#its paint a gd nose
jtsfavslut · 4 years
Description: No strings attached. That was the only rule.
Inspired by ‘SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK’ by Joji, with a happy ending.
Warnings: Soft Smut (barely anything)
Word Count: 3.09k+
Slow dancing. The only passionate dance where you can’t truly see your partners face. Such a passionate dance. That’s what Grayson felt his relationship with Y/N was. And it sort of was. It was supposed to be intimate and that was it. No feelings; Just pleasure.
Impersonal, is what some would call it. He knew her, he knew every inch of her, but not the way he wanted to know her. He wanted to know what she liked. What she disliked. Things that no one knew about her. Like her favorite band, which he already knew, but other things that were meaningful to her. 
‘Gray come over’ was the text that had managed to break Grayson's thought process.
It was the person he wanted, but the wrong context. 
With a sigh, he responded with an ‘omw’ and left his apartment and made his way to hers. A million thought racing past his mind as he drove until he was finally knocking on her door.
“S’missed you,” she muttered before pulling him inside, smashing her lips against his.
“Missed you too,” he whispered, but she didn’t hear it, he didn’t want her to anyways. 
He meant it in a completely different way than she did.
“Gray,” she moaned at the feeling of his hands traveling around her body before she gripped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it off his body, as he did the same thing to her.
His lips latched onto her neck, painting a pretty picture which he was sure she was gonna remember him with.
“Fuck I’ve missed this,” she moaned at the feeling of his hands gripping her ass causing a smirk to spread across his face. 
“Yeah? How bout’ this?” he asked before his hand moved down to cup one of her most private places, making shivers run down her spine.
“Mhm,” she moaned before her hand caught hold of his jaw, pulling his face up to her’s and pressing his plumped lips against hers. “Quit the teasing,” she muttered against his lips, a chuckle being his response. 
“Yeah? What do you want?” he asked, making her groan. 
He knew she hated that. She hated begging. The asking. The feeling of vulnerability. 
Yet he was the only one, who made her feel that way. That made her beg, make her ask for what she wants. 
“Come on angel, tell me, what do you want?” he asked, the small little pet name causing a field of butterflies to erupt in her stomach, while he blushed because it slipped. 
“I want you, Grayson,” she muttered, slightly annoyed while Grayson’s ego grew. 
“Then you have me. All of me,” he spoke, whispering the last part before laying her down on the couch, his hands quickly slipping her small biker-shorts off her body, his eyes traveling down her almost naked body, while his hands slipped the rest of their clothes off. 
“Don’t take it easy on me Gray,” she smirked, making his eyes turn dark and cold, and full of lust.
“I wasn’t planning on to,” he smirked before slamming his dick in her pussy, a pleasure-filled scream falling past her lips. 
“Oh my God Grayson don’t sto-...do- don't stop please,” she moaned, taking a second to gather her thoughts as her eyes paid a long visit to her brain.
“You like this? You like how I’m destroying your tight little pussy? You little whore,” he grunted making her eyes widened. 
Not that she didn’t enjoy that, but Grayson wasn’t the type to use those types of words, at least with you. 
“I do. I do so fucking much,” you moaned and felt his hand move from your back to pressing his thumb against your clit.
“Good,” he muttered before fasting his pace, causing a string of curse words to fall past her lips.
And that’s how it went. Teeth clashing, purple necks, toes curling, earth-shaking orgasms, multiple times. 
“Oh my god, you’re gonna have to leave town every weekend,” she sighed out of breath while her hand was still tied to the headboard.
“I was still in town Y/N,” he said causing her eyes to widen, “Have you been with anyone else?”
“What? No. I’ve been talking to someone, but I think I got confused,” she said, her words stabbing his heart with every letter that it was made up of. 
“Oh,” was the only thing he said before getting up, wrapping a blanket around his waist and walking over to her, untying the knot, freeing her hand.
“Where you going?” she asked when she noticed him walking away. 
“Take a shower,” he muttered before walking away and leaving her alone on the bed.
And that’s how it went for a couple of weeks. She would text him the quick ‘come over’ and Grayson would be on his way like a lost puppy, while she did and didn’t do whatever she wanted. 
This time Grayson said no. 
He simply said no. Causing a frown to spread across her face at his attitude. 
Maybe he’s having a bad day? Was her only thought. 
She truly cared for him. Maybe not in the way that he wanted, but she really did.
With a sigh, she got up from the couch slipping up a pair of sweatpants with a simple t-shirt, and a dirty pair of air forces. 
She left her small and humble apartment, got in her car, and drove to his. Her mind clouded with questions and a bit of pain.
Why was he so cold? Did he not want to do it anymore?
Those were the main questions. The only ones that she wanted an answer to. 
So with a click of her key, she locked her car and made her way to his door. 
After two knocks a confused and shirtless Grayson opened the door, sweat dripping down his forehead, probably from his workout. 
“What are you doing here?” he casually asked, making her think he didn’t want her there.
“I came to check if you were okay,” she muttered, and a scoff was his only response for a couple of seconds.
“Why? Because I said no I wouldn’t be okay? Because I didn’t go crawling for you means I’m not okay?” he spoke as his words turned louder over time, hitting her with a pang of hurt because she had no idea of what he was referring to. 
“What? No. I came because I care for you and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” she whispered, suddenly being washed away with emotions. 
We could say you were not a confrontational person, but when it came to people you cared about. So this? This, you were hating.
“You care?” he scoffed with a sarcastic laugh, “You care? Y/N do you? Do you really care? Or are you just saying this because I didn’t want to hook up with you?” he said earning a scoff from her. 
“Alright, what is going on? This is not the Grayson I know. And no, I’m not just saying that because your feelings are more important than a quick hookup,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes at his sudden attitude.
“Grayson, I can’t finish myself up,” the girliest voice she thought she’s ever heard, shouted from inside his apartment, and she nodded her head with a chuckle
“I guess you’re completely fine, go finish her up Gray,” she sarcastically said before turning around and leaving. 
Was she jealous? Maybe she was. But that wasn’t the reason why she was upset. 
She was upset because he was her best friend. He was her best friend and he blew her off to be with a barbie wanna bitch, well that’s what she called her. The point was, she was hurt because he was angry at her. And she didn’t know why. 
Meanwhile, Grayson was upset at himself. Thinking he ruined the only thing he had. Even if it’s not what he wanted, he at least had it in some way. 
Even if it was impersonal, but now he had nothing, and he was angry. 
“Leave. Please,” he told the girl once he walked into his bedroom. 
“What?” she scoffed. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not in the mood anymore,” he sighed, putting on one of his t-shirts when suddenly the scent made its way to his nose. 
The scent of her perfume. A scent he adored so much. The scent of her. That scent represented her and no one else.
“It’s okay. I heard your conversation. You love her don’t you?” she asked, getting up from his bed and putting her clothes back on while he sighed. 
“I don’t know. But I know she doesn’t feel the same way,” he said and she nodded her head and sat down next to him. 
“Have you spoken to her about it? You never know until you try,” 
“I didn’t think I could make it more obvious. I’m always replying to her texts as soon as I receive them. She says come over and I drop everything I’m doing and get there in under 5 minutes, I’m always making sure she doesn’t need or is missing anything. How more obvious can I be?” He spoke and she listened. 
Meanwhile, Y/N had no one to vent to. No one to hear her, no one to listen to her. 
She was confused. So confused when it came to her feelings. And Grayson knew that. She was always confused, so she wondered what she did to make him upset.
But she couldn’t come up with anything. She hadn’t done anything bad. She hadn't broken the rule, at least not verbally so what exactly did she do?
She decided to ask him. But not now. She thought he needed space so that’s what she’s going to give him and plenty of it. 
Three weeks to be exact. She gave him three weeks before standing in front of his door and knocking on his door, except this time, a blonde girl opened it, with a smile that Y/N could see right through. 
“Is Grayson here?” she spoke in a monotone voice. 
“Yeah, why?” The girl asked, fixing the collar of her shirt.
“Can you tell him Y/N is here and that she needs to speak with him,” she said, the girl’s face dropping at the mention of her name. 
“Sure,” she muttered before closing the door and walking to get him, which took a couple of minutes for unknown reasons. 
“What?” he said after he opened the door, she looked down, refusing to look at his face. 
