#it's gonna be so nice watching a yixing drama and him having his own voice blessed
shaalk · 4 years
Stages of life- Chapter 1
Type: Chaptered
Characters: Sehun x Reader
Genre: Exes to lovers, Smut, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Status: Completed
Summary: Being with Sehun is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. There are so many ups and downs, but as someone who enjoys thrill, I love every moment with him.
Words: 3029
Tags: @riajae​ @smolpeyy​ @sheebaba​ @meryljill-111192​ @j-pping​ @ohsehunxv​ @tansyfleurwhisper​ @vad-hander​ @rexo91
Mini masterlist | Chapter 2
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“Yo, do you mind if some of my friends crash at our place?” Junmyeon shouts, trying to talk over the music and conversations happening at the club. 
I really want to reject him. After all, it is a Saturday night and I am already in my comfortable clothes, ready to curl up on the sofa to binge watch a drama. But since I have requested this of Junmyeon, my housemate, several times before, it is only fair that I let him do as such too. 
I sigh and grunt in agreement. 
“Great! We’ll be back in about 10 minutes, we’re just getting into my friend’s car,” I hear as the line clicks.
I glance down at my clothes and then at the apartment. Both are a mess. It wouldn’t be nice for me to greet Junmyeon’s guests in my tank top and booty shorts. 
Immediately, I go to change into something a way less revealing and then start cleaning up the place.
Since Junmyeon and I are busy with our careers, we don’t really have time to clean our apartment often. Whatever free time we have, we spend either lazing around the apartment or meeting our friends. This explains why there are take-out boxes everywhere, dishes piled up in the sink and clothes strewn throughout the living room.
I know I can’t make the apartment spick and span in the 8 minutes I have left but I try my best. I shove all the left-over food into the fridge, throw out all the empty take-out boxes, place the dirty dishes into the dish washer that we still don’t even know how to operate despite living in our apartment for almost two years, and dump our clothes in our respective closets. 
Folding the clothes were a job for another day, as long as they were out of sight for now.
Thankfully, I manage to make the apartment look presentable in the short amount time I had because just as I shut my wardrobe, I hear the sound of the front door being opened and laughter echoing throughout the once tranquil apartment. 
Not wanting to be rude, I walk out to meet Junmyeon and his friends.
“Hey oppa,” I greet as Junmyeon ruffles my hair. 
I slap his hands away and glare at him in displeasure to which he just guffaws. He knows I hate it when he does that but he continues doing it all the time anyway because he says that I look adorable whenever I am annoyed.
Junmyeon then introduces me to his friends who are watching us with amusement. 
“This is Yixing, that’s Kyungsoo and the one that looks like Yoda is Chanyeol.” 
I snicker when the last guy throws something at Junmyeon, clearly pissed that he was called by his apt nickname in front of a stranger. Unfortunately, the item misses the target by a bit and Junmyeon starts making faces at his friend. 
I shake my head at how childish my housemate is being even though he’s almost 30 years old.
“There’s one more friend who’s parking his car. I’ll introduce you to him when he comes up.” 
I nod and greet his friends shyly, not used to having so much attention on me.
Junmyeon probably senses my discomfort because within the next second, he ushers his friends into the living room while I head into the kitchen to get them some refreshments.
As I am making my way out of the kitchen with a tray consisting of glasses of water and some snacks, the doorbell rings again, signalling the arrival of Junmyeon’s last friend. 
Even though I am the closest to the door, my hands are full, so Junmyeon rushes to open the door in my stead.
“Parking was such a bitch!” I hear as the door slams shut. 
Junmyeon pulls his friend into the living room where the rest of them have already started watching a movie.
“So this is my friend who was parking his car, he’s..” 
Before Junmyeon can even finish introducing me to his friend, I drop the tray I am holding in shock. Thankfully I have already set down everything that was on it or else there would have been a huge mess!
After the crashing of the tray, the only sounds resonating throughout the apartment are the voices coming from the TV. 
“Sehun?” I whisper shakily, not believing that this male is standing right in front of my eyes. 
I guess I am not the only one who is taken aback because I can recognise the shock painted across Sehun’s features as well.
“You two know each other?” I vaguely comprehend Junmyeon asking. 
But I can’t concentrate on that question, not when I am staring right into the eyes of the man I have been trying to avoid for the past 4 years.
I sigh in frustration and thrash on my bed, irritated that I still haven’t fallen asleep yet even though it is already 3am. 
Out of all the guys in the world, how could Junmyeon be friends with Oh Sehun? I guess the saying is right, it really is a small world.
