#it's fine.. it's an easy fix i am just sooo incredibly lazy
simstoyourdismay · 8 months
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baby august do NOT look at me like that you demonic fuck
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rurounidrift · 7 years
Blurr’s Horror Movie Night - Finding Dory
Roadbuster showed up for once! Unfortunately so did Starscream, so Drift spent most of the night waiting for an opportunity to politely threaten him for threatening Blurr. Sadly it never happened.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. Meanxgreen: {{  oh boi i made it to one )) B l u r r: [[ woop!! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rolls in with the usual two horror movie suspects and heads for his seat. They scatter.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((CHIPMUNK PRIME)) B l u r r: [[ THE BAE ]] Bevel: *trundles in and goes to find a seat* B l u r r: / trudges in. has flexi bands wrapped nice and tight around his helm and face. His eye patch is gone- covered by the flexiband/ B l u r r: / And one of his finials is half melted. But eeeey. / Butterbuns changed their nickname to Starscream. Meanxgreen: *Stomps in* I'm here, heathens! B l u r r: Heathens? Meanxgreen: *immediately runs to blurr* Yes ones like you! What happened to you!? B l u r r: ...Nothing. B l u r r: Don't worry about it. Bevel: Hi, Blurr. Are you ok? Meanxgreen: Liar, you aren't! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy squints at Blurr, then waves a  hand* B l u r r: I'm fine. /wiggles claws at Bevel / B l u r r: / waves to Frenzy / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M OFF-DUTY TODAY. I AIN'T FIXIN' NO OPTICS.\\ Whirl: *trots on in, making a beeline for his hammock* Starscream: You look like a recycled aluminum can. B l u r r: There's no optic to fix, idiot. /looks at Roadie / Shut up. B l u r r: *wayy B l u r r: Oh, Starscream, don't talk about yourself that wa. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave bobs his helm hello at Starscream* Whirl: Yeah, what the hell happened to you, Teach? ItsyBitsySpyers: *While the twins race to pounce on Whirl before he can make it to the hammock* Meanxgreen: Is this what i get for coming to one of your movie nights!? *shakes helm* Bevel: *transforms her fingers into claws and wiggles them back at Blurr* Whirl: *OH SHI HE IS NOT PREPARED* Bevel: *waves to Starscream* B l u r r: / vents/ No, but I wasn't expecting to show up... /tilts helm a little / Nothing. I'm fine. B l u r r: Small fight. No big deal. Starscream: You can't work for me if you get killed. I would be most upset if you end up dead. ItsyBitsySpyers: *They're goin' for the knockdown* Meanxgreen: *squints at blurr* It better of or i'll have to kick someone's *** *grabs Blurr* Now where do we sit? B l u r r: I can work for whoever I want in whatever state I wan-!!! Rodimus: /is here. Only cause he heard there was free food and drinks/ B l u r r: / stumbles and grumbles / To my couch. /points/ And don't just GRAB me ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah, you gotta kiss him first.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy snorts* B l u r r: Do NOt give him ideas! Meanxgreen: i can do that too! B l u r r: / points at Roadie/ Do NOT. Whirl: *he is not quite so easy to knock off-balance* What the--ok. Okay. Whirl: Question the first: Teach. What the hell happened. Question the second: what the heck's gotten into you two? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy boos in disappointment when Whirl doesn't fall over, then punches the leg hello.* B l u r r: / waves claw at Whirl / I'm perfectly fine. It was just a scuffle. Rodimus: /chills on a couch and then stares at Blurr and then snorts/ ItsyBitsySpyers: //We were gonna beatcha to the hammock 'n claim ya gotta pay toll.// Meanxgreen: *pouts* Fine! *walks and sits on couch, placing blurr on lap* Blurr is bein' difficult tonight Whirl: He's ALWAYS difficult. B l u r r: / huffs and flops in his lap / Lies. Whirl: And, uh-huh. Did you take on those guys who were after you, or somethin? B l u r r: What- no. Whirl: Pfft. And, good luck. B l u r r: I've just been out. Whirl: *he's going to go right up to the hammock. He'll drag the twins if he's gotta* Bevel: Not yet. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Please do. The yelping will be entertaining.* Whirl: *HERE HE GO. CAN'T BE STOPPED* Bevel: *watches Whirl and the twins* ItsyBitsySpyers: *HOLLERING AND SHOUTING* ItsyBitsySpyers: *With a brief break to yell \\HI BEVEL\\ before continuing* Bevel: HI! Whirl: *he will also wave mid-shuffle* Yo, Shovel! Bevel: *waves back with a grin* Meanxgreen: *pulls Blurr up and boops noses* Psst can we just skip the movie and smooch? B l u r r: / crosses arms and just sulks/ B l u r r: / INCREDIBLY HOT FACE / E-excuse me? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He believes Roadbuster said]] [][][]Psst can we just skip the movie and smooch?