#it's so...choppy i don't know technical words but it builds a scene with grandiose music or whatever and then
fisforfreakyme · 4 years
Best things of the season 8 premiere: Rick counting to just seven, negan running away like the man sized rat he is
#mina watches the walking dead#also that bit with that bitch negan saying ''this dick meassuring contest is pointless because mine's obviously the biggest'' or something#like that....it was so fucking cringe and i mean it#like first: who wrote that second: WHO WROTE THAT third: can you imagine being and adult and writing that and not thinking that's cringe?#can you imagine saying oooh this sounds cool as hell man#you know...all the things negan says are top cringe like screw making fun of kids being kids and saying they're '''''cringe'''''#there's no cringe bigger than grown ass people writing this shitty dialogue and expecting us to think it's cool#also i hate when negan says something stupid as hell and then repeats it over and over like some unfunny guy who keeps repeating the same#shitty joke because people didn't laugh the first time#even the governor wasn't this annoying...this is hands down the worst character in this fucking show i swear#also? the editing in the past couple seasons drives me nuts#it's so...choppy i don't know technical words but it builds a scene with grandiose music or whatever and then#cuts it like a couple seconds later to show another scene with different music different feeling and all that#overall the episode was enjoyable but ....it's so obvious they're gonna use the mercy vs wrath quote over and over again#in the most unsubtle way possible#and nope: heroes sparing unredeemable villains live isn't ''''groundbreaking''' and so '''deep''' or '''so new''''#it's a cliche man....yes i'm talking to you charlie adlard#'''why we kill our fantasy villains?'' BECAUSE THEY'RE AWFUL next question i mean....make a complex character with chances of redemption#and then we can talk and not a complete monster and say last moment ''oh but his wife had cancer'''#like fuck i care man#but what else can you expect of them i mean mr i don't read anything else and mr tv works exactly like comics so more cliffhangers please#for fucks sake
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