#it's either cherry red or midnight blue [lawrusso]
bitelikeaneagle · 7 months
"Look, I don't give a shit what it is, I don't want you keeping it in my fridge. Could infect everything. Just look at it, man." The blond gestured at the shelf in the refrigerator as he held it open.
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"Barely even food," he mumbled as an afterthought.
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miyagidos · 2 years
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Everything collided to hit him at once when Daniel's lashes finally fluttered open. The thin streak of light streaming into the room from behind the blackout curtain made the dull pounding in his skull that much worse though it wasn't directly on them. The brunet was beyond thirsty but could barely move under the naked dead weight asleep on top of him still, snoring away and squirming far too much to stay soft much longer. All he did was hold on tighter to Johnny's shoulders, though, eyes trying not to wander too much when he could feel how sticky his body was as the blond moved against him again, cheeks burning boiling hot knowing he'd fallen alseep like that. The movement caused his breathing to jerk abruptly, in turn causing his body to do the same, and he couldn't help but hiss as his shoulder scraped and pressed into the fabric of the couch.
A couple more memories of the night before came flooding back to him while looking over the mess of the other's living room, a few but not all. He wasn't going to search for them too hard, though, almost sure the best ones would come to him during the rest of the day. Right now, he couldn't even be sure if he was still high, still drunk, or both. But he desperately needed water, painkillers, and a shower; in that order, and Johnny didn't seem any closer to waking up. So he'd need to help.
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First, he tried getting up, whining Johnny's name loudly, and then cracking up when the blond just shoved him back down. Albeit a little too rough but it did cover him from head to toe in goosebumps. So he couldn't complain. Next, Daniel wriggled, but that just made the sleeping man grunt and hold him still, which also would have been hot if he wasn't dying of thirst. Lastly, and having to resort to dirty tactics, he slid his tongue along the shell of the other man's ear, then bit down and tugged gently. All but groaning Johnny's name by the time he opened his eyes to stare at him.
Daniel was panting when he realized Johnny was now awake, so out of breath after trying to do those three things at once in the end that he couldn't even tell him what he needed now. He let out a broken whine and inhaled deeply through his nostrils, squinting while trying to keep his eyes on the other man though the room had started spinning violently. “Good….morning.” He whispered, reaching up to rub his face, noticing the bump on his head before stroking over the blond locks with a soft chuckle. “Don't you— Hey! Don't you dare go back to sleep.”
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bitelikeaneagle · 2 years
Johnny fished around in his pockets for his key to no avail, the blond not realizing Daniel still had them. Carmen needed to be dropped off for a late shift at her work, and Johnny managed to have one too many drinks paid for to drive himself. Amanda took her car and drove Carmen while Danny took Johnny's and drove the blond home. The brunet's car still sat parked at Johnny's place anyway. The intention had always been to end up back in his apartment with Daniel, but Lawrence hadn't expected to go home in his passenger's seat. Even so, the man only teased Daniel on the way back.
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By now, Johnny forgot that Danny had brought him a present at the beginning of the night, "Think I left the keys at the..." No, they couldn't have driven here without the keys. They weren't at the bar, "...in the car." He turned on his heel to go back, eyes scanning the ground in case they fell out somewhere.
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miyagidos · 2 years
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It had been a while since Daniel dropped off to sleep, so he didn't mind too much when the door of a vehicle slamming shut in his driveway jolted him out of his peaceful slumber. He already knew who it was, then felt around on the bedside cabinet to check the time. It was only at that moment that he saw the last message, sent a while ago, and hoped they hadn't been drinking the entire time, for Johnny's sake, not his. The brunet rubbed the sleep from his eyes but didn't sit up just yet. Instead, he lay there listening for the front door opening or maybe even rattling if the man had any trouble with it and was suddenly feeling lucky that the spare room he'd put Louie was in was at the back of the house for the simple fact that his cousin wouldn't get disturbed. He already knew the co-worker was staying, but that didn't mean he had to lose sleep through it.