“How’d you know?” was the only thing she asked. He stepped out and closed the door, not wanting his private conversation to be heard by anyone. 
“How’d you know I broke the rule? I never told you,” she said again and he shook his head. 
“What rule Y/N? What are you talking about?” he asked, getting impatient. 
“The one fucking rule. The one rule that said I wasn’t supposed to fall for you! How’d you know that I did? Because I never told anyone. Is that why you broke it off without any explaining whatsoever?” She questioned and finally looked up at him. Only three weeks and he already looked different, he had a beard, and his hair was a bit longer.
“I didn’t know that. That’s why I broke it off,” he whispered and she shook her head.
“Then what was it? Because you seem happy now. Just blow me off with no explanation. And who is she?” 
“I stopped it because I fell in love with you. I fell in love from the minute I saw you walk out of the smoothie shop. And I knew you didn’t love me back, so I stopped it before I got more hurt,” he explained and she nodded her head. 
“Who is she?” she asked again, disregarding his previous statement. 
“Alex,” he whispered.
“Are you together?”
And when he stayed quiet, she knew. She knew they were. 
She knew she had lost him. Lost him to someone she didn’t know existed. 
She lost him because she wasn’t clear about her feelings. Or lost him because maybe they weren’t meant to be. After all, everything happens for a reason; Even if that reason makes no sense at the time. 
“Bye Grayson. I wish you the best,” she spoke before turning around and leaving. 
This was now the second time. The second time she left that building feeling heartbroken. The first being when she came to make sure he was okay and he blew her off, and this time he rejected her with no words. 
It was true what they said. Mixing sex with friendships wasn’t always the best. And it was true. Maybe if she never introduced the idea at all and told him how she felt, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. 
But the many ‘what if’s’ were not helping at all. They were what if’s after all, an alternate universe of some sort, and that was it. 
In the real world, she was lonely, and he wasn’t, and that was it. 
Her apartment felt different. It did ever since she came back that day. It’s been two weeks and she no longer hears his obnoxious laugh that she loved to hear. His loud voice echoing through the hallways. His horrible singing voice coming out of the shower. Her giggles as he chased her through the apartment. Before his arms wrapped around her and he slammed her down on the couch, before pressing his lips against hers. 
At that moment she should’ve known. 
She should’ve known that she was desperately, and deeply falling in love with him. 
And that he was with her. 
She missed him. She truly did. She missed everything good about him and his bad habits. 
She missed yelling at him to put the toilet seat down. She missed yelling at him to dry the counters after he made a mess with water after washing the dishes. She missed his cute corny dad jokes that made her laugh until tears were streaming down her face. She missed the way his hands felt when they were on her body. The feeling of his lips against hers. She just missed him. 
And he missed her too. He missed getting yelled at, even when he found it annoying at the time. He missed chasing her around until he finally had her cornered and she had nowhere to go then picking her up. He missed her ‘come over’ texts. He missed her tiny hands wrapped around his neck. The way she chanted his name when he was hitting oh so perfectly. He just missed her. 
They just missed each other. But they were too stubborn to go see each other. They were equally stubborn which wasn’t that good of a mix. Arguing over the silliest things. If Grayson saw green it was green, if Y/N saw blue it was blue.
“Grayson that was at least three times,” she argued and he shook his head. 
“It was three,”
“It was not. If it was three we still wouldn't be here,” she scoffed.
“How are you gonna tell me how many times I threw the ball?” he asked, emphasizing the I.
“By telling you. I was watching you. It was five and the conversation is over,” she groaned before walking away. It takes two to argue, and by walking away she also had the last word, 
And that’s just who they were. Argued over something silly, then be perfectly fine a couple of minutes after.
They also missed each other's presence. When you’re around a person almost all day, every day, and they’re suddenly gone, you don’t only miss them but you also miss the feeling of the person being there. And that’s what was happening, they were missing their energy. 
Getting fed up with the waiting, and sadness, they both got up, at the same time, and walked to their cars and drove to each other's apartments, and knocked at the door, knocked but no one answered. 
‘Open the door’ was the text that they sent to each other. Grayson quickly clicked the little phone icon and called her, each ring adding on to his nerves. 
“Where are you?” he asked the second she answered. 
“In front of your door, where are you?” she replied, anxiously chewing on her nails while walking back and forth. 
“At your door. Stay where you. I’m on my way,” he replied and hung up, racing down the stairs and driving over the speed limit, what was usually a ten-minute drive turned into a five minute one.
Filled with so much emotion, a few tears manage to fall past his eyelids as he ran up the stairs to his apartment.
The sight of her nervously walking back and forth while chewing on her nails was enough to make his heart swell. 
“Y/N,” he said, causing her to turn around and stop her pacing. 
“I love you,” they both whispered before falling into each other. 
“I love you so fucking much,” Grayson muttered against her hair, she tried to hold back her tears but couldn’t.
“I love you more. So fucking much Gray,” she said against his chest, the vibration running through his entire body. 
“I missed you,” he said, picking her up before unlocking his door and walking inside. 
“I missed you more,” she smiled as he sat her down on his island in the middle of his kitchen. 
“I don’t think that’s possible,” he said, making her chuckle. 
“I’m serious, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” you said looking away, his staring causing her to blush. “I missed your stupid loud laugh, and your horrible singing, your dumb jokes, I just missed you,” she said causing him to smile, he placed his finger on her jaw, softly turning her head so that she was facing him. 
“I missed you too. I missed your cute and loud laugh. Your corny dad jokes, your little baking moments, yelling at me like you’re my mom, I missed my best friend and I missed you,” he spoke looking directly into her eyes. 
“Remember when I told you not to follow me?” he randomly said and she sent him a look of confusion. 
“I said ‘don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms’,” he said and she nodded her head. 
“I was telling you, that I love you,” 
Tags: @ghostlydolan @guiltydols @evergreendolan @blazedgraysons @rhyrhy462 @simplyxdolxstyles @thecoletomysprouse @ydolanssss @dolansdavidson @vintagedolan @dolanissues
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bonnieventure · 3 years
6, 9, 11
hi kaylee !! thanks for stopping by ( ^ w ^)/ i did a read more cut for dash readers since i went on a bit LOL
💁‍♀️ 3 nice things about myself physically + 3 things non physical:
hmmm. for the physical part - 1. i think my big feet are funny and i like their proportion because when i wear big chunky shoes, i think it balances out the ‘volume’ of my outfits in a nice flattering way, if that makes sense ! very cartoon character silhouette lol 2. i have this little part under my nose, like i think perhaps its just slightly more pronounced end bit then others, and i’ve had multiple ppl in my family comment u could grab me by it ???? like to yank me over to somewhere. the visual of this is utterly surreal. i’m not sure why this why was my 2# because its not really a feature but. well, again, the visual  3. uhmmmm...hmmm uh...nails. like to paint them sometimes. so, glad i got those, even in a nubbly form
not physical - 
1. i make art in part to entertain myself so i suppose it’s a given that i like mine !! i’m rather fond of my pieces and i feel glad that i’m usually able to surprise myself because i never have any idea where i’m going with them dflkgjfg. it’s always a nice surprise where a sketch ends up 2. i’m thankful for my ability to ‘bounce back’ from things relatively quickly. i’m happy i have the quality to cheer myself up, or talk myself thru things most of the time. a ‘self-soothing’ trait ? 3. altho of course it’s not always a positive trait, i’m happy that the coping mechanism i picked up as a child was daydreaming / spacing out. i like when i’m bored/upset/stressed/tired/etc. being able to just completely zone away from even the concept of being a person sometimes, into whole other different places, sceneries, people, etc. it’s comforting to not feel so ‘trapped’ when in a stressful situation. 
💆‍♀️ what calms me down: 
i’ve been having some migraine trouble creep back up lately so smth i’ve been trying to do is just lay down w astro n listen to binaural beats and have like a mini nap, i find it’s been helping...altho has been making my sleep schedule at night a bit wacky haha 
👭 my ideal date: 
omg..this is silly but i’ve been rly wishing for a valentines this year........with that in mind (and given current pandemic events) i think a simple but cute over da web ‘date’ (?) idea would b making each other cute goofy cards to present to each other ? 🥺 or watching each other’s 1# fav movie ? curated playlists for one another ?? OR...gd ok this one’s lame i know but humour me, taking silly online blogthings quizzes together 😭...m-making a sim house together ...? AH... what if u spent the day making smth together, like a comic or collab piece, or like ocs u surprise each other w........ u know i’m trying to imagine anyone but me reading this list and not being like ..🤨 but.. its the truth ! just think they’d be fun lil mini adventures ... 
