#its v small and it isnt loud but it echoes somewhat
mxdnightlvers · 4 years
Cold- A Saeran Fanfic
Game: Mystic Messenger
Story: Another story
Route: Ray route 8th day
Character: Suit Saeran
~~~Please read these warnings
TW; Slight exhibitionism, slight dumbification, choking.
(They're all consensual.)
These topics can make you uncomfortable so please dont read if you know this isnt your cup of tea.
~~~End of warnings :)
Thanks alot to @sensetenou for this idea!
*contains spoilers for Ray route :)*
My bed, it remained the same but now became too uncomfortable to sleep in. The sheets falling off, blanket tossed to the side, the pillows being the only item that's neat. The light from the window that usually was the start of another fun day soon became unwanted as the days became painful to endure. The clouds passed by slowly, in harmony with the wind. The birds chirped and the garden was visible from my window. It looks, peaceful.
The long walk down the hallway that soon revealed a gorgeous garden. The cold air that made me shiver a bit. Ray noticed that and offered to give me his jacket. He smiled brightly as he fitted it onto me and he toured me of the garden.
I stood out in the garden, looking at the flowers that reminded me of Ray. I haven't seen him all day and didn't seem well in the chat rooms either.
"Who's there?" I hear from behind me and turn around to see Ray.
His sobbing broke my heart as he spouted insults at himself. I wanted to tell him that he isn't worthless and that he is such a kind and caring person. I wanted to hug him and take all of his self hate away.
"Ray! Stop please!" I spoke up, my voice cracking halfway.
"I don't hate you! I really really like you! So can you please look at me?"
His eyes met mines and I pulled him in for a kiss.
My room was now off limits to all believers. The room that was prepared by Ray now had a suffocating atmosphere to it. I gazed outside the window, trying to relive my memories with Ray. I wonder if I escaped to the outside, I would be peaceful once more. The thought quickly disappeared myself as I reminded myself of Saeran.
"Saeran..." I mumbled to myself.
I turned my attention to my room and gazed upon the sight. The flowers that Ray gifted to me has now wilted, the stems barely holding the flower up. Those flowers were all I had left of Ray as I tried to hold his memory on for long as possible. I opened the chat room to see that V announced that the party was going to be on hold. I took a deep breath as I had an idea of what was going to happen to me. I was scared but I can't give up just yet.
The thought of Saeran crosses my mind again. Just, how much did he suffer to turn into this? I want to run away from this place but I want to stay, for Saeran and Ray's sake. The warmhearted man that would care for me was now someone who used anger as a shield for them. It was something hard for me to get used to. I did not want to accept any of this. I don't want to believe that he had been hurt so much to make him like this. Maybe if we escaped together he would finally find peace in his heart. I held onto the hope that we would soon escape this place as it was all I had.
"I need a break." I sighed looking at the clouds.
I weakly stood up and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the sink to splash some water onto my face. I dried my face in the mirror and looked at how frail I had become. My color had faded from my face, my eyes being the only color visible. However, my eyes could barely keep themselves open, yearning for me to rest.
"Princess..." A voice I know all too well called out for me.
The room changing to a suffocating atmosphere and I took deep breaths, anticipating what's going to happen next.
The door was forced open and in its entrance stood Saeran. His eyebrows furrowed, mint eyes staring through me. His stance was tall even though he was only a few inches taller. His tie was slightly loosened and his clothes weren't ironed, making all the creasing visible. Just the sight of him made me feel timid.
"Tch! The RFA's attack is so lame with V canceling the party." He scoffed, looking at me in annoyance.
"V said that the party will be on hold-"
"Hahaha! V is just tricking you to keep you hoping. Do you honestly believe that man? What an airhead." He taunted, making me look down at the floor.
"Ugh you and V piss me off so much. Seriously, how can you be such a useless toy."
My eyes stayed fixed onto the bathroom tiles, my back leaned against the sink countertop and my hair falling forwards. His words would always tug at my heart but I always reminded myself to not let it get the better of me. Even if he is to call me names or to hurt me, he would eventually get hurt in the end. Either way, it's not healthy for the both of us. However, I cannot let myself be swayed by his actions and words as I hope to escape this place safely with him. I took deep breaths in this suffocating atmosphere, the tension rising more between us.