[][][] Bevel: No skipping movie. Meanxgreen: I'm sorry did ya want me to ask ya  a lil louder? B l u r r: No, shut up! Meanxgreen: BLURR YA WANNA SMOOCH, LAD? B l u r r: / shoves claws in his face / Rodimus: /starts cracking up/ Meanxgreen: (( I think the music is getting to me xD )) B l u r r: I swear, I will rip out your entire vocalizer! Whirl: *clambering up* Drift: *out in the hallway* Did I hear someone threaten to smooch Blurr? Wing: *what did he just walk into* Meanxgreen: That's what happens when ya invite me to places, lad. B l u r r: / VENTS / B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Wing / Whirl: Should we step outside for a bit, eh Teach? Eh? Bevel: *eugh smooching* Meanxgreen: YES! B l u r r: No. No, it's fine-! Meanxgreen: Aw ItsyBitsySpyers: *The twins, clinging to Whirl's legs still, evidently get a free ride up into the hammock. They let go and settle down proper.* B l u r r: /glances at. Flicks visor / Bevel: Hi, Drift. Whirl: *gets settled into the hammock while the twins wriggle around. He is victorious* I should charge YOU GUYS a toll. Meanxgreen: ouch my feelings, Blurr Wing: *short wave* Hello. *wall gargoyle time. he remembers that* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pfff. Like what?// Whirl: I dunno. Whatcha got? B l u r r: That was your visor, not your feelings. Meanxgreen: I know.. B l u r r: / pats face / Relax. Meanxgreen: *kisses Blurr's cheek* Hopefully i can.. B l u r r: / makes a sound and just VENTS / Meanxgreen: BAHAHA ItsyBitsySpyers: //A loser brother, a spare bomb, 'n an official Ultra Magnus stylus.// Pause. //I didn't say the last thing.// Starscream: *is this awkward flirting. it's painful to watch* B l u r r: What are LAUGHING at? B l u r r: *you ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEY!\\ Whirl: *looks to Frenzy* What about you? Whirl: Hmm. I don't want anything of Ultra Magnus's. Frenzy's cool, though, I'll take the brother. Bevel: *going to busy herself with tinkering* Drift: Hi, Bevel. Wing: ((is that sg!Screamy?)) Drift: *gonna, casually, saunter over to Blurr and the big grean dude. with a *** eating grin.* Sooo. Who's this. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\A BIGGER, LOSER-IER BROTHER, AN INSECTICON LEG, 'N TEN SHANIX.\\ Meanxgreen: *looks at with a smile* Name's Roadbuster.. You? Whirl: Hmm. Whirl: I'll take the other brother, too. Bevel: *lifts one hand to wave vaguely at Drift* Meanxgreen: (( what a great movie holy moly )) Drift: Drift. The best friend. Drift: I've heard a few things about you. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffff. I oughta be worth two tolls.// Wing: ((Blurr's internet drank the hate juice again)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OKAY, BUT YOU'RE MISSIN' OUT.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy slowly pulls the long, skinny, claw-ended extra limb out of his subspace and reaches across Whirl with it to poke his brother.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Cut it out, fragger!// Swat swat. Meanxgreen: *Leans a bit to Drift* So what's he said about me? Good things? Drift: *leans in as well* Oh yeah. VERY good things. Meanxgreen: *whispers* tell me more.. Star: *Kind of just shuffles in don't mind him.* Starscream: *excuse* Whirl: *snickers* B l u r r: [[ jfc sorry everyone ]] Whirl: ((not your fault!)) Whirl: Where did you even GET that? Rodimus: (its okay) B l u r r: / shoves a claw in Roadie's face AND Drift's / Can we not? B l u r r: I'm still right here. Drift: Oh, he's told me all about how wonderful you are. How handsome and stro—*is shoved* Drift: *he's laughing* Wing: *that's new* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FROM AN INSECTICON. DUH.\\ Meanxgreen: *manly giggling*  Oh reaaally? Whirl: *ZOOPS his head out to STARE at Blurr and give his one faceless one-eyed verison of a shi eating grin* Whirl: So. Can't help but notice your beau's here with ya, Teach. B l u r r: Pits... B l u r r: / scrapes claws down face and hisses in pain. Ow ow ow he caught part of his face / B l u r r: / fixes flexi band / Bevel: Can I see that, Frenzy? Star: *Stiffly settles himself somewhere in the back* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He frowns.* Drift: Whoa! Hey hey hey. *takes one of Blurr's hands* Don't hurt yourself. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M GETTIN' IT BACK, RIGHT?\\ B l u r r: Oh, trust me, I'm not... just snagged. Bevel: Promise! B l u r r: [[ okay who's ready ? ] Wing: ((so I'm guessing that's not sg!Screamy then?__ Whirl: ((I am!)) Bevel: [[ready ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready)) Drift: ((ready! is it still offline tho?)) Drift: ((or am I unlucky?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((press pause and unpause)) Meanxgreen: (( YEE LETS GET THIS STARTED)) B l u r r: i put it back online so idk >>;; ]] Meanxgreen: (( JUst pause then upause!)) Drift: ((ah there it go)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy holds it out. She can come get it. He's lazy.