#it's here yall this took forever to do lm a o
astrofireworks · 7 years
cha eunwoo | astro
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An introduction to Astro, lights of our lives, for new Arohas!
(done with @rockoaroundthechristmastree, @rockytheastroid​, @astrofireworks​, @jinwoosmile, @ongbins and @jakganim)
Born 30 March 1997
Gunpo child
How to recognise Eunwoo: look for a literal angel there you go there he is
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Literally looks the same in all his eras bc he looks good with dark hair and fantagio Knows it
^ At time of writing anyway; he just came out with light brown hair for dream pt. 02′s jacket and everyone is fucKIN SHOOKT
Fuckin unreal smdh
Baby: light blue car
Visual 3/6
@jakganim (in a fic LOL but it was FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY PUNY LIL HEART) said once that Eunwoo’s as beautiful outside as he is on the inside and honestly i’ve never heard a sentence that describes eunwoo so perfectly 
in short, a heart as radiant and beautiful as he appears????
Researches everything bc he’s a diligent and worried bub
Whatever shows he goes on???? He researches them 
researched every single person going on law of the jungle and also researched what the climate was going to be like and how to build different things 
researched the MCs he was going on with when he went on Happy Together 3 and got exposed they read his unfiltered notes out loud in detail he got so shy ajsdfhlaskjd
researched everyone in crime scene 3 because he didn’t want to make a fool of himself 
got so nervous about variety show training programme bc they didn’t let him know who was going to be on the show with him so he couldn’t research them
puts so much effort into things what the fuck ! 
Real Name: Lee Dong Min 
Nickname: Buttmin (Lee Dongmin: 이동민) where second letter 동 sounds similar to the second letter in butt (엉덩이) because he thought he had a big butt asjdhlfakjsd
he can spell his name with his butt thanks variety show training
Was MJ in The Best Hit/Hit the Top (and the members made jokes about it)
had a thing with the members where they’d call him Fake MJ 
Starred in their webdrama To Be Continued as the “lead” but not really (cries forever)
Was part of a miniseries called “Replies that Make us Flutter” where they took send-in answers for topics and incorporated them into short drama episodes. 
Bin starred in one with him as well. He tried to be a bad boy that hated Eunwoo. It was not convincing.
Won Male CF Star at the MTN Broadcast CF Festival
He’s currently in Revenge Note as the “leader” of Astro, it’s weird
goes to Sungkyungkwan uni, prestigious uni in SK
was also the top 3rd student in his school AND was student body president in middle school i’m truly weeping
Introduced on a few shows with the hashtag #차파고 (Cha-pha Go, a spin on Alpha Go) because he’s so damn diligent and detailed 
Also went on 1 v 100 with bin and mj but he got into the finals/semi-finals WOW WE STAN BRAINS AND BEAUTY 
Knows japanese and chinese and is nearly fluent in english bless his heart
Also speaks Chinese because his younger brother studies in China
Cute as fuck during new year’s when the rest of astro were in the fantz celebrating new year’s he went home to visit his brother bc he came back from china so he video called into vapp
I need to stop saying fantz someone shoot me i started ironically and now i can’t stop
Once upon a time was in the jungle with Yuri, apparently picked up aegyo there
Gets made fun of all the time by astro for the aegyo asjdfkhlskjd they make him sing the aegyo song literally every time 
And they annoy him by singing it too
Always gets iconic lines / killing parts in songs 
내꺼할래 !! (wanna be mine?)
같이 갈래? (let’s go together?)