Daniel was slowly dropping back off to sleep when he finally heard the door opening, then a crashing sound and the familiarity of the blond swearing at whatever made the noise, and that's when he sat up and left the bedroom to go and see what was happening. The sound came from an umbrella stand that the other man had more or less tripped over, and he quickly moved it out of the way so Johnny couldn't kick it. Much to Johnny's annoyance as an arm snaked around the taller man's waist to help him upstairs, having to stop every few steps to catch his breath and to steady the wobble each of them had going on. Once finally in the bedroom, after helping him to the bathroom, and being asked if he wasnted to hold it for him (much to both their amusements) he eased Johnny back to lay his head on the pillow and proceeded to undress him to just his t-shirt and boxers. Then tugged the duvet over him and made sure he was on his side before leaving to grab something to use as a vomit bucket, just in case, and a few bottles of water.
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When he came back, Johnny had rolled onto his back again, and though the man wasn't asleep so wouldn't choke yet, Daniel didn't know how much longer he could stay awake to watch him. After making sure Johnny drank a decent amount of water, and once his hands were free, he moved him onto his side again facing outwards on the bed and quickly crawled over him to hold him in place as he spooned the bigger man. A palm slid over the broad chest to soothe him while he hummed gently against the shell of his ear, and he felt the second he began melting. Only half-assed whines instead of protests and struggles filled the room until it was silent besides the sounds of Johnny's little snores. Daniel loosened his grip only a little to lean over and kiss the man's cheek, settling back in his spot behind to rub his cheek against the fabric of the Metallica shirt and once again drifted into a light but peaceful sleep.
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miyagidos · 2 years
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Daniel greeted Johnny at the door to the house at Miyagi-Do with a bright and genuine smile. They'd decided to meet at the dojo to start their day out with no training for once, and so he was dressed casually. His hands behind his back clutching a small gift bag. There was no denying the brunet felt a little awkward doing this, but he wanted to. He was trying. He'd known the man's birthdate after going over the paperwork for the challenger the previous year, but they hadn't been friends then, so no need to celebrate. Were they even friends now? They were something, and that something warranted a present.
Pushing the thoughts aside, he produced the bag and held it out in front of himself for Johnny to take, hands shoving into his pockets once they were free. “Happy Birthday, man.” Daniel mumbled, second-guessing himself on what he'd got for him. He was usually on the mark with gifts but would readily admit he'd driven himself crazy trying to find something for the co-sensei that didn't involve some form of alcohol or a boring-ass gift card. Dark brown eyes watched with anticipation as the man pulled the envelope from the bag and proceeded to open it, revealing a pair of tickets to see REO Speedwagon in Las Vegas next month. “Can't believe they're not playing LA. They're doing Cali, but this is still the nearest.”
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He didn't know what else to say about those, the blond could do with them what he wanted, but Daniel hoped he'd go, relive his youth, and hopefully have some fun. Then he watched him reach back into the bag to bring out a tiny box, eyes lighting up at the look on Johnny's face as he opened said box to half of a red peanut M&M. “And before you ask, yes, it's half of the sweet.” The brunet kept the other half, and as dumb as Johnny would probably find it, he thought it a funny but cute keepsake.
He had one more gift for Johnny that wasn't in the bag. This one was special, but in case it wasn't as well-received as he hoped it'd be, he'd already loaded it into the car to take with them. Maybe he'd even wait until they got back that evening. Whenever the right moment hit, he'd give the final gift, but for now, Danny was itching to get out on the road with the other man. “Did you eat already? Or should we do a drive-thru run before hitting the actual road?”
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miyagidos · 3 years
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As comfortable as he was, perched on the back of Johnny's thighs, and as pleasing as the sound coming from the other man as he worked out the knots in his overly tense shoulders via a massage was, Daniel knew he should get moving to leave soon. Instead of getting up, though, he once more smoothed flat hands over the entire length of the blond's broad back. They came to an abrupt stop just under the scar that ran from the middle of his left flank to his shoulder blade, teeth clamping down and sucking on his bottom lip in thought while his eyes traced over the mark curiously. 