* Star: (Is SgScream and is ready for the show) Bevel: *will haul her big bulk up and over to take it and very carefully examine it, she won't break it or nothing* Whirl: *he's already greeted her but he'll bob his head again; Bevel's cool* Bevel: *grins* Starscream: *will eye the other Starscream* I don't think I've had the pleasure. You are...? Bevel: *pokes Rumble with it veeeeeery carefully when he's not looking* Wing: *just staring at sg!Scream... slightly nervous, for him, not of him* You're here. B l u r r: / stretches arms up and cracks all claws / B l u r r: Well, at least you've met my friends. Small group, but they're all important. /pats Roadie's chassis / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble yells unusually creative curses involving power outlets and tries unsuccessfully to wriggle away from it* Star: *Suddenly has attention on him* Oh! Bevel: *sorry not sorry* Ratchet: ((Test!! I've been trying to send messages but flashblock keeps happening lol)) B l u r r: [[ hi Ratch! ]] Meanxgreen: Your friends are alright... Maybe just as weird as OH PRIMUS THAT IS AN ADORABLE FISH Ratchet: ((Yay it works! henlo people)) B l u r r: / snorts/ You're so easily amused. Whirl: ((YO 8D)) Bevel: *she'll hand it back to Frenzy now and go sit down with a giggle* Star: *He gave Wing a small smile* I am ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pokes HER with it as she goes* Whirl: *picks up Rumble in his huge *** claws and just. Holds him up. Away from the leg* Star: *@ Star* I'm Starscream. Whirl: *you paid the toll u get service* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wh--!// ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Yeah, all right.// Gonna just. Get comfy here, he guesses. Jazz: *busts in like WHAT TIME IS IT? SHOW TIME!! * Sup Wing. *finger guns* My mech. *hops over couch* Hi Sounders! Whirl: *he'll put you back down as soon as the coast's clear* Bevel: *sticks her glossa out at the twins* Starscream: ..yes. I Think I could see that. I'm /also/ Starscream, current leader of Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave scoots to the far end of the couch.* Star: *Looks the other over in surpise* Leader of Cybertron? ...Wow. Whirl: Ugh. I'm trying to enjoy myself and forgget my troubles, Starscream, could you NOT remind me? B l u r r: / is trying his HARDEST to ignore SG Star. Glares over the couch at him. Hissssss. / Wing: *oh hi Jazz. wave. edges closer to Star* B l u r r: / settles back with Roadie and Drift / Whirl: *waiiit a second* ...Teach? B l u r r: Yes? Whirl: Is this the Starscream? THE one? Drift: *plops down* Meanxgreen: *Holds blurr a bit tighter* You alright, lad? Starscream: *preeens. That's right, he's living the dream* B l u r r: .. Yes, I'm fine. /hums and settles. Looks at Whirl/ That would be my Starscream, yes. Though, he hasn't done anything /yet/. so he's fine... Whirl: But he IS the one that threatened you with a combiner? Yes? *he is gonna set Rumble down and sit up in his hammock* Drift: *what's blurr glaring at? turns to loo—TENSES UP* Star: *Isn't in really great shape. His arm is malfunctioning and he's not trying to look at Blurr. Plus he's covered in patches./ B l u r r: He didn't threaten me with it. Apparently Menasor is bored and offered. Wing: *edging closer to Star again, just in case* Is everything okay? Whirl: *swings one leg out of the hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble is sorta disappointed to lose his high up perch, but he senses something's up.* B l u r r: [[ omg i love the stingray ]] Whirl: So he is. Wing: *he sees that, Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hold up, are we killin' people?// Drift: *slides back down and hisses at Blurr* What's he doing here. Star: (I love this part) Starscream: Whirl, are you about to start picking fights? Whirl: Possibly. B l u r r: ( omg yes same ) B l u r r: No, no fighting. None right now. B l u r r: / points claws at people / Stop. Cease. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Spoilsport.// Mutter mutter. Whirl: *swivels his helm to stare at Blurr, optic shrinking* Meanxgreen: Is this a usual movie night? Whirl: *he debating whether or not to ignore him* B l u r r: Not usually... Drift: *mutters* There's more Starscreams than usual. Star: *Gives Wing a small smile before it dropped while looking at the others* I'm fine... Whirl: 'Scuse me, you two. *carefully untangles himself and leaves the hammock* Wing: *watching Whirl carefully* Whirl: *strolls across the room, casual as you please* Starscream. A word? Wing: *to Star* No. Whirl: Not talking to you, NAIL. B l u r r: HEY. /snarls and sits up/ Ratchet: /finally decides to pop in/ Oh, there's a crowd Starscream: You've used more than one word already. Ratchet: ((sorry I got distracted haha)) Whirl: *looks back to Blurr* I'm not starting something. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((...what ratchet is this)) B l u r r: Call mechs by their NAMES. Whirl: Not YOU, King Idiot. *nods to SGScream* You. B l u r r: Except for your Starscream. You can call him whatever you want, pit knows he shouldn't be naming himself. Ratchet: ((Sg! Haven't been on in a couple years...)) Starscream: It would take less eyes than both you and our gracious host have to see you are definitely 'starting something' ItsyBitsySpyers: ((WELP)) B l u r r: ... /snarls loudly and stands  up/ Rodimus: (-hugs ratchets face- I've missed you!) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances at the new mech in the room... and has both twins in his feelers and is out the door in a FLASH* Whirl: *blinks and looks around, startled* Meanxgreen: Blurr please, what is going on!? Wing: *quietly* Whirl, don't do this. *he's not threatening. he's asking* Meanxgreen: (( i LEAVE FOR A MINUTE)) Star: *Was going to be sassy about two Star's but he vents instead* B l u r r: Listen here, Kingpin. I don't need any optics to see that you're like a struggling doctor, no patien- RATCHET! Ratchet: Yes, me... Whirl: *looks to Wing, unmoved* Do what? I just want to say one little thing. Starscream: ..speak of a doctor and one will appear? B l u r r: Where in the PIT HAVE YOU BEEN?! Bevel: *...moves over by Soundwave upon seeing Ratchet* B l u r r: [[ i want to live the life of a nemo turtle ]] Starscream: *Has nooo idea hat sort of of interpersonal *** is going on here* B l u r r: / looks at Roadbuster / Did I mention I might be in deep scrap? B l u r r: Lately? Starscream: ((Ratchet can ya tone your name down by a few shades Ratchet: /shrugs/ Around, I suppose. Still getting into trouble I see? Meanxgreen: You... *raises servos* You're in WHAT!? Ratchet: ((Sorry, is this one better? ;u; )) Starscream: ((yes, thank you! Wing: Then please. Say it and settle. Nothing is happening. Bevel: [[or not since he left ha, welp Star: *Doesn't even know what to do* B l u r r: I am in.. some scrap. Drift: ... Why? What happened? Whirl: Oh, not yet, it's not. Ahem. So, Satrscream? You and your handler, Megatron, are after Blurr. Whirl: Last I heard you were threatening to send a combiner after them. Bevel: *welp, she's just going to...sit exactly where she's sitting and hope somehow she isn't seen* B l u r r: Nothing... /happened / Wing: *don't mind that he's near about in front of Star at this point* Drift: *oh, is Whirl threatening Starscream?* ... Be right back. Meanxgreen: WHY ARE YOU LYING!? WHIRL IS RIGHT THERE TELLIN' ME SOMETHIN ELSE Star: *looked at Whirl with a frown* My handler? Starscream: That is way more than one word. Drift: *he's gonna give Whirl backup.* Whirl: *snakes his helm up over Wing's shoulder* Yeah. Whirl: So, because I'm a GOOD FRIEND, I'm not going to start anything here tonight. Wanna let Teach enjoy his night with his beau, see? Starscream: You know- I mean, I won't claim to know how anoher mech thinks- B l u r r: / motions claws at Roadbuster / I'll tell you LATEr. Starscream: But I would think that if Blurr had any issue with my dear counterpart he wouldn't be sitting here in the room right now. Wing: *he can handle that so long as the head doesn't become a canon. watching Whirl AND Drift now* Whirl: Still not talking to you, King Idiot. Starscream: Hanging from the bow of the ship with his limbs missing, perhaps. Meanxgreen: *Crosses arms*  Hmp... Later... Star: What are you talking about? I didn't come here to start any trouble. Wing: ((SIGOURNEY WEAVER)) Drift: *no weapons being drawn. he's just crossing his arms imposingly.* Whirl: Oh, no. You started the trouble long ago. Whirl: As soon as you're off this ship, you're free game. B l u r r: [[ THE BEST WOMAN ]] Star: (She is~) Starscream: *arches an eyebrow* Whirl: And I've got a lot of free time with nothing else to do, mech. Wing: I think he gets the point. And I wouldn't do that. Starscream: Are you planning on assaulting someone in Iacon? Drift: Hey, there's no need for that. B l u r r: / vents and looks at Roadbuster / I will tell you everything. Later. Whirl: Is this walking technicolo mistake a citizen of your city? B l u r r: It's not that big a deal Meanxgreen: ((i love hank so much)) Star: -vents and points at his arm- Do I look like I'm trying anything? Wing: *sigh* He's my friend, too. Whirl: And, if you're trying to intimidate me, NAIL, you're only amusing me. B l u r r: [[ same omg ]] Drift: I mean, there's no point in assaulting someone who's not going to cause any trouble, right? Starscream: Citizen or not, assault is a crime. What sort of city would I be running if I let hapless travellers be set upon by derranged helicopters? Whirl: So, you're NOT the mech that threatened Blurr? Ratchet: /just gonna be standing back here watching, looking bored but amused anyway/ Whirl: You and your Megatron DON'T plan on coming after him? Bevel: *loves hank and his color changing* Star: -is actually pretty tired of this, he's sore and in