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lanamemories2 · 4 years
Tumblr media
clip clops in on horseback wearing a pointy little dunces hat n sipping frm a rly long crazy straw tht says ‘goblin’ w all of the swirls. Hlo. i’m nai n it’s rly nice to meet u all!!! 23 n she/ha pronouns. i’m one of the three admins here (cleo lazuli on the main) n i’m literally So Excited to get started i cld honestly beat my chest like caesar the ape over it. more abt lana under the cut!!! also like this or hmu if u wna plot n her pinterest is here 👺🌚 
『KRISTINE FROSETH ❙ CIS-FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like LANA JAMESON is here for HER JUNIOR year as a DANCE student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be VIVACIOUS, ALLURING, CHILDISH & IMPULSIVE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ NAI. 23. GMT. SHE/HER.
scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open. 
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly…. took a dark turn there….. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably Very Pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
(hypersexuality tw) this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of… almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended radcliffe n lived in a house w a group of guys near campus. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially…ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n a guy called zeke slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). ANYWAY he ws found guilty n sent to jail so it ws like Intense n a gd example of the kinds of disastrous relationships she gets herself into. perks of being a wallflower voice: We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve.
always smells vaguely of wild cherries or strawberry starburst or jst the candy aisle in general. if she ws a vinyl record she’d b this one n she’d only play good vibrations by the beach boys, dancing on my own by robyn, play that funky music by wild cherry, femme fatale by the velvet underground n (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones 
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. 
deliberately puts on tht kind of Magnetic Alluring Act tht femme fatales wear in movies w most ppl. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand ridiculously absurd n chaotic stories
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. 
always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. 
she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. 
daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually ever been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. 
mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? 
a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other.
a fake dating plot cld b fun honestly 
someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh
an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool)
someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label
someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh
umm a good influence too mayb? 
oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. 
honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. world’s our oyster fellas!
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darkredehmption · 4 years
Solo written by ‪@OfFeatherNFang ‬
#Solo ‘The Night is for Hunting’
Mentions @DamagedBrother and @PanwerePredator
As the wind tore at my wings, threatening to push me off course, I said yet another string of curses, each of them lost in the turbulence.
Battling the elements forced me to consider the fact that the universe itself was telling me i should never have left the manse, but of the few things I had to my name, my word, my honour, was among the most priceless. As a Hunter, that meant even more. No one wanted to work with a hunter they couldn’t trust, and hunters that couldn’t be trusted didn’t last long.
So I forced my exhausted body to keep fighting, drawing up whatever dregs of strength I had left to keep myself airborne and heading in the right direction. This would’ve been so much easier if I could just dematerialize, but it was one of the few vampiric traits I’d wanted and not received.
Thinking of vampires only distracted me, my thoughts turning to Zsadist like a sunflower turned to follow sunlight. Leaving the male at the shifter’s bedside had twisted at something deep and primal in me, and now it screamed at the fact I’d left; left, when he was already unsteady from nearly losing his friend.
There was no reconciling that part of me, no soothing it as it tore strips off me inside and berated me with cold words. I could only do as I’d promised - help my hunter friend, and return. Keep my promise to return.
By the time I reached the address Ethan had given me I was ready for that biting wind to blow me over. Landing was more of a bracing stumble, my wings trembling as I tried and failed to fold them to my back. When that didn’t work, my primaries trailing in the mud slick grass, I gave up and retracted them completely. Even that Divine effort cost me as I paused, counting to ten as the world tilted then righted itself.
The house was the very last at the bottom end of a street. It’s closest neighbour was boarded over, the signs of looking even more decrepit than I felt. Stepping over the threshold into the yard, I did the usual sweep. A jet fuelled lawn mower wouldn’t have made a dent in the gardens, the grass too high and wild. The pathway itself was cracked and broken, pieces of cement slowly starting to creep away into that sea of swaying yellow brown. One slab looked like it’d been overturned at some point, dirt flecked across the surface. I managed a tired smile as I realized there was probably some sort of magical ward now painted on the other side.
Though I wouldn’t want to perform an exorcism in my front yard, it helped that there weren’t neighbours too close to witness it.
Reaching the front door, I eyed the windows either side, all covered, and then the frame of the door itself. Kernels of salt poked out from under the door, and I knew the inside would be a thorough line. The heavy duty wards against demons didn’t go uncatalogued as I managed to lift my hand and knock.
A voice I didn’t recognise answered.
“State your business!”
An understandable request, but after fighting off a narcissistic vampire to save his human servant’s soul and then flying hours to get here in what could only be categorized as aerial hell, I was less than jovial in my response. Besides, I’d already stepped over the demon ward - if anyone was bothering to pay attention that should’ve been hint enough I was, mostly, human.
“I bring good tidings of the word of the Lord,” I called back, sounding as tired as I felt. “He says he can save your immortal souls if you’ll only open the fucking door and get me a beer.”
Indeed the door cracked open, but the strange face that leered out did not look altogether impressed by my banter. Somehow, I mustered up a grin.
“You some sort of smart ass? Donchu know you got about four rifles pointed at you son?”
I huffed a sigh. “Only four? I’m insulted.” His brows drew together in a frown, so I quickly pushed on. “M’ here for Ethan, buddy. He’s calling in a favour and here I am.”
“You’re a hunter?”
His disbelief and sarcasm was only marginally more endearing than his unfaltering skepticism. Lifting one hand, slowly, I braced it on the frame and leant forward. The rifle nosed its way into the gap, pointed right at my chest.
“Look, Chief of Security, I travelled a long way very quickly to be here for /Ethan/,” I repeated his name with emphasis. “So if you want my help, now’s the time to go get him. Otherwise, he can stick his favour and I’ll head on home.”
It was a lie. I doubted my ability to walk to the end of the street at this point, but I needed this shit to move along faster than it was, and after a beat, the guy playing guard dog seemed to agree with me. Backing away from the door, rifle still trained on me, he allowed me the courtesy of stepping in and shutting out the miserable weather behind me.
He hadn’t been lying about the number of rifles. From where they’d been aimed at me in cracks at the windows they now swivelled to track me inside. I didn’t falter, used to the greeting.
“Ethan!” I called.
There was a thump, then a curse, then the scrabble of footsteps as someone hustled from another room.
“F’fuck’s sake, can’t a man get an hour of rest~” He cut himself off as he rounded the corner to catch sight of me. He whistled long n’ low, a grin splitting his face as he ignored all the weapons to step through the group and take my offered arm in a warriors embrace. “You made it here fast.”
Thumping his back, I gave a nod and eased away. The others, at last, lowered their weapons.
“Flew. Wouldn’t have made it here until tonight if I’d taken the car.”
“We’re still waiting on a few faces,” he admitted, eyeing me. “Maybe it’d do you some good to kip as well. You look like shit man.”
“Feel like it,” I agree. “I left that little problem I spoke to you about and came straight here.”
He looked almost guilty at that, nodding his head.
“Sorry to have called in that favour so fast but... we have a situation here n’ I wanted to deal with it before they got wind of us coming.”
I glanced to the other hunters, all of whom were watching and listening carefully.
“You invite a bevy of hunters to one small town n’ you don’t think they’ll notice?” I asked quietly, arching a brow.
“He still needs to be tested!” Guard dog piped up. The way Ethan’s lips thinned let me know that he wasn’t exactly a fan of the guy either, but endured for the hunt. As we all did. He shot me a look and i simply shrugged, waiting for the flask of holy water to be passed over by GD. I took a swig, but like he didn’t believe I’d swallowed (and trust me, I do) he flicked the container at me to spray a little over my chest. I answered by squirting a stream of it back between my teeth.
Ethan snorted as GD jerked away, cursing and scowling.
“Can I get a real drink now?”
Flashing me a grin, Ethan grabbed one from fuck knew where and tossed it over. Then he gestured at the others.
“Our doorman here is Will. That’s Jack, Sarah and Tyrone.