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The brunet had seen it many times by now and had often wondered the story behind what happened for him to gain it, but that wasn't something he'd casually slip into a conversation. Now seemed as good a time as any, though, as he slid over to sit at Johnny's side, then maneuvered to lay on his stomach as well, top half draped over the other. Index finger lightly trailing the length of the silvery line repeatedly. Daniel's chin came to rest on the back of the man's shoulder, chocolate eyes not leaving the scar as he leaned in close to Johnny's earlobe and whispered against it, barely audible. “How'd you get this one?”
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miyagidos · 2 years
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He could hear himself whimpering in his sleep. Not the type that Johnny liked to hear, not that kind the man always seemed to cause when Danny ended up in his arms, but pathetic and fear-filled whines laced with ragged breathing, violent shuddering, and a thin layer of cold sweat coating him completely. By the time the man let his lashes flutter open, whatever nightmare or memory causing his distress had faded, and all that remained was Silver, complete with the onset of a panic attack he was already desperately trying to fend off. He pressed tighter against the blond's chest, buried his face a little deeper into the crook of his neck, and held on for dear life while counting backward and trying to breathe easier.
Daniel's short-term memory had been troubling him since the weekend, and this morning was no different. He remembered being cold in his car the previous night and praying that Johnny would ask if he wanted to return to the apartment, the relief he felt when it happened, but no recollection of the drive there. The door was left open for him, and Johnny was waiting with open arms, literally. That embrace helped him more than he could soothe himself in the past five days, and it seemed to last forever because he remembered absolutely nothing else. The brunet still had on the plaid pajama pants, navy hoodie, and days-of-the-week socks he left home in after training and thought maybe he'd just passed out on Johnny instantly, which in his mind would have been rude as hell.
Not knowing if they'd talked or not wasn't helping in trying to calm himself down. There hadn't been much talking, period, since Saturday, but Daniel felt more exposed than ever around Johnny. And it wasn't because of the horrible hallucinations about Terry. He'd somewhat incoherently mentioned panic attacks while waiting for the man to reach him, yet couldn't remember if he was in one at the time or if he'd had one around Johnny that night. He could only imagine the commotion if he had and how the hell he got out of it. Then Johnny mentioned them again yesterday, and for the first time, Daniel wanted to confide in someone about that part of his life. Even Amanda didn't know this.
Amanda. He really would need to talk to her today. Maybe he'd catch her on lunch break just so there wouldn't be time to get into too much detail. He wanted to stay with Johnny for a bit, and his wife needed to know that he was far from okay right now. No more lying about that. But like always. He would be.
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His grip on the back of the blond's shirt tightened as the pounding of his heart beating echoed at the back of his head, clouding his senses completely as his breaths became shallow and strained, and he thought he might black out during this one if he couldn't get a handle of it soon. So he did the only thing he knew that had eased him before and settled back, pulling Johnny's top half over on top of his body. Luckily the man seemed to sleep through everything, and all Danny got in response was a grunt before the man settled all his weight on him, and he had to bite his lip to stop the sound he felt building as he finally started to relax and come out of it. The relief washed over him when his breathing began to regulate, arms threading under Johnny's to hold onto his shoulders while he mumbled a dozen quiet thank yous, then nestled his face in those blond locks and sobbed hard albeit very quietly.
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bitelikeaneagle · 3 years
It didn’t matter at what time he closed his eyes, Johnny would inevitably end up sitting bolt upright coated in a cold sweat and gasping for air before the sun rose. This morning was no different. His body attempted to curl in on itself, arms inclined to draw his knees into his chest, but he wasn’t a pussy. Johnny defiantly forced his limbs to move, haphazardly stumbled to his refrigerator, and decidedly popped the cap off a Coors Banquet as he moved to the bathroom to start running the shower. It didn’t matter so much that it wouldn’t get hot; the cold would help him steady better anyway. His fingers curled into a fist as he stared into the mirror. He’d knocked Robby unconscious. Johnny could still feel his fist connecting with John’s face over and over and over again. If Robby hadn’t dragged him off, he would have simply continued. He would have beat Kreese until paramedics wouldn’t have been able to save him, until his own mother wouldn’t have recognized his face. The anger burned through him like incorrectly administered heroin in the arm. He’d not felt that safe, that strong, that powerful in decades. Yet the pressure increased around his throat, and his vision faded. The world itself faded. Johnny felt like a child, grasping at Kreese’s arm.
