#it's ok keeper that's what jadus is for
eorzeashan · 1 year
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Minister: Imperial Intelligence is not being rebuilt. The secrets were your chance to buy protection; now you'll be branded a renegade working unsanctioned missions.
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Minister: There will be power struggles. Dark days are coming for the Empire, and I can't protect you.
DAD PART....2!!!
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In all seriousness, that's what you're worried about Minister? That's why you really wanted us to retrieve the Black Codex-- just to protect your Cipher, not for anything else?
Excuse me. I need a tissue.
He can pretend it's for the Empire all he wants but the fact that he says it was leverage for you first makes it clear he wanted the Agent to have a way out.
Not for the Sith. Not for the Empire. You.
Thrice over he wanted to protect his agent, and he's lost every chance to so far. Because this agent didn't even hesitate not to put himself dead last in the face of the galactic scheme. Eight was born and raised and taught never to do so, the exact opposite of the self-preservation Keeper extolls, and this is the result. He didn't care about freedom. He sought danger at every turn, and dove headfirst into the worst of the worst just to do what he was made to.
That is most definitely what Keeper regrets: not giving him the opportunity to value himself more, and he continues to fear for his safety even now after it's all said and done.
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It was a little too harsh for my liking, but Eight says he doesn't need his protection. It's true; he never has. Keeper wishes he did. Maybe it would've prevented the person Eight became.
Minister: Fair enough. I'll ask the Sith to invite you to my hanging, but a word of advice: renegade or not, you will be needed. Don't share my fate.
There he goes again. Every next sentence is so incomparably guilty in this playthrough as compared to my LS Neutral run as Nine.
Then my agent gets to say goodbye, but not before thanking him for everything he's done, and that he won't be forgotten. It's not enough for me or Eight personally, but I'll take it (for now). Because I think all of us know Keeper cares a great deal more this time around in a personal sense, and he deserves that closure. You are my daaaaad boogie woogie woogie
He'll give him a long-overdue hug when I get around to writing that scene.
Oh, and other honorable mentions now we're at the roll credits: Eight did give the codex to Ardun Kothe and he did kiss Hunter, but man what a dumb death. He definitely yoinked that electrified power glove from him like "don't you dare find a way out now, I'm not done with you" and promptly knocked Hunter tf out.
It's going to be interesting going forward as both the Hand of Jadus and a double-agent for the Republic. But I headcanon that he definitely zipped off to join his Lord in seclusion now that he's free to.
They have their eyes set on something interesting brewing in the far reaches of Wild Space. Something to do with their lost Emperor. ;)
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meatbag-status · 6 years
SWTOR top Daddies™️ from best to worst. Or from most Daddy™️ to least.
Darth Marr (I would put Scourge as #1, but Marr deserves to be #1 in every “best of” list)
Lord Scourge
Orgus Din (🌝)
Lord Praven (ding ding ding!)
Pre-Foundry Revan
Keeper (his voice, ok?)
Dr. Lokin (he gets buff)
Quinn can kinda count as a daddy on Iokath cuz he hit 50...I think??
Is Pierce old enough to be a daddy? If so, this is his place on the list
Darth Malgus (srsly tho, if he didn’t go ape shit, he’d be higher on this list...also, your head looking like a testicle brings you down on the list)
Darth Jadus (can you say BDSM?)
Darth Thanaton
Darth Vowrawn (he’s a rich sweetheart, but he’s also like great grandpa age...puts him in the next tier for Daddies™️...sorry)
Darth Baras (I just threw up in my mouth a bit, but he IS a Daddy™️. You know what I mean and I’m just as disturbed as you. We must accept the truth)
Jace Malcom (idk if he belongs on this list, but he’s an incredibly fit dad...I mean...actually yes he belongs. I just have so much beef with the man)
Syo Bakarn (did I spell that right?)
Khem Val (not my thing, but...you know)
Torian’s dad
The Sith Emperor was gonna be on the list at some point just bc, but he’s, along with all of his alter egos, disqualified for eating planets (personally trying to kill you is acceptable, but we draw the line at genocide...this is why post-Foundry Revan is not on the list...ok yeah Jadus was going that route a bit, but he’s kinky af so he’s on here)
Kallig would also be on the list, near the middle, but he’s related to you so NO! I don’t care by how many generations! I’m not going there!
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