After the tray dropping incident, I didn’t bother answering Junmyeon’s question. Unable to take the intensity of 4 confused looks and 1 surprised look on me, I shuffle to my bedroom speedily after mumbling a quick good night.
That was almost 4 hours ago, and I hadn’t stepped out of my room after that. 
But now, that is about to change because I really have to pee and the only toilet in the apartment is connected to the kitchen. 
I clearly heard Junmyeon’s bedroom door close earlier meaning he has already gone to bed. I try to listen through my door for any noises coming from the living room but there is only complete silence.
Assuming that Junmyeon’s friends are all asleep as well, I slowly twist my door knob and pull it open slightly. I peek out to confirm that my assumption is right, Junmyeon’s friends really are fast asleep.
Doing a mini but silent cheer, I stealthily escape the confines of my bedroom and jog to the toilet. As soon as I plop down onto the toilet bowl, I sigh in relief. I have been trying to control myself for so long.
After finishing my business, I make my way back to my room quietly. As I pass the living room, I notice that only three of Junmyeon’s friends are sleeping there.
Yixing and Kyungsoo are spread across the L-shaped couch with a thick and fluffy blanket over them. On the other hand, Sehun is uncomfortably sleeping on the tiny single seater sofa. His arms and legs are crossed while he is seated upright. His head is hanging off the back of the chair and he doesn’t even have a blanket over him because Junmyeon and I only have one spare.
Worried that he might catch a cold since it is in the middle of autumn, I tiptoe towards Sehun to wake him up. I tap him on the arm gently to find that his body is slightly cold to the touch already.
Shit, he's gonna get sick if he doesn't move to a warmer environment.
“Sehun,” I whisper as discreetly as I can while I nudge him shoulder. 
Sehun was a heavy sleeper in the past but thankfully, his eyes bolt open without me having to raise my voice. I wouldn’t want the other two boys to wake up. 
The male faces me with furrowed brows, probably displeased that his sleep was interrupted. He then rubs his eyes to wake himself up a little. I’m sure he isn’t trying to look cute at all but he absolutely does.
Geez, keep it in your pants girl!
I tug at his arm lightly. 
“Let’s go to my room, i’m worried you might get sick,” I mumble again, not wanting to cause a ruckus in the middle of the night. 
He nods like a child and follows behind me like a puppy.
I manage to get us back into the confines of my room silently. Sehun just stands in front of my bed listlessly, staring into space since he is still hazy with sleep. 
Seeing as he is so out of it, I push him towards my bed and tuck him under the covers once he is comfortably laid down. I then make my way to the empty side of the bed and prepare to go to sleep too.
“You sure you’re ok with this?” His deep voice slurs suddenly.
I don’t even take a moment to think. 
“Of course. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before anyway,” I reply and turn to face away from Sehun, ready to head off to dreamland.
I can sense that Sehun still has something left to say but I stop him before he can open his mouth. 
“We’ll talk in the morning, I promise.” 
I feel the mattress bounce as Sehun tries to get into a more cosy position before I hear his breathing even out. Soon after, I fall asleep too.
It is in the middle of autumn which means that it is supposed to be quite cold. I have not turn on the heater in my room and I can’t feel the blanket over me so I am not sure why i’m feeling so warm.
I lazily open my eyes to reach for the fan switch but am not greeted with the view of my room. Instead, I only see pale skin. 
My nose is pressed against the base of Sehun’s neck. His chin is resting on top of my head while his lips are pressed against my hair. He has an arm over my waist and our legs are in a tangle. 
I don’t know how but I manage to feel myself get warmer. Despite being utterly abashed, I use the opportunity to take a proper look at Sehun.
His eyebrows are in a furrow and his cheeks are puffed out. Unknowingly, he is pouting. He looks so cute in his sleeping state, a stark difference from when he is awake, where he is dashing. 
I catch sight of the little scar on Sehun’s right cheek and as if my hand has a mind of its own, it makes its way up to his face to caress it.
I clearly remember when Sehun first got it. It was our second year of university and we were all required to sign up for extra curricular activities. Being the sports enthusiast, Sehun opted for football and he was immediately picked as the new goalkeeper at the first try-outs due to his amazing skills.
During the finals of the inter-university championships, Sehun dived to save a goal attempt by the opposing team and accidentally got scratched by a sharp plastic item that was on the ground. By deflecting that goal, our school managed to win the match and become the champions of the competition.
