#itzal is an original emperor that somehow avoided Lightweaver's splitting and thanks to Luminax stomping about causing trouble -
blackpaws-fr · 7 months
Had this musing with Anza the other night thinking about ancients.
Lorewise, Imperials ARE Light's ancient right? And they are the only dragons to have the danger of becoming Emperors.
What if Emperors as we know them now are a corruption of what they once were? What if Emperors were first and were then cut down to be Imperials and the reason they turn into Emperors is because it's their dying magic desperately trying to return to it's original form, through any means.
Alive it is contained within a single vessel, one crafted specifically to contain a portion of it. But dead the vessel is broken, no longer able to hold it back.
The reason you can't breed change to Imperial is because there's no true Emperors left to split. The further away from generation one the young Imperials are, the more diluted the magic, and the less likely they are to become Emperors even if their bodies were not properly handled.
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