pain and his arm isn't working- B l u r r: / leans over the couch and looks at Star/ Hey. Starscream. Drift: *sweet smile* I'm sure we can talk this out, right? Star: -he's liking this other Starscream already- ....Yes, Blurr? Whirl: Well, if you're not going to answer me, I'm going to assume that everything I think is true. Starscream: That's because you're a moron. Whirl: Also--sod off, King Idiot. This isn't your turf. B l u r r: / flickers optic / ... Tell Megatron something for me. Starscream: It's not your turf either. It seems to be neutral territory for the moment. B l u r r: [[ I love how she's just her own name. ]] Wing: Neither is it yours. B l u r r: [[ she's not a character name ]] B l u r r: [[ ALSO IDRIS ELBA ]] Whirl: And? I'm not trying to boss anyone around. Whirl: The only thing I'M doing is asking a question. Whirl: And delivering a promise. Wing: And a threat. Starscream: Whirl is unable to distinguish between the two. Star: .... -looks at Blurr- And that is? Meanxgreen: (( i love hank so much oml)) Whirl: (9HE'S THE BEST)) Starscream: ((I have a Hank plush i got after seeing this in theaters ;u;)) B l u r r: ... /vents and leans. Half crawled over Roadbuster / Whirl: They can be both. B l u r r: Tell him to go suck on a railroad spike. Whirl: Anyway--I've said what I need to say. Now, nobody can say I wasn't cordial, and didn't give anyone a fair head start. Whirl: Or a chance to defend themselves. Meanxgreen: *pats blurr's back* Blurr don't stress yourself out too much lad... Wing: *that was all too disheartening, Blurr* Star: -gave Blurr an exasperated look before looking back at Whirl as best he could from behind Wing- B l u r r: / flops back in Roadie's lap and huffs / Anyway. B l u r r: / looks at Ratchet. Hi, guess who is a patch work mess. Flexi bandages all over the face / B l u r r: You took your time. Whirl: *he's done here. Turns and strolls back to his hammock* Starscream: Drift, I think you need to find a hobby for your poor belegured crewmate. Macrame, perhaps. Ratchet: ... Blurr, exactly what have you been getting into now? Drift: *waves Starscream off* Meanxgreen: (( OMG I LOVE DESTINY TOO. I KNOW SHE'D BE ROADIE'S FAVOURITE)) Wing: *vents and plants his back on a wall near Star* *quietly* Would you mind if I went back with you? B l u r r: ... A lot, hoenstly, Ratch. B l u r r: *honestly Whirl: *plops down in his hammock* Oh, I've got a hammock, King Idiot. Whirl: *hobby Whirl: whop Starscream: ((You do indeed have a hammock, Whirl Starscream: ((it is a fine hammock Ratchet: Hmm, well you seem to be functioning just fine without my help. /he's being sarcastic/ Star: -stared at Wing- I'd see no problem to that. Whirl: ((he do)) B l u r r: I'm perfectly fine. Whirl: *streetches out and relaxes* B l u r r: [[ BEKCY ]] Drift: *looks at Starscream. Blurr's Starscream.* You mind if I have a minute? Promise I'm not going to threaten you. Meanxgreen: ((Becky with good hair)) Starscream: ((I have a chicken named Becky 'cos of this movie! Drift: *... although it's going to take some effort* Meanxgreen: is this how you talk to a seeker? B l u r r: Oh pit no, it's easy to talk to us B l u r r: / pause. / Er... them. Star: (sorry you guys brb) Wing: Thank you. *watching Drift next. he trusts this one only a little more, which isn't to say much right now* Whirl: *hangs his leg out to rock his hammock cheerfully; this is the best mood he's been in since he lost his home* Whirl: ((HAAANK)) B l u r r: / sinks down in Roadie's lap and just drapes all over him / For pit sake, my everything hurts. Meanxgreen: *carefully pulls the other closer* Well ya mind tellin me WHY ya everythin hurts? Drift: ((oh no, not the touch pool)) B l u r r: Oh, I got in a fight... / shrugs/ Nothing major. Meanxgreen: if you're everything hurts and you say it's nothing. Then you're either lying or you're just really soft. B l u r r: / punches him in the shoulder / B l u r r: I am NOT soft. Meanxgreen: ((wow those yours)) Ratchet: Blurr, after your get together, could you please stop by my medbay? Meanxgreen: ((gdi i was half paying attention to the movie and the chat xD)) B l u r r: You mean MY medbay? /sneers / Wing: ((I hate when that happens)) Ratchet: You allow me to use it, yes? Meanxgreen: ((They made him ink)) B l u r r: Yes, I do. When you're HERE. Ratchet: Well, I'm here now. B l u r r: I see that. Star: (Okay im back) B l u r r: [ nemo's little fin, i cannot ]] B l u r r: [[ little flappa ]] Star: (So I lost everything in chat cause I had to refresh ) Drift: ((i was waitin for you to get back before saying anything)) B l u r r: ... You know, I like that little octopus. Wing: ((is this lagging hard for anyone else?)) Whirl: ((HIS BLUSH)) Meanxgreen: ((its fine here!)) Drift: ((it's okay here)) B l u r r: [[ its lagging on my end and im the one running it @@ ]] Star: (the chat is lagging for me D: ) Whirl: ((it's not bad for me)) Whirl: ((wait as i said that it lagged)) Meanxgreen: ((wow thats