#it's definitely constantly a mess in my head n idk what i'm doing 90% of the time
milkybonya · 4 years
hiya! I'm not that good with requesting but i was rewatching ptg private watch and the members (mostly hui) were laughing at changgu's "village boy" look when he first got into cube and i just came with the idea of a collegeau changgu who just moved to seoul, idk of it makes sense but it would adorable to think of village changgu liking edgy city girl😂😂
nooo i love this request hehe, i hope i’m not too late and i hope you like it :D
Trees to Skyscrapers - College!Changgu 
Warnings: mentions of food
[a/n]: I’m sorry if the gif looks weird, i just think it’s so cute like imagine village boy Changgu introducing himself like that and being awkward LOL 
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You were ready for college. This was going to be your time to flourish and you were finally going to work towards your dreams, becoming the person who you aspired to be.
Of course you were nervous for your first day of classes, but you were also excited. There were so many possibilities! No one here knew you, so this was a fresh start. 
The sky was blue and beaming with the sun’s light on your first day. You managed to find your first class and took a seat. The light chatter in the lecture hall was building up butterflies in your stomach and you found yourself fidgeting.
Before class started, you tried your best to greet a few of the people around you. The professor then began talking, and you focused on his words.
On the first day, there were no urgent notes to be taken. It was only a syllabus, a few instructions and important notes.
Your day was going quite well. With attempted confidence, you walked from class to class and tried not to worry about social interaction too much. While some people were pressed about making friends, you just let things happen naturally. You were more focused on getting through the day while paying attention and learning as much as you could.
In your last class though, something changed your pace.
You were sitting, taking out the things that you needed and minding your own business, but someone was clearly staring at you. He was right beside you, so you could quite obviously tell from the corner of your eye that he was staring. When you looked in his direction though, he would shuffle his papers around, even though they were all blank.
Sighing, you decided to start a conversation. You thought to yourself that he must want to talk but was probably feeling shy.
“Hello. I’m [y/n]. What’s your name?” you asked after turning to him.
He shyly scratched his ear and responded with: “My name is Changgu.” He wore jeans and a button-up shirt.
After asking him questions and discovering that he was studying Acting & Theatre under the Humanities, had moved here from a countryside-like place with farms and liked to sing, the professor began to talk, cutting the conversation short.
You thought that would be the end of that, but the next time you had that class, Changgu sat next to you again.
Once again, the two of you talked. You could tell that Changgu was trying his best to keep the conversation going because of the way he’d constantly glance at you when the two of you couldn’t think of anything else to say.
He intrigued you for some reason. He had a quiet presence but you still wanted to talked to him and figure him out. 
Every class with him from that day on was the same: conversations where you would learn more about each other and whine about how hard your workloads were.
On the last class before reading week, Changgu asked for your number.
“I’m new here, so maybe during our time off you could show me around a bit?” he said. You happily agreed, excited for the week ahead.
Changgu texted you that night, asking which days you were busy and which days you weren’t. After exchanging your schedules, you set up a day to meet.
When that day finally rolled around, you met Changgu on campus and took a bus with him to the main part of the city. He was full of excitement, dancing in his seat and smiling widely as he watched the buildings pass by through the window. He told you how he had spent the past few days getting his studying out of the way so he could enjoy this day with you.
For some reason, that made your heart flutter.
When you got off the bus, Changgu started to head in the wrong direction, so you had to lightly tug his sleeve and point out which way you were going. The two of you laughed it off until you reached one of the first places you wanted to take Changgu to - a café.
It was a very trendy place, somewhere where you could take a lot of aesthetic photos. It seemed to give off a 90s retro vibe.
After ordering and taking a seat, you watched as Changgu pulled out his phone. You thought he was on social media, but when he showed you his phone, you realized that he had taken a photo of you. It looked pretty - you were looking down at the white table in front of you, your expression relaxed.
“Okay, let me take a photo of you too, then,” you said, pulling out your own phone. Changgu was posing awkwardly in his flannel shirt, so you told him to relax and smile more naturally. You kept trying to crack jokes and make weird faces to make him laugh, but that made your hands shake, producing a blurry photo.
At last, you managed to snap a shot of him laughing naturally. Changgu was so pleased with his photo that he immediately asked you to send it to him.
After trying your drinks, the two of you walked around and looked at some of the street art. You made sure to take a lot of photos of Changgu, so he could treasure his memories.
You found it slightly cute how Changgu was amazed by a lot of things and how he excitedly pointed them out. You would usually just pass by them without a second thought on a regular day. 
After grabbing food and then going to another place for dessert, you took the bus with Changgu back to campus to make sure he wouldn’t get lost. As you headed back to your own home, you realized how much you enjoyed your day.
The two of you end up texting each other a lot during the rest of your week off, even video-calling once. You met up again at the café that you went to on that first day. The two of you planned to study but ended up talking and messing around a lot.
When reading week was over, you looked forward to all of your classes with Changgu, and you even made time to see him in-between classes. The awkward village boy had become someone special for you and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
One weekend at the café where you and Changgu had started regularly meeting, he seemed uncomfortable. He was shifting in his seat a lot and none of his laughs sounded genuine.
You worriedly asked him if he was okay, and he assured you that he was fine, but he definitely didn’t seem fine to you.
After deciding to not bother him, you sipped your drink while admiring the artwork that was up on the wall behind him. Suddenly, Changgu cleared his throat and sat up straight.
“I didn’t want to tell you like this,” he mumbled under his breath. “But I think I should tell you now,” he said, louder.
“Tell me what?” you asked him.
“Tell you that... I like you. Since the first day we met, you seemed so cool? Your style, your aura, I’d never met anyone like you before. Now, spending more time with you, I’ve grown to like you even more.”
You eyed Changgu, now shy and red in the face. You thought back on all the times he teased you and how he’d actually make your heart flutter by doing that. You remembered how you still had all the photos you’d ever taken of him saved to your phone. Every time he smiled, you smiled too. When he was sad or stressed, you felt it to your core.
It seemed like... you had liked him all this time too? Sometimes when his hand rested on the table in the café while the two of you studied, your eyes would fall on it and you’d notice how soft it looked. Secretly, you wanted to hold it. Secretly, you’d stare at his lips as he pouted while studying, wanting to feel them against yours.
Changgu blinked and you realized that you hadn’t said anything.
“Changgu... I’m sorry I just got lost in my thoughts. But, I think... I like you too? No, I do like you. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to realize,” you explained. Your heart was bursting with emotion, and you melted as you watched Changgu try to hide the huge smile on his face.
“Come sit next to me then,” he said, patting the space beside him. You squeezed into the seat beside him and he immediately pulled you closer by wrapping an arm around you. You had butterflies, not being used to being held by Changgu like this. 
As the two of you spent the rest of the day getting used to being this close with one another, the sky grew dark and the lights of the café turned on. You wanted to stay in that spot beside Changgu forever.
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