This wasn’t how I wanted this to end.
Kreese’s words were still stuck in his head. Why? How had he wanted this to end? What even was ‘this’? Johnny stepped into the freezing water, Coors still in hand. His teeth were clenched tightly, the temperature bracing. He’d run into Kreese at the hardware store some days before, and everything flooded back to him. They hadn’t even said much of anything to each other. Bobby’s words from their conversation the week prior still repeated in his head, stuck like a corny jingle from a radio commercial.
Johnny, I… look, I don’t want you to quit on those kids, but do you think Kreese wanted you to kill him? As long as he’s still in your life, do you think he’ll stop?
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His focus had been elsewhere for the last several days, but Johnny convinced himself no one would notice. He’d gone to a priest for advice (even if it was just Bobby), after all. He could process this himself; real men dealt with their shit on their own. He’d thought his struggles were being kept subtle until Daniel cut training short for some unrelated sounding reason. They were alone by the pond in the back when Johnny turned to him suddenly, “Look, I’m not stupid. If you have something to say, then fucking say it. Don’t be a pussy, Daniel. You could have said whatever it is in front of the kids.” 
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miyagidos · 3 years
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He hit send, slipped his phone into his pocket, and thought no more of it. Daniel would be in the car within five minutes. Despite his tiredness slowing him down from doing everything he needed, he was catching up. The man still hadn't collected the blanket and pillows intended to take but made quick work of scooping them up. And after locking the door, he made his way to the new car, arms full of bedding, a flashlight, and enough aka way too many snacks to last them both well into the early hours. Daniel didn't even really know what they were about to do or where they were going. But that didn't dim how much he was looking forward to it at all. He hadn't slept in a car since his late teens, and he recalled that the last time he'd been alone. Daniel had been feeling alone as of late despite being surrounded by people. Despite his family being the lovely albeit loud unit they always are. But the man in the driver's seat that he just greeted with a warm but sleepy smile after shoving everything besides one pillow and the blanket into the back seat and getting into the car. Johnny never made him feel alone when it counted.
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Daniel yawned loudly, stretched with a groan, then slid the pillow over the headrest to get as close to the blond as he possibly could without knowingly hindering his driving. His head came to rest on the bouncy surface, and almost instantly, for some reason, he felt relieved. The brunet tugged the blanket up and held it under his chin with one hand, the other moving to curl his fingers around the hem of Johnny's shirt, just resting comfortably at the top of his thigh. For a few minutes, he kept his eyes on the darkened road ahead before tilting his head to look up and take in Johnny's features. His lashes slowed the longer he savored and the more relaxed he became until he had no choice but to give in and let his eyes slip shut. “Mmm, thanks. Any idea where we're heading?”
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bitelikeaneagle · 3 years
His hand gripped the phone more tightly, Johnny squinting at the shifting words on the screen. [cause you’re drinking] The new and old empty, tan-labelled cans stared back at him from the table as the glass of amber-colored not-beer suddenly weighed heavily in his hand. The blond scoffed softly, lowering the phone to his lap and tapping it against his thigh, toes numbly flexing in his socks. Thought he knew him, huh? Thought he could just throw accusations around? Why did LaRusso always act like he existed on some higher moral plane?