Sehun was always insecure about his scar, complaining that it “affected his good-looks” but I could never agree with him. The scar was a result of his passion and victory. If possible, it made him look even more attractive in my eyes.
I am still stroking the scar when Sehun’s eyelids start fluttering. Not wanting to have to deal with the awkward situation that we are literally tangled in, I bring my hand back down to my chest and pretend to be asleep. 
Sehun inhales deeply and I feel his head move away from mine. He is probably trying to gain his bearings in his groggy state. 
Soon though, I feel a burning stare on me and then a light flick against my forehead. 
“Are you gonna stop pretending to be asleep?” I hear him ask teasingly in his sandy morning voice, inducing butterflies in the pits of my stomach.
I frown, embarrassed that I have been caught. Given no other choice, I hesitantly open my eyes only to have Sehun’s face an inch away from mine. I still in shock and jerk backwards, not expecting him to be so close to me. 
We just stare at each other in comfortable silence until Sehun breaks the moment. 
“Its morning already, let’s talk now.” 
I sigh, I guess I brought this upon myself. I really thought he would have forgotten my words since he was half asleep when I made the promise. 
“Why’d you suddenly leave me all those years ago? You didn’t give me a reason or anything. No proper breakup whatsoever. You just left! Why would you do that to me? To us? I loved you and I thought your feelings for me were the same. Was I wrong the whole time? Was I just a toy for you to play around with?”
My heart clenches at the pain I put Sehun through. It is time for me to tell him the truth, he deserves it after I simply ghosted him 4 years ago.
“I’m so sorry for what I did to hurt you 4 years ago Hun-ah. But I swear, it wasn’t because I had other agendas. My feelings for you were genuine and they were since the start. You have to believe me!” I begin. 
Sehun’s hard eyes soften at my confession. He gazes at me patiently, waiting for me to continue with my explanation.
This is when I realise that Sehun isn’t mad at me for what I did to him in the past anymore. Because if he was, he would have directed his anger at me the moment he saw me the night before. He just wants an explanation for my actions. He needs closure.
“Do you remember the end of our 3rd year of uni when our internship postings were released?” 
Sehun nods in acknowledgment.
“Everyone had gotten spots at local companies while you, being the smartypants, you managed to secure a job at one of the most prestigious companies in the world. Do you remember how excited you were when you found out that your dream company had contacted you for an internship?” 
Sehun hums with a mirth of a smile on his pretty lips.
“But then when you found out that you had to move across the world to New York to do the internship, you wanted to reject the offer because you didn’t want to be separated from me. I couldn’t let you do that Sehun, I couldn’t let you give up your dream just for me.” 
I know Sehun wants to chime in but I stop him. I need him to hear the full story first.
“I knew that if I had asked you for a breakup, you wouldn’t have agreed to it. So, I used the most cowardly method to get out of the relationship with you. I ran! And i’m sorry I did that to you but I don’t regret my decision at all since you went for the internship eventually. I really loved you Sehun, I hope you believe me.”
After getting everything off my chest, I realise I have started crying. 
That was a really rough period for both of us. Sure I had intentionally hurt Sehun. If his texts asking me to come back to him after I left weren’t enough evidence, I don’t know what were. But I was hurting too. I wasn’t the same after leaving Sehun. I was never as happy as I was when I was with him. 
Even years after, I still thought about him regularly and about how bad of a girlfriend I was for breaking his heart. I didn’t trust myself to date anybody after him. I couldn’t bear to hurt anyone else.
I dared to lay my eyes on Sehun only to see that he is observing me, unshed tears on his waterline. 
“Would you ever be able to forgive me for all the pain i’ve caused you?” I ask hopefully. 
This isn’t a small request to ask of Sehun and deep down I know it wouldn’t be easy to forgive all the pain and heartbreak I had intentionally caused him. 
And I am right because Sehun shakes his head. 
I am suddenly embarrassed at how hopeful I was but I understand his decision. I nod solemnly and move to climb off the bed when Sehun catches my arm, halting all my movements.
“I’ll forgive you,” I perk up, “but only if you be my girlfriend again.”
The smile is wiped off my face completely. This time, I shake my head. 
“I can’t do that Sehun. What if I hurt you again? I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” 
I can feel hot tears dripping down my face once more.
Unable to watch me cry any longer, Sehun lifts me up with his strong arms and places me on his lap so that I am straddling him. 
“Love, look at me. You’re not going to hurt me again ok? If anything, you’re gonna make me the happiest man alive by being with me.” 
I shake my head profusely, I am not going to let Sehun be with a girl like me again.
