#its ok guys im waiting for a wendy's order bc im lazy but also curious about their breakfast food
noctomania · 1 year
I have smoked a bowl of weed and I have come up with a whole new education system for america so strap in, we go:
First we start off by selecting a special Master of each field, broadly speaking of course. They must go off on their own into nature and build a little hut where nobody knows where they are, and anyone who wants to work in that career field has to prove they really want it by seeking out this Master of the field, of their own volition, and being trained by them in total isolation and secrecy.
when a master dies the replacement must be someone who was trained and approved by the prior master.
colleges and university buildings will be repurposed into free housing to house people who cannot afford other housing.
Alternative idea: It's a race, whoever can reach the location of the Master is the ONLY one who gets to study and be named the new master. In the time the master spends waiting for people to race to find them they must teach 5 different classes via zoom and if they do not achieve and maintain a 99.9% passing rate they will lose a limb. When they run out of limbs they move onto the rest of their family's limbs....
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