I spared each of them a glance and a nod, before Ethan looked to them and gestured at me.
“This is Malachi.”
“Well, how did Malachi get here if there’s no car parked outside?” Will groused, keeping a firm grip on his rifle even if it wasn’t pointed at me.
The duffel slung over my shoulder felt like it weighed a ton as I shifted it into a more comfortable position. He had a point though; the only things that arrived without wheels in this world were angels and demons.
“Mal is a special breed of help,” Ethan soothed, before I could open my mouth and come up with some semblance of a half decent lie. “Why don’t y’all go back to keeping watch, eh? I got shit to discuss with Mal.”
I wriggled my fingers in a cute wave, Will bristling even as the other three either gave nods or tried to hide smiles. Following Ethan through the house, I noted the towers of books, most occult, the shell compress and trays of silver bullets, as well as the symbols drawn on every available surface. Floors. Ceiling. Walls.
“What is this place?” I murmured, pinning the spot between Ethan’s shoulders with a look.
He glanced over his shoulder at me, pausing before a bedroom with two cots and gesturing in. I stalked to the cot that seemed the least slept in, and dumped my kit at the end of it. The relief of having it off my shoulder was exquisite as my body begged for me to lie back on that creaky cot and close my eyes.
Instead I sipped from my drink and sat, bracing my elbows on my knees. Ethan sat across from me. By the look of the tangled sheets, the thump I’d heard on my entry had been him falling out of this same cot.
“How’d your shifter problem work out?”
His voice was almost guilty, and I shrugged as I glanced to the boarded up, salt lined window.
“I think it worked. He was still alive when I left.”
“Hey… m’ sorry to call in my marker so fast~”
I held up my hand to silence him, shaking my head.
“If you called it in so fast it must be urgent. N’ my people are looking after the shifter. So… it’s fine.” It wasn’t. “I’m here.” Reluctantly…
Ethan nodded, looking at his hands joined in his lap, then back up at me and managing a rueful smile.
“Your shifter could be the first one to live through the bond that I’ve heard of.”
“He’s not my shifter,” I replied automatically, thinking of Hadrian and taking another sip from my bottle.
Thinking of the panwere had my mind turning to Zsadist, and I thought of the vampire with a sharp pang of longing. What had it been, a few hours? And I already felt like some piece of me was missing.
“What m’ I here for, Ethan?” I continue, arching a brow.
Leaning back on his cot until his back was half slumped against the wall, he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. The faint light he’d managed to conjure in his eyes, even in such a tired state, faded away.
“Things are moving Mal. Have you heard anything from upstairs?”
I balked at the question, and the fact he’d even bothered to ask. Few knew who and what I was, and even then they tended to know better than to ask if I had any input from the Creator. Shaking my head, I leant back from my braced position, beer forgotten in my hand.
“You know I don’t get office memos, Ethan.”
He made a face, though not at me, as if he resented the fact I was out of the Divine loop.
“There’s a nest of demons here.”
I blinked. “Demons?”
He nodded, finally meeting my gaze again. “At least a dozen or more. It’s as if the local town has become a vessel port. Demons come in and board the ships and sail on into their lives.”
“Cute metaphor,” I muttered. “Then what’s the plan? Exorcism or extermination?”
A calculated look.
“Whatever doesn’t get us killed. I’ve called in a few more markers, and we’re just waiting on them to arrive as well. Then, tonight, we’ll move.”
There was incredulity in my voice, and I couldn’t help it. Facing off against a demon horde tonight meant I was still a minimum twenty-four hours from flying back to Zsadist and the Brothers. It felt like forever.
“They meet after dark. And generally when they do, their numbers swell again. We need more bodies to help us but if we wait any longer we’ll be facing a small army,” he explained, raking a hand through his auburn hair and lifting one leg to brace on the cot. “We’ve assessed where, and we have a few plans, but once the rest arrive, we’ll finalize everything. Then we move. Until then?” He arched a brow and looked me over, then tilted his head toward the cot. “You should get some rest. You look like hell.”
Letting out an exasperated noise, I finished my drink and set the bottle beside my cot on the floor. Then I kicked off my boots.
“The dream team out there got this?”
Ethan grinned and nodded, turning and laying back himself to tuck one arm behind his head. I reached for the blanket folded at the end of my bunk and pulled it up and over myself. As I lay back, my exhausted body chirped in gratitude.
“They got this. Get some beauty sleep. Lord knows you need it.”
I flipped him off as I grinned and dropped my head to the pillow. A beat later, I thought of Z, of his golden eyes and the warmth of him at my side in bed.
A beat after that, I passed out.
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
omg requests are open again??? i'm so happy 🙌🏼 could i possibly request a little something for aranea and/or cindy and their s/o? maybe something fluffy like morning cuddles or date night or something more spicy like making out or a morning after scenario 👀 lmao i am gd w whatever honestly bc my poor bi heart is just..... so thirsty for content for these ladies..... 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 thank you!!!! have a great day 💙
combining with: [clenches fist] there needs to be more cindy x readers… where are the lady lovers in the writing community, my lesbian heart is in need. so might i request some cindy x fem reader with cuddles and soft kisses? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
I come bearing sapphic gifts
The room was dark save for the few candles that burned away on the nightstand.  The window in the room was open, the warm night air causing the curtain to billow like something out of a movie.  The wind carried with it the smell of cooling sand, wildflowers, and the coming of rain. The atmosphere of the room alone was enough to lull you into the land between the waking and dreaming.
But then of course there was the hand on your bare back, drawing gentle patterns with its calloused fingertips.  You pulled your gaze from the open window – the starry skies beckoning you to come join them and fly away to a land where anything was possible – to look at the woman beside you.  Her hair was sleep mussed, sticking out at odd ends in the most endearing way.  Her brilliant blue eyes  dusted with sleep as she stared off into the distance, thinking, losing herself to the inner workings of her mind.  After all, the night was the perfect time to let your mind wander to every corner it could.
Your own hand was settled on Cindy’s stomach, just as unmoving as the world seemed to be this late at night.  Your legs were tangled with Cindy’s under the mess of sheets that adorned the bed and your lower bodies.  You could feel each curve of her leg, the muscles there not quite as prominent as the ones that lined her arms and back.  There was naught up a whisper of space between your entwined bodies.
Your eyes stayed glued to Cindy’s profile, unabashed, as she turned her head to look down at you. “Whatcha lookin’ at?”
“You,” was your reply. You would have said more but the look on your face spoke every unspoken syllable.  You’re the most exquisite person that I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.  If home were a person, you would be mine.  I don’t deserve to have you, but damn am I thankful to every Astral in existence that I get to call you mine and be called yours in return.  
“You’re so beautiful,” she murmured, lips coming down to press gently to the top of your head.  
“I always knew you only liked me for my looks,” you said, tone playful as you scrunched your nose.
“Didn’t I tell ya I was the most shallow gal in Hammerhead?” Cindy’s following laugh was like bottled sunlight, spreading warmth in its wake.  It was easy to join in with her simple joy, your own laughter coming to join with hers in a melody of true happiness.  “I mean it though,” Cindy continued once the laughter in the room had died down back to a comfortable quiet.  “You’re more beautiful than any rose or new car, and lucky for me that beauty ain’t only skin deep.”
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks at her words.  Accepting compliments had never been one of your strong suits, yet Cindy always had an arsenal full of words to build you up no matter the situation.  You turned your head to hide your face in the crook of her arm, reappearing once you had calmed your racing heart.  No matter how long it had been, no matter how use to her you had thought you’d become, she always managed to make you feel like a school girl with a crush again.  “I love you,” you whispered, a dopey smile still gently gracing your features.
“Really?” She asked, feigning surprise.  “Well I’ll be, I never woulda guessed.”
You couldn’t contain the small snort you let out at her theatrics.  “Are you planning to go into acting?”
“Depends, do ya think I’d be any good?”
“Oh most definitely,” you replied, nodding your head with conviction.
“Well I guess I oughta tell Paw-Paw I’m movin’ t’ the big city to chase my new dream.” As you listened to her speak you smiled to yourself.  Her southern accent always became that little bit more pronounced when she was tired.  It was beyond endearing and you could easily listen to her talk for the next age.
