#it's not at our house yet but he's gonna get some piano movers to bring it sometime
pheonix-inside · 2 years
Decided that one day I'm gonna get the Undertale piano book bc I wanna get back into playing piano anyway and I wanna learn how to read sheet music better. Both for theater/choir stuff and my own music endeavors. What better way to do both things than use my special interest as a motivator.
Also I like showing off and knowing how to play a song on an instrument is really satisfying (I know this both from the few songs I do know how to play on the piano and my recent attempts at playing the ukulele).
Plus my family owns like three pianos at this point it's not like I wouldn't be able to learn.
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twins-parted · 4 years
@allbravado​ || Ghost Rosie & The Vampire Boys
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The old house had felt weird on the initial walk through, like the cosmic vibrations were off - or, whatever Katie had said. It was spacious, Jonah gave it that - even as the chill ran through his spine. It was a gracious gift that Edith had hand-selected to be the twins personal playground while they attended university. She’d signed the lease, paid upfront for the year, had movers bring their things in & they’d spent the whole day setting things as they liked.
Well, at least, their rooms were unpacked & the grand piano had been placed in the largest room on the ground level. 
Jonah’s space was light, academic, yet minimal in style. 
( He knew Seth’s was the complete opposite: Dramatic, dark, and refined - probably with extensive use of neon mood lighting. )   
Both boys settled on the couch in front of the tv to recap the day. Another shiver ran the full length of Jonah’s spine before Seth addressed anything: 
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“ Is it still too spooky for you ?? “ 
The teasing was evident as Seth began to reconfigure the DVD stand while Jonah opened boxes. Actually, a few weird things had happened ... like boxes opening on their own, piles of his things moving to the perfect place so he could put them away properly. Maybe he was more tired than he thought:  
“ ... or has it sunk in that this is our house now, well - at least until the year is out ??? “
Jonah grimaced.
Was it their house ??? 
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“ Sometimes, I just get a weird feeling - that’s all. Maybe I’m just nervous being away from Edith and Clem. It’s probably nothing - - - I’m gonna get a gaming set up together later in the week if I can scope out the perfect room. “
It was idle chatter as they wound down for the evening to pursue their own interests. They had no need for sleep anyway.  
Seth nodded. 
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“ I’ve got a date later, or moreover - I’m bringing someone back for dinner. Do you want me to save you some ??? “
His eyebrow raised even before he heard the answer:
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 “ Nah, I’m gonna stream or something - - - maybe read. Have fun, but you’d better get going. “ 
He smiled, even as Seth rushed toward the door, leaving the DVD shelf half done. 
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“ See ya loser. “ 
... and then Jonah was alone again, swallowed up by a whale of a house, and he wasn’t sure he liked it. His stomach lurched, something was definitely going on, but truthfully - he was scared to know for sure. 
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RO] Sad Short Romance Story
It’s been one year without you, one whole year Gray. I always watched those sappy rom-coms where they lost their soulmate and yeah I cried but they never really resonated with me besides the 10 minutes of crying that it triggered inside of me, until now. I miss you. I miss the breakfast pancakes you used to make, I miss the way you would hold me when I cried, I miss the way you would give the cutest dimple filled smile I’ve ever seen, and I definitely miss your hugs the most. The first few days of not waking up next to you after the funeral was hard, well no that’s an understatement; they were unbearable. Sometimes I lay on your side of the bed, shut off all the lights, wrap myself in the blankets, and pretend that you’re still here with me. Grayson you were an amazing person, and everyone who met you fell in love with you, (including me) and I am so happy to have been able to be with you, even if it was only a short amount of time: you changed my life. You changed the way I see rainy days (dancing in the rain), thunderstorms (fun to watch), and much more. You made me a better person, and this sucks, it sucks so much because it’s been so hard to move on from you. I miss you more than I can even express, which is why I need to do this. I need to do this for me, and I know that you would not want me to throw my life away when you left, so I’m gonna start living for me, and for you.