"Hey, princess. Are you ignoring me? Do you think you have a right to ignore me?" He snapped, my eyes directing their attention to his body.
"Such a boring toy, do something to entertain me!" He shouted almost hitting his hand on the wall.
"This is annoying. Such a useless toy! This is annoying. This is annoying. This is annoying!" He screamed.
His voice cracked as he desperately tried to insult me.
"Do you know why they cancelled the party? Because you screwed everything up not me! This is all your fault!" He scolded along with a loud thump against the wall only to see that he slammed his fist against the wall.
"Saeran that's enough! You'll just hurt yourself!"
"Shut up! Who do you think you are to tell me that!"
With that sentence he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me down onto the cold bathroom floor. My head pulsed from the impact, my eyes squinting from the pain. I tried to gain my focus back and looked at the figure above me. His hands were over my shoulders and legs beside mines, my legs falling onto the floor. His eyes seemed to be brighter through his hair, a smirk plastered on face. I moved my legs, pushing my body away from his but he pinned my arms down, pulling me back to him.
"You're the worst. You piss me off so much and you're so boring, should I just get rid of you here?" He cursed at me.
"Saeran please..." I pleaded, not sure what else to say.
My head still ached but I barely paid attention to his insults. He noticed that and gripped onto my arms tighter. I flinched and looked at him. He shouted at me to answer him but my words came out incoherent. He started holding me tighter, his nails hurting me a bit.
"Saeran stop." I winced at the pain.
It wasn't expected but he released his grip from me. His hands still held mines firmly but he wasn't hurting me anymore. His eyes were wide, seemingly shocked but he quickly removed any signs of worry.
"Ugh such a boring toy can't you do anything interesting?" He taunted.
He seemed somewhat timid a few seconds ago and now he's spouting insults at me again. Whenever he showed any form caring, his actions will always revert to his anger. His anger was a shield for him, he gets angry because he's scared that his hope will turn into despair. The small details meant a lot, which made me more aware of his feelings. I just wish I can somehow save him from this pain. He grabbed my head, pulling me out of my thoughts as he realized that I was spacing out.
"Tch! don't ignore me! Are you trying to provoke me?" His voice ringed in my ears but I managed to keep my eyes away from his
"Oh? You are ignoring me." He remarked as he realized my actions.
"Haha well? Make me mad! Mess with me Come on, try it hmm? I'll play with you." He yelled, his words echoing throughout the bathroom.
His face was inches away from mines. The feeling of his breath ghosting my skin, which raised goosebumps everywhere. I placed my hands on his shoulders, anxious of what's to come. He unexpectedly pressed his lips against my neck in places he had previously marked me. He bit down on my skin but not enough to hurt me. My eyes widened and my jaw opened at his actions not knowing how to react at first. If we were mutual about our feelings for each other this would be a pleasurable feeling but in the end he was just taunting me. I took deep breaths in, the feeling being somehow wanted and unwanted at the same time. My hands were still on his shoulders but my push against him became weaker. My eyes shut as I tried to redirect my thoughts.
His lips were placed on my neck. He was now gently nipping at my skin. He's above me but his hands that held onto me loosened. His grip onto me weakened. I questioned him and even, myself. My feelings were conflicted with my thoughts in a battle of 'yes' and 'no'.
He suddenly pulled away, and I opened my eyes to realize that my hands has unknowingly creeped into his hair. He was now towering over my body that was still laid out on the floor. I tried to gather my thoughts, confused by my own actions. Saeran looked down at me frowning but, it was not at my gesture but at something else.
"Didn't I tell you this already? This smell of yours been getting on my nerves." He insulted, mentioning the unknown smell once again.
"Don't tell me you don't even know how to wash properly." He scorned.
"But I don't know-" I replied standing up but quickly getting cut off.
"Do you want to know, hmm?"
