#its almost five AM where i live and i haven't slept since 10 something AM yesterday so im tired and this might not be coherent
bennyyrabbit · 2 months
Scrawny by Wallows is such a good song and also so very Benny Weir. Benny Weir is a character who is pretty skinny and weak and pretty scrawny as long as scrawny doesn't include shortness as a qualifier, and he's obsessed with his hair and validation and he's a dick. He's offensive and a dick and he's desperate for validation, that's why he tries to avoid and cut off Rory. That's why he wants to join the hockey team. That's why he latches on to the idea of David wanting to be his and Ethan's friend. Status and validation. He's an offensive dick who just wants people to like him and he's got fears and issues (and is absolutely the most cowardly of the group) and that is exactly the vibe of Scrawny by Wallows (and matches very well with a lot of the lyrics.) So there.
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