“You won’t forget about lil’ ol’ me will you?” You asked, eyes wide with mock worry.
“Of course not,” Cindy replied.  “How could I ever forget the face of the gal that’s won my heart?”  She moved out of your arms to come hover over you just the slightest bit, her chest coming to line up almost perfectly with yours.  She ghosted her lips over your own, and you rolled your eyes when you felt her smile mischievously, teasing you with her almost-kisses.  Bringing your hands up, you cupped her cheeks and brought your in for a true kiss.
Kissing Cindy was always a strange mixture of new yet familiar.  The way her lips moved against yours was familiar, but the tone of the kiss was always new.  This time the kiss was painted with lazy admiration, her lips moving languidly against yours.  Her breath still held the fading mint of her toothpaste.  You could smell the shampoo she used as the ends of her hair tickled your forehead.  This kiss was late night drives and easy conversation.  This kiss was two people finding a home in each other and accepting everything within.
Cindy finally pulled away, chest heaving slightly as she gazed down at you, nothing but awe sparking those crystalline eyes.  “Now that’ll never get old,” she said softly.  Pressing her lips to yours once more, this kiss a whisper of what the previous one had been, she whispered, “I love you, darlin’.  So much.”
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hobeemin · 7 years
Natural Born Assassins: Part 2
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Genre: Thriller/Crime/Assassin AU
Pairing: Yoongi x OC  
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Mood Music: The Academy
Part 1 |*| Part 2 |*| Part 3 |*| Part 4
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Ros pulled the trigger letting the bullets hit the targets flying into her sight. Her mood hadn’t improved since the day she lost the sparring match. Not only did she walk away with a nasty looking bruise on the hip and her ego deflated, but Yoongi hadn’t the decency to apologize yet. He just kept that smirk on his face every time he passed her in the halls. She held back the temptation to punch him in the jaw. Instead, she found solstice by releasing the tension at the shooting range. Though maybe putting pictures of Yoongi on the targets was a bit much. Jimin watched with concern. Namjoon joined not long after. Both watched from afar with noise-canceling headphones to protect their hearing as she shot bullet after bullet into the targets. Seeing them in her peripheral, she ceased the firing and holstered her gun. After slipping off her glasses and earplugs, she glanced at them curiously.
Namjoon gave her a weary look and gestured to the targets. "A bit dramatic, even for you, Ros.”
Ros shrugged, playing around with the set of guns in front of her. "This isn't dramatic, Namjoon. I'm centering my chi.”
Jimin's eyes widened and pointed to one of the targets. Its head was in pieces. "You call this centering your chi?! I’d hate to see what you would do to me if I piss you off.”
Namjoon removed his glasses and wiped the smudges off. “Whether you hate him or not, Yoongi is still going to be your partner,” he warned.
Suddenly she felt tiny in front of her friend. Still, it only made her temper rise more; she was just smart about where to direct it. “Whatever,” Ros mumbled.
Namjoon gave her cheek a pinch and chuckled. “You’ll be fine. Anyway, dinner plans have changed. You’ll be going with me to the Board meeting.”
Ros gripped the gun tight as it almost slipped from her grasp. “The Board? They want to have dinner with me?”
Namjoon nodded. “Yes, you, Yoongi, and myself. Dress nice.”
Her expression darkened. "What are they up to, Namjoon?"
He shrugged. “Hell, if I know. Just be ready by six. I’ll come get you from your room.”
Jimin gave her a reassuring smile. “It won’t be so bad.”
She scoffed as placing the guns back in the cage. “Right.”
Sure enough, Namjoon knocked on her door at precisely 6 o’clock. She ran to open the door, shoes in hand. He nodded in approval.
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“You clean up nicely.”
Ros scowled, punching him. "I can look nice when I want to," she snapped.
He chuckled and held out his arm. “If you say so.”
They walked to the east wing of the Academy, where the Board members resided. Ros could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. She hadn’t seen anyone from the Board since the accident. With a small gulp, Namjoon reached the double doors as a butler gave them a short bow.
"Ah, yes. The Board is expecting you all. Mr. Min Yoongi is already present.”
Ros held back a groan as they followed the butler into the dining room.
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Six individuals mingled with drinks in their hands, talking to each other quietly. The conversation ceased when the tallest man held his hand up, bringing their attention to the two newcomers. Ros felt the heat in her cheeks as she bowed to the Board members.
The man stepped forward with a quiet smile and taking her hand into his. “I speak for everyone here to say that we are pleased you’ve agreed to come back, Ros.”
She mumbled, looking away from his gaze. "Director Jung Jihoon-nim, it's an honor, but I don't need the praise."
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He chuckled, squeezing her hand. "So formal Ros. Please, you make me feel old.”
She nodded with a smile looking around the room. "Forgive me, Director Rain, it's been so long."
One of the women stepped forward with a light chuckle. "You don't need to be modest with us, Ros.”
The sounds of crunching ice brought Ros’s attention towards Yoongi. He returned a dull expression. She clenched her jaw before stretching a smile on her face. "I would feel strange being informal with you, Director Kwon Bo-ah-nim."
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Bo-ah sighed, shaking her head. "Ah ya. Use my nickname. The formalities are making me feel like an ajumma."
The second woman let out a giggle and walked over to you with a mischievous grin. “Now none of that Director Kim Taeyeon-nim nonsense Ros. You used to call me Unnie back when we were students, so I expect you to use it.”
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Taeyeon was a Director now?!  She let out a laugh as they hugged. “Time has gone by.”
A voice cleared behind Taeyeon as two other men stepped forward. She bit down on her lip as Directors Choi Seung-hyun-nim and Kwon Ji-yong-nim stepped forward. They gave her a bow with a smile. "We are all pleased that you've recovered and ready to work again. And use our code names. You are making us all feel old."
“Of course, Director T.O.P. and Director GD.”
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Namjoon chuckled. “She’s just happy to be back. Ros has been doing great with her training.”
Bo-ah gave a small clap. “I’m glad to hear. Now let’s sit down for dinner. I know everyone is hungry,” she went over to one of the chairs and beckoned her over. “Ros, you sit here," she looked over at Yoongi and smiled, "Yoongi, you sit next to her.”
He scowled darkly and stomped over, taking the seat she pointed to.
~Great. Just fucking great.
The rest of the board took their respective seats as Namjoon sat on the opposite side. The staff began to bring out the salads for the meal. She sipped her water, avoiding Yoongi at all costs making sure to only giving attention to Namjoon and the Board members. Yoongi ate in silence, only speaking when prompted. GD whispered to Taeyeon, and she nodded in silence while the staff served the main course.
“Namjoon, have you spoke with Ros yet about that assignment?”
Namjoon’s fork slipped from his grasp as his face paled. “Oh, I thought we were waiting until after dinner?”
Rain chewed quietly and nodded. “Of course. No need to jump the gun so soon. Let’s continue our meal.”
The two young agents gave the table all curious looks. What did they mean? On, dessert followed. She picked at the tart absentmindedly. Suddenly Yoongi slammed his fork down in annoyance and scowled them all.
“What are you hiding from us? As a senior agent, I have a right to know if something pertains to me.”
GD wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin and gave T.O.P a nod. The man sighed and gave Yoongi a quiet smile. “Agent Min, you are correct. Please follow us to the board room.”
Ros gave Yoongi a surprised expression as her mouth gaped open. Silently, they followed behind Namjoon and the board members into an adjacent room with a rectangular table and various weapons adorning the walls.
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Bo-ah clicked a button once on a remote, and the lights dimmed. With another click, a projector came into view. Everyone filed around the table and took a seat. T.O.P and Rain remained standing on each side of the table. Taeyeon brought out files and passed them out to the board, Yoongi, and Ros. She gave them a nod, and Bo-ah handed Rain the remote. He clicked a button, and three pictures popped up on the screen. Yoongi scrunched his nose up, staring at the trio. "Should I know who they are?"
T.O.P smiled and shook his head. "Not yet, but you will. It's your next assignment.”
Ros looked up from the file in shock. “M-Me? You want me back in the field that fast?”
Yoongi frowned, shoving his thumb towards her. "Isn't this a bit overzealous? She just got back."
"I believe I can speak for myself, Yoongi,” she snapped.
Bo-ah and Taeyeon chuckled to each other as they watched them argue. GD cleared his throat. “Can we continue?”
