let him cry out whatever was bothering him for the past few weeks while comfort his huge frame since he collapsed onto your shoulder
➜ i hate myself too, don't worry💅💋
➜ while you guys were young, he'd always be up on your room, and would be playing dolls or cars or shit with you
➜ he's just so used to being with you
➜ that when you got sick and had to go to a hospital and they wouldn't let him visit you, he cried for the first time in years
➜ he'll be stuck on your side by the time you were discharged
➜ he plays volleyball with you along with iwaizumi
➜ he'll also make you come with him while along with iwaizumi to meet his volleyball idol
➜ you'll also be the first person to know what his plans for the future is
➜ and you'll support him through and through, you guys would even consider going with him to argentina
➜ and he wouldn't disagree
➜ he's the type of brother that knows 12762 of your crushes, your passwords, that page 24 of tour diary he stole that says “ tooru-nii isn't kinda that annoying ” that he framed up on his bedroom
➜ he has a shit ton of blackmail material on you
➜ since it's canon that he adores his family, he'll have many polaroid pictures of your guys' family up on his wall
➜ and of course of you guys seperately on picture frames on his desk, ranging from that one time you almost drowned taken at the right timing, to that picture of you and him when you graduated junior high.
➜ speaking of pictures
➜ weird ass selfies of his and those forced cute faces that you wanted to burn in hell
➜ and a LOT of selfies with you guys on it
➜ since he knows your password to your phone, he'll change your lockscreen wallpaper to a cute selfie of you guys
➜ he'll never make you change it
➜ reason #1672 why you don't have a bf/gf
➜ you'll ALWAYS find him scrolling through YOUR phone
➜ he'd be watching tiktoks not giving a fuck
➜ while you're just there like
➜ that's MY phone sir 👁👄👁
➜ 11/10 would have a section of his family scrapbook of you guys & it's either showing your attractive oikawa genes
➜ or it's shitty photos of you guys
➜ nothing in between
➜ since we talked about your phone, let's talk about his
➜ you would not let him spam your phone and ruin your phone storage with pictures of him and selfies of you guys without doing the same with him
➜ like DUH
➜ his phone would be FILLED of crazy crackhead pictures of you guys
➜ and he'll have one of your cute selfies as his lockscreen wallpaper
➜ matching the one he set up on your phone
➜ and of he ever has a girlfriend/boyfriend, you HAVE to meet them first
➜ and even if you may not see it, your opinions is held quite mighty high for oikawa
➜ and of course he's like that with you too, he better know the address of your boyfriend/girlfriend, their number, and he WILL do a whole ass background check on him
➜ but you know he does that not only to have your underwear in a twist, he kinda 👉👈 cares about you & as you care about him
➜ 12/10 would recommend as a brother
➜ in conclusion, you guys may sometimes be up on each other's ass, but you guys care a lot about each other and will not hesitate to beat someone's ass for the other because no one but him could bully you, and vice versa ( + iwa-chan )
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . will be making this a mini series of big brother headcanons bECAUSE WHY NOT, like WHY NOT; ya get me?? i fucking love wholesome family headcanons & would 1000% write domestic hcs and dad! hcs.
again, requests are open !
one request = one more reason to stay sane
watch out for new dating headcanons of two cute setters 💅
send me an ask or even a comment on you want to see next in the big brother series because i'm wh0re for that, also i finally revived my phone but without it being formatted so i have to redo the requests i wrote. so before i post them since they are not quite done yet, have this.
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