#it's the real-world name for the files in the hypno fic verse
freeuselandonorris · 3 months
top 5 pieces of bambi inspo 🎤
jfsdjjkfd couldn't look directly at this one yesterday it was like staring directly into the sun
okay deep breaths. (original posts are linked under the gifs but i'm not tagging the makers because i'm sure half of them have no interest in my unhinged bimbo lando thoughts)
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1. this whole gifset from grill the grid makes me INSANE - this is my favourite bambi moment of all. absolutely nothing going on behind the eyes, brain is just the spinning beachball of death, tongue moving, mouth open, learned helplessness kicking straight in
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2. festive finger sucking - the combination of the blank stare into the middle distance, being COVERED in cream and chocolate sauce (irl this level of stickiness would give me anxiety but i appreciate the bambi metaphor potential) and the way he's practically deep throating his own fingers? god tier
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3. from mclaren unboxed - he's soooo pretty but there are no thoughts happening here, slow blink, slightly parted lips, head tilt ✅✅✅
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4. when he forgot jesus' name - fun fact, i affectionately tagged this "is it still dumbification if he starts out this thick?" way before i ever saw the hypno fic prompt and bimbo lando ate my brain. it was percolating!!
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5. and a photo to finish - this is his bambi sleep trigger phrase where the bambi personality has been triggered and he's docilely waiting for commands TO ME
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