#its from the tailer 'your christmas or mine'
myheartstopperblog · 2 years
I think it's concerning that I immediately knew this exact shot
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idatafiveblog-blog · 7 years
Retail Business Intelligence: How to Understand Customers
Retail Business Intelligence: How to Understand Customers
ERP Software Singapore l ERP System Singapore
Multichannel Software: ERP system Singapore gives you the tools you need to profile your customer’s more profitable customers, Good multi-channel retailers ERP system Singapore know how to deliver what their customers want when they ask. Great companies know how to provide products before the client requests. Businesses operating multiple sales channels, business intelligence tool is from each channels analysis.
What do you get with multi-channel ERP Software Singapore?
1. The tools to better understand your customers 2. A transparent overview of the complete customer 3. To identify and resolve service bottlenecks, and find new sales opportunities.
RFM is a valuable technique for multichannel retailers increasing turnover, improving business efficiency and improving customer service when underpinned by a suitable multichannel ERP Software Singapore solution.
Consumers demand personalized communications and offer from retailers, and multichannel integration makes expectation a reality. Therefore, The four steps data to create genuine results.
Even where an ERP system Singapore platform underpins business operations, ancillary services still maintain their systems. Thus, Sales and Marketing manage ERP Software Singapore data.
Hence, Multichannel software ERP system Singapore can provide a platform that links disparate systems to create a holistic view of your company and customers.
This data can then be used to:
• Segment your customer groups. • Identify buying trends. • Correct inaccurate records and updates between systems.
The data mined through the multichannel ERP system Singapore can then be put to use, improving your business efficiency.
Suggested uses for ‘mined data’ include:
• Targeted mailshots based on new target groups. • New product creation based on ‘gaps.’ • Improve internal operations where weaknesses have come to light. Regarding multichannel integration, Marketing automation also becomes much simpler; “38% of marketers say their biggest roadblock to efficient use of segment targeting is lack of data on users”
Also, It is also important to realize that customers expect personalized communications and marketing. Your business has a responsibility to know them and communicate according to their preferences. “51% of consumers expect to find personalized merchandising on the home page, as over 60% expect retailers to recommend similar products in addition to related items.”
Also, Multichannel ERP software Singapore also extends beyond linking existing systems. Data can be collected from e-commerce sites, POS terminals in store and any other point at which customers interact with your brand. Thus, with each iteration of your automated marketing cycle, new, valuable information is obtained, ready for further analysis.
“40% of customers believe it is essential to be able to purchase from a retailer from different channels.”
ERP Consultancy
Is your multi-channel ERP software Singapore geared up for mobile?
Thus, Mobile Commerce Is Growing.
Why optimising your website for mobile should be your top priority: here are the stats you can’t afford to ignore.
Current world internet users 2.5 billion Predicted users by 2017 3.7 billion Global e-shoppers 1 billion in 2013 e-Spend 2013 $1 trillion Predicted e-Spend by 2018 $2 trillion
‘How Can Retailers Succeed in the Digital?’
58% of people in the Singapore own a smartphone 40% of smartphone users shop online
50% research potential purchases online
75% research potential product purchases online
The most popular Christmas gift in 2012
And 71% of smartphone owners bought their Christmas gifts using their smartphone.
According to comScore, almost one-third of all Singapore page views come from a mobile smartphone. 25% of all Singapore e-retail visits in 2012.
E-Digital Research 2013 – Effectively measuring the actual reach of your online channels in an increasingly multichannel 70% increase year on year in mobile smartphone visitors to its website.
Thus, The number of smartphone shoppers who make purchases on a weekly basis has almost doubled since 2012.
Hence, With apps specifically tailored for the mobile smartphone plus responsive websites that automatically adapt the site layout according to the instrument.
• 25% of the top 20 online retailers do not even have a mobile smartphone optimised website.
• Only one in ten Singapore retailers has a smartphone optimized site, despite the fact that one generates as many website visits as for smartphones.
• Google research suggests 50% of users have turned to a competitor’s site.
• Consumers in the Singapore are using mobile smartphone technology more and more shop online
• Many e-Tailers are falling short when it comes to embracing m-commerce
• Integrating mobile apps and responsive websites into multichannel
ERP Software Singapore strategyTips Before You Expand Online
For many large retailers, the figures are as chilling as they are indisputable. According to The Centre for Retail Research, more than 243 medium-to-large retailers have gone to the wall in the Singapore since 2009 – figure that translates into the loss of 22,168 bricks and mortar stores and 209,258 jobs.
Hence, Many for the lack of an efficient multi channel retailing ERP system Singapore strategy.
In Conclusion, A good underlying multi-channel ERP system Singapore platform and some creativity, as businesses face up to these challenges, they can also help to cut costs and maximise profit.
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