#it's mob moday and i can't
jolynejay · 5 years
Ok, so something I’ve been thinking about... Why don’t espers use their powers for more... creative things? I mean, besides exorcising spirits, fighting each other etc.
It’s been a bit since I saw or read MP100 (i really have to catch up on s2), but I can’t recall something in this line of thought. Sorry if I’m wrong on that. Still, at least in the anime espers tend to have some kind of aura especially when using their powers, visable to skilled espers. And although it might just be an artistic choice to signefy power usage to the viewer, I’d like to think that it’s a real thing.
So, why then don’t espers use their powers in other ways? Well an obvious answer is, because it isn’t really relavant to the story and characters. I mean, one of the core messages of the 1st season was, that no matter how powerful (psychic) abilities you may posess that does not make you anything more or any better than any other person. But I still think psychic abilities could be used in different ways…
This is a personal thing, but I have always been facinated with things glowing in the dark. And I sure as heck know if I had psychic powers that glow like damn christmas lights, I would put on a giant lightshow for myself all the time.
I’m sure an artist with ESP could find some creative way to use their powers to paint for example. Maybe throw bubbles of paint on a canvas? Or maybe use several brushes with levitation to maximize efficency?
Or if you have telekinesis and can fly with that, I know several people who would use that power to go skydiving - without the plane. Just fly as high as you want and let yourself fall (and ideally stop the fall before you crash into the ground XD)
You have pyrokinesis? Minimize gas usage for cooking by supplying the fire yourself. Alternatively you could be a special effects master for theatres. y'know, like, kabuki where there are will-o’-wisps and spooky ghost flames etc. etc. Though maybe some good insurance might be needed, in case you accidentally set the stage or your coworkers on fire…
Look, all I want to say is, I want some whacky, mundane and/or hilarious applications for psychic powers, because shit I’d love seeing them used for fun, not fighting.
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