#its very fun finding hermes and athena all small and gold in the background. and the design of the sea serpent in the waves
Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Chapter 30
(( Camille, Lee, Janine, Pac-man, and Depiction of Callie belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Blueshift belongs to @myzzy
Depiction of Agent 2 / Marie belongs to @agenttwo
Celeste and Willow belong to @alpinesquid
Agent 0 and Suzy belong to @son-of-joy
Nebulous and Arsenic belong to @a-demo-of-a-hero
The Galaxa Gems belong to @splat-tendency and @eiden-squid
The Frosted Gems belong to @askvincent / @asktheseastars and @evora-flux
Nexus Corp and Neo Nexus Crop belong to @alphadeathsquad
Agent 7, Agent M, Agent C, Kitzeh, Justinian, Telemachus, and others belong to me
Those not mentioned belong to @twelvetailedkitsune and @petit-blu-inkling and others.))
Parthenon, Athens, Greece - Sunset
Camille quickly woke up in a bed in the Parthenon, Athena’s home. She gets out of the bed and fixes her green tunic. There was the sound of a flute playing, and Camille followed the sound. It was coming from the garden.
When she reached the garden, Athena can be seen in her gazebo, playing the flute to a normal-sized owl.
“Athena?” Camille stepped closer.
Athena stops playing the flute. “Hello, Camille...” She puts down the flute and gets out of the hammock. “You did it.”
Camille could’ve sworn Athena called her by her real name. “Don’t you mean Camilla?”
“....No.” Athena got nervous
“Then how do you know my name?” Camille questioned.
“I think this should need some explaining.” Athena sounded guilty.
((Background Music (BGM): Athena’s Confession https://youtu.be/afkngRhuZkg ))
Athena took Camille to the ledge where they sat and ate meals when she personified as Princess Camilla. Athena confesses that she and Morpheus needed to find a way for her and her family to communicate with their Champions, so reliving memories before, during, and after the Trojan War was the only way she can think of.
Camille was kind of upset that Athena did that to her and her friends.
“So all this time, those dream of me and my friends as your friends is just an illusion made by Morpheus?” Camille questioned.
“Yes.....” Athena looked down.
A servant walks up to them and each of them a pastry and a cup of grape juice. Camille thanked the servants.
“That’s really mean of you, Athena,” Camille commented.
“What was I supposed to do?” Athena looked at her.
Camille looked away, wanting to ignore the spirit of the wise goddess. “Hmph. Some wise-ass goddess you are.”
Athena was not offended. “I know, I know, it’s cruel for me to the that....... but please forgive me!” She grabs her hands. “I never met a friend like you since I meet Camille... And I might not see one like that again...... and I should’ve just simply approached you face-to-face in your dreams! And my greatest sin...... my greatest sin... it’s that I made you relive my best friend’s memories!”
“.....Athena.....” Camille soon embraced her. “Apology accepted... I can’t stay mad at you.....and it was fun hanging out with you.”
Soon they sat closer, eating pastries and grape juice.
“.....This might be the last time we’ll be together, huh?” Camille wondered.
“It is going to be the last time,” Athena answered.
Camille was now reconsidering to not forget this adventure. “But at least we had a blast, right?”
“I can agree with that, Camille.” Princess Camilla sighs. “What about you Athena?”
As the sunsets, Camille began to glow; she’s fading away and leaving her dream.
“There’s one more thing I need to tell...” Athena then got closer to whisper in Camille’s ear. “There’s still an Olympian that has to be stopped.”
Camille thought her adventure was over but kept that in mind as she knew what to do. “....Goodbye, Athena...”
“I miss you very much,” Athena replied.
“I’ll miss you too...,” Camille soon closes her eyes. She shed one tear.
((End of BGM))
Point of No Return, The Titan Fortress - Moon’s Orbit- 1:30 PM
Camille comes to her senses and wakes up for real. She pushed away a wine cup that was placed at her lips. She was panting and coughing out water. Hera puts Hebe’s Wine Cup aside and calms Camille.
“Don’t worry... you’re still here,” Hera began.
Camille and her friends were back on the Point of No Return. There was no longer an arboreal bridge nor is there a corpse of Cronus. Everything was peaceful.
“.....I-it’s over, right?” Camille asked.
“Well we sent Typhon flying into a black hole that closed up minutes ago, I bet he returned to Tartarus to be fed to the beasts dwelling there.” Telemachus still stood where he was, staring at the blackness of space.
“And look at us! We saved Inkopolis, the world, and the whole universe!” Celeste couldn’t wait to get some reward and recognition.
“Calm down, Celeste,” Nebula giggled.
Camille still remembered she freed an inkling that was stuck to Typhon’s body. She quickly got up and walked over to the inkling that was lying on the ground.
It was a maiden with a tattered up dress made from a sail, beads and threads of gold, and sheep’s cotton. The Typhonian crown was no longer on her head.  There was a snake ring on her ring finger; a small Greek inscription on it that’s translated as “Ophion”  Her inkling hair is completely black, but the roots showed her ink was original a very white periwinkle. She carefully opened her eyes which were the colors green and blue, the colors of water-meadows.
“Who are you?” Camille asked.
“Eurynome... Mother Goddess.....,” The maiden replied, “You... you save me..... Typhon was really my husband, Ophion....... Oh, how our conflict almost brought chaos back....” She was close to dying.
Nebula, Telemachus, Celeste, Justinian, and Hera got a bit closer to look at Eurynome.
“Why did your husband do this, and how did he become that monster?” Nebula asked.
“We fought because he wanted more credit for creating the world..... I had to banish him to Tartarus... I had no choice... but his envy and hate turned him into the monster you fought. He consumed me when I tried to destroy him.” Eurynome paused a few times to breathe. “If he can’t be respected for the world we created together, he would destroy it instead of watch it thrive.”
