#it's goofy non-canon stuff that doesn't take itself seriously. so I'm not gonna take it seriously either
beemers-hell · 3 years
That very nice message juiced me up so I now I wanna explain my thought process behind how I personally characterize the MadCom crew + make my gal Eb fit in amongst the cast, this'll probably get long, here we go lol
[CW: Lots of cursing, forgive me, it’s ingrained in my vernacular]
The main 4 + Tricky since they're the ones I draw most often
Very quiet, is selectively non speaking. He can talk, its just that his mouth sitch makes it a hassle and their voice is strained as shit, so they stick with making noises/gestures/using sign language.
This quietness also aids in making him fucking terrifying to the general public. The aura they give off is incredibly threatening so standing in a room with him feels like you're being suffocated by chainsaws.
Despite the horrific energy they give off, he's fairly goofy. [Points at the M:PN Trailer] Not super goofy 24/7, but they don't take many things that seriously anymore.
Combat prowess is in combat itself. He does not care what weapon he's using, they're gonna wreck shit no matter what's in their hand atm.
Krinkels himself said it, they're kinda dumb when it comes to non-combat/survival related stuff. Probably the least intellectually strong out of the bunch.
He's a cocky smartass. Dude's always got some quip ready to go and he makes up the bulk of the chatter within the main 4.
He's a cunning little bastard (affectionate) and usually has a plan ready to go for most situations the crew gets themselves into.
Obviously his main thing is his hackerman status, so the dude is probably the smartest intellectually, only beaten out by 2B.
His specialty is in ranged, mainly guns, of course. He's a sharpshooter first and foremost.
Is a bit oblivious [points at Madness Aggregation]. He's also like Hank where he doesn't take things that seriously.
My favorite himbo [points at their voice lines]
Anyway the guy's alright in the brains department but he really shines in combat prowess, his main strength being melee of course.
He's a bit of a dope, mostly in a "I see a problem and my solution is to punch it" kind of way, though I wouldn't say they're dumb as rocks or anything like that.
They don't talk that much, but gets chatty when fighting cause trash talk.
This man has no control over his volume so he yells like 95% of the time where being quiet isn't necessary for survival.
They’re the tank of the crew! Yet somehow he’s gotten very good at not getting hit. Doesn’t matter though, cause even if they do get hit, their muscle mass just kinda absorbs most of the damage. Beefcake!
He's most like Hank, being a quiet, threatening force, but unlike them, he takes shit seriously and only eases up maybe 10% of the time.
I like the idea of him being a grumpy old man so that's what we're going with.
I'm fairly certain it's canon that he'd rather outsmart the enemy and not fight as much as he can, so I figure he's not as fine with fighting as everyone else, but he can still wreck shit if it comes down to it.
However, obviously, he makes up for it in being smart as hell, he's the crew's handler and main medic after all.
Like mentioned, he’s a quiet guy, but he’s more willing to talk than Hank is. He uses speech fairly regularly but he’ll most likely use ASL when communicating. He’s got bandages around his jaw in addition to his mask so I bet he’s also got a fucked up mouth.
Clown my beloved
He may be absolutely batshit insane, but he's the smartest out of everyone in the cast. His minds had to have gone through a lot but the Hoffnar smarts are still active!
Clearly he's also in the "doesn't take shit seriously" camp but honestly who can blame him, he's got a reality breaking machine crammed in his head!
He's Loud! Loud! Loud!  Also refers to himself in the 3rd person only (by using Clown in place of Tricky/any pronouns), there is no reason, he just does.
Though he is on the same level of wickedness as Hank, he's also clearly a lot more juvenile and carefree, would probably get along well with Deimos if things were different. He indulges himself in a lot of "childish" things like small toys and cartoons, he's into DJ-ing, he literally types in internet speak, you get the gist
Incredibly skilled and violent in battle, of course, but at the end of the day, he just wants to have an entertaining time, so he plays fair and only gets dirty when he’s gotten bored and decides he’s done with the opponent [points at both Madness Antipathy and Expurgation]
So Eb, ahaha
She's almost like a mix of everyone! Smartass, Chatty, and Cunning like Deimos, Loud as hell and not super brainy like Sanford, has the ability to give off a threatening aura just by standing there and staring like Hank, and also shares their carefree attitude, and is almost just as wacky and out there like Tricky. The only person she doesn’t share much in common with is Doc, other than like, being able to use ASL, but that doesn’t pose much problem to them working together.
She’s best at melee, as made obvious by her owning her own custom chainsaw (affectionately dubbed “Lana”), but is slowly working on getting better with guns thanks to help from Deimos and Hank.
She’s a speedy mf and incredibly agile, which is part of why Doc recruited her to the squad.
She has a sort of weird way of talking, where she’ll use words to mean certain things when they’re not really interchangeable, but the gang’s learned how to decipher what she’s saying. [I.E She’ll say something like “I’m positively cracking” when she means to say “I’m very happy right now”]
In canon, she’s an autistic woman, so obviously that carries over. Is constantly stimming (her necklace is basically chewlery), she’s full of energy, she has her own routine and way of doing things that the others have learned, she has problems with her memory, and her sense of hearing and touch (as well as taste but that’s not relevant here) is really sensitive so she’s able to hear sounds and feel things the others can’t, but she’s forced herself to not let it overwhelm her while she’s busy. She deals with it back at base in her own space. If only the dudes knew why she locks herself in her corner practically every time they go home after a mission!
She’s mainly with the 4 so she can survive, but she likes taking down people she thinks are doing bad things, so she’s all for Doc’s cause. It’s also why she has no problem sneaking around to hang with Tricky, she likes the poor thing and doesn’t see him as a real threat to life around them, just Hank. Which she thinks is funny ngl
The best way to describe her connections to everyone is that she’s like a bro and third wheel to Deimos’ and Sanford, she’s a rebellious teenager (she is in her 20s) who wants to test their authority figure’s patience as much as possible towards Doc, she’s chummy with Hank and has a level of respect towards him that they almost return (they find it interesting that she managed to keep herself alive and healthy for as long as she did, all on her own, when she’s a “naïve pipsqueak”), and she’s got feelings for Tricky because reasons. 
Forgive me for the long ass post, when I ramble, I ramble! ND homies can relate lmfao
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