#it's just. full of people proudly saying ''i voted on this project (that i don't care about) because of a superstition 🥰🥰''
qrevo · 10 months
got curious and looked at the MILGRAM # on twitter. sorted by latest. worst mistake of my life 💀💀
#curiosity killed the cat am i right (is that a motherfricking milgram reference)#it's just. full of people proudly saying ''i voted on this project (that i don't care about) because of a superstition 🥰🥰''#''yeah there are people that might care about this project. but not me!! i just want free tickets to see my fav idols 🥰🥰''#''found a coin on the street today. TOTALLY related to voting on this random project 🥰🥰''#like. come on. this whole ''unforgiving shrine'' is just absurd.#people voting unforgiven with 5-6 different accounts and linking it to every single good thing happening in their lives.#it's just. unfair. to everyone that cares about this project.#fans voting innocent are simply outmatched by this whole insanity#and fans that care about milgram voting guilty for personal theories got their votes tainted and invalidated by this mess.#and it's like. getting worse. the guilty votes are getting faster. both for kazui AND mahiru.#at this point we should just create 50 twitter burner accounts each and start voting forgiven. at least it would balance out the voting.#i'm really hoping this is just temporary and these assholes will just leave the fandom in peace soon#but if this continues until amane's voting starts i'll get kind of worried for future votes.#i was planning on voting amane guilty but if this whole unforgiving shrine continues i'll just vote her inno#because i simply will not be able to vote her guilty with a clear mind while she is being bombarded with guilty votes for NOTHING.#i don't want my votes being summed up with empty meaningless tainted votes.#looking on the bright side. if they stop this mess soon we can still balance the vote out. his voting only ends in october after all.#anyways. can't have shit in detroit am i right. not main tagging because this post is kind of bitter.
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