#its really crazy can't belive im catching up
koszmarnybudyn · 6 months
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We miss you Hermie.
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marunalu · 2 years
The thing with bkdk is that shippers think that we "antis" can't see or deny that Izuku cares for Bakugou but this isn't true, I'm an anti and I understand that Bakugou is an important person for Midoriya. Sure I dislike this because I don't think he deserves it because he doesn't do anything to deserve it but Izuku cares for him. However, it's really annoyed when they want to erase any other person of Izuku's life like they always talk about Bakugou being kidnapped or him awaking part of the quirks but they forget that Izuku cares and protect all his friends, Midoriya spoke up againts Endevaor for Shoto in the sport festival, same with Shinsou when called Ojiro a monkey, he almost died protecting Kota or destroyed his body for Eri, he lost himself in pain during the war for Gran Torino and Aizawa, he got on his knees with tears for Ochako's speech (this only happend with All Might before), he used froppy style for Shoto. But shippers erase all this moment because Bakugou isn't in it also I belive that Midoriya would loose the control of his quirk for anyone of him friends, if Monoma start calling names to Ochako, Shoto or Iida he would still awake his quirk like we talk about the same guy that almost lost in the sport festuval because Shinsou disrepect one of his classmates.
Oh my god SAME! Its not as if we antis cant see that bakugou is important to izuku. We hate that fact, but nobody of us denys it! For the longest of izukus life bakugou was a big part of it. We know for a fact that izuku tried to stay away from him after the abuse startet, but destiny always made sure that izuku ended up with bakugou in the same class. From kindergarten to elementary school to middle school to ua high school izuku always ended in close proximity to bakugou. Never got a break from him! For 12 fucking years izuku constantly had to be with his abuser. For 12 years he had been abused, insultet and made fun of. I dont think “stockholm syndrom“ is the right word, but if there is something similar to it izuku clearly suffers from that. Abuse victims can get used to the shit they have to face every day and pretend not to care (I did that) and get used to their abusers presence. Izuku is literally the most selfless and forgiving (fictional) person on this planet. Only jesus tops him in that! He doesnt care about himself, he only cares about others and yeah that includes bakugou!
And you are absolutely right, izuku cares for EVERYBODY not just bakugou! Lets be real here, if in the war arc someone else had sacrifized himself for izuku no matter if ochako, iida, shouto, all might, aizawa or whoever, izuku would have turned berserk EXACTLY THE SAME! It had nothing to do with that it was bakugou of all people, it had to do with that someone got hurt for izukus sake. He would have completly lost it too it it had been someone else. He already turned apeshit crazy when he saw aizawa and gran torino almost killed in front of him, bakugou was just the tip of the ice berg!
Shippers like to make everything that happens in a story about their ship! Not only bakudekus but shippers in generell. Shipping is the sole reason why there is pretty much no fandom in this world, that isnt a toxic shit hole! Shipping can destroy even the most peaceful fandoms. Look at pokemon for example. Its about a 10 year old kid trying to catch cute monsters and train them to become the best trainer of all time and the shippers fight about with which girl this 10 year old child should end up.... 😰
Thats why Im a non-shipper most of the time. There are like 3 ships I like, but more in an “awww“ way. Shippers need to put their stupid shipping goggles down and concentrate on the fucking story!
Izuku loves all his friends equal and while bakugou is NOT izukus friend he also cares for his wellbeing. Everybody of us can see that! Izuku always stands up for others! He freaking wants to safe shigaraki from all for one DESPITE hating him! That alone should tell everybody what a goodhearted and kind person izuku is! He wants to safe a MASSMURDERER and TERRORIST! And while I agree that saving such a person is “questionable“ it fits izukus personality! Izuku hates shigaraki, will never ever forgive him his crimes, but for a moment he saw the crying little boy inside him wanting to be safed! So he swore himself he will. Lets be real here: izuku would even safe AFO (espicially if he is his father), who is literally the personification of the devil!
Izuku is a person that protects and safes EVERYONE, that includes his own abuser and even supervillains with bodycounts in the thousands! So bakudeku shippers dont really have an advantage if izuku is even ready so safe murderers and other criminals! But they have their shipping goggles on and so they make everything about their ship! Izuku is just a tool for their own selfish shipping reasons!
And the people izuku loves the most are still his mother, all might, ochako, iida, shouto, aizawa and gran torino! End of story!
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