Johnny blinked slowly, bringing the glass to his lips as he threw a glance to his own distorted reflection in the blank television screen. A flash of memory threaded and faded behind his eyes: tugging Daniel onto his chest, arching his back, pressing their lips together in nothing but his boxers. Sick. That was sick. His stomach turned, whiskey sloshing in his hand echoing how he imagined his insides sounded. Johnny closed his eyes, but his fingers remembered pinning down Daniel’s hips. They’d had their clothes on. Well, some clothes on. Kind of. The blond frowned, tapping his phone harder against his thigh. What was his problem? What the fuck was he doing? He wasn’t some pansy-ass f*g. Even thinking the word made Bobby’s scolding echo in his head, but he wasn’t. He didn’t need anyone thinking he was one, either. Not Daniel. Not Amanda. Because he wasn’t. Just because LaRusso felt good didn’t mean shit. Besides, he wasn’t the one whimpering against another man’s neck. If this evidenced anyone as a f*g, it was…
No, even like this he felt a surge of guilt in his chest for the thought. There was nothing wrong with Daniel liking both. Then, why did the blond care so much that he himself didn’t?
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He downed the rest of the glass in one sloppy motion, grasping the phone more firmly to enter letters with his opposite pointer finger: [don’t see whythats a problem]. A pause. [Look if you want to talk come here i’m turning my phone off don’t want to textnymor]. He hit the power button once briefly, but nothing happened. [Bobby messaging me and don’t want towhydont people call anymore.] He couldn’t remember how to turn the damn thing off. Fucking Daniel. [Robbydoent call either]. LaRusso gave him the phone when Johnny broke his last time. He smacked it against the table as if the motion would help. [Bobbydows but]. The prick probably made the phone unable to turn off somehow. Probably told his car to block it or some shit. Dickhead. [Dontneed a sermon]. He pressed the power button again, grip tight, holding it, and the phone indicated he should swipe across the top of the screen for it to power down. Where was that option before? The screen finally went black, and he tossed the phone into the void between the couch and table.
Johnny pushed himself to his feet, blinking again as the world spun softly around him, thoughts flung away like children off a playground’s merry-go-round.
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miyagidos · 3 years
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“Turkey or Ham? Pumpkin pie or Apple pie? And why.”
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miyagidos · 3 years
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@bitelikeaneagle sent: Delete it. Now.
Delete it. Now.
Daniel smirked, setting up the phone. Camera facing him. Reply ready to send after his little display. Dark, lust-filled eyes skimmed the message but jumped to the one above immediately, fingers stroking his happy trail with little moans.
He could delete it. He probably should, but this was more fun. Daniel stared as each shirt button popped, the garment left to drape his shoulders, making quick work unbuckling his belt and unzipping to nudge his underwear down enough to leave Johnny wanting more.
Then hit send.
I got nudes. You got a video—You can thank me later.
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miyagidos · 3 years
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@bitelikeaneagle​ sent: “You passed out for like an hour.”
Daniel grunted, hearing the words, feeling the fingers combing through the front of his hair, a thumb caressing the apple of his cheek, almost sending him back into a peaceful slumber.
“Am fine.” Lashes fluttering while slowly opening, chocolate eyes sensitive to the light, squinting while trying to find him, softly smiling when he does.
“Johnny...” A gentle tug to bring him down to his level, a brief brush of lips, and curling up as small as possible. “Pass out with me.”
The blond relaxes, embrace tightens, breathing gets heavier. Daniel rejoins him in dreams, holding on just as tightly.
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miyagidos · 3 years
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The deep brown eyes that had hadn't left the road the past ten miles slowly made their way to watch a finger push at the eject CD button for the fourth time. A faint smile curved his lips on hearing the follow-up swears that arrived when his passenger still couldn't get it open before Daniel finally attempted to put him out of his misery. A simple action was all it took before the tray slid out to allow the blond to change the music, as simple as keeping the button held down for three seconds as instructed on the panel, but he already knew the man wouldn't have bothered looking. Soon after, the familiar and haunting melodies of Guns N' Roses filled the car, and he settled back to try and relax as much as he could for the last twenty or so mile drive into the heart of San Diego. The only minor letdown to this otherwise perfect road trip so far was the vehicle. Being in his beloved Ford Super De Luxe with its top-down and hitting the pedal to the metal, as the sounds of the eighties on cassette followed them down the highway at speed is the feeling he missed. As comfortable as they were in the cooperate Audi. And as appropriate as the car is for contract signings. He couldn't feel the road, and for the first time in a while, Daniel craved that.
