#it's interesting too that reborn's reaction about tyl tsuna being part of the plan wasn't shown
hopeswriting · 2 years
i want to scream you guys have no idea how much i love chapter 219, it's one of my fav chapters from the whole manga if not my fav chapter altogether. also i honestly think it's one of the darkest moments in the manga, like. everything that was said... all the revelations about what's actually going on and on whom to actually put which part of the blame on... all the implications of everything that was said...
irie straight up says to tsuna's face, to all of them's that "if that was the case... [your deaths] couldn't be helped anyway..." are you kidding me are you kidding me i'm pretty sure it's the worst, darkest, most fucked up thing he says in the whole manga and it makes me go insane. he's talking about middle schoolers and non-fighters and five years olds kids, and that's the only thing he had to say about putting them at risk.
and for having everything that happened up until then fresh in my mind because of my reread, it's not like their potential deaths was a worst case scenario by no means--well, of course it was, but not in the way where he was trying everything so it wouldn't happen, if you know what i mean? because even if he didn't come out and say it, their potential deaths was the key to the plan, the cornerstone on which it was build on, it was absolutely inherent to it. because purposefully throwing them in life and death situations again and again, and having situations like those wait for them at literally every corner, hoping--hoping they'd pull through and grow stronger for it, and putting in danger people that didn't need to be involved while he was at it only to motivate them even further in pulling through again and again, was the "training" he came up with so to "increase [their] strength exponentially in the shortest time possible".
(and look, i'm not necessarily saying he's wrong considering the context in which all of this happens, tho morally he is for sure. i'm saying it's all wrong in so many ways.)
and then, literally just after he says this, he says tyl!tsuna was part of the plan too HELLO??? HE SAYS TYL!TSUNA AGREED TO THAT PLAN. like, he agreed to that plan, no matter how long he needed to come around to it, and you know what, involving his guardians (minus lambo) in this would have been one thing, but kyoko and haru? lambo and i-pin?
tsuna. are you screaming yet too because i am, i'm screaming so hard, tsuna--ZHDLSBSLSK my god--
and THEN what does lal say to that?? "that's impossible! i know sawada's personality!"
and look, i don't think lal and tsuna became best friends tyl or that she became his most trusted confident or anything lol, so i'm not saying she's necessarily the voice of truth on this, but. she's the only one from tyl whose reaction is shown about this, and also she's cedef. so presumably she was there every step of tsuna's reign during those ten years, and knows of everything he did during those ten years, knows of every decision he’s made. so even if we say she doesn't know tsuna's personality enough to say something like that, she's still the one who knows vongola decimo's best in that room, and this is what she said. with no hesitation too and with absolute conviction, like, she didn't even consider the idea even for a second, that's how much it was unbelievable to her.
and look, look, i get it. much like irie himself pointed it out, this of course says little about tsuna and much more about how truly hopeless the future became at the hands of byakuran, about how much he backed everyone into a corner and forced them into acts they'd never have done and decisions they'd never have made otherwise. and of course the stakes are much, much higher than just present!tsuna & co's lives, and if byakuran was left to it eventually they'd have gotten involved and died at his hands anyway. something had to be done, a gamble had to be taken no matter how awful it’d be for everyone involved for the literal greater good, i get it, i do.
but still, the little it says about tyl!tsuna does still say something about him. and it's not little by no means from present!tsuna & co's pov. like, his hands were forced for sure, but he still chose to go that path, to bet everything on that gamble, however reticent or well-meaning he might have been about it. i mean, he could have stood his ground about not involving the girls and the kids to the very end, but ultimately he chose to give in. he still had a part in all of this willingly (relatively speaking of course), and it's like.
tyl!tsuna, my beloved, who did this to you... how much ten years in the mafia have changed you... what did it turn you into and how far along the way are you... would your present self even have been able to recognize himself in you...? would you have been able to recognize yourself in him...?
and it makes me lose my mind, and you know what, this IS in fact my favorite chapter from the whole manga hands-down
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rebornthestage · 3 years
[2021.08.22] Kitamura Kento (Hibari) 17LIVE livestream
(I live translated his stream, so there may be details I'm missing/misheard.)
