#it's like wake up babe new type of psychological horror just dropped
oflgtfol · 3 years
ok i'm truly sorry to keep talking about this but i just got out of the shower where i do all my most in-depth thinking
earlier i said that this whole like fear of depths/caves/etc is like cosmic horror but i don't necessarily agree with that anymore. they're similar, but not the same, i don't think
i'm no expert on cosmic horror but my understanding of it is that it's all about things too large to fathom, too powerful to comprehend. it's about voids and big vast empty spaces and overwhelming experiences that humans aren't meant to witness
and so this fear of depth thing is similar in that it's about the horror of being at the whim of something beyond your control, how you're helpless against this thing that's unfathomably more powerful than you, but the nature of the "thing" in question is different than cosmic horror
where cosmic horror is all about being big and empty and overwhelming, the fear of depths is the total opposite. it's about small, narrow spaces, so filled to the brim with rocks and water and, well, you, that you can barely move. and instead of your senses being overwhelmed, it is about sensory deprivation. instead of being torn apart, it's about being crushed and suffocated. instead of alien creatures and phenomena you cannot even comprehend, it's about the very earth beneath our feet. it isn't about new things beyond the realm of humanity - it's about reacquainting yourself with the mundane and no longer taking it for granted. you don't have to go to space or into the deep ocean, you can just go right into your (figurative) backyard and find horrors beyond your imagination
so i think it's related to cosmic horror in that they evoke similar feelings, and overall create the vibe of "the universe is fucking terrifying and we're just bumbling our way through it, blissfully ignorant to the terrors beyond our understanding." but it's not quite the same as cosmic horror, since those feelings are evoked in entirely different ways
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