The days leading up to the trip felt like the start of another anxiety-riddled freefall, though he never let on to a single soul. He was even fooling himself. The man fought against a state of growing agitation spurred on by an anonymous texter who appeared to know what happened around Halloween. That thought physically sickened him. This person knows more than he does about it. A constant twist of freedom for a few days, mingling with the pressure of needing to nail these meetings, clashing with the reality of what's waiting when he gets home. The comforting thing? He was in a good place when he requested that he made the journey to meet the clients. He'd asked Johnny to join him purely because he wanted them to be there together. He indeed needed him, too, the man was the closest thing to relief that Daniel had when his panic kicked in, and with this being his first solo signing in four months, he couldn't afford to blow it for his sanity's sake as much as the dealerships. But this felt more. Daniel wanting Johnny with him felt more. That's all he wanted to hang onto until they had to leave for home.
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His lashes fluttered a few times as a small but welcoming cafe sign brought him back to reality, and he slowed to pull into the empty three-car parking lot. The brunet glanced at Johnny after taking a barrage of complaints and let out a soft, huffed laugh because naturally, the blond wouldn't want to stop so near to their final destination. But Daniel needed coffee. And they were two hours early to check in to the villa. “Oh, come on, man! Everyone knows it's not an adventure without roadside pit stops and brochure hogging...” And just like that, the man was focused on finding the touristy leaflets and flyers to point out to the blond exactly what he’d been trying to explain his excitement for the past 24 hours. Balboa Park after hours,  the Coronado ferry, and the Gaslamp quarter. Not to mention the numerous scenic views and beaches that’d  take years to cover. A wide grin spread across his features, shades tugged from atop his head down over his eyes as he got out of the car, then leaned in and tapped the top to coax Johnny to get out. “I'll make it easy for you. Just get me my usual, and I'll do all the talking. Deal?”
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bitelikeaneagle · 3 years
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bitelikeaneagle · 3 years
Johnny waved his right to a speedy trial in an attempt to put off his second court date as long as possible, but nevertheless it fast approached. Defending himself proved challenging given these guys were assholes and Johnny barely remembered the fight he’d initiated with them. They must have had it coming, but the court didn’t seem particularly fond of Johnny dragging one of them through the window after they’d left the bar before him. His legal consult told him claiming self-defense would definitely not be an option. They hadn’t been seriously injured, so it wouldn’t be considered aggravated battery, but that didn’t rule out aggravated assault and battery. Johnny already swore up and down he wouldn’t stomach anger management or AA in lieu of a prison sentence. Not that AA wouldn’t be easy to get through; they would sign his card if he went and didn’t talk, but to hell with spending time doing something so useless.
Granted, jail would be worse. Shit, maybe he would sit through the meetings.
He’d lost the fight, and they’d beaten him up too. Served the fuckers right, though, with them also potentially facing charges for the encounter. In the best case, they would request to drop their charges against each other and just let the ones the state pressed and already charged Lawrence with stand: public intoxication, willful destruction of property. Those were givens. The other two guys would get off without anything in that case, so it would be in their best interest too. Did they really want to fuck him over that badly? In the worst case, his skills would be considered a deadly weapon and tip the charges toward a felony instead of a misdemeanor. That distinction was what pushed this to have more than one court date. He hoped to argue that despite his skills being lethal, he had been drunk and they’d already gotten him on the ground by the time the police came. Right? Johnny thought he remembered that. He stared down at the letter with the day and time on it, counting from today (Friday) to then (Wednesday) in his head.
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There were only five days left. He should have told LaRusso sooner. Johnny slipped out of the car, having arrived earlier than he typically would to tell the man. Not mentioning it made it feel less like an issue, but with the date so soon there was little choice. He stepped into the dojo, “Hey, I won’t be here on Wednesday. So, if you were looking for a time to teach them that balancing shit still, that’d be a good day for it.”
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