#ita funny jj having more rizz than jean just bc he's a dad now lmao and him being salty about it to the point of considering becoming a dad
niflheim-posting · 1 year
J.J as a dad
Not even in a million years did J.J imagine he would become a father, yet now it's a reality and he's more excited than he's ever been in his whole life.
Now he has a tendency of over thinking everything and anything so during the course of the entire pregnancy he made sure to baby proof the entire lab.
At night he would brings various science and math books to read to his unborn baby just so they grow up to be smart.
J.J also makes sure that his S/O is always comfortable and goes above and beyond taking care of them.
Also imagine a frantic J.J running up and down Niflheim at 3 am just because his S/O is craving strawberries and every single store is closed.
When the baby is born, J.J will be very smug about the fact that he's a dad and constantly claims that his child is as smart as him.
He'll also show them his inventions and experiments. J.J will also let them join him in the lab if they want once they're older and will let them tinker and do their own inventions as well.
This man made his very own camcorder just so he could have every single one pf his kid's milestones and achievements recorded. So far he has 900 videos and 48 picture albums.
Whenever he has to go to the castle he brings his kid along since all the maids and noble women in the castle love it when they come to visit. In fact he's so adored by them all that even King Jean's concubines ignore him completely just to go and spoil that baby rotten. Not even Sunny isn't immune to the baby's cute charm and she'll often be the one watching over the baby while J.J is having an audience with Jean.
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