Starting remarks:
He wants to play Hibari more
He usually has great memories of the plays he's worked on, but not quite for this one; It doesn't feel like it ended yet.
He feels like they can do the play again, do the future arc again
His little bro is a big fan of Amano's works, especially KHR, so he's very familiar with this series
His brother is babysitting in the US, so he sends him clips of the play lol
It's only been half a year since he started Twitter and he appreciates all the support (likes, RTs, replies)
His faves are Dino and Primo in the manga. He loves their visuals. He thinks they look cool.
He actually wants to play as Primo lmao
Was excited when he heard James was playing Dino; he's worked with him in at least 3 plays (?, Hakuouki SSL, Hataraki Saibou); Met the first time in a while thanks to this stage
Q&A Section:
Q: Why do you have so many Hibird photos in your makeup area?
A: They're from Yamamoto Ryosuke! Ryosuke receives a Hibird photo from the production team every performance, so he gives them all to Kento since he's Hibari after all. He has around 8 of them. Sometimes Ryosuke forgets to give it to him and he feels unnecessarily disappointed lmao
Q: Thoughts on receiving Hibari's role A: First he wondered a lot about how he'd portray Hibari's fighting style, and tried to portray his cloud-like, untouchable feeling. Kento was set on fighting with "pauses" and "urgency" for Hibari. Hibari's the fastest in thinking and acting, like that time when everyone was panicking about Byakuran's attack, while Hibari immediately left to check on Namimori since that's where the attack landed.
Hibari can also be misleading. When the Real 6 Funeral wreaths landed at Namimori, he was first to speak. However, just when you think he was going to propose a plan, he just states that one of them landed in Namimori, which makes you wonder just how much he loves the place haha.
That unexpectedness makes him interesting to the viewers. He tends to speak, pause in the middle, and then change his tone/aura when he continues his sentence.
Q: Thoughts on Hibari before and after playing him A: He talked about this in his blog post. After playing him, he thinks of other people more than you'd expect. He acts to protect Namimori, and as a result, saves people.
Q: Have you planned the curtain call interactions with Ryohei and Lambo beforehand? A: Nope. That was all thanks to Kimeru adlibbing, and Kento has no idea when Ryohei will jump in lol.
On a tangent, but he very much admires Kimeru for perfectly playing his role. He has already perfected the role even when they just started rehearsing. He has the formula for Lambo down pat. This makes it easy for someone to copy and stand in for him during rehearsals.
Q: Can you share more info on the action parts? A: Every week he gets the stunts instructor to teach him something new, then he practices it on his own for the rest of the week.
Apparently, he practiced while facing a tree at the park, haha. A lot of people commented, saying they want to be the tree. He was like, "No way lol". There were so many people wanting to become trees that he said they were going to turn into a forest lol.
He then talks in detail about how to do a roundhouse kick properly lmao. The left leg/standing leg is important apparently lmao. He repeats this sentence a couple of times and demonstrates it with his fingers.
Sometimes he got tired after doing it so many times. However, when he started doing 1 hour stretches everyday, it became a lot easier.
Does aftercare? (Is that the right term to use here? haha) after practice because it's a lot of strain on his left leg and arm.
Q: What are your similarities with Hibari? A: He likes to do things on his own. Hyperfocused on what he likes. Is stubborn.
He likes to have a lot of preparation before taking something on...
He'll leave when he feels like leaving, lol
Q: Thoughts on Tsuna and Hibari's relationship, and your relationship with Takenaka Ryohei A: Tsuna is an important person in Present and Future Hibari's life.
Takenaka Ryohei is amazing. He has a different reaction to Present Hibari and TYL Hibari and he can really see and feel it... Ryohei's act really contributes to Kento's own acting. It's because Ryohei reacted that way that Hibari seems even more fearsome.
Ryohei can portray Tsuna's fear of TYL!Hibari, but then also show a different reaction when he stops Present!Hibari during Choice.
Usually, it should be the protagonist who would do something proactively while everyone else reacts. As the protagonist, but it's hard to give large reactions. However, in KHR, it's often Tsuna who reacts. It's because Tsuna reacts in a certain way that you can figure out what type of person the other character is. Ryohei is amazing for being able to do that role.