Iconic line in polaris
Here’s a compilation you didn’t know you needed
Again made fun of by astro for doing the 같이 갈래
That one astro play where he’s just talking and then lil bitches sanha and jinjin pop up behind him and go 같이 갈래!!! and he just looks so done
The centre of all of Astro’s arm symbol formations 
Makes sure that you know who he is (bc he’s cHa-A e-EUN Wu-UU *thumps chest*) 
This ALSO gets mimicked by the other members, and poor boy tried to chug a soda and do this as well but ended up burping on camera as a result ;v;
Also the stiffest dancer my poor son
Got sent on some programme for idols who can’t dance it was Hilarious
But he also put so much effort into it i’m rly crying he made sure to get help from rocko in dancing the choreography right ;;;;
And he’s improved so much i’m !!!!!! so proud he puts in so much effort and he works so hard and he practices so much fuck i’m emo 
Literally ??? is perfect whatever he says his bad sides are are actually good points smdh 
Was asked once if there was anything he couldn’t do, to which he replied that he wasn’t good at relationships and the MC replied that wtf it just made him more attractive
farewell i am on the floor crying 
oh right okay yes one bad side:
Smdh he loves them so much
The glasses he wore in the cicada video
that one video of them playing with the minion helicopter
160108 DDOCA when they’re playing with the minion blanket and jinjin opens it up and promptly looks horrified  
What the hell is this
European Bagel: once said he was eating an ‘european bagel’ on ok!ready episode 1 if anyone knows what that means pls let us know
He gets anxious about being a burden to astro
Talked about it in Astro Project watch at your own risk I cried
Listen he does so much he juggles acting and photoshoots for CFs and astro promotions he’s constantly trying to improve himself he’s never a burden and if there's one member in all of astro i want to hug and just !! tell him he's okay and that everything will be okay and tell him that he’s perfect and that he’s enough and deserves love it’d be Eunwoo for me ;;;;;;;;
Also Eunwoo: (sits quietly) / 5stro: let’s fuck with him
was playing with the ducks when jinjin and sanha come up behind him and screamed lmao he nearly fell on his face
A compilation or two… or three of Eunwoo being bothered by the other members lolol
Once Jinjin had to pull a secret camera on him and tell him that Astro accidentally broke a camera and without hesitating he offered to pay the full 1.5k$ that camera was worth adsfjkasd what a pure gullible bean ;A;
Cutest whine? He goes like aaAAa or something like that idk but he does it when he gets annoyed it’s the cutest thing ;;;;;
Literally the (^▽^) face
Mouth opens up into a really wide triangle, width depends on how embarrassed he gets
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My favourite laugh in the entire universe
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heck I’m so in love,,,
during one ASC a baby came on and asked all of astro to go to their house to play for christmas eunwoo got out of his seat right away he was 1000% ready to run out of the studio and hop on that airplane
Actually a lil bitch lmao 
“Haha u were going 2 sleep?? Nah stay up & watch me on vlive fam”
Makes fun of hyung line’s height i live for this 
After arohas missed the “MJ” during the first fanchant he joked saying “why don’t y’all just come in on ‘jinjin’ instead?” #LetMJLive2k17 also #LetArohasLive2k17
Voice like moonlight 
Need him singing??? Here
Titles his v-lives “차은우의 Just one 10 minutes” but they’re never 10 minutes they’re nearly an hour long 
His voice is just really really soothing and comforting and if you ever need something to calm you down when you’re upset or if you need a background voice for when you’re studying here he is
Singing voice has improved so so so so so so much from Spring Up, his live singing shakes me to the core
Also sang opera in ASC so really hoo boy he’s improved so much I’m so !!! :’)
Literally can we pause and take a moment to appreciate his baby photos I looked like a rat when I was younger and here he is, snatching, 
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My favourite baby ever ajkdlhsfakjsdf i lovE
Did some modelling campaigns pre-debut 
Shara Shara
I bet you needed all these pictures in your life
Cute lotion video :’)
Still king of CFs he recently did a baskin robbins one (with Yoo Seung Ho)
It’s pretty funny
He’s so cute what the heck
After the whole thing, he got addicted to ice cream; he mentioned in a vlive that at some point he could just eat sandwiches and ice cream the whole day
But fantagio also probably feeds all of astro ice cream for breakfast so really,  
A Lafuma ad with Seolhyun (AOA) 
A Polham ad with Doyeon (Weki Meki)
A Ceci spread with Doyeon too!! 