I looked at him and thought about my answer.
"Hah! Did you think you actually had a choice even if you answered?"
He smirked at me, his devilish smile showing his intentions. He kicked off his shoes and walked towards me. My thoughts were immediately cut off when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the shower, my sandals falling off in the process. He turned on the cold water and pushed me into it. The feeling of cold water made me flinch and I quickly moved out of the water. Saeran however did not like my actions and dragged me back into the freezing water, soaking me in my clothes. I brought my hands as close as they can be, trying to create some sort of warmth as I trembled underneath the water. I pulled and twisted my wrist to be freed from Saeran's grip but the cold water made me weaker, keeping his grip firm onto me.
"Haha! Hahaha! I'll tell you. I'll tell you how much you need to wash before you see me." He laughed hysterically at my struggles, running his hand through his hair and looking at the ceiling.
His smile wide, forming creepily on his face and his messy hair that covered his wide eyes. He was pretty dry, only a few drop of water stained on his suit.
"Stop please!" I yelped, his eyes focusing their attention on me.
"Ugh, should I just mask your mouth or something. I'll listen to you after you're tamed." He looked at me with disgust, his glare making me timid and forcing me into obedience.
My back suddenly hit the wall, arching at the impact. He had his hand around my neck but they fell to my hips to keep me in place. The pain I felt quickly disappeared as he made no haste in attaching his lips to my neck again. My hands reached to his shoulders to push him away giving me no time to process the situation. I wriggled in his grasp, my legs brushing against his now, wet clothes. He bit my neck, any words that I tried to say turning into small yelps. He was rough, his teeth biting at my skin, sucking and licking at places. He got what he wanted as I couldn't say anything but incoherent whines. Even if I wanted to say anything, I don't know what I could say. Seeing Saeran react like this was very new and shocking to me. It may be to taunt me but he would never take advantage of me, so why would he go this far? His left hand trailed down my body and rested at the edge of my dress. My legs closed at the feeling but his hands gripped my thighs and forced them open.
"Please please please." I repeated in my thoughts, my eyes closing again.
I did not want to think about what's happening but my mind redirected itself.
I did not want to think about the way he kissed my neck so rough but so gentle. The feeling of his teeth gently nipping at me. I did not want to think about his hand loosening their grip on my hips and moving to the back of my waist and pulling me closer. His hands also gripping my thighs but loosening to circle his thumbs against my skin.
"Why am I thinking this way?"
"Why am I paying attention to the small details?"
"Why is he being gentle?"
"What does any of this mean if it means anything?"
"Why do I feel myself getting hotter despite the cold water that previously splashed on me?"
"I'm not supposed to feel this way."
"But... why does my body disagree?"
My yelps slowly became into soft sighs and whines. My body that was tensed slowly became melted under his touch. I did not want to give in but my body disobeyed. My breathing fastened as I became needy for him. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to struggle away but I also yearned for him. Even if I did try to push him away my grip would always intentionally weaken. It felt wrong but it also felt so right. I felt conflicted, being between pushing him away or giving into the temptation. His actions became gentle and he tried not to hurt me. Even though he's mean towards me, I couldn't bring myself to despise him. The small details meant so much more to me. He is rough at first but his actions became gentle and caring. I did not understand why and I don't think he realized it either. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, my body and thoughts would always direct me to one answer. Slowly, my hands that were pushing him away, started gently pulling him closer. I moved my hands to entangle into his hair but he pulled away at my gestures.
"Who do you think you are to do that? Are you enjoying yourself too much?"
When he pulled away I did not bother to think about my actions as I had already decided on what I wanted. I paid no attention to his words and instead I studied his figure. Even though its wet, his suit seemed to fit him more attractively. His tie was loosened around his neck. His lips red and mouth slightly ajar from kissing me. His cheeks were tinted red and his eyes lost any traces of anger in them. He looked as if he was slowly losing his persona. If only I could pretend that nothing happened in the past few days and rush to him right now. The sight of him warmed my heart, hoping for him to hopefully find himself again. I could feel his gaze on me as if he was studying me as well. He lifted my chin up and I tried to avoid eye contact with him. I was sure that my cheeks were blushing and I was still breathing heavily. He understood my actions and softly chuckled.
