#it's funny to me that kusa def wrote it with the intent of making the readers sympathize and feel for il but every page made me angrier
soo-won · 1 year
Il like yeah I don't like Suwon because of his vibes and because his 8 years old ass won't put my daughter above the country my grown ass is unable to rule decently :/ But what I find curious is how no one ever ask why Il didn't, just maybe, prioritized his nephew, that he's the only adult relative of now(because of who i ask you!!) just a bit more ? like you know. He's supposed to be his uncle. God forbid this child have other priorities than his cousin in life but the adult in his 40/50s has a free pass to not be a responsible adult with his orphaned nephew.
If Il had lingering resentment over how Yuhon planned to kill Yona and felt like it was only fair he wouldn't treat his brother's son as family either, that could have been something interesting to explore. but it doesn't. And instead of being honest about the reasons why he "just can't do" with Suwon, he blames it all on Suwon himself. Who again is a child that just lost his two parents and is holding a faction of people that would very much commit a regicide immediatly if he wasn't holding them by the scruff of the neck.
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