He pointed to the first picture. “Follow along with the files, but Namjoon, I want you to lead after I give a brief rundown."
Namjoon nodded as he opened the file. GD crossed his arms as a map of Europe popped up with pictures of Greece, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Prague nightclubs. In the next image, police reports of bodies with pills littered around them.
“Wonderland,” he chirped.
Her brow quirked. “Wonderland?”
He nodded as more pictures of overdosed bodies appeared on the screen. Their eyes open as if they were in a trance. A bluish hue painted the corners of their mouths, eyes, and ears.
"It's a new party drug that has hit the club scene by storm. So far, it hasn't hit the street, just the clubs. Symptoms include hallucinations, manic episodes, violet acts, and seizures. You can tell by the bluish hue that forms at the mucus membranes."
"Age?" Yoongi knitted his brows, scanning the files curiously.
“18 to 25,” Taeyeon answered.
"What do you expect us to do about it? Why should we care about a new drug," he argued, leaning into his chair.
GD nodded in agreement. “You’re correct Yoongi, but it’s an issue if the supplier and distributor are of Korean descent.”
Rain pointed towards the screen as three faces reappeared on the screen. “Back to the first slide. I’d like to introduce to the Kim family.”
Namjoon cleared his throat and got up from his seat, taking the remote.
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"Name Kim Taehyung. Age 24. He's heir to Kim business. Family has deep pockets in international politics. Mother was an ambassador; the father is now deceased. Now that he resides in Europe with his siblings, they've delved into less than savory business ventures. He's known for being a playboy,”
Ros glanced at the picture quite taken back with how attractive he was. His eyes pierced right through the image. The next photo revealed a woman. Yoongi sat up straighter, making Ros roll her eyes.
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"Name, Kim Hyuna. Age 25. Socialite, known party girl. Likes to spend money." Namjoon adjusted his frames. "It was her suggestion to go into the drug business. She has a close connection with whomever else they do business. Though quite the 'wild child,' her IQ is exceptionally high. Makes her even more dangerous."
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The next picture was another male, just as attractive as Kim Taehyung. "Name, Byun Baekhyun. Age, 26. He is the older step-brother of Kim Taehyung and Kim Hyuna. Their father had been married previously. He took on his mother's maiden name. He passed on the legacy to Kim Taehyung, preferring to be more hands-on in the business with Kim Hyuna. Known for his temper, manipulative ways, and insane."
He clicked the remote ending the slide show. Ros gazed around the room, digesting the information. "Alright. So, where do we come in?"
Bo-ah smirked before answering. “You’ll be going undercover long term. We want the targets expelled; however, we need intel. Drugs are complicated, and there might be more involved with this family. The diplomatic side could easily be a front. Find this out."
Yoongi sighed, giving a bored expression. "Disguises?"
Namjoon smirked and gave him a look. "Check your files. These are your covers."
She scanned the file going over the information. "Ahn, Jia. I look like a Jia to you?" She muttered, reading down the list. "Daughter of a CEO...popular abroad and in South Korea…socialite and partier…known heartbreaker?!"
Namjoon smirked. “We needed some sort of scandal.” Ros sighed with a frown reading over the articles. "Did it have to be this graphic, though?"
Yoongi read his profile quietly. “Nam Woojin. Personal detail of Ahn Jia. Blah blah. Martial arts background. Weapons specialist...blah blah. Possible relations?!”
“I quit.”
Jimin looked up from his grading and laughed at her expression. She flopped down on the couch, angrily. Jungkook let out a grunt as her legs fell into his lap. "I'm guessing the dinner didn't go as planned," he asked, rubbing his stomach with a frown.
“Worse. I have to be a snobby rich girl and his fuck buddy,” she snapped.
Jimin threw his pen down and began to laugh. Jungkook joined in only making her temper rise. They stifled their laughs once seeing Ros’s face. “Ah, Ros, it won't be so bad. I mean you already boss him around- "
"Shut up, Jimin."
He shrugged, giving his famous eye smile. "It's kind of cute. -Don't give me that look- Remember you wanted back in. And from what I know, this assignment isn't going to be easy. Namjoon said this was the only way you both could get into the Kim family."
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Don’t you think I know that?” She bit her lip nervously as her voice wavering. “What if I fail?”
Jungkook and Jimin looked up in surprise, stopping their work. Jimin got up from his seat and pulled her into a hug. "You're not going to fail, Ros. I’m here. Kookie’s here. We’re gonna make sure you’re ready by the time you leave for Europe. I promise.”
She couldn’t help but smile as they wrapped her up in a hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you both.”
Jungkook grinned tousling her hair gently. “Be stuck with Yoongi.”
She scoffed and punched his stomach, making him grunt as Jimin laughed. "Besides, I'm gonna need your help. I don't know the first thing about seduction."
Jimin’s eyes widened as he pointed to himself. “What makes you think I know about that?!”
Jungkook snorted. "Oh please. You of all people don't need to play innocent. I know, for a fact a handful of girls from our year got visits- "
Jimin elbowed Jungkook in the stomach. “Takes one to know one,” he growled. “You made your point.”
She gave them both a frown. "I'm aware of your ventures as much as it makes my stomach churn, but I need help, so let's get started. We have three weeks."
Jungkook shook his head. "Three weeks, Noona? I can’t create miracles- “
He dodged her fist, scrabbling to the other side of the couch, giggling. "Seriously, we need to bring in the big guns."
Ros sighed in exasperation. "Who's gonna help me with this so far along?!"
“We are,” two voices spoke up in unison.
The trio turned towards the door as Namjoon stepped in with Taeyeon and Bo-ah. The ladies gave you a kind smile carrying in two large suitcases as Namjoon stood against the wall with a smirk. “I thought you could use the help.”
She ran up to him, engulfing him in an embrace. “I could kiss you about now.”
He blushed, clearing his throat. "Uh, right. For now. Let's get to work."
Taeyeon pulled her into one of the seats and ran a hand through her hair. “Tsk. Ros, did Namjoon only send you on kill missions? Have you seduced anyone before?”
The blush on her cheeks was evidence enough for her. Bo-ah opened the suitcases and pulled out an array of makeup, from eyeshadows, eyeliners, blushers, bronzers, brushes, the works. "What about cosmetics?"
“Does lotion count?” she murmured as Taeyeon ran a comb through the knots in her dark curls. “Ow!”
Jimin elbowed Namjoon watching in amusement. “Bullets and punches she can handle. But a comb she cringes at.”
Jungkook snorted, looking through the stuff curiously. "I-Is that a thong?!"
Bo-ah scowled, standing up from her position. "Alright, gentlemen out you go. We have a lot of work to do if you don't mind. Ros is now our pupil for the next three weeks. We’ll see you at the hangar then.”
The doors shut on them, and they stood out in the hallway, looking like lost lambs. Jungkook scratched the back of the neck. "Well, now, we wait."
Jimin shrugged. “That’s all we can do. Taeyeon-ssi and Bo-ah-ssi are the best. Ros is great hands. Right Namjoon hyung?”
He sighed, wiping his glasses. "Yoongi will have his hands full. But let's hope they don't kill each other."
Back inside, Ros yelped as Taeyeon attempted to style her hair. Things weren't going as planned. "I'm not trying to kill you, Ros. It’s just a flatiron!”
Bo-ah shook her head. “This is getting us nowhere. Let’s skip the hair and try walking in heels.”
She pulled out a pair of simple black stilettos. "Put these on. They shouldn't be a problem. I've seen you in those boots."
She bit down on her lip nervously, slipping the on heels. “My Doc Martens? They don’t have a heel-AH!”
“I-I’m okay~”
"No, you're not," Bo-ah observed, looking at Ros face planted on the floor.
Taeyeon twirled a piece of her hair around her finger. "Three weeks, huh? We gonna need all of Buddha's help."
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“Better. Much better,” Bo-ah commented. “Swing your hips. There. Land on the sole of your foot. Mhmm.”
She nodded, listening while walking up and down the room. For last week, Taeyeon and Bo-ah had her practice walking in heels. Painful as it was. They made her do everything in them. Walk, run, fight.
“You never know what could happen.”
Frankly, she would have been fine throwing the bastards off and kicking ass either way, but still, she listened and did as instructed.