“I thought you didn’t want to cause me anymore pain and heartbreak? You’re hurting me now because you’re not accepting me as your boyfriend even though i’m still crazily in love with you,” Sehun guilt trips me as he bounces me on his lap a little, trying to elicit a positive response out of me.
I glare him slightly, upset that he is using my own words to blackmail me. 
Sehun chuckles heartily and pinches my cheek in adoration, something he always did when we were dating. 
“Please come back to me sweetheart,” Sehun pleads once more. 
He sounds so desperate that I can’t help but give in. I huff but nod in the end. I want him to be my boyfriend too anyway.
In his ecstatic state, Sehun suddenly lets out a high pitched squeal. I don’t have time to laugh at the ridiculous sound he made because I am flipped over to lie on my back while my boyfriend hovers over me.
“Thank you baby,” he whispers lovingly before letting his lips meet mine.
A/N: Let me know what you think! Please leave a comment :)
Mini masterlist | Chapter 2
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rqs902 · 4 years
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ITS MY BOY ENYU!!!! ON THE FRONT PAGE???? okay also a big deal for zhaohao and li hao too!!!
ok now into part 2 of the ep
interesting that they focused on junhao for everybody. can understand he probably has the most different and struggle experience so probably more interesting for dramas sake lol im surprised they dont spend more time on shengen, considering his popularity. 
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA JUNHAO FREAKING OUT over the fact that they only learned the dance for 40 mins. LOL thats the level of tyger + kou cong + shengen, i can imagine the struggle of the yang guang nan hai group in comparison AHAHA i just imagine him running down the hall freaking out like HOW DID THEY LEARN THE DANCE IN JUST ONE CLASS WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE 
lollll “theyre all dachang boys” “theyre all zhang yixing’s students” HAHAHAH you know even though he is slightly struggling compared to the rest, he aint bad and theyre all taking it light hearted with laughter so seems like a good learning environment! and he’s confident he’ll get it LOL thats good! i think thats what makes him so amusing 
HAHAHA i love how lin mo just keeps giggling at junhao like he genuinely just finds him so amusing LOL yay for making new friends 
awww bc junhao’s always been a leader i feel like for him to finally feel like hes being taken care of is so nice. i have absolute confidence that this group will treat him kindly. AW HE CALLED HIM MOMO 
im still disappointed they have YET to show zhan yu’s funny/strange personality and this wouldve been a great opportunity bc hes surrounded by friends he’s comfortable with!! like his friendship with kou cong! or akey and lin mo! but sigh...
wow the lyrics are so fitting for lin mo to scream LOL but also ay his vocals?! aw im glad they put in a little rap for shengen and akey! honestly was kinda hoping for more bc they havent had a proper stage together before and i feel like itd be awesome but also junhao and zhan yu vocalization at the end was on point!!
lol all the kids being like zhang pd’s words are so detailed and professional... sigh theyve been missing out until now 
im glad they really pointed out how each member of this team did well! they really all did a great job with each of their parts, and they each got a little part to shine, and when put together, it was a complete performance. im proud of them and happy for them!
aw.... i feel like we’ve been waiting so long to hear lin mo get complimented.... i feel like it’s been since qcyn namanana that we’ve been waiting for him to redeem himself and climb back up to the peak. ugh its been nearly a year and a half. im just so terrified of whats gonna happen next bc im way too skeptical at this point to expect this high to continue, esp with what happened after namanana last time......... but for now, im happy. relieved hes finally getting the recognition he deserves and im happy that hes happy. lol i was also half scared we were gonna get spirit of the knight-ed again with his pink hair (nightmare flashbacks to lin mo and changxi’s deletion from that perf) i dont think ill ever get over that :( i feel like as a lin mo stan, ive been trained to not keep my hopes up and to prepare for the worst bc hes the type of person who just always gets the short end of the stick, it feels like. 
aw the part when they go back to the waiting room and jin fan is waiting for them with an encouraging smile and the whole exchange of "帥的真的帥的" "哇~可以吧" "我沒想到" "那必須的" our leader did them proud :’) 
ugh the part where luo jie calls them and tells them he can’t come back........ heart breaking. i can see why lin ran and xikan would be really affected. lin ran has been luo jie’s go-to since he left and knowing how their usual friendship involves making fun of one another and jokingly complaining about each other, it hits hard when lin ran says he cried his eyes out. it hurts that they didnt get to share the stage again before he left. xikan may not have shared the stage with luo jie during ip, but hes known him since then and has been with him through both rounds here. it interesting bc i feel like the namanana perf was very light hearted on qcyn but i cant see that happening here, esp with their outfits? 