strange. its running fine here!)) Wing: ((both chat and movie are lagging like a mofo for me)) B l u r r: / glancing at Star now and then. Rattles plating / B l u r r: [[ chat is lagging for me, too. ]] Wing: ((never mind I think I fixed it)) Star: -looks at Drift who approached him- Starscream: ((yeah chat and movie have been lagging for me but is good! B l u r r: / snarls a little and just settles like an angry cat. Armor all rattled / Bevel: [[everything's working fine on my end Drift: Yeah, hi. Just wanted to talk things out. Meanxgreen: *pats blurr* Calm down, lad. Settle down. Ya gettin fiesty B l u r r: [[ hES CUTTING THE GRASS ]] Meanxgreen: Oh primus... that's horrofyin' for the lil fish Whirl: *silently watches Blurr, but says nothing* Wing: *faint vent* B l u r r: / looks at Roadbuster/ I am not fiesty... B l u r r: We have a history, that's all. Star: -settles his arm against himself- Okay? Whirl: I've got some things I actually need to take care of, Teach. Remember what I told you last week, yeah? B l u r r: Mmhm? Whirl: *bobs his helm and slides out of the hammock* B l u r r: I'll comm you at some point. Star: (I love those two whales) Whirl: See ya. *bobs his head at Bevel, as well* B l u r r: Oh, right. /nudges Roadbuster / Wait, Whirl! Whirl: Mm? B l u r r: Did you two meet officially at all? / snort / Roadbuster, this is my friend Whirl. Whirl, this is Roadbuster. Star: (did he make a zoom out sounds?) Meanxgreen: *nudges back* Whirl: *snorts* I guess we didn't get a formal introduction back on Earth. Whirl: *bobs his head* Good to see Teach finally found someone worth a damn. Drift: Yeah. I heard you're hunting down Blurr. Meanxgreen: Oh wait i think i've talked to ya a few times.... i can't remember. B l u r r: anyway. We should go hunting at some point. B l u r r: All of us. Whirl: *blinks; he seems momentarily and genuinely surprised by this, but he nods* Star: -vents slowly before giving Drift a slow nod- Drift: I wanted to ask about... that. Star: Okay. Bevel: *...can't decide if she likes this movie or hates it* Whirl: Sure thing. Living situation's up in the air, but I'll let you know when it settles down. Drift: ... So, /why/. Meanxgreen: *looks at whirl* So were you the one that had to handle Blurr's *** before i came along? Drift: He's minding his own business. He's not bothering your Decepticons. He's off in space not being a nuisance at all. Whirl: Heh. I tried. But you know how he is. Meanxgreen: Oh boy do i Drift: Why are you threatening him? Whirl: I wish you all the luck in the world. You'll need it. B l u r r: Oh stop, it's not that bad. Whirl: Don't listen to him, it absolutely is. B l u r r: Whirl is a dirty liar. Whirl: Yes, I am, but I am telling the truth this time. Meanxgreen: Oh yeah, he scratches, hits me. Calls me names. *fake sad put* He's a bully B l u r r: all right, I'm a slight bit complex. B l u r r: / rolls optic / Oh don't be such a baby Meanxgreen: *pout* Whirl: Pfft, I meant more along the lines of, "He'd sit at the bottom of a smelter and refuse help." B l u r r: Again with that? Meanxgreen: Ohyeah, he's a stubborn arse B l u r r: That's why I'm alive. Star: I would rather not like to talk about that now. Since there are few still watching this movie. Whirl: *nods* One of the worst/ Meanxgreen: TERRIBLE Whirl: But, yeah. *bobs his head again* About time he had something good in his life. Drift: No offense, but I'm not following you home to ask. Whirl: Don't screw it up, Teach. *mostly jokingly* Whirl: Seeya, Shovel. B l u r r: / snort / Oh har har. I'll comm you later. Star: Then you can send a comm. B l u r r: You can help me out with some cool stuff. Whirl: And you too, Starscream. *cheerful had-bob at SGScream* Whirl: Hopefully real soon. Meanxgreen: *Nods in agreement* Bevel: *sullenly* Bye, Whirl. Drift: *euuuugh, having a Starscream's contact info in his comm unit. sweet smile tenses for a moment.* B l u r r: Just tell him after the movie, you twit . / To SG Star / Drift: *but smooths out. short-range comm ping. there's your comm.* Wing: If it helps, we've already spoken about this. But I'll understand if you'd rather hear it from him directly. Star: Well I thought that was obvious from my first statement /sass/ B l u r r: / snarls at Star / Don't start with me, you upgraded plane. B l u r r: /My/ upgrades are much more advanced and designed by the best /motions to Ratchet / Drift: *ping. you've got drift's comm. so comm.* Ratchet: Aww Blurr, you flatter me B l u r r: ... /sinks back with Roadbuster/ This is why I keep a backup memory. I forget things, too... B l u r r: / smirks at Ratchet / Well, it is the truth. Star: -pings Drift back his own comm. either way. But he's not answering Drift yet- Ratchet: I suppose it is really. As far as I know, only Starscream has more upgrades than you. I intend to beat that record at some point Star: Pft Drift: *He's gonna stay here and wait until Starscream does* B l u r r: Well, I installed something while you were away. B l u r r: We can credit that to you. Ratchet: ... Oh? B l u r r: Something I stole from Thundertron, you see. Wing: *not hopeful* Do any of those upgrades include the ability to heal? Drift: *he's patient. and looming. and vaguely threatening. and smiling.