#iva the boneless
viking-chaos · 3 months
Of Irland, Chapter 26
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Chapter 1 \\ Chapter 25 \\ Series Masterlist
Instead of being taken captive in Winchester, Stiorra leaves for Irland with a friend of her father’s. There she meets Sigtryggr, a Dane, the grandson of Ivar the Boneless.
Chapter 26: Light the Fire!
Chapter Warnings: Burning (people), trying to burn people, flying axes, cursing, chair throwing, ivar being ivar, everyone being everyone Words: 1655 A/N: It has been seven/eight months since I last posted a chapter of this. I just wanted to get it out so it hasn't been beta read or anything (sorry to my beta reader, truly this thing was driving me nuts just sitting in my drafts) AO3
The crowd pushed and shoved below the dais, each person hoping to get a better view of the gruesome ‘entertainment’ that would be occurring on the stage. It made Stiorra sick to her stomach. The idea that people found execution and torture entertaining was just horrible. 
But then again, she had once been one of those people, pushing and shoving, eager to catch even a glimpse of what torture was being done. Now, after a Blood Eagle, and watching the way Ivar looked at his own brothers like he wanted to kill them (which he did), she saw things differently.
Sigtryggr squeezed her hand in a small gesture of comfort. She squeezed back, no less horrified. 
Things happened so quickly in Dyflin. One moment, Sigtryggr’s nephew, Anlaf, and Hermund were being dragged off a ship, the next they were interrogated in the backrooms of the Great Hall, to being pushed up on a stage the next day to face their punishment.
Sigtryggr had ended up staying with his brothers and Drifa late into the night discussing what to do with them both and when. He’d only told her when he slipped into bed behind her long after the fire had died down.
“It will happen in the morning,” he said softly, sliding under the furs. “Both will be burned on a stake in the square.”
Stiorra sighed, half-asleep, as he wound an arm around her waist, pulling her into his bare chest. it was a nice feeling, one she hoped to feel more. And perhaps in different circumstances too, perhaps with less risk to both their lives.
Then his words sunk in.
She turned around in the bed to face him. He looked… lost. There was a sadness in his eyes that dimmed the light that usually glimmered in them.
“Why?” she breathed.
Sigtryggr shrugged, still not looking at her. “Ivar will be Ivar.”
Stiorra sighed heavily. She knew Ivar had no love for his half-brothers, but for him to not even have the slightest shred of compassion for his own nephew? What was it with this family that seemed to make them want to kill each other.
She reached out a hand to brush away the thick hair that had fallen in front of his face. He turned away from her touch, but not before she saw the tears gathering in his eyes.
“Oh, Sigtryggr,” she whispered, taking his face in her hands, leaning in to rest her forehead on his.
“There was nothing I could do to persuade him,” he murmured, his voice trembling with ever word. “Not even Drifa could persuade him.”
Tears were pouring down both their cheeks now, sliding across their faces and onto the bed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry.”She tugged him closer, and his apologies were muffled as he wept into her shoulder.
She stood on the dais next to Sigtryggr. A small crowd had gathered a short distance from what was little more than a wooden stake surrounded with little twigs and hay.
Stiorra turned her face away as Hermund was dragged to the pole. She didn’t watch as he was tied to it, struggling grunts being all she could hear. 
His sentence was read out and Ivar yelled, “Light the fire!” and after that, the cheers of the waiting crowd covered the man’s screams as the fire consumed him.
That is, if he even screamed. The crowd's cheers died down after they realised the Berserker’s screams of pain were absent. In fact, he was eerily silent.
Sigtryggr tightened his grip on her.
The crowd's cheers turned to murmurs. A quick glance at Ivar confirmed his mask of rage was plastered on his face. Stiorra shivered at the sight.
It felt like forever before the flames died down and they finally moved on to punish Anlaf.
He stumbled down the steps towards the second stake, the first still smouldering with the remains of the once enormous man still tied to it.
His shoulder’s shook, though whether it was from sobs or shivers of fear, it was impossible to tell. The crowd jeered, though, seeing the shake.
This wasn’t right. Anlaf was just a boy. And his own family. Even Drifa held an expression of sheer disgust. Stiorra wanted to scream and shout, but doing so was unlikely to help, even make things worse. Despite what her heart said, she remained silent, standing next to Sigtryggr gripping his hand so tightly she was sure she would break his fingers.
Anlaf was pushed and shoved by the teeming crowd. Some threw rotten food at him. He was dragged by guards to the stake. He did not fight them. Just stared at the ground, defeated.
He was pushed up onto the stake, tied to it.
Stiorra had to look away. This wasn’t entertainment. This was Ivar’s cruelty. It was to make everyone afraid of him.
She didn’t watch as the fire was lit. Anlaf, to his credit, did not cry out. Yet.
Suddenly, there was a whooshing sound, then a thud. Stiorra whipped her head back to the stake.
An axe was embedded in the wood. The rope ends fluttered in the breeze. Anlaf was nowhere to be found.
The crowd was shifting, murmering.
Stiorra looked to Sigtryggr. “What’s going on?” she whispered.
Their gazes caught on the parting crowd to the right. Sigtryggr moved in front of her, shielding her. She put a hand on his arm, but he shook it off.
All she could see was a big man walking through the parted crowd. To say he was ugly was an understatement. His face was a mess of blond beard and wicked scars, like someone had tried to carve him out of wood, but only had a rudimentary knowledge of how a human looked.
Sigtryggr muttered some sort of Irish curse under his breath. She reached for him again, but he pulled himself out of her grasp.
Ivar, to Stiorra’s astonishment, was not angry at the man. In fact he was laughing, greeting him like an old friend. She couldn’t hear what they were saying from here, but from the expression on Young Anlaf’s face, she knew it couldn’t be good.
A look passed between Sigtryggr and Drifa. And in the same moment, hands gently grasped Stiorra’s arm and started pulling her away.
“Don’t fight,” a voice said behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she instantly recognized the warrior as one of Drifa’s horde. She’d seen them training. He tugged away from whatever it was going on down there.
He brought her back to the Great Hall, refusing to answer any of her questions. Just telling her to stay put, before he left, presumably returning to the square.
Stiorra did not have to wait long though, as footsteps soon sounded outside. The door opened, revealing Sigