#its called 'welcome back to si0 is very mentally ill and has once again confused his partner with another weird quirk'
si0writes · 1 month
binged season one of kamisama kiss with my gf while she did embroidery and oh my GOD i started fawning over mizuki so hard that i literally tore up my thumbs until they bled and then had to scrub the pillow cover i was using to get all the blood out. needless to say i havent done that since neuvillette was released which was before i started dating my partner and she is EXTREMELY perplexed that accidentally self harming myself without realizing from how overwhelmed i get from adoration is a genuine thing i do when i fall head over heels for a new fictional character.
needless to say i have a new f/o. pls send any mizuki content my way i am SO in love with him. spoilers for stuff past s1 is super fine too!!
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