* Ratchet: /side-eyes Wing/ Ability to heal is dreadfully boring if you ask me... Star: -isn't in the position he's in just because he's smart. He doesn't really let all the threatening looks bother him- Wing: *yeah, no* Oh. *he's also still watching Drift, just in case* B l u r r: [[ i love bailey ]] Star: (he belly flopped in) Meanxgreen: {{ I CANT BELIEVE BAILEY JUST GOT CRUSHED)) B l u r r: [[ her name is sigourney ]] B l u r r: [[ I cannot with her being in this movie. Best cameo ]] Drift: ((oh come on, let the poor octopus live in his safe glass box)) Wing: ((she was also the computer/announcer in walle too)) B l u r r: [[ oh my god that's right, she was!! ] B l u r r: / oh my god it's like driving with him. Fast and reckless / Star: -laughs lightly at fish jail- Meanxgreen: OH MY GOD THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER B l u r r: / oh my god it's blurr as a teacher / Star: (my fave line in the movie is where she confuses open ocean and says soap and lotion) Meanxgreen: ((Hank is my favourite shifter)) B l u r r: Well that was... interesting. B l u r r: I hope my processor never does that. Star: -will stay mute on that point- Ratchet: I'll make sure it won't Meanxgreen: That's it... I'm gonna get a whale shark B l u r r: A /what/ ? Why? B l u r r: / glances at Ratchet / Aww, thanks, Ratchet. Meanxgreen: I JUST WILL B l u r r: Okay okay, don't yell. Bevel: *gets up without a word and leaves* B l u r r: / vents and just peers over at Star / Wing: *vents quietly and stretches wings* Star: (-gasps- Black Flag songs? :D ) B l u r r: / watching him and Drift closely, along with Wing, but he trusts Wing to keep things settled / B l u r r: [[yeh! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i love that game so much)) Star: (oh Gosh one of my faves is the drunk sailor one and....gah I can't think of the other ones name) Bevel: [[such a great game Wing: *quietly watching Star, Drift, Blurr... the whole place. how about that?* Meanxgreen: O(( question but what now xD)) B l u r r: [[ we RP  thiiings ]] Wing: ((moosik)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i like running down to cuba because of the nine feet tall sister bit)) B l u r r: [[ moosik! ]] B l u r r: / vents and tightens flexi band over his faceplate / B l u r r: ... / Pats Roadbuster's shoulder / Meanxgreen: *Gently paps blurr's cheek plate* That looks like it really hurts Bevel: [[or talk ooc since my character isn't here anymore B l u r r: It did at the time... /shifts a little / Wing: ((hey does Star have a tumblr? I wanna harass!)) Star: (Fish in the Sea! Thats the one. yeah thats my fave lol) Starscream: ((...whoops i disappeared for the latter half of the movie Starscream: ((IT WAS ENJOYABLE THO Bevel: [[this is making me want to find and listen to all the little songs from inquisition Star: -looks over at Drift who seems to still be standing there- B l u r r: Luckily  there's no optic to be burned out... /taps flexi band / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((other favorites: the ram and the dead horse ones)) B l u r r: Well, burnt out a /second/ time. Star: (This Star does have a tumblr) Drift: ((I can't stay up super late to RP after movies rn, and the movie's over, so.)) Drift: ((*waves farewell*)) B l u r r: [[ ah bye bye! ]] Bevel: [[night! Star: (Cya~) Drift: ((shoulda just had Drift stay with Blurr and talk to Roadie lmao)) B l u r r: [[ lol ]] B l u r r: [[ i dunno why u didnt come back i was like why u just standin there man ]] Drift: ((because I thought i was gonna get an interaction.)) Wing: ((they were both stunned by each other's beauty)) B l u r r: [ omfg. ]] Wing: ((it was a magical school girl anime moment)) Star: (lmao) Star: (im sorry Drift) Star: https://crystal-city-genius.tumblr.com/  ---Wing Wing: ((thank. I will lick this later)) Star: (sdfg)
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I just had a thought..and I don’t know, well whatever. I just went to look at myself in the bathroom mirror. I can’t use the full length as that part of the room is plasticized off at the moment. Bathroom wall was taken down to extend bathroom by three inches so I can have a bathtub to soak in that I actually fit in.
Not having a mirror is a big fucking relief and weird.
But it just occurred to me. As I know my outfit is one that blends well and makes me look put together in a cool/fashionable way.
I am going to my mom’s in a little bit. 2 hours there and 2 back.
I strained my right foot 2 days ago. Silly step on a piece of wood in my path from construction work in process. It wouldn’t have been an issue had I not been home during the work hours and had I been thinking about my steps.