Taeyeon nodded, watching her run the track in the heels. "Alright. I think I tortured you enough, Ros.”
"Really? Do you think? I could have sworn it was the last three miles," you called, kicking them off in disgust.
The look on your face was enough to make Bo-ah's shoulders slump. "Listen, Ros; I fought hard for your return to the Academy. Namjoon and Taeyeon as well. People want to see you fail. Some don't think you have it in you after what happened on your last mission. I wouldn't give you something you couldn't handle. It's just a test."
Now the guilt set in. Ros flopped down next to Taeyeon with a groan. "I don't want to let anyone down or myself. I promise to do my best,” she mumbled.
Taeyeon gave her hip a bump as she smiled and tossed her a bottle of water. “Bo-ah-Unnie is right. We’re rooting for you.”
She sipped it quietly as she thought of her next question. “So…what has Yoongi been doing the past week?”
Taeyeon gave her a smirk. “Any particular reason you want to know?”
She shrugged, looking away with a frown. "Well, Yoongi is my partner for this mission. At some point, I'd like to discuss logistics with him."
“In due time. For now, you need to focus. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook are working with him. The next phase is starting soon.”
"What phase, Tae-Unnie?"
Taeyeon grinned, pinching her cheek. “The art of seduction.”
~Oh shit…
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Namjoon, Yoongi, GD, T.O.P., Rain, Jimin, and Jungkook all stood by the private jet. By the looks of things, these men weren’t happy.
“She’s late,” Yoongi spat. “All three are. We’re on a schedule!”
Jimin’s face formed worried lines. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. Maybe Ros- “
"I don't care," Yoongi interrupted. He slung his bag over his shoulder, giving them all a sour look. "I'm going inside the jet. If she doesn't show within the hour, I leave without her."
He climbed the steps and walked inside. Namjoon watched him shaking his head. He turned to the other board members, and they gave a sigh or rubbed their foreheads. Jungkook walked over to Namjoon with a smirk.
"You know she's only doing this to annoy Yoongi Hyung."
Namjoon pursed his lips as his eyes went to his wristwatch. "It isn't like her. Sure, she doesn't like him, but Ros wouldn’t purposely be late- “
A car pulled up, silencing the group as they looked curiously. T.O.P.  stepped up as the tinted window slid down. "Bo-ah?"
She smiled, giving them a wave. "Morning, gentlemen. Lovely day for a flight?"
Rain crossed his arms. “That’s beside the point. Where is Ros?”
“In the car. Taeyeon, I think we’ve kept them waiting long enough.”
GD nodded in agreement, “Just a bit.”
The driver got out and began removing the luggage from the trunk, having the pilot load it in the compartment. Bo-ah and Taeyeon were next standing by the car door. Each was grinning from ear to ear. Taeyeon opened the car, and a pair of heels stepped out first, followed by a couple of toned legs. Jungkook gulped, looking at Jimin then back at the car.
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She gave him a tiny wave. The dress she wore clung to her body, making almost near impossible to move freely. Bo-ah watched the male's expressions quite pleased with her handiwork. "We're sorry for the delay; however, you did want her to look the part…"
Namjoon shook his head in disbelief. "Uh…w-well er yes. You look the part Ros,” he murmured.
"I take that as a compliment, Namjoon," she giggled.
She turned, raising her brow. “Where’s Min Yoongi?”
“On the jet,” they answered.
Jimin stepped forward, giving her a smirk. “I didn’t think you could pull it off Ros…ouch…I’m teasing. I knew you could!”
“Is she still not here? It’s time to leave! Time is up!”
She crossed her arms as Yoongi exited the jet in a fury, ready to explode. Clicking her tongue, she walked up to him, making him stop in his tracks.
"Not necessary, Min Yoongi. I’m here. Shall we be on our way, yah?"
He looked like a fish with his mouth gaped open, staring at her. Smirking, she put her finger on his chin, closing it gently. "You'll catch flies that way, dear," she whispered before climbing up the stairs into the jet.
Silently, he followed behind much to everyone's surprise. Namjoon gave Jimin and Jungkook a look as Bo-ah and Taeyeon burst into laughter. "Well, the tables have turned."
GD, T.O.P., and Rain just shook their heads. “You three might have to join them. We can’t have them killing each other before their mission is successful.”
"Or they end up in bed," Jungkook muttered to Jimin, causing the oldest male to kick him.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. “My heart can’t take this.” He walked in after them to explain the working of the jet for their flight overseas.
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Ros looked in awe staring at the interior of the plane. The Academy spared no expense to travel in style. She ogled the new contraptions. Yoongi had already set up his spot in a corner. She placed her carry-on bag down on the opposite side just as Namjoon caught up.
“Like it?”
“Better than business class,” she answered, still looking around.
He chuckled. "It is nice. The flight is long, so you’ll be comfortable. Also, I thought you might need something else for your trip.”
Yoongi scowled at Namjoon, receiving a grin. "What other surprises could there be?"
Jungkook and Jimin bound inside carrying bags. “Surprise!”
“Ah! Wha?”
Jimin beamed. “The Directors thought we should accompany you two for extra help. Besides, espionage is my specialty, and Kookie can give an extra hand with security."
She turned to Yoongi with a chuckle. “Guess you won’t be the other protective detail.”
Yoongi mumbled under his breath, turning away.
Namjoon handed out a set of phones “This how I’ll keep in contact. I’ll be in touch. Have a safe trip. Stay alert.”
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and curt nod to the others before walking off the jet. Ros, Jimin, and Jungkook squealed happily as Yoongi's expression darkened. He plopped down in his chair, putting on his headphones.
The intercom came on a few seconds. “Welcome passengers. We will be taking off to our destination to Athens. Please make your way to your seats and buckle in for takeoff. The light will turn off when we’ve hit altitude. Thank you.”
She sat down in her seat, buckling in as Jimin and Jungkook sat near. Her eyes darted over to Yoongi. He didn’t look the least bit interested. Shaking her head, she closed her eyes as the engines roared to life.
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darkredehmption · 4 years
#Solo ‘The Night is for Hunting’
Mentions @DamagedBrother and @PanwerePredator
As the wind tore at my wings, threatening to push me off course, I said yet another string of curses, each of them lost in the turbulence.
Battling the elements forced me to consider the fact that the universe itself was telling me i should never have left the manse, but of the few things I had to my name, my word, my honour, was among the most priceless. As a Hunter, that meant even more. No one wanted to work with a hunter they couldn’t trust, and hunters that couldn’t be trusted didn’t last long.
So I forced my exhausted body to keep fighting, drawing up whatever dregs of strength I had left to keep myself airborne and heading in the right direction. This would’ve been so much easier if I could just dematerialize, but it was one of the few vampiric traits I’d wanted and not received.
Thinking of vampires only distracted me, my thoughts turning to Zsadist like a sunflower turned to follow sunlight. Leaving the male at the shifter’s bedside had twisted at something deep and primal in me, and now it screamed at the fact I’d left; left, when he was already unsteady from nearly losing his friend.
There was no reconciling that part of me, no soothing it as it tore strips off me inside and berated me with cold words. I could only do as I’d promised - help my hunter friend, and return. Keep my promise to return.
By the time I reached the address Ethan had given me I was ready for that biting wind to blow me over. Landing was more of a bracing stumble, my wings trembling as I tried and failed to fold them to my back. When that didn’t work, my primaries trailing in the mud slick grass, I gave up and retracted them completely. Even that Divine effort cost me as I paused, counting to ten as the world tilted then righted itself.
The house was the very last at the bottom end of a street. It’s closest neighbour was boarded over, the signs of looking even more decrepit than I felt. Stepping over the threshold into the yard, I did the usual sweep. A jet fuelled lawn mower wouldn’t have made a dent in the gardens, the grass too high and wild. The pathway itself was cracked and broken, pieces of cement slowly starting to creep away into that sea of swaying yellow brown. One slab looked like it’d been overturned at some point, dirt flecked across the surface. I managed a tired smile as I realized there was probably some sort of magical ward now painted on the other side.
Though I wouldn’t want to perform an exorcism in my front yard, it helped that there weren’t neighbours too close to witness it.