"Oh? Haha Haha," He chuckled softly, "You are enjoying yourself aren't you princess? My my, such a naughty girl."
"Maybe you'll actually be good girl for me hmm?" He hummed in delight.
He leaned into me again and his hands ran up the sides of my body and stopped at the neckline of my dress. His hands played gently with the lace and my heart fastened at his movements. His gentle moments stopped and I was jerked forward towards his body. A loud tear echoed throughout the bathroom as peices of fabric fell off my shoulders. He had ripped the lace part of my dress, enough for it to fall off my shoulders. I gasped at my clothes that was now useless. He forced the dress off me and tossed it outside the shower. I was left in my underwear that was soon to be removed. He stayed put and made no haste in tossing my bra away as well. A blush became highly visible on my face and my hands crossed over my chest in embarrassment. He forced my hands to my side, my body on full view again. His movements were quick which gave me no time to react. He was rough but this time, I welcomed his actions towards me.
He pulled my underwear down along with his body and he looked up at me. My face reddened more and he chuckled at my reactions. We exchanged no words, our actions being enough to tell eachother what we wanted. He bit the inside of my legs and trailed his tongue up to my thighs. I gasped at the feeling and my hands moved aimlessly, not knowing what to do. He kept eye contact as the water flickered back and forth onto his face. His glare was intense and his eyes were now filled with lust. I tried talking but my words came out as soft gasps and sighs. He stopped at my thighs, leaving hickies there. He barely touched me and I was already going crazy. My hands moved from my sides and into his hair, tugging it slightly. He trailed his tongue further up my thighs, his breath ghosting where I needed to be touched the most. I held his head and pulled him closer, but again, he pulled away. I pouted, upset that he stopped his actions. He did not say anything and pushed me against the wall again. He stepped back and looked at me up and down clearly enjoying the position he had me in. He bit his lip and I crossed my hands over my chest and closed my legs, feeling shy once more. He frowned and placed his hands on my hips. This gesture made my hands fall to my sides but my legs remained tightly closed. He scoffed and roughly forced my thighs open. I tried to close them again but he shoved his knee between them.
"Ah ah princess. A toy like you dont have the right to be shy. You're just a useless toy who needs her master to train her hmm?" He whispered teasingly.
"Y-yes." I breathed out, his words at actions making me dizzy.
"Good girl."
I dont know if I obeyed him because of how needy I was, or the way he talked to me. Either way, his pet names and actions only made me want him more. I closed my legs around his knee, trying to create even a little bit of friction. I was desperate for even the slightest touch which he starved me from. He held my hips and I slung my hands around his shoulders. He kissed my neck, his teeth pulling and nipping at my skin. I seemed to long for oxygen more with every kiss.
He did not hesitate at all to mark me as his. He was rough, but also gentle with his actions as he claimed me. With every second that passed, I wanted, needed more of him. He held my hips with a bit more force and his nails dug into them slightly. Everytime I felt his teeth agaisnt my skin, small gasps and sighs escaped my mouth. He detached his lips from my neck and smirked at the marks he left on me. He then kissed me roughly which made it harder for me to kiss back. I was breathless as our mouths slid against eachother, my hands trying to grasp wherever I can on his body. He bit my lip, asking for entrance but I denied him. He mumbled something against my lips and suddenly rocked my hips back and forth against him.
The sudden pleasure made me gasp and he forced his tongue inside me. I tried to kiss back but it was almost impossible to. I pulled on his hair as his tongue slid agaisnt mines. He pulled away, letting me breathe and my head fell back in pleasure. He pulled me further onto him and forced my hips to grind against his clothed thigh even more. I whined, enjoying the feeling of finally receiving pleasure. My hair covered and stuck to my face but through the strands I saw him staring at me, enjoying the sight. His cheeks were tinted but his actions weren't flustered. I leaned forward, my head resting on his shoulder and I bit gently onto it. He flinched at first but surprisingly didn't push me away. I closed my eyes and my whimpers turned into soft sobs against his skin. I slowly started moving my hips in rhythm with his hands He loosened his hands on me, allowing me to move at my own pace. I started moving faster, my legs trembling against his as I approached my high. He realized I was close and removed his leg from my thighs. I whined at the loss of contact and the loss of my climax. I lifted my head up and pouted. He chuckled and pushed me completely off him.
