#it's the one where flynn talks about fusing games and idw as canon
beevean · 9 months
I've seen two Bumblekast posts float by that concerned Silver (one about hedgehog tail wagging, one about a Super Sonic vs. Super Silver bossfight), and based on that plus Stanley's general writing style I can confidently say that how serious a content creator takes Silver directly correlates to how often they bring up "It's no use" around him. Goddammit, as if that is the only thing that ever came out of his mouth or something. :/
There are people on Twitter that weren't even born when that line became a meme.
Sonic '06 will turn 18 next year. It will be a full-fledged tax-paying adult. Let it rest.
Do people even remember why "It's no use" became a meme? What they're referencing when they keep shoving it in Silver's mouth?
Two things.
One, Sonic '06 is an inherently broken game, and people's very first impression of Silver the Hedgehog was of a shoddly programmed boss fight, with a camera that doesn't keep track of you target, with an obnoxious attack that can easily catch you off guard, and the potential to be stuck into an infinite cycle of hurt if you're caught between Silver, a ring and a wall (or, hilariously, to be launched into space).
Yeah I know that I asked to let '06 rest, but shitting on its game flaws is almost nostalgic <3 my favorite glitch was flying with a box.
Two, why is Silver shouting ITSNOUSEITSNOUSEITSNOUSE? Because he's deadset on killing Sonic dead. The dude won't sleep until he has reduced Sonic to atoms scattered through the whole spacetime continuum. He has been sent by Satan to kill the Iblis Trigger, and by Solaris, he's going to do it, because it's the right thing to save the world!
Just a reminder for the people like Stanley who seem to have forgotten about this trait of his :)
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