I close my notebook and sign to myself, ‘I’m really doing this’ I think to myself. I walk over to the grand piano and run my hands across the wood detailing, immediately bringing me back to the night where he played piano for me and I danced and laughed the entire night. I fight back the tears begging to spill out that had begun to brim in my eyes, and continue packing the last box. I walk over to the closet and pick up the last shoebox, which seems awfully light. I hadn’t noticed this box before, so I opened it. And confirming my suspicions, there were no shoes, but- letters? I immediately recognize the handwriting ‘To Haley, Happy Birthday Love, Gray’ I’m brought back to reality before I can even process what’s in front of me when the mover knocks on my door, “Ma’am? Are you ready yet?” he asks. “Oh yes I am so sorry. I’m gonna be a little late to the new house, but I have someone waiting there so they should be able to let you in” He nods, and I stuff the shoebox beneath my arm and hurry out of the house, and get into my car. I sit there for a moment, digesting what I have in front of me. Finally, I open the box again and am met with the handwriting yet again. I pick up the first letter in the pile and open it, ‘Hi Hales! It’s Gray (who would’ve guessed right) and for your birthday I decided to make you a couple Open When… letters, of course I got you other things too because just this would make a pretty lame gift, but I thought of some scenarios and decided to write what I think you need to hear when they happen. Anyways, I love you and I hope you enjoy these amazing letters written by yours truly. -G’ As I put down the first letter on my dashboard, I see the next letter sitting neatly atop a stack of letters and my heart stops.
‘Open when…I’m dead’ My shaky hands reach for the letter and quickly tear it open, and I began to read it,
Oh Haley, I hope you’re okay. Look, I’m sorry for making this the top letter but we all knew it was coming. I know you must’ve googled ‘Non-Hodgkin lymphoma’ the day I told you, and saw the number of lives it took each year, but most importantly that there was no cure. I wish I could’ve had more time with you Haley. You truly are such an amazing girl, and you can do so many things for so many people, you can move mountains and part the sea for those who you care about; I know you can, I've seen you do it. My heart physically aches writing this letter, I do not want to let you go. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me Hales. I’m gonna miss you, so so sososososo much. I’ll miss you until the day I die and if there is an afterlife, I’ll miss you then, too. All I want is to be cuddled up with you next to the fire watching whatever new Netflix rom-com you heard was good but instead I’m in this hospital alone, hooked up to so many machines and in so much pain. I didn’t tell you this but today my doctor told me I only have a couple weeks left to live. I’ve decided to stop my treatments, I’m going off my meds, I’ve lost Haley. I feel so weak because I wanted to win this for you, but I don’t think I can. I am so sorry. You know what this is getting too depressing, let's go back to some good memories. Remember that night I played the piano for you? When you danced all over the living room, and you looked so beautiful? Do you remember that one day when me and you had a water-gun fight in the front yard and I thought you snuck up on me but I accidentally shot old Mr. Elms with a whole bunch of water? Jeez that was very embarrassing, he definitely hated me.’
I glance over to the bouquet of flowers from Mr. Elms sitting in the passenger seat that read ‘To Haley and Grayson, The Best Neighbors I Could’ve Asked For.’ he had left for me once he heard I was moving and start laughing through my sobs, and I continue reading the note,
‘Gosh, we were really great together Haley. If you’re as sad about this than I am, then I need you to listen to me; please move on, Hales. I’m not saying go get a one night stand 5 minutes after my funeral, but don’t close yourself off. I know you, and I know that when something affects you badly you don’t let yourself move on. Go find someone to love, you have my blessing. This hurts I know, it hurts me so much to let you go Haley, but you need to do this, for me. One day we will meet again, I just know it. Maybe you’ll be the moon and I’ll be the stars, or vise versa. Haley you need to live your life not dreading every second of it, because you’ll waste your life, and you’ll regret it. I thought I would live until I was like 100 with our little grandbabies running rampant, and with you by my side, can you imagine?! The love we had was 1 in a billion, and I am so glad to have shared that with you, but you can’t hide from the world forever, get on Tinder, or even Bumble if you’re feelin’ frisky! You know Haley, I see you in everything I do. You quite literally remind me of everything! I wish I could give you a great big hug right now, you would never be let go, ever. I’m sorry I had to go this way though, barely being awake for more than 6 hours a day, looking sickly, throwing up practically all of my food, I hate you seeing me like this. Enough of the sappiness, go take on the WORLD Haley. You have the ability to bring joy everywhere like nobody I’ve ever seen in my life. You light up every room you walk into, take advantage of that. I know you can do amazing things, you will change people’s lives, and you will change the world. I love you so, so, so much. You will be okay Haley, and you will be happy again. Thank you for being my one true love, and my soulmate. Now go and spread that love you gave me to someone who you find love with. Till we meet again, Grayson.
I sob into my hands, completely breaking down in my car. After a couple of minutes I turn the ignition, and look back to our house for the last time.
“Goodbye, Grayson.”
submitted by /u/alice_v1 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2L2G7WR
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