A Lotte Water Park ad with Sejeong (Gugudan)
Won an award for best male CF smdh 
Wears frickin glasses and makes everyone cry 
That one DDOCA where it’s him preparing for a hit the top shooting I would like you to know that this is coming to you from the grave
Got scouted by a Fantagio recruiter when he was in middle school, then bugged into joining the fantz
He was the school president, in the top three of the entire school, wanted Seoul National University to become a judge bless his fuckin heart
Apparently rejected Fantagio the first couple times they asked, but gave in bless him thank god
Astro claimed pre-debut walking anywhere with him meant everyone doing double-takes
Re-enacted on ok!ready: sanha and mj talking in a coffeeshop then stopping and sTARING THE FUCK OUT OF EUNWOO LMAO
Literally blew up on male-dominated sites for being PRETTIER THAN THE FEMALE MCs AT SHOW!MUCORE
So pretty that Hello Venus thought he was prettier than them when starring in their video
Some weibo arohas describe him as the kind of handsome where “even if you’re already married, you’d still take a second glance at him if you passed by him on the street” ("那种虽然有老公了但是对路过的帅哥还是想多看两眼的感觉") I 10000% agree 
weibo arohas also call him "车车" car car / cha cha i'm fuckinjasdfkjdf
In case you wanted a heart attack
Labelled a “Face Genius”, but wants to be acknowledged for more than his looks
“Someone who’s more reliable than anyone else and who always gives his all to the people he treasures, who’s very hard on himself and there are times where it gets too much but because of that, he’s someone who’s detailed and earnest.” (creds to @astrotranslations)
Dony on Weekly Idol called Rowoon (SF9) a face genius once but Rowoon politely deferred and said that title belonged to Cha Eunwoo :’)
Said once in an interview that he’d take whoever he likes out to dinner, give them a necklace then confess asdjfhlaskjd a true romantic bby
Also said that he was an “FM” boyfriend (field manual) asjdhflaksjd my heart is weak don’t attack me like this
You know what, Binu gets a section to themselves smdh 
Just so you know, arohas didn’t come up with the name ‘Binu’, they came up with it (”Team Soap”) themselves 
explained it by saying 빈 (Bin) + 우 (Woo) = 비누 (Soap)
Picked each other in OK!Ready and have been living in the same room ever since 
in the recent Night Night show they did Eunwoo said that if he could pick roommates again, he’d still pick Bin 
Is apparently scentless to Bin 
Smdh we all know what habituation is it’s bc he smells Eunwoo too much Eunwoo doesn’t have a specific smell anymore
Also together like 24/7 stuck to each other’s side if you’re looking for eunwoo ever just look for bin you’ll find him there
Bin claims Eunwoo is the most beautiful creature on earth tbh same 
“Is he really human? How can someone that looks like him exist?”
Eunwoo thinks Bin is the most handsome too I love supportive friendships ;u;
Literally though sanha and jinjin posted a twitter video of them trying to wake bin up it doesn’t work it apparently only works when eunwoo gets him to wake up 
Sleeps through sanha and jinjin prodding him but wakes up when eunwoo starts talking in a vlive
Bin said in the harper’s bazaar interview that he doesn’t wake up when the manager calls him to get up but his eyes naturally open when he hears Eunwoo sighing (creds to @astrotranslations)
Bin’s mom even sent in a concern to hello counsellor bc he wouldn’t stop sleeping and couldn’t wake up so really… eunwoo = magic?
Want more Binu? Here, here and here!
Friends with Mingyu from Seventeen
Mingyu called him once for advice on what to bring to the jungle since he too was going on law of the jungle
Said in Night Night that he gets cold really easily
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Yet in OK!Ready (as pointed out by @jinwoostro) he stood outside waiting for Jinjin and Sanha to come even though he was freezing ;u; 
A sweetheart!! Who cares so much !!!! for other members!!!!!!
Listen this boy works so hard and he does so much for a 20 year old: he models, he acts, he’s learning 3 other languages for Aroha, he handles university courses AND he still keeps up with astro’s promotions I’m really crying he’s worked so hard he deserves the world
Im rly fukcing criyng i gotta sotp i love this boy, 
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euphorieds · 4 years
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oh finally ur here bitch u got a dollar ?? so i can go buy some LOVE AND AFFECTION ,, open ur purse i kno u hav it !!! anywaysjkhskehjks tiktoks literally making up my entire identity aside ,, hi ! i’m mira , im 19 nd its so nice 2 meet yall !!!
♡. jung haein. cismale. he/him. — there goes ARTHUR KANG, who appears to be a TWENTY-NINE year old VAMPIRE. word is the ELEMENTARY TEACHER was born in 1991 and has been in town for A YEAR. you might know them as + SINCERE  and - RETICENT. stray paint on his cheek, smiles dipped in sunlight & gold, late nights through winding streets, polaroids of anything & everything covering walls. 
life b4 the vampire stuffz
so arthur was born to a Human single mom nd had a little sister younger by 9 years who he adored Very Much , and they lived in a small apartment above his mom’s restaurant . they weren’t like ... Totally Rich ? nd they had their struggles,, but arthur was always v content nd happie w his life bc he had his mom nd sister nd thats what rly mattered !!
