#it's just...they're so incompatible. they like none of the same things they agree on next to nothing
k1d1c4rus 10 months
馃槶馃槶馃槶 trohleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy omg we are being so fed lately!!! please anything about their dynamic, what was it like when they were together when did they breakup, angst, cuteness, kink ANYTHING 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
omg omg omg omg sooooooo glad u ask
trohley under the cut 猬囷笍猬囷笍猬囷笍
they have a lot of conversations about kink but basically none about being in a Relationship. that kind of just happens - joe stays over after a scene and they end up hooking up the morning after too 馃
r.e. kink: there's a lot of painplay, impact, chastity, puppyplay (they probably get to a point where andy collars joe, which is a pretty big deal).
joe likes being put into subspace and staying there, being taken down and degraded and having all the worst things he thinks about himself vocalised and worked out, and then built back up after the scene.
most of what they do when they hang out is watch movies and play video games. they are both Big Nerds.
andy is aware that joe is using bdsm to deal with his Personal Issues, and to an extent therefore using him for that too. his tolerance for this decreases as time goes on.
very early on, joe shows up for a scene high. andy sends him home and he learns pretty clearly to never do that again.
joe constantly tries to get andy to choke/hit/spit on him while they fuck, which is usually something he keeps for kink. he does and is kind of freaked out by how much he likes it. this is where the lines blurring between kink and sex begins, and it makes him question just What he's getting out of the whole thing.
one time andy doesn't dress up for a scene and joe offhand mentions that he's not making the effort he used to. next time andy has a three piece suit.
andy continues to dom other ppl (bc it is what pays his rent). joe carries on shooting and they agree its essentially the same thing (they are both mad about it).
they fight about: andy domming other ppl, joe smoking too much, andy being a control freak, joe shooting w studios that they both agree are dodgy, essentially joe being self-destructive and andy being (in joe's eyes) holier than thou.
andy does treat joe differently to his other subs. this is initially because joe is pete's friend and he's also pretty young, and then bc he cares about him. joe kind of wants him to treat him how he would anyone else (or at least he thinks he does).
there's a period where they're at the club where andy works like multiple times a week, regularly. every other night they'd be there, andy in leathers and joe leashed at his feet.
they really do Love each other, in the sense that they get along unbelievably well and have crazy sexual chemistry and really truly deeply care about each other, their lifestyles are just pretty incompatible.
even after they break up joe drinks oat milk cappuccinos bc it's what andy would make him when he would stay over.
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theintrovertbean 2 years
Okay so Hi, after seeing the kinky headcanons it made me wonder, how would you think Nadia would be with an MC with low libido?
Because well my MC for Nadia I made her an ex-sex worker because i wanted to and because i wanted someone experienced to teach Nadia since it's practically canon that she didn't have prior experience to romance and sexual stuff before Lucio, also after that job it is known to lose libido or sex drive and because honestly when i was reading her route first i didn't catch the sexual scenes on time i would just be like "oh she is hugging me that's so sweet... why are they putting emphasis on her biting me?... oh!" And i think that would be my MC's reaction most of the time, she would just be like "oh that tickles jajajaja" and Nadia would just sigh in her mind and think oh well maybe next time i think.
So what do you think?
Hello there 馃憖
I think it's pretty much canon that Nadia has like zero experience with romantic relationships. Not sure about sexual relationships, tho, but MC definitely isn't her first.
I tried to take on a more realistic approach, which means that it's not all sweet and cuddly, but instead, it includes some issues that could happen to anyone. Sexual incompatibility is a dealbreaker for many people, but I think Nadia and MC could make it work due to the wonderful love they share. (But please, correct me if I'm wrong at any point.)
I like this request a lot, and it is very inspiring! Thank you, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Also, your MC seems very interesting and I'd love to learn more about her! I really wonder how her background would connect her to The Arcana's storyline.
Nadia with an MC who has low libido
Nadia is undeniably horny for MC, but she noticed that their sex drives might not be the same very early into their relationship. Still, she wanted to make sure, so she and MC had a conversation about it.
The Countess is a very understanding woman, and she takes the news calmly. MC's low libido is not a surprise to her. She asks MC if there are any things that she shouldn't do, if there are some things that might make them uncomfortable, etc. They needed to set some boundaries, and Nadia was okay with it. Boundaries are necessary for every relationship anyway.
At first, Nadia struggles a little. She knows that a low libido doesn't mean no sex, but she still feels nervous and frustrated. Nadia would never pressure MC into anything, and she is afraid that MC would agree to have sex only because of her and not because they want it, which would be no fun. The fear of rejection would also generate some anxiety in our favorite Countess, and that's a no no.
Nadia would feel insecure at some point, which led to another conversation. I must emphasize that Nadia is an insecure woman. She is aware of her outer beauty, but inside, she is someone who has gone through a lot. Her first marriage failed, and throughout her entire life, she felt like she was never enough. That does horrible things to a person.
Nadia needs reassurance to make this relationship work. She needs MC to tell her that they love her, they're attracted to her, and that none of this is because of her. Nadia needs to know that she is enough.
They would also have to find other ways to be intimate. Of course, sex isn't the only way, but with a libido as high as Nadia's, it can be very important to some, and that's valid. During the evenings, when they are both free, maybe they could read together or create something artistic.
Cuddles. There would be lots of cuddles and sweet kisses.
Eventually, it is not really that big of a deal for them. Nadia is a busy Countess, and a busy Countess is a tired Countess. Many times, she would be too exhausted to even think about sex, so it is nice that MC would not shake her awake in the middle of the night for a quickie.
If MC initiated having sex once in a while, Nadia would be over the moon. I imagine their sex would be a slow, passionate lovemaking rather than a quick fuck. Nadia would definitely want to savor the moment.
Also, Nadia would masturbate a lot. Even the sight of MC is enough to turn her on, and she would much rather take care of herself than pressure MC into anything. Needless to say, she thinks about MC whenever she touches herself, moaning their name as she comes.
In the end, no matter what happens, there is never any pressure. They'd find a way. I just know it. As long as both Nadia and MC love each other the same way, their relationship will work out.
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nowendil 2 years
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