#its 11 pm anf i feel
unidentifiable-body · 5 months
No because holy shit youre so right
i could stay up late as fuck back home anf get up at the crack of dawn an be fine but here?? God forbid 11 pm hits
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Holy shit thank GOD you understand it's been the fucking worst. And this body isn't even my own. Now I have to deal with having a female one and its so fucking weird for me. ESPECIALLY not being home- When I was there it was usually always fucking sunny and everything was connected and everyone knew eachother. But here? Not at fucking all. Its such a weird ass feeling. Shit. Hell, I had to learn how to use this cellphone shit from another member.
-Vance. ☠︎︎
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NADDIE April 4, 2017 at 9:08 am Can muslim women be models? Honest question, I only know one muslim woman and we never talked about this subject. MEGAN April 4, 2017 at 9:11 am Of course they can. ANONYMOUS April 4, 2017 at 9:14 am Some of them like (Iman or halima Aden) yes but I don’t think there is a lot of muslim models in the industry. But if she identify as a muslim good for her for saying publicly especially right now. LOKIGAL April 4, 2017 at 9:18 am To be Muslim is to believe in the Abrahamic Allah. What follows is the practice such as prayers and fasting etc. we have degrees of religious observance just like others too. While the really strict ones feel faith and practice must follow the strictest code laid down 1500 years ago, others feel faith is spiritual and practice is more flexibly adjusted according to needs. NADDIE April 4, 2017 at 9:40 am I see. Thanks for the answer. Islam has always been a tough subject for me, so I’m trying to get as much information as I can, from the ones who actually practice and believe it. CANNIBELL April 4, 2017 at 10:10 am If you really want to understand Islam, I’d recommend Tamim Ansary’s excellent book “Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World through Islamic Eyes.” It’s vividly written and provides a lot of context for what’s happening in the world today. I’m almost through it and may turn around and reread it again immediately. It’s that good! ELX April 4, 2017 at 10:10 am It is also important to separate cultural practices from the religion of Islam, which itself has seven, I think, major schools of thought and many smaller sects. Mohammed Hadid is Palestinian–the culture of the Levantine countries is very different from Saudi Arabia, for instance. One of the most pernicious things the relentless promotion of Saudi Wahabism has done is inculcate this idea or perception that Saudi cultural affectations and Wahabi beliefs are the only way to be ‘truly’ Muslim. ASIYAH April 4, 2017 at 10:34 am @ ELX yes! Wahhabism is disgusting and I am saddened to see how it has become the predominant form of Islam we see in the media. Must be all that Gulf Arab influence and money. JANEFR April 4, 2017 at 3:27 pm @LokiGal and ELX ! YES YES YES ! Exactly! LOKIGAL April 4, 2017 at 11:01 pm Anytime Naddie, ELX YESSS absolutely! The biggest problem with tolerance and acceptance among muslim is the idea that to be Muslim means to embrace of Arab culture even when the cultural practices run counter to what Muhammad preached. It IRKS me most when they use extreme interpretation of the religion to justify the culture of oppression when the Prophet clearly advocated justice and mercy for women and children. The most obvious of course being the hijab and niqab. It’s whole point is to privatize a woman’s body so that no one she doesn’t want seeing it will, the idea that her beauty is for those who love her and not to be judged by any stranger outside her circle of trust. The wearing of it is between her and God, it’s not even in the main tenets or pillars of faith. Yet it’s been hijacked as the single biggest thing a woman has to do to the point of being state law. It’s appalling. LOVEOTTERLY April 4, 2017 at 10:38 am I think there is a spectrum with any religion. I consider myself a Christian, I celebrate Easter and Christmas but I didn’t save myself for marriage and I don’t go to church regularly. Just for example. BETSY April 4, 2017 at 11:39 am On the cover of Allure right now! Imaam Hammam! CANADIANGIRLGIRL April 4, 2017 at 12:43 pm Yasmeen Ghauri — 90′s supermodel. Muslim. In fact her dad was an imam (priest) at their mosque. ELISA THE I. April 4, 2017 at 12:45 pm Depends which country/region you are from. E.g. Bosnian muslims are quite liberal – one of my best friends is from Sarajevo and you wouldn’t guess she is Muslim. During Ramadan she tries to drink less alcohol/party less, that’s it. In general he rarely talks about religion. Most of the Bosnians I met through her are like that. On the other hand I have a colleague at work from Chechnya who prays at work every day, openly says she would never date outside her community/religious belief etc. And in my previous job I met several Afghan women who were not allowed to work or get an education because it was considered haram (their husbands used to say: “It’s not part of our culture”). And I fully agree with the comments above on Saudi Wahabism. This Bosnian friend told me that Saudis are heavily funding the Muslim community in Bosnia. So nowadays you see women wearing a Burka or Niqab on the streets of Sarajevo – which was not the case when my friend still lived there 15 years ago. PRINCESSBAY April 4, 2017 at 12:50 pm If u follow true Islam no you can not be a model. In Islam your body is cherished and its only for your husband to see. Some Muslims practice Islam to the t but others don’t.That their choice & their life. LARA April 4, 2017 at 1:34 pm Thats like saying only Christans who follow the whole Christan rulebook, e.g. waiting for marriage, womem have to submit to their husbands and should not speak in the community fasting anf praying rules and so on are real Christans. Every religion exists on a spectrum and unsually the fanatics claim to be the “true” followers. JANEFR April 4, 2017 at 3:30 pm Oh god. Who do you think you Are to tell me I’m a bad muslim ? God is in my heart, not in my clothes. Or my bed. JWOOLMAN April 4, 2017 at 4:24 pm There are many flavors of Islam and many ways to be Muslim, just as with other religions. The media tends to focus on just certain cultural manifestations of Islam and assume that’s how everyone expresses their faith everywhere in the world when it’s actually much more limited to certain cultures. So a lot of people who identify as Muslim aren’t perceived as such because they don’t fit that narrow perception.
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