I hadn’t though. I think about them almost always as being completely unable to walk is not such a distance in the past.
I thank my blessings daily for being able to put on two shoes and walk comfortably particularly as its cold.
I thought I was out of the woods; but a misguided attempt to “clear heavy metals” stirred up my Mycoplasma and sent the pain in my body back into action. My feet are the favorite area of this crazy virus. So it may not be surprising that I tweaked my ankle.
It must sound so bizarre but I’m sooo grateful it’s my right and not my left foot. My left foot has suffered too many sprains..i don’t even like to say the word let alone write about this or talk about it b/c im so afraid of so much with this this.
I have had no pain for 3 months and been so active in my life. It’s been heaven on earth. And I just like to live without thinking about living.
So, I am going to my mom’s today. And it hit me that she will be pleased with how I look. It will make her feel proud in front of her friends and the whole Kendal community. Very important for her.
A few months ago I would have raged against this. Finally putting my foot down. Fuck you. Not doing it anymore.
And then everything shifted for me. Such a trip how our evolution happens. I wondered as I had the shifted thought if it was me in denial or doing myself a disservice. But I don’t’ think it is.
I thought that if this is the gift I can give her..my thought wasn’t this articulate; it was more of a feeling with some words around it.  I thought; then good. I don’t know how many Thanksgivings I have left with her. 10? I think probably 10. She’s 84 and despite a lot of stuff she’s incredibly healthy. And the gene pool on her side lives long.
And if it’s 10 times more that I can make her swell with pride; no matter how narcissistic or ridiculously misplaced the power of this pride is; it’s so easy for me to give to her.
And then I thought, am I doing myself a disservice? Am I making myself small?
I don’t think so. I know who I am deep inside. And, I actually really like my outfit. It’s not party disheveled, which I usually like but it’s; I don’t know; New England casual/fashionable. Very 52ish fashion.
NO doubt I’ll get really irritated today. I’m dining with 9 people in their mid 80’s to mid 90’s. Walking will be slow (fine, as I’m using a cane for support right now). Sitting may be long. Conversation may be unbearably boring. I’ll be a focus for a bit; everyone so excited to have youth with them. Food will be..not sure; edible.
Drive will be long.
My ankle will be sore. I can ice it when I’m there and castor oil wrap it later this evening.
And it will heal. It will heal. It’s okay.
I will heal again. The mycoplasma will get pushed back by the energy healer I’m working with who has helped me enormously; more swiftly than any other treatment I have had or pursued thus far.. We’re on it. It may suck for a few more days; at least I hope that’s as long as it takes. Feet burning off; general pain and weakness. Knee and thigh pain gone; that is HUGE!
I am in love love love with my work and grateful beyond grateful for my clients.
I am in love with my home and amazed that I have the profound blessings of being able to put in a new bathroom! What?!!!! Incredible. This is my mother who has done this for me.
She is a trip. I am a trip. Her companion of the last 5 years is dying. He may not be here much past the new year. She is acutely dealing with the pain of this loss already. The simple fact of him being back in his apt with home care and not with her at any given second is very stark and apparent and painful.
So I want to be there today. Because in 10 years or tomorrow or 20 years when she goes. These are the memories I will hold and be proud of and comforted by.
I threw out a can of paint at Wegman’s yesterday; from a client. I was sick of having it in my car. A really beautiful black woman made no bones about giving me a very clear eyeball; she knew exactly how wrong I was behaving and spoke volumes with that look; dressed my ass down.
I did it, and my gut knew it was wrong.  I thought about retrieving it on my way out; took a quick glance to see if it was there and may have made up a story that the trash had been changed and I couldn’t retrieve it. Really I was embarrassed and ashamed and didn’t want to be seen retrieving it or bothered doing so.
I wondered as I tossed it what the karma would be..this is the karma. I couldn’t believe I was contributing to the massive shit hole of garbage in the world in this way. And also there’s a part of me; that lazy ego part that just should never be listened to. The harder more pain in the ass way that leaves my conscience free to breathe easy is obviously always the way to go.
Sometimes my ego is way too strong; way too fucking strong.
I was trying to control and move quickly. I wanted my car free of excess. I freak out when there’s too much shit anywhere.
My house in disarray and its very hard for me..so I think emptying my car was my way of managing and controlling what I could.
This is all identical twin shit with my mother.
I’m nervous about the $$ I am spending. I had a great week at work and simply pray that money keeps coming. More and more issues arise. Bills come out of nowhere as things need to be fixed.
I have this deep need to have everything perfect. I am soo like my mother it is absolutely stunning. I am different but we are so alike.
I am repeating Suzie Orman’s mantra 2 times a day. Last time it reaped magic and then I forgot and then I got scared that I’d forgotten and what that might mean or bear as a result. The universe needs to hear what I have in my life and it will mirror it. I believe this.
So: “I have more money than I will ever need.” 25x   out loud, 2x day. Once silently 25 times while looking in the mirror.
Okay, off to Hanover listening to Michele Obama’s book. It is wonderful; so so thoughtful and wonderful.
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