Q: Was it you playing as Alaude's silhouette? A: Yes. Yamamoto also played as Ugetsu.
Random tidbit: At the part where Deisy gets caught with the huge handcuffs, they didn't have those huge handcuffs until they were at the venue lol. So they've been practicing without it until then.
That's why his actions during that scene slowly started to change, since he began to have ideas on what else he could do at that scene.
Q: Thoughts on the Hibari switch scene A: He asked viewers when they realized it wasn't Kento as Hibari onstage? On their first watch? During the stream?
Daiki tried really hard to copy Kento's Hibari, like his walk so people wouldn't catch on. Was really happy when it was decided Daiki was the one who'll be his body double. He actually thought it would be an ensemble doing it, until 2 weeks (?) into rehearsals
Q: Happenings onstage? A: He doesn't really want to talk about it... However, after he turned 25, he's become more open to his mistakes so he can talk about this now haha.
When wearing suits, he wants to look suave and used to wearing them. Having the box in his pants pocket ruins the silhouette of the suit, and so would placing it in his chest pocket, even though the latter seems cool. He talked with the costume designers to add some sort of leather pouch (?) at his waist.
However, after putting the box in and out of the pouch so many times, the leather pouch worse out and became looser. In one performance, the box dropped to the floor sometime without his notice. ("Roll rolled." LOL)
During his fight with Genkishi, he stuck his hand in the pouch while talking and realized it wasn't there. He was like, Oh Shit, lmao. Then clumsily tried to hide the fact that he has no box by taking out his hand and only showing the back of it to the audience, lmao.
He watched a clip of that performance afterwards and learned that the box fell while he did a roundhouse kick.
Also, during the fight with Deisy, he can't see anything. The lights were so bright. When he twirls the handcuffs, it has to face a certain side so that the cuff would close, but sometimes it ends up facing the wrong side, so he has to twirl it back. However, it's hard to figure out if it's facing the right side or not because of the light, so he accidentally dropped the handcuffs once.
(There were actually a few fan reports saying that Kento seemed to drop his props often lol)
Q: Thoughts on Hibari unbuttoning his suit before fighting A: When raising your arm while wearing suits, the middle part scrunches open and he doesn't like that. He wants Hibari to look flawless, so he tried to make it part of the act to unbutton the suit.
He doesn't do this for the part where he trains Tsuna, since he doesn't want to make it like Hibari's doing it for appearances. He tries to make it seem like it's an act Hibari does when he expects a good fight.
Q: Any special training? A: He has a lower center of gravity because he played ice hockey seriously for 9 years. He's jealous of actors who took karate and dance since they are useful skills as an actor. He believes that playing ice hockey and balancing on ice skates really contributed to doing action scenes.
Q: Do you do any weight/muscle training? A: He used to go to the gym, but stopped because of covid. He apparently started classic ballet recently. He likes gaining strength without getting too bulked up. Before he hated wearing tight clothes, but now he has embraced it lmao
Q: Any KHR weapons he would like to try? A: He likes Japanese swords, so he likes Yamamoto's sword style.
When Chrome was handed the Devil Lens, he wondered how one would fight with it? How do you make it look like you use it often? Do you twirl it like a pen?
He's seen James' whip skills live during Secret Bullet and was very impressed that James was able to use them to the fullest. It's a weapon you can more easily hurt yourself with after all.
During rehearsals, there wasn't a center door to come out from, so he had to wait at the sides while Dino and Deisy were fighting. Hibari often comes out from the center door, so he calls Hibari a "Center Door Guy", lol.
Q: Judging from how fast you changed into the yukata during curtain call, are you the type of person who changes clothes fast? A: He has to change from suit to yukata in 1 minute and 30 seconds and be careful not to make Hibari look sloppy, so he was really worried about it... That's why you'd see him touching his collar from time to time.
Final Words
He asks fans to answer the Reborn! The Stage questionnaire and request for a rerun of the Future arc stage plays. They were able to change the future in Future arc, so he believes we can change the future in real life as well. A rerun isn't impossible in his opinion.
He'd love to livestream again sometime with others, like Daiki-kun (Glo Xinia/Dino), and Daiki-kun, and Daiki-kun.😂
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