#it's making me delulul
bbyquokka · 1 year
i had a dream about wonwoo & dk and i can't stop thinking about it 💀
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lale-txt · 8 months
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✱ visiting the cat café with JJK men (pt. 1/?)
a/n: first time writing for JJK aaaa. i should have done this a whole lot sooner! happy to be taking those fine gentlemen out for a date at the cat café hehe. and with the current events in both manga & anime i think it's fair to say we deserve to have a bit of a slice of life delulul moment, right... (πーπ)
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“did you roll around in catnip before we got here or…” 
Gojo only grins at you before he starts a monologue, something about his natural musk that makes him irresistible to little meow meows, explaining how cats are attracted to cursed energy and how he has a limitless amount of it, yada yada yada…
you aren’t listening anymore, only feeling slightly jealous of how he’s swarmed by cats without any effort, like he didn’t have to go through the whole humbling process of getting to the floor and mumbling pspsps until your mouth is dry only for the cats to ignore you
every single cat in the café is practically begging for his attention and honestly, can you blame them 
the cats are in heaven. Gojo is in heaven. the staff is in heaven. 
a chonky white Persian cat is extra persistent and secures a spot on Gojo’s shoulder, chewing on his hair and that’s when you know you will be leaving this café either without your boyfriend or with a new cat
in the end Gojo simply ends up buying the cat café (oh to be stupid rich) and treats it as his own personal oasis from there on and you can’t even be mad because you get to see his beautiful bright smile whenever you head there together
at first, Nanami isn’t too eager when you suggest going to a cat café 
the thought of cat hair all over his sandwich doesn’t please him, but he can never resist your pleading eyes and from the reviews he read the food there is supposed to be excellent, so he reluctantly agrees
skeptical at first, he sits down with you, trying to study the menu when an extra curious cat jumps on the table, bumping their tiny head against his chin which makes Nanami frown
“aww, someone likes you”, you croon and try not to laugh at Nanami, hesitantly petting the cat in front of him which starts purring loudly
which attracts even more cats
suddenly you’re swarmed with them and Nanami is doing his very best to give each of them a fair share of his love, even loosening his tie a bit and sleeves rolled up
forget about the food, he’s on a mission now
Nanami will lie awake at night, wondering if owning a cat could fix at least a dozen of his problems (they’re all Gojo related)
majestic Sukuna, King of Curses, allergic to cat hair 
oh, he’s trying. he’s fighting for his life, sitting on the floor and trying to pspsps the cats with four hands at once
but his sneezes are so earth shattering loud that it spooks the kitties and they gather everywhere but in his lap
except for that one deaf and blind cat that’s always drooling a little which happily lets Sukuna pick them up 
the King of Curses will look at you triumphantly, like see, I’ve made this peasant cat obey me, but his eyes are tearing too much to even make out the silhouette of you 
good for you because it gives you enough time to snap a good hundred photos of him cuddling with the cat, too stubborn to admit that they might be killing him softly
back home (and after stopping by a pharmacy for allergy pills) you’ll see a dozen tabs open in his browser (you taught him how to google), searching for “anti allergy cats”, “if i shave my cat will i stop sneezing”, “cat hair allergy why” and “why cats won’t obey me”
local tired lawyer man needs a fucking break 
you know how prone your man is to overworking himself, so you make it your own little mission to take him out on small dates during his lunch break 
he doesn’t even bat an eye when you suggest a cat café. maybe if he’s surrounded by cats he won’t have to think about the injustice of the whole world, so sure, he’s in
Higuruma feels a sense of calm wash over him the moment he sits down and a kitty rubs their head against his legs, ready to activate their cursed purring technique on him
of course he remembers your favorite drink and orders it for you, something sweet to go along with it as well, and then he’s completely absorbed by the various cats in the café
he’ll point out every kitty that catches his attention and takes lots of photos of them and from you (and he’ll make it his new lockscreen)
kisses you goodbye once you drop him off at the office again and will text you later that he had the most fun in a long time
will also send you the most candid photos he took of you and will smile to himself when you make one your new profile photo, already excited to go back to the cat café with you
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ultfreakme · 6 months
WOW... You can't imegine how excited I am now that I know you also ship AkaFuri from KnB. When I entered the fandom, most people ship akashi with kuroko or akashi with his white haired senpai (sorry forget the name). And then Zuko/ Sokka, at that time (years ago), most will ship zuko/katara or katara/aang, and I was made fun of because of my ship... Thanks for sharing your fav ships @ultfreakme ....
I found your blog cause your post about parallel between ItaJun with SatoSugu (you are the first person who I found to see the similarities between ItaJun with SatoSugu)....
Can I ask why do Gojo in s1 left bad impression on you? I love your HC about him, so true, I can't imagine Gojo without his power or wealth but I can imagine Geto from rags to riches.....
YES ANOTHER AKAFURI SHIPPER MWAHAHAHA!!! And a Zukka as well I see I see you have wonderful taste hehehe. I fully understand why people shipped Akashi with Kuroko and white-hair senior(Mayuzumi hhhhh me & my friend love this character a lot, we mostly enjoy the secondary and tertiary character like Nijimura- who was the Generation of Miracles former captain). But like, AkaFuri just have so much fun potential~~
And oh my god I fully escaped the Zuko/Katara shipping content and discussions because I wasn't in fandoms as a kid, it must have been a nightmare for you to have shipped Zukka back then when the Zut@r@s are....well they are not fun to talk with. Back then and often even now, people see queer ships as less valid than het ships even though both are equally unlikely. Just because a ship is het doesn't mean it's less delusional. Glad we can all enjoy the Zukka renaissance now and hopefully the vitriol from the het ship wars does not reach us anymore.