“And those bound to his influence?” Celeste asked.
“....They were all just his pawns spreading the word of his coming. The Titans were the last sign made by a certain Olympian....” Eurynome smiles a bit when she gazed upon the Earth. “But that Olympian doesn’t matter for now..... All I want is to see the world thrive.....” She looked at Camille. “Thank you....” She then closed her eyes and turns into gray ink which quickly evaporated.
Camille sighed and gets up. “Rest in peace...”
After a moment of silence, the six inkling need to return home.
“We still have to return back to earth,” Justinian reminded, “No idea how we’re going to get back.”
“I..... I think I know a way.” Athena spear was beside Camille, and she picks it up and pointed it directly at Inkopolis. “Guys hold on.”
Everyone gather and place their hand on Camille’s spear. Lightning strikes the spear and in a flash, they’re back in Inkopolis.
Streets of Inkopolis to Alexandria District - 1:50 PM
(( Background Music - Victory! : https://youtu.be/aAs7Wxvc1_o ))
Trumpets sounded, drums were beats, and Amazons chanted tunes. The Greek Mythos Force were marching into Inkopolis and to along with Agents and Heroes. Calypso and Leviathan, Nexus Corp, Neo Nexus Corp, and Inkopolis Defense followed as well.
Agent M and Agent C were carrying Camille on their shoulders while Nebula, Celeste, Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera were being carried by Amazons on their shoulders. Willow, Nebulous, Arsenic, and Kitzeh were behind the six champions. Hephaestus was behind them with Hermes and Anteros, Suzy was behind helping a patched up Agent 0 in the parade, and behind them were the Minor Olympians.
As this victory parade passed by the safety zone, everyone was cheered for them. The Galaxa Gems, The Frosted Stars, Janine, Myzzy, Pac-man, and much more were applauding.
When the victory parade reached Alexandria District, Camille, Nebula, Celeste, Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera walks up the steps to meet with Agent 7 who had Lee, Callie, Agent Blueshift, and Agent 2 by his side.
Camille and her Party salute; Agent 7 salutes back. Camille’s parent run up to Camille to give her a hug. Callie is about to cry tears of joy, Lee is glad his daughter came back in one piece. Blueshift and Agent 2 did the same with Nebula. Agent 7 walks up to Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera and he nods in approval.
Camille lets her parents let go for a moment so that she can look at everyone and raise Athena’s spear in the air. Everyone was applauding.
((End of BGM))
The Titanomachy is over.
One day later...
Earth and several planets started to recover from the Titans’ wrath and the coming of Typhon. All the forces that defended Inkopolis were returning to their normal lives. Camille and the Olympians had to return Mount Olympus to do one more thing.
The Olympian Vault - Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece - 7:00 PM
Hephaestus has made notified those with Olympian artifacts to return them back to the vault. Hermes and Anteros were an exception since Hermes is still alive while Anteros was inheriting his brother's artifacts.
(( Musical Number: https://youtu.be/ehLVcUJj6ME ))
When the Olympic Champions returned one more time to Mt. Olympus, Hephaestus actually has a gift for them: a play. Hephaestus’s story tell was praising Agent 7 more, but the Muses appeared out of nowhere and decided to tell the story their way.
Living Murals retold how Camille and her friends are fighting the Titans with a bit of over exaggeration. And it was quite entertaining with it music and singing.
((End of Musical Number))
When it was time to return the Olympian Artifacts, Hephaestus took the Champions to the vault.
Arsenic returns the hammer and tongs to Hephaestus. “It was nice using these to make weapons.”
“My blessing onto you, Arsenic.” Hephaestus pats Arsenic’s shoulder. “May my blessings help ya.”
“Aww... I really liked to keep these, they’re awesome,” Celeste complained, putting Hestia’s heart back in its rightful pedestal.
Willow puts Asclepius’s Staff on its pedestal. “Cheer up, Celeste, at least this war against the titans is over.”
“Same here,” Justinian agreed, returning Demeter’s shoulder bag and Persephone’s Staff back on their pedestals.
“We all have to return these, we can’t keep them forever.” Hera places the goddess Hera’s Scepter and Hebe’s Wine Cup back on their pedestals.
“At least my daughters are avenged.” Agent 0 places Ares’ weapons and armor back on the pedestal. Camille gave him the honor to place Apollo’s Bow and Artemis’s Antler on their rightful pedestals. “There’s no point in possessing such powerful items.”
Kitzeh drank one more canteen of Dionysus’s wine before placing the wine god’s belongings back on its pedestal. “Yup.... gonna miss that.”
Camille rolls her eyes and looked at Athena’s spear. She sighed and placed the Spear on its pedestal, but she stopped as the pedestal of Athena and the pedestal of Zeus have a barrier of black apple tree roots formed over them.
The pedestal of Hades, the pedestal of Heracles,  and the pedestal of Poseidon have the same barrier.
Hephaestus is alarmed. “This can’t be.....”
“What’s the meaning of this?” Agent 7 questioned Hephaestus.
Camille soon realized what Athena meant when she said there’s an Olympian that still needed to be stopped.
“OH COME ON!!!” Camille shouted.
Underworld(?) - Time Unknown
In the darkness, a young boy stood silent. Before him, a silhouette of a woman was looking down at him.
“They may have won... but my true intentions are from the stone,” The woman stated.
The boy showed her the Omphalos Stone.
The woman takes it and giggles. “Perfect~” Her yellow ominous eyes can be seen. “Soon my son, we’ll rebuild Olympus... with me as the ruler, and no one can stop me.”
[Continues in the 3 Part Epilogue]
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