Reaching the front door, I eyed the windows either side, all covered, and then the frame of the door itself. Kernels of salt poked out from under the door, and I knew the inside would be a thorough line. The heavy duty wards against demons didn’t go uncatalogued as I managed to lift my hand and knock.
A voice I didn’t recognise answered.
“State your business!”
An understandable request, but after fighting off a narcissistic vampire to save his human servant’s soul and then flying hours to get here in what could only be categorized as aerial hell, I was less than jovial in my response. Besides, I’d already stepped over the demon ward - if anyone was bothering to pay attention that should’ve been hint enough I was, mostly, human.
“I bring good tidings of the word of the Lord,” I called back, sounding as tired as I felt. “He says he can save your immortal souls if you’ll only open the fucking door and get me a beer.”
Indeed the door cracked open, but the strange face that leered out did not look altogether impressed by my banter. Somehow, I mustered up a grin.
“You some sort of smart ass? Donchu know you got about four rifles pointed at you son?”
I huffed a sigh. “Only four? I’m insulted.” His brows drew together in a frown, so I quickly pushed on. “M’ here for Ethan, buddy. He’s calling in a favour and here I am.”
“You’re a hunter?”
His disbelief and sarcasm was only marginally more endearing than his unfaltering skepticism. Lifting one hand, slowly, I braced it on the frame and leant forward. The rifle nosed its way into the gap, pointed right at my chest.
“Look, Chief of Security, I travelled a long way very quickly to be here for /Ethan/,” I repeated his name with emphasis. “So if you want my help, now’s the time to go get him. Otherwise, he can stick his favour and I’ll head on home.”
It was a lie. I doubted my ability to walk to the end of the street at this point, but I needed this shit to move along faster than it was, and after a beat, the guy playing guard dog seemed to agree with me. Backing away from the door, rifle still trained on me, he allowed me the courtesy of stepping in and shutting out the miserable weather behind me.
He hadn’t been lying about the number of rifles. From where they’d been aimed at me in cracks at the windows they now swivelled to track me inside. I didn’t falter, used to the greeting.
“Ethan!” I called.
There was a thump, then a curse, then the scrabble of footsteps as someone hustled from another room.
“F’fuck’s sake, can’t a man get an hour of rest~” He cut himself off as he rounded the corner to catch sight of me. He whistled long n’ low, a grin splitting his face as he ignored all the weapons to step through the group and take my offered arm in a warriors embrace. “You made it here fast.”
Thumping his back, I gave a nod and eased away. The others, at last, lowered their weapons.
“Flew. Wouldn’t have made it here until tonight if I’d taken the car.”
“We’re still waiting on a few faces,” he admitted, eyeing me. “Maybe it’d do you some good to kip as well. You look like shit man.”
“Feel like it,” I agree. “I left that little problem I spoke to you about and came straight here.”
He looked almost guilty at that, nodding his head.
“Sorry to have called in that favour so fast but... we have a situation here n’ I wanted to deal with it before they got wind of us coming.”
I glanced to the other hunters, all of whom were watching and listening carefully.
“You invite a bevy of hunters to one small town n’ you don’t think they’ll notice?” I asked quietly, arching a brow.
“He still needs to be tested!” Guard dog piped up. The way Ethan’s lips thinned let me know that he wasn’t exactly a fan of the guy either, but endured for the hunt. As we all did. He shot me a look and i simply shrugged, waiting for the flask of holy water to be passed over by GD. I took a swig, but like he didn’t believe I’d swallowed (and trust me, I do) he flicked the container at me to spray a little over my chest. I answered by squirting a stream of it back between my teeth.
Ethan snorted as GD jerked away, cursing and scowling.
“Can I get a real drink now?”
Flashing me a grin, Ethan grabbed one from fuck knew where and tossed it over. Then he gestured at the others.
“Our doorman here is Will. That’s Jack, Sarah and Tyrone.
I spared each of them a glance and a nod, before Ethan looked to them and gestured at me.
“This is Malachi.”
“Well, how did Malachi get here if there’s no car parked outside?” Will groused, keeping a firm grip on his rifle even if it wasn’t pointed at me.
The duffel slung over my shoulder felt like it weighed a ton as I shifted it into a more comfortable position. He had a point though; the only things that arrived without wheels in this world were angels and demons.
“Mal is a special breed of help,” Ethan soothed, before I could open my mouth and come up with some semblance of a half decent lie. “Why don’t y’all go back to keeping watch, eh? I got shit to discuss with Mal.”
I wriggled my fingers in a cute wave, Will bristling even as the other three either gave nods or tried to hide smiles. Following Ethan through the house, I noted the towers of books, most occult, the shell compress and trays of silver bullets, as well as the symbols drawn on every available surface. Floors. Ceiling. Walls.
“What is this place?” I murmured, pinning the spot between Ethan’s shoulders with a look.
He glanced over his shoulder at me, pausing before a bedroom with two cots and gesturing in. I stalked to the cot that seemed the least slept in, and dumped my kit at the end of it. The relief of having it off my shoulder was exquisite as my body begged for me to lie back on that creaky cot and close my eyes.
Instead I sipped from my drink and sat, bracing my elbows on my knees. Ethan sat across from me. By the look of the tangled sheets, the thump I’d heard on my entry had been him falling out of this same cot.
“How’d your shifter problem work out?”
His voice was almost guilty, and I shrugged as I glanced to the boarded up, salt lined window.
“I think it worked. He was still alive when I left.”
“Hey… m’ sorry to call in my marker so fast~”
I held up my hand to silence him, shaking my head.
“If you called it in so fast it must be urgent. N’ my people are looking after the shifter. So… it’s fine.” It wasn’t. “I’m here.” Reluctantly…
Ethan nodded, looking at his hands joined in his lap, then back up at me and managing a rueful smile.
“Your shifter could be the first one to live through the bond that I’ve heard of.”
“He’s not my shifter,” I replied automatically, thinking of Hadrian and taking another sip from my bottle.
Thinking of the panwere had my mind turning to Zsadist, and I thought of the vampire with a sharp pang of longing. What had it been, a few hours? And I already felt like some piece of me was missing.
“What m’ I here for, Ethan?” I continue, arching a brow.
Leaning back on his cot until his back was half slumped against the wall, he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. The faint light he’d managed to conjure in his eyes, even in such a tired state, faded away.
“Things are moving Mal. Have you heard anything from upstairs?”
I balked at the question, and the fact he’d even bothered to ask. Few knew who and what I was, and even then they tended to know better than to ask if I had any input from the Creator. Shaking my head, I leant back from my braced position, beer forgotten in my hand.
“You know I don’t get office memos, Ethan.”
He made a face, though not at me, as if he resented the fact I was out of the Divine loop.
“There’s a nest of demons here.”
I blinked. “Demons?”
He nodded, finally meeting my gaze again. “At least a dozen or more. It’s as if the local town has become a vessel port. Demons come in and board the ships and sail on into their lives.”
“Cute metaphor,” I muttered. “Then what’s the plan? Exorcism or extermination?”
A calculated look.
“Whatever doesn’t get us killed. I’ve called in a few more markers, and we’re just waiting on them to arrive as well. Then, tonight, we’ll move.”
There was incredulity in my voice, and I couldn’t help it. Facing off against a demon horde tonight meant I was still a minimum twenty-four hours from flying back to Zsadist and the Brothers. It felt like forever.
“They meet after dark. And generally when they do, their numbers swell again. We need more bodies to help us but if we wait any longer we’ll be facing a small army,” he explained, raking a hand through his auburn hair and lifting one leg to brace on the cot. “We’ve assessed where, and we have a few plans, but once the rest arrive, we’ll finalize everything. Then we move. Until then?” He arched a brow and looked me over, then tilted his head toward the cot. “You should get some rest. You look like hell.”
Letting out an exasperated noise, I finished my drink and set the bottle beside my cot on the floor. Then I kicked off my boots.
“The dream team out there got this?”
Ethan grinned and nodded, turning and laying back himself to tuck one arm behind his head. I reached for the blanket folded at the end of my bunk and pulled it up and over myself. As I lay back, my exhausted body chirped in gratitude.
“They got this. Get some beauty sleep. Lord knows you need it.”
I flipped him off as I grinned and dropped my head to the pillow. A beat later, I thought of Z, of his golden eyes and the warmth of him at my side in bed.
A beat after that, I passed out.
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