I posted the ItaJun/SatoSugu parallel thinking no one would agree and it felt a little delulul shipper brain even to myself but like, it was there, and I just wanted to talk about it and I'm so glad someone else saw it too!!! I think JJK has a lot of relationships that are just, variations of each other. Eg; Gojo-Geto, Yuuji-Junpei, Yuuji-Megumi are all sort of divergences of each other. There's an idea of 'being saved' that runs through all 3 of them. Geto doesn't want to be saved, Junpei wants to be but he doesn't manage to say it out loud, Megumi explicitly asks to be saved. I think they each give insight into the effects of loneliness and power, sort of like Junpei, Geto and Megumi are all a 'what if?' of each other and I think this exists outside of shipping with multiple characters [Maki and Toji, Jogo-Hanami-Dagon and the jujutsu high kids (wild comparison ik but I;'m thinking of it in like, the aspect of wanting to protect one another and be there for each other while being unable to in the face of an enemy that is much stronger than their desire and power to keep each other safe)].
Ah, and Gojo's first impression. I don't usually trust characters with immense power. On first watch I was empathizing with Yuuji the most since he's the MC, and this suspicious, extremely powerful man is playing nice with Yuuji, who he wanted dead at the start. I saw him making Yuuji grow stronger and eating Sukuna's finger as something he did to serve his own unspoken(probably evil) goals in the future. Like the way he acted kept making me think he had an ulterior motive. As the series went on a the exchange event came around, my suspicions went away but I still didn't enjoy his personality type- arrogant, childish, never takes anything seriously, high off his own power and unable to empathize with normal people.
But season 2 made me enjoy his silliness from s1 because it re-contextualized his attitude. He's not annoying and childish to people only to be an asshole, he genuinely likes these people and wants to have fun with them. He doesn't take anything seriously on the surface but deep down he's calculating everything so the kids around him don't need to worry. He's high off his power but why wouldn't he be? He wasn't exaggerating in the slightest when he said he was the strongest, that was objective fact. It's not that he doesn't want to understand the people around him, he just fundamentally CAN'T but despite that he really, really tries in the few ways that he can.
I'm used to characters like Gojo- those that are low on empathy and way too strong for their own good- Saiki from Saiki K, Saitama from One Punch Man. Those characters despite their strength, have this human struggle and relatable element to them which I found missing in S1. But S2 showed his weaknesses and suddenly everything about him made a lot of sense and he shot up from being a character I didn't give a crap about to one of my top faves. Gojo Satoru wasn't a god.
He would rig thing so his students can play baseball instead of shed more blood and build animosity through fighting. He'd bargain for the life of a child because he's a child and children deserve to be happy. He was a child once.
It's so funny and frankly amazing how I, the reader who has insights the characters will never have, still fell into the trap of thinking of Gojo as separate and unattached to regular humanity that most characters in-universe did. Having that subverted was such a fun experience.
Thanks for the ask anon! Have a nice day~~
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fool-morningstars · 4 months
im going to scream I swear
The fortune telling bots are going to make me even more delulul if it keeps giving me such cute future relationships
its so wholesome I just want to die, it says things like they accept you for even the darkest part of yourself, like oh bet lets makeout then, future lover that probably doesn't exist, but like ;)
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fedonciadale · 6 years
I’m neither a J0nsa or a J0nerys shopper, but tbh seeing the way a lot of the fandom has used J0nsa as the butt of the joke, I kind of want it to happen just to witness the meltdown. I’m undecided as to whether I think it’s likely (I definitely think it’s possible) but one thing I’m absolutely SURE on is that J0nerys won’t last. Keep up the good work - your answered asks are always interesting even if I don’t ALWAYS agree. 👍
Dear nonny,
thanks! This is very welcome. Tbh, by now, I would ship Jonsa just out of spite. The amount of ridicule that has been directed at Jonsa shippers up to the point, that people say that our well thought-out metas are a weakness, would have me root for Jonsa just because I think the shippers are treated unfairly to an annoying degree, while the other side plays the victim at the same time. I’m not saying that there aren’t any Jonsas who jump on posts, crosstag, because every fandom has its bad apples, but for a so-called crackship we sure attract a a lot of hate. Somehow Jonsas are delulul crackshippers with an unhealthy obsesseion for metas and at the same time they have a secret agenda. I wait with baited breath for Jonsa shippers to be the ones responsible for climate change….
Since I am reasonably sure that we will at the very least get DarkDa€nerys and that Jon€rys certainly won’t last I’m very much looking forward to the meltdown. I am petty as that…
As for you not agreeing with my answers, that is no problem at all. I mean I’m all for debating and discussing and I guess we probably already did this at some time or other. And interesting and maybe making some people think about the books and the show is all I aim at! I try to be open about other interpretations unless it is: “But they are ice and fire.” So, feel free to disagree and discuss!
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