#it's very ooc for c!techno another reason why I was hesitant but yeah
bubble-popping ยท 5 months
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ dnb stockholm syndrome au?
i would love to hear anything else you have (/nf. you you don't want to answer its ok)
all ur other aus r rly cool too!
Okay, first, thank you! I'm glad u enjoy my thoughts on the silly lil guys :) I'm just somewhat embarrassed/scared to share is all but if ppl wanna hear then I'll talk abt it :D
I'm gonna put it under the cut for anyone that isn't comfortable with all the stuff a stockholm syndrome au would entail :)
The main concept is that c!Techno is known for being like the richest guy on the server. He's more distant in this au, not really that welcoming to people and only truly cares about c!Phil. He's also somewhat of a hoarder of valuable items, but he's kinda grown bored of looking at the same things all the time. He wonders what could truly make him the richest man with the most resources.
Then, he hears that c!Dream's been imprisoned, and, even more interestingly, can revive people. He doesn't rly believe it for a while, until c!Tommy is resurrected. Now, he's very interested seeing as he and Phil only have one life each. But he has to wait for the right opportunity, he can't seem too eager.
So, he waits. While he waits, he creates a secret hidden base underground far from the rest of the smp where his next 'trophy' will stay. The day arrives where he receives the letter, the day he visits Dream and finds, well... something he didn't expect. He's imprisoned as well, he fully expected this. But he didn't expect how Dream seemed to care about him so much, how frantic he became at the thought that his only way out was now trapped with him, how small he looked when he curled into a ball nonsensically rambling and spiraling into paranoia.
Techno also didn't expect the strange feelings that grow as he lives in that little box with the man. Dream initially flinches whenever Techno sits too close to him, but eventually he relaxes, until soon it's clear he craves the physical contact and makes any excuse to touch and get touched.
When Phil finally pops the ender pearl stasis chamber, Techno begins working on plans to break him out immediately.
Once he does, he convinces Dream to stay with him, that nowhere else is safe and Sam and Quackity will find him if he leaves. In fact, he's banking on it, so he'll have the perfect excuse to take Dream to the secret base. It works out exactly as he hopes, only a few days pass before the two are at his door and Dream has a panic attack just at the sight of them. He has a full blown panic attack, clinging to Techno and begging him to not reveal his location. And Techno thinks how this was all too easy.
Of course Techno doesn't say anything to them, and makes sure they know better than to try and force their way in. After they leave, Techno waits until night fall to transport Dream to his 'trophy room'. Dream's hesitant about the cramped space, but he trusts Techno, so he stays. From there, Techno teaches him to listen to everything he says :)
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