#it's okay if you die voting for trunp
tomorrowusa · 8 months
Donald Trump has never had a high regard for the health or even the lives of his supporters. We recall how he told them to take quack medicines during the pandemic emergency and retweeted anti-mask conspiracy freaks after he horrifically mismanaged the early response to COVID-19 in the US.
To Trump, nothing counts except Trump. His supporters are just disposable pawns in his political, legal, and business struggles.
He demonstrated this again by telling Iowa caucus goers that it's okay if they die — as long as they caucus for him first.
Donald Trump urged voters to get out to the Iowa caucuses even if they are “sick as a dog” in a defiant rally on the eve of his first major election test. The former president said that even if people “passed away” shortly after voting it would be “worth it”, and once again launched attacks on the New York judge who had denied him a delay in his civil trial so that he could attend his mother-in-law’s funeral. His remarks came during an in-person rally in Indianola on Sunday afternoon. Mr Trump was previously forced to swap out other planned events in Iowa with tele-rallies due to severe bad weather conditions in the state. “You can’t stay at home,” he told those gathered. “[Even} if you’re sick as a dog and you say ‘darling I can’t make it…’ “Even if you vote and then pass away it’s worth it.”
It wouldn't be surprising if somebody DID die because they were sick and were told by Trump to caucus for him in sub-zero weather. In Des Moines, not the coldest city in the state, the temperature at 7 PM CST is predicted by the NWS to be -7°F/-22°C. It may be even colder when people are returning home from caucus locations. If you're not in good health, you shouldn't be outside in such conditions.
Despite being a lying gluttonous adulterer who hasn't been to church in decades except for weddings, funerals, and political events, Trump is treated as a god by many nominal Christian fundamentalists. Trump is their Baal.
The only way to counter such irrational fanatics is to outorganize and outvote them. Despite their willingness to die for Trump, they are still a minority. If we remain focused, determined, and (most of all) united, we will fend off the threat to democracy in 2024.
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