#it's just like the jazz singer! except instead of singing kol nidre in your father's stead you can also wind up loving jazz & doing violence
power-chords · 8 months
When I saw it in the theater this week I noticed this great concatenation of visuals while Vincent and Max are en route to Fever. Vincent brings up his father, recounting these fragments of childhood memory, and through the window behind him you suddenly see the landscape spring up in lights. The shots of him talking are aligned such that the tone he takes — opening up, vs closing himself off — are paired, respectively, with the cab passing by expanses of lighting and concrete structures that block them. Then, through the window, we see him contemplate an illuminated cross as they pass a church. A sole passenger jet ferrying travelers through the night. Then the coyotes skulking across an alien landscape, the neon urban wilderness that has paved over their dominion. Cue "Shadow on the Sun."
Mann was evasive when asked why he chose the song, but it bookends these images, the recollection of a dead relative amidst points of light, a house of worship, and bodies in motion/migration:
Every drop of flame Lights a candle in Memory of the one Who lived inside my skin
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