"Look at you. I've barely touched you and you're already a mess for me." He cooed pointing out at my hair that stuck to my face and body.
He stepped back, smirking at me,"Such a messy princess."
His smile was somehow sadistic. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed seeing me want him and he loved not giving me what I wanted. He then started removing his clothes at an annoyingly slow pace. His first removed the chain that hung around his suit, then the buttons on his blazer. He was intentionally slow in his actions as he tossed his blazer outside the shower. He removed his tie but kept it hanging around his neck. He then started unbuttoning his shirt as he teased me with every action. One button. Then the second. Then the third. I waited slowly in anticipation, digging my nails into the wall to keep me from running towards him. The anticipation and pressure of his teasing got to me and I couldn't help but look away. He quickly snapped his fingers at me to direct my attention back to him.
"Look at me." He commanded.
"This is what you wanted right? Why are you looking away princess? Do it again and I wont let it pass so easily." His voice was stern but it also had a hum to it that reminded me that he was still teasing me.
I listened to his demands and forced myself to keep my eyes on him. He made me into his toy now. With every command I turn into putty and obey him and he loved it. He loved having control over my actions and using me how he pleased. His words were sharp but his tone always softened which made it apparent that his intention was not to be mean. He finally got rid of his shirt and tossed it aside. His body was littered with scars which made me guess where he got them from. The thought sunk my heart but I quickly shook them off as he walked closer to me. He was still in his pants, his bulge being highly visible. I bit my lip and crossed my legs tightly, the heavy feeling of arousal returning. He placed his hand against me on the wall and grabbed my chin to kiss him. I ran my hands down his chest and felt him flinch a bit by my movements. I ran my hands down to his pants trying to unbuckle his belt but they were quickly swatted away.
"Such a greedy princess. Did anyone tell you not to touch what's not your property?" He scoffed fully removing his belt.
He removed his last peice of clothing and my cheeks reddened at the sight. His body was on full view for me to admire. He stroked his cock a few times, small grunts escaping his lips. I placed my hands against his and guided his hands along his cock. His hand found it's place on the wall as he grunted with every stroke. He looked down and his hair fell forward as he sped up his movements. He stopped his actions but I didn't and continued to stroke him. His eyebrows were knitted and beads of sweat and water dripped down his forehead. He whispered at me to stop before swatting away my hands. His hands then found my waist again and he pulled me closer.
"Jump." He whispered.
I obeyed and jumped, wrapping my legs around him in the process. My hands were around his neck as he backed me against the wall once more. I felt his tip slide into my entrance but not the rest. He looked at me, a hint of worry showing as if he was asking for permission. My breathing was uneven and I was slightly panting from just wanting to get fucked by him. I slightly nodded and he slowly guided himself into me. I softly moaned at the feeling I longed for. My hands grasped tightly onto his shoulders as he slowly started to rock his hips. He pressed his lips against mines, his soft sighs more audible against me. He started thrusting faster into me and I whimpered against his lips. Every stroke made my body shudder in pleasure which made moans and whimpers slip from my mouth. I pulled away from the kiss and tried to catch my breath. My mind was hazy from the pleasure, my moans slipping more from me. He leaned into my neck, grunting at the pleasure. I raked my nails down his back feeling him wince a bit. He gripped my hips with more force, his nails digging into my skin. He pulled me closer onto him and the sound of skin slapping against eachother became louder than the shower. He bit down on my neck and my hips bucked towards him in pleasure. I tilted my head back which gave him better access to my neck. My eyes rolled back, my words coming out as incoherent slurs and whines. I was dizzy from his actions as I was only able to feel the mind numbing pleasure he gave me. I slowly lost any energy as I only wanted to feel him fucking into me. My grip loosened around him and I struggled to hold myself up against him. His thruts then sped up which snapped me back into reality, regaining my senses. My moans became increasingly louder and Saeran became more audible. I moved my hands to brush his wet hair out of his face.
