#its been so long since Bill Fred and Kristen have worked together
letitrainasunnyday · 5 years
hi ! I'm kinda new to the bill hader fandom (I've started liking him because he'll be Richie on It Chapter 2 and I looove It) and i've been following you for a while so i know you like him too... and i was just wondering since when do you like him and what could i watch of his. Tahnks!
Hi there! I can’t believe I’m getting a Bill question, this is exciting stuff! 
I also love that more people are starting to appreciate him now that he’s absolutely going to SLAY as Richie Motherfucking Tozier because let’s be fucking real for a second we all know there is only one man capable of doing justice to Trashmouth and that man is Bill Hader. 
I will not be taking questions at this time. 
Anyway, the thing with me and Bill Hader is one of those funny things where I actually liked him before knowing who he was. 
Let me explain. Once upon a time I saw a movie called Adventureland, which, if you haven’t seen, I absolutely recommend: it’s hilarious, it’s got an amazing 80′s bops soundtrack, and it stars Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, and the far more amazing other Kristen, Kristen Wiig, who I love with my entire heart and my entire soul. And also Ryan Reynolds is in it. And, oh, did I mention? Bill fucking Hader. So I saw this movie way back when I was going through my “I love Jesse Eisenberg and all of his indie movies” phase and my first immediate thought upon watching it --other than the music and how funny it was-- was, oh, this couple that runs the amusement park is fucking hilarious. Look at them both!! Legends!!! And I fell in love with them. 
They were Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. Except I didn’t know they were Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. Yet. 
So anyway years later I got into Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I was like HANG ON A MINUTE this Andy Samberg guy... I know this guy... He’s the guy from “I’m On A Boat” so I looked up “I’m On A Boat” again and I was like OH BITCH!!!! This is from Saturday Night Live!!!!! 
(I had seen an episode from Saturday Night Live way back when Fun. was the musical guest because Fun. used to be my favorite band.)
So I started watching SNL clips on YouTube and stumbled upon a beautiful sketch. The most amazing sketch you’ve ever seen in your goddamned life. The funniest shit I’ve ever laid eyes on since The Life of Brian. I was crying, doubled over in laughter. This was The Shit™. 
It was Stefon. 
And then I put two and two together and I was like WAIT A MINUTE THAT’S THE GUY FROM ADVENTURELAND. 
So long story short I saw every SNL episode he was in and he very quickly became my favorite SNL cast member of all time, followed very closely behind by Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg and Fred Armisen. 
I just love Bill Hader. Saying I love him is an understatement, but I just really, really do. He’s pretty much the funniest person I’ve ever known, and makes me laugh constantly. Like, every time he opens his mouth I’m in stitches. And he’s genuinely a Nice Guy. Really, he’s super sweet and kind and you can tell he’s just an honest guy. He’s a Solid Dude™. I would sell my soul for this man. 
Adventureland: I’ve just told you about it. 
(SNL) Stefon: you’ve probably heard/know about him by now. Arguably Bill’s most famous sketch, which he co-wrote with the equally hilarious John Mulaney, who, in my honest and humble opinion, is the best stand up out there right now (check out both of his specials on Netflix) and also the famous creator of the infamous “Salt And Pepper Diner” bit. It’s my favorite SNL sketch, and I hope you love it half as much as I do. 
(SNL) Herb Welch: also written with John Mulaney, he’s an old reporter who hits people with his microphone. Just please watch it. 
(SNL) Vinny Vedecci: I can’t really describe it well enough for you to understand its brilliance. YouTube it and I swear you will not be disappointed. 
Then there’s a few other sketches which I love of his, like Kissing Family, or Hollywood Dish, or The Californians. Basically any sketch where it’s him, Kristen and Fred Armisen is comedy gold. Also, Laser Cats. 
The Skeleton Twins: one of my favorite movies of all time, and it’s 90% because it stars both Kristen AND Bill as estranged twins who both try to commit suicide and I have cried and laughed with this movie and it is brilliantly written and beautifully acted and their chemistry is the most magical thing I’ve ever seen and PLEASE WATCH THE SKELETON TWINS IT CHANGED ME.
Then there’s movies like Superbad, and Trainwreck, and Hot Rod, which are also great. So check em out. 
But here’s the big one...
BARRY: it is the best shit on television right now. Or, one of the best things, for sure. Bill co-created it with Alec Berg and he directs, writes and stars in it and has won 945384 well-deserved Emmys for it and if he doesn’t win them again this year I will fucking riot. It’s a show about a hitman who wants to be an actor and it’s dark and dramatic but also hilarious and I am SO PROUD of Bill for the beautiful work he’s done of this show. Really. It’s so good. It’s so fucking good. Watch Barry. It’s what Bill Hader deserves. 
Also, It: Chapter 2 which I am VERY EXCITED ABOUT and low-key high-key really expectant about Reddie because PJ and Bill are amazing together. 
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