#it's myyyyst
headbutt-mutt · 8 years
tagged by @ketnep Rules: tag 10 people you would like to know better
Birthday: 27 March
Gender: female
Relationship status: lol
Zodiac sign: Aries
Siblings: 3yrs older sister and 6yrs younger brother
Wake up time: exactly an hour and a half before I have to be at work
Lemonade or sweet tea: lemonade
Day or night: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Coke or pepsi: I don't really drink soda.
Calls or texts: texts
Met a celebrity: I once physically ran into Jason Momoa. It was both scary and hot and my biggest regret is not telling him to high five Lisa Bonet for me. There's some others but they're either decidedly embarrassing or I can't think of them at the moment. 
Smile or eyes: smile? i'm weird about teeth, but eyes are a plus. 
Country or city: happy medium
Last song I listened to: Stuck by OSHUN Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: nugget, turd, occasionally mutt or hot dog. also when I was a kid my mom called me Scoot bc I was real hyper Star sign: Aries af
Height: 5′4″ if I stretch
Time right now: 12:19pm
Favourite music artist(s): A Lot®. Just know that the closest I get to country is like. Beyoncé doing Daddy Lessons or this one song by Antigone Rising. And I guess a song by the Ditty Bops but I'm really more into their ragtime stuff. 
Song stuck in your head: Don't Touch My Hair by Solange
Last movie watched: Son of Batman and Brother Bear
Last tv show watched: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 
What are you wearing right now: patterned drop crotch pants from Thailand, an oversized shirt with a peace sign on it, and green cowboy boots
When did you create your blog: sometime around or before 2010 idk man I try not to remember how long I've been in Hell™ What kind of stuff do you post: uh. depending on the mood- hockey, marvel shit, movie shit, black people things, social issues, Star Wars garbage, and such
Do you have any other blogs moved to / saved URL: a lot that i will probably never use again up to and including matthewgraygoobers
Do you get asks regularly: lmfao no
Why did you chose your URL: it was a running joke relating to a since cancelled person but it stuck bc it fit me so
Gender: ehn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ female?
Hogwarts house: slytherin af 
Pokemon team: myyyystic? that's the blue one, right? i deleted the app oops. 
Favorite color: glitter
Average hours of sleep: 7 almost exactly if I'm taking my medication
Favourite characters: this is like asking me to pick m favourite child how dare u
How many blankets do you sleep with: one million exactly
Dream job: dead. 😎*fingerguns*
Following: A Lot® tagging whoever bc idc
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senator--armstrong · 9 years
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