#it's too traumatic and overwhelming to be stopped. they are enticed by the evils they've discovered in one another.
nerdynikki94 · 1 year
Guys, already at season 3, and I'm just going to say it... I'm an unapologetic Hannigram Whore. Problematic. Evil. Gaslight. Toxicity. Murder. Cannibalism. Manipulation. And psychopathy, be damned. Those two men are so fucking obsessed with each other and want to bang so insanely, it's embarrassing.
Ngl, I have to check my morality at the door for this one, like it's frequently quite hard to sit through. That being said, the connection between them is so profound and immeasurable that they are in a hypnotizing, endless circle.
To discover Hannibal, Will had to empathize with him, but Hannibal had already chosen him as his obsession. And Will's empathy towards the masked murderer pulled him even closer to Hannibal, which spurred his obsession for Will. Their entire relationship is an undeniable and vicious cycle.
That is where the true romance of their connection lies. They are star-crossed cosmic calamities orbiting one another, wreaking havoc in the atmospheres unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Their shared capacity for cruelty leaves all bystanders to become nothing but collateral damage.
I just don’t have words for how many contradicting emotions I have about these men. Like I'm not saying I'd want them to have a white-picket fence ending (the finale was spoiled for me long ago, and it honestly seems kind of fitting). Still, I'm enthralled by their magnetic draw to one another. Their chemistry onscreen - especially throughout the brilliant dialogue and phenomenal performances - makes this pairing inherently romantic. They spend their entire relationship straddling a razor-thin line of love and hate, falling so deep into that bond, that they ultimately lost sight of which side they surrendered to.
Hannibal compared Will & himself to Achilles & Patroclus. He asked him to run away with him after he realized that Will hadn't actually killed Freddie Lounds. He wanted to start a life with Will, raising Abigail. Hannibal wants to believe Will is his one equal.
It's hard to see it objectively when you know his character doesn't truly comprehend empathy. But, in Hannibal's mind, he is the scorned lover, the one that opened himself up with desperation to be safe, seen, vulnerable with the person he’d deemed worthy.
And he was rejected.
Just like Alana had said about the desecration of 'Freddie Lounds' corpse. It's a courtship. I sincerely believe that that was not merely a metaphor. In Hannibal's fucked up mind, his Season 2's arc end was proposing to Will. While his Season 1's arc was testing Will's true worthiness. And prediction (and pre-conceived spoilers about the finale abound) says that Season 3's final arc will be the consummation of that eternal vow, their inescapable bond.
So, guys, have I made it onto the Hannigram community on Tumblr? I need this, guys... Macdennis is a perpetual Shroedinger's cat meant to torture me with what if's.... , Sherlock was a quick watch and pretty brief obsession... and honestly, I refuse to watch Supernatural. So, yeah.
Even if my morality (despite this being fiction) won't allow me to ship these men as endgame, I completely fucking get it. Like, this is intense; undeniably twisted, but passionate, and intense, nevertheless.
Two sides of a blood-covered, golden coin. Ruined yet priceless; one face unable to exist in the absence of the other.
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