"If you keep being this loud the other believers will hear you." He grunted, barely able to keep up with his words.
"I really don't care who can hear us." I breathed out, my words mixing in with my moans.
He chuckled and pulled me back in for a kiss. He kept his rough pace with every kiss, our teeth clashing together and his tongue pressing against mines. Our kiss was sloppy, both of us moaning into eachothers lips. He suddenly pulled out of me and set me down on the ground. Everytime he pulled away it killed me. I was dumbfounded by the pleasure that I never wanted to stop. He then spun me around, his hand firm on my ass and the other one wrapped around my neck. He quickly found his way inside me again and resumed his pace. My hands were placed against the wall for support, slipping and sliding off because of the water. He bent down to me and gently bit down on my shoulders. His teeth made me whimper and I bit down on my lip to try and subdue my moans.
His hand quickly tightened around my neck and pulled my head back to him, "Mmm princess you dont care who hears you right?"
I tried to reply but my words came out as whines and gasps. Instead, I nodded my head repeatedly.
"Well...? Don't hold them back princess, let everyone hear how good I'm making you feel." He chuckled and loosened his grip on my neck.
He started fucking into me faster and I allowed my moans to helplessly fall from my mouth. He removed his hand from my neck and held my wrist tightly as he focused more on his thrusts. I felt my orgasm approaching and I started pushing myself back onto him, chasing after my release. His grip however, tightened around my waist and forced me in place. He slowed down his thrusts and started moving at an agonizingly slow pace. I became impatient and tried to force my hips back onto him but he quickly pulled out of me. I whined but he gave me no response and started teasingly sliding against me.
"You're close arent you?" He hummed in delight. I just whimpered in response while nodding my head.
"Well beg for me princess."
His command startled me which made me hesitant but I complied regardless.
"Saeran please I..." I sighed, my words trailing off.
"Mm? I can't hear you." He teased me further.
"Saeran please I need you!-" I screamed but my words were cut off when he spun me around and picked me up.
He slammed himself back into me, thrusting as fast as he can. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, my moans being muffled by his shoulder. I felt my orgasm approach again and he thankfully didn't stop.
"Saeran...fuck...I." I whined as I tried to warn him but my words wouldn't form.
He got the hint and pushed off his shoulder. I quickly grasped onto his shoulder, a string of curses falling from my lips. My legs trembled around him and I repeated his name desperately as I came around him. I panted heavily as the fatigue dawned on me but he kept thrusting into me. He leaned into my neck, mumbling incoherent words as his thrusts became sloppy. His words were nothing but incoherent mumbles that got drowned out by the water.
"Saeran, please cum for me." I begged, hoping to push him over the edge.
He mumbled a quiet 'fuck' before slowing down. His hands tightened around me and he bit harshly onto my shoulder as he came. He kept thrusting until he became over sensitive and pulled out.
My legs were still wrapped loosely around his waist as I was too tired to hold myself up properly. He kept panting from his orgasm as he tried to slow his breathing down. I slumped down onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. His hands remained on my hips but they twitched, as if they wanted to let go but also hold on. We stayed there for a moment, not saying anything to eachother. I wanted to say something but I was too tired and breathless to do so. I tried to stop myself from falling asleep but my eyes refused to open.
I felt him shiver against me, the water making both of us cold. His words were incoherent to me as I drifted in and out of sleep. His tone was recognizable however and his words had a gentle undertone to them. The sound of water stopped and I was being carried somewhere. I was then freed from his embrace when I was placed on my bed. I felt the blankets shift around me but they fell back onto the bed without covering me. Saeran scoffed and the last thing I heard was his footsteps fading away before drifting off to sleep.
The End
Written by Dangerousfellowshoe.
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