#it's so ARUGHRAGH
syilcawrites · 11 months
YALL i can't get over zelda's lullaby part in the last catch/final dive ost i'm going insane
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solradguy · 2 years
I bet HRT in the Guilty Gear universe is fuckin wild like you can essentially beatbox a portal to the math of reality itself, there was a war against half-magic half-technological bioweapon dragons that the dragons lost, Sol has/had the contained essence of one of the driving forces behind every mass extinction event on Earth in him, there's a fox man that was spawned by the reality math that inherited the remnants of the concept of this woman who drowned/was crushed by the math that then became a core part of his very being, a young Japanese woman can summon and unsummon dolphins and whales at-will and no one really knows how she's doing it, Faust is there
Like, you could probably roll up to any doctor in GG and say "I'd like one gender change, please" and they'd do some hocus pocus and tadaa you've been transed
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