#it's so we don't wind up wiping out all our domestic fowl- and wild birds to boot
fowlblue · 2 years
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So it seems I cannot actually respond to this post properly, but, friendly reminder from someone who is actually dealing with the HPAI precautions every day (as someone studying at a wildife rehab center)-
The fact is is that the primary concern for its spread isn't domestic poultry, it's wild birds, especially waterfowl because it spreads through water (through feces/saliva). That's why you're being asked to take down your birdfeeder these days.
No one's trying to 'justify animal agriculture' either- the culling is done for a reason. This disease is highly pathogenic- the HP in HPAI. Symptoms take time to appear and by then it's too late regardless. This isn't just a problem in farms, it's everywhere- wildlife rehabilitation centers (like the one I study at) have to take these precautions too.
This isn't a little disease either- it's a horrible way to go for these birds. It has spread to other farmed animals- it has spread to people. Humans. Sporadically, yes, but isn't that how it always starts? We really, really don't need a highly pathogenic illness being spread by birds.
(Also, to note- while this particular strain is believed to have started among domestic waterfowl (not chickens), avian flu itself began in wild birds.)
This isn't 'incubated' by poultry farms, as this responder claimed. The strain didn't even start with chickens. Fact is that now that wildfowl have caught it (with wild ducks being one of the worst carriers as they can be asymptomatic), it's primarily spreading through that route, because those birds are actually migrating the way they always have, and carrying it with them, instead of staying on those farms. Culling those birds when one carries it is to prevent incubation.
Just take down your birdfeeder anyways. Make your posts about poultry farming if you like, but HPAI isn't a 'vegan time to shine', it's a serious problem. It's killing a lot of wild birds too, including many key raptor and vulture species.
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