#it's weeks later and i'm still cryin over markus and kara
elevenspond · 6 years
me finding your north posts like "screw everyone else in the dbh fandom i respect YOU" and uh 2, 9 and/or 20 for the ask thing?
i’m just trying to make sure north gets all the appreciation she DESERVES because she’s an actual queen and i’d die for her???? so thank you for riding the north love train and please keep it going forever and ever
2. Have you played other Quantic Dream games? If so, how does this compare to them?
i have played fahrenheit/indigo prophecy, heavy rain, and beyond: two souls, all before detroit even came out. playing fahrenheit kinda seemed like an obligation in an “i gotta see how bad this is” way, and hoooo boy it is bad. i don’t recommend it in any capacity other than for the possible lulz and if you just wanna make yourself suffer for a few hours. heavy rain, on the other hand, i actually liked. it was the first quantic dream game i played and i bought it off the shelf at a sale price like six years ago because i thought it looked interesting. it has a lot of glaring problems but overall i had fun with the choices and got pretty invested in it. i’m probably the only person in the world who didn’t see the shelby twist coming, but he was my favorite up until that point and when the twist hit i was so stunned that i cried for like an hour. i was rooting for him, man!! anyway, beyond: two souls is, full disclosure, one of my favorite games i have ever played. i love stories that are rooted in reality but with a sprinkle of supernatural, and jodie holmes being a regular girl with a ghost for a best friend is exactly that. i love the mechanics of being able to switch between controlling her and controlling the ghost, and while there are some parts in the story that i’m kinda meh over, jodie is one of the most relatable protagonists i’ve played.
detroit is more similar to heavy rain than it is to beyond because of its split storyline and massive amount of story-altering choices. beyond is completely focused on a single protagonist and has less choices that affect your ending, though it still has its fair share. overall i’d say detroit is a continued improvement on everything that’s good about quantic dream’s previous games.
9. Favorite trope in the game?
answered here!
20. What were the hardest decisions/actions in each characters’ story for you?
having markus continue to stand his ground instead of fight back during his street march protest was very difficult for me. the riot police didn’t seem like they were going to stop attacking, and like north, i was extremely concerned for the lives of markus’s followers. i didn’t want them to be shot down in the street with no chance of defending themselves. having markus decide to sacrifice himself instead of running away was simply heart wrenching. another difficult choice was choosing not to shoot simon and leave him on the roof of the media tower. i didn’t want to kill him, but i knew the police would use him if they found him (connor did indeed find him later in that playthrough). stealing the bus tickets as kara was also hard and left me feeling guilty for that family, but i was determined to do anything necessary to save alice. having connor shoot chloe wasn’t as hard for me as it seems to have been for some people, just because i’d already decided by that point to have him be completely mission-oriented. most of my genuinely difficult decisions were in markus and kara’s stories.
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