#it's me ya boi back with another darkstalker ramble
beeg-derg · 4 months
Minor epiphany about worst boy Darkstalker
rereading the books made me realise that by not letting him be conscious for all those thousands of years he quite literally never matured mentally or even emotionally. he never had a chance to ruminate on his actions and he is emotionally and mentally stunted to the point of going beyond the medical definition of severe mental retardation in adults according to the WHO: The World Health Organization (WHO), in its ICD-10, defines mental retardation as a “condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind, which is especially characterized by impairment of skills manifested during the developmental period, which contribute to the overall level of intelligence, i.e., cognitive, language, motor, and social abilities.” Guidelines suggest that an IQ of less than 70 is indicative of mental retardation. ICD-10 further suggests the use of culturally relevant, standardized measures of social maturity and adaptation for assessing functional abilities. No guidelines are provided, however, on cutoff scores for adaptive behavior deficits. ICD-10 allows for assigning a diagnosis of mental retardation when an individual has both mental retardation and a coexisting mental or physical disorder. As much as I think that he's kinda just been evil from the moment he was born, or at least way too power-hungry for an infant to be immediately scheming out of the egg, it's hard to say he had nearly as much time as would probably have been necessary for a narcissist of such a scale to actually realise that they fucked up as significantly, like to the point of becoming Adolf hitler at his worst, at the human-age equivalent of 14-16 years old. he quite literally never matures beyond a few months after imprisonment, which... explains a few things, namely why he continues to act like a 5 year old dragonet. I like to think that he could probably be helped, but given that clearsight and fathom's attempt to help probably set him back even farther by skyrim dragonbreaking him, effectively. this is a motherfucker and a bitch who is incapable of self-help without extreme circumstance relative to their own, ever extremifying circumstance. which is why it took him seeing that his soul was as fresh as Margaret thatcher in order to see that maybe automated ethnic cleansing and functionally condemning his "soulmate" to continental-exile-by-shame-and-anxiety, as well as managing to be so horrifically manipulative it took a real-life-narcissist to be a foundation for him, to finally realise that he might need to think this one out before saying a word again. i still don't think that the peacemaker solution is a good idea, but that's a question for book 16 to solve. i still think he could be fixed the same way that hitler was theoretically salvageable before his wunderwaffe obsession and deciding to make friends with his mentally insane cronies in power. with enough therapy, a shock collar and a padded cell he might be barely salvageable to at least get visits from relatives once a month. TL:DR this motherfucker, evil as he is, got a single thing right: he can't catch a break to ruminate on his actions. also he should have gotten the kars treatment of condemnation to eternal consciousness but physical paralysis so as to enter eternity timeout. would it backfire horribly and he festers more than an open sore in Galipoli? knowing tui, probably.
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