#it's so funny tho cuz they're far from my usual type™ of ship
yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
Alright. For the ask meme, 5 and 9 for B2TSM!
5. Favorite ship from B²TSM?
Mozanini! I mean...
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This line broke me okay?
First of all, that cute little nickname. I think that one took us all by surprise tbh 😂 It's so... endearing?? like most of what we've seen of Pag before that was him being his arrogant self and getting angry over nothing, then out of nowhere comes a, dare I say, tender side of him? While in the middle of a kidnapping, no less. Like no, I'm still not over it, my heart can't handle it.
Secondly, Mister Paganini, Sir, care to tell us how you seem to know Mozzy's kinks so well? 😏
Third, Pag is a whole look in that skit, wow
Aside from that particular moment, I really love their banter, their potential for ridiculous shenanigans, and they've also got the demon-angel aesthetic going on, except the angel is actually an imp, and I think that's beautiful x)
Anyway, mozzarella panini OTP forever 💖
9. What character do you most relate to from B²TSM?
I'm bad at these "relate" to questions because I rarely look at media as like, how it relates to me or anything. I'm just here to be entertained by the characters. They need to be completely separate entities. Can't do self-inserts, 2nd person pov makes me run for the hills, keep me out of the fantasy pls. That doesn't mean I can't empathize with some characters' traits, some of them do hit close to home sometimes. But yeah, I don't go consciously looking for things to relate to in characters, so I'm always a bit stumped with those questions 😅Especially here, bc lbr, those guys' lives are nothing like mine... So yeah, idk, sorry XD;
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