he was popular in school bc of his ~good looks~ nd also bc he was just a rly friendly nd dependable person !! nd he had his Fair share of confessions from both guys nd girls but he was always like “no sorry!! im not v interested in dating” nd then he’d go home to his mom nd his little sister nd when he was done w all his schoolwork, he’d help out at the restaurant
his mama always complained abt the Swarms of fans that hogged tables at the restaurant nd it was in good nature !!! but arthur had to go convince his fans 2 buy smth so his mom wouldnt throw a towel at him
arthur graduated high school nd decided to get into teaching bc he just loved being able to see the way his sister’s eyes lit up when she understood what he was teaching !! he thought it was v sweet nd endearing :( <3 so when he wasn’t studying, he was working at his mom’s restaurant even tho she always told him to go away nd live his life JHHDJK
so . in college . while he was drinking w a few friends . he also realized he was Very Much Bisexual when he was looking at his guy friend nd was like oh thats rly nice nd then told his mom nd she jus patted his cheek nd said good job . 
anyways JHGHDK he graduated college , got that slappin degree nd got into teaching at a local but private elementary school !! so he was getting that coin !!! and this is the part where his life got turned upside down !!!
arthur met june when he was 28 . they had come 2 the restaurant and eventually, the pair struck up a friendship (mostly bc arthur was Intrigued that a vampire would eat normal food like he knew they could but he was like ... why tho ) . and june jus kept coming to the restaurant everyday . they became close, hung out after hours all the time, nd arthur was rly thinking like ... did he have feelings or is this jus a good friendship ?
anyways those feelings backfired bc the whole time arthur had known june,,, they’d been slowly exchanging their blood w his in hopes of turning arthur . why ? we dont know (it was for fun nd bc they Could)
so arthur . he turned bc eventually the magic took hold , nd june disappeared . in response , arthur locked himself up in his room nd tried to jus . undo what june did . bc he didnt want to live forever, but he didnt want to die either bc he still has friends around, and his family .
after the vampire stuffz ...
arthur was So Scared of hurting the ppl he loved , nd he tried to last as long as possible w/o feeding on animals or ppl nd isolating himself, but it just . didnt work . so arthur took himself out of his confinement, packed all his things nd left home for coeur cove . he never told his mom or his little sister , nd he feels Immense Regret for not saying anything .
a year in coeur cove meant that he took up a job teaching at the local elementary school, nd it was one of the few things that rly made him smile !! he also bought a polaroid camera , nd has a habit of just taking photos of everything that makes him happy bc hes licherlaly just terrified of living for a long time nd not being able 2 remember the small things
honestly he still hates the fact he’s a vampire but he jus doesnt think abt it .... arthur: we are Compartmentalizing laidease ... we do not See .
now hes just ?? hes jus vibing . hes still as sweet as he was back then but hes definitely a lot more ?? secretive abt a lot of things . he doesnt talk abt who he was b4 Turning :( bc hes scared to .. hes jus baby .. 
wanted connections
a frIEND .... listen these are limitless i want him to have FRIENDS but its just gonna be like ... no one knows Anything abt him before coeur cove nd he keeps it that way . but hes someone who will listen 2 ur problems and also get into the weirdest positions to take a good fuckin photo of u !!! (unLIMITED spots ....)
give him an Almost Romantic Relationship ... but they fell out bc he just never opened up JHSSJKSHJKS listen the DRAMA of that .. very sexy . (1/1 w/ katherine carter)
close friend .... this is the One Person . Or Two People . in all of coeur cove who know abt his past ... like . these are the ppl he’d consider a True Ride or Die . there’s som MAJOR trust for these ppl bc he liCHERALLY jus says nothing abt who he was (0/2)
neighbor(s) who put(s) up with arthur and the occasional loud noises that come from his apartment but no he aint smashing hes just very clumsy and has too much knockable furniture in his place 
give me like .... ppl who he Parents unintentionally . hes been taking care of his little sister his whole life,, hes an elementary school teacher .... ppl who hes gonna say “say bye bye bus” out loud to and then be Mortified for the rest of his life . but if ur ever sick he shows up w soup nd is like ‘hoW could u get sick do u not eat ur vitamins ??’
also u know what would be absolutely sexy . give me june . i actually should put a wanted connection for this but can u imagine the absolute DRAMA of arthur meeting the person who ruined his life . i think that’d b VERY sexy . anyways . im keeping this in mind 4 later jHSJHSHSKSJ
going off from the top one give me like . an enemy .... or like they jus cant fucking stand each other for some reason nd its like .. arthur when he sees them: oh :) . hello :). would u like 2 be dropkicked :) ?
anyways gOD ok my brain tiny but like.... lms if u wanna plot... u better lms or i’ll aggressively renegade on dash...
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