aw shiwei and chaowen taking charge to raise their spirits :’) 
lin ran’s voice fits so well with this song wow! i really like his lines! also lol i didnt know xikan would have abs but okay and tbh im always hesitant about dances with props bc it always is so easy to look messy..... like every slight difference in angle in the way you hold your arms is immediately magnified 
and like sxl’s fan is obviously broken and having performed fan dances myself i know that that’s like the most annoying thing to happen on stage, and can be really difficult to deal with, even tho it happens ALL THE TIME with those types of fans ugh :( 
i mean its super kind of them to leave luo jie’s space empty for him, but its kinda weird to have parts of the audio missing sadly :( and also chaowen’s voice did something weird in the middle there, like its sounds weirdly weak 
wait didnt yixing tell them to close the fan? but they didnt? 
xikan’s facial expressions are perfecttt, good for him! wish they gave more screen time to shiwei during shiwei’s lines lol... but also i cant help but hear lin mo’s voice during that part LOL ugh speaking of which i miss that team dynamic namanana team a on qcyn HAHAHAH hwx being a brat and fjj running around wild and lin mo giving up on them all just laughing like idiots for hours on end while bo yuan just judges them from a corner LOL i love the beginning of the wenxuan and lin mo friendship good times :’)  
HAHAH ENYU AGAIN WITH THE REALEST COMMENTS - i agree AHHAHAH i love these kids too but there was something off about this stage 
im surprised but also not surprised by what the judges are saying 
o didnt realize sxl was supposed to be center but i guess that explains the big puffy thing on his shoulder lol.......... agree with cx tho, even without his broken fan, i think the fans made them look worse bc it just looked messy 
well idk if we’re getting all the stages today but at least jin fan’s is also getting aired! TYGER HUG FOR JIN FAN YESS
jin fan teaching them dance? yes thank you for showing us he is a good dancer. oof jin fan’s just too nice :( hes trying to avoid conflict too much that it caused conflict smh......... lol oscar trying to talk to su er hes having such struggle i feel that bro LOL hes doing really well though, tbh being relatively young, hes really trying his best and is being reasonable. 
LOL HE CALLED HIM JIN FAN GE i forgot jin fan is considered old lol..... jin fan really taking the higher road here and im glad they sat together and talked it out a bit
THE JIN FAN VOICE YESSSS hahahhaha kou cong holding the tyger sign!!
oo is that some of his bel canto-style singing coming through LOL 
AY NICE for hong weihao and oscar to put in some rap 
some of those high notes were a bit questionable at the end but okay jin fan is really claiming that vocal + dance teacher role i see.... interesting 
but agree with yixing that he doesnt need to force himself to do high notes bc his voice is so nice regardless!! yay for oscar getting recognition! im still waiting for jin fan to do a cool dance performance sigh
wasnt expecting an enyu feature BUT ILL TAKE IT 
oof huang enyu saying hes really trying to put himself out there by going for leader and the realest comment that he hasnt considered getting to debut he just wants to pass this round oof and he feels like his opportunities may be cut short bc hes getting old oof
enyu and chenxu crying watching the movie 
AW THEIR HAHA VIDEOS ARE THE CUTEST THING I LOVE THESE KIDSSS so sad that so many of them are at risk of elimination :(  im glad these vocals made their own friend group! I hope itll be a memory they carry forward. they do all have shared experiences as vocals on this show. 
this reaction to junrong’s voice
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same tho :’) but actually all of their voices are so so nice like actually these 5 are all people whose voices ive really listened for on this show, but wow renyu’s voice in particular like really ugh just sounds so pure 
also enyu looks really nice in this performance but thats a side note okay moving on
i mean literally these reactions
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and li hao crying while singing and so many kids in the waiting room crying while watching OOF this perf has got me emotional 
UGH ENYU his plea just.... the way he yelled it bc it mustve taken courage and it mustve been a frustration on his mind for a while now and bc maybe he wouldve broken down if he hadnt yelled it out but im really crying now.... and its so out of character for him that you know he really really is feeling desperate and feels the need to speak out
lol wait gjm posted on weibo about him? is that why hes getting more attention lol..........
i really hope the vocals win :( 
no tygers in the next ep preview? hmmMMMMMmm okay 
well also interesting that they put the other 4 perfs with the elims...... seems sketch but at least most of my kids got to go this week ahhhhhh i feel bad for the other groups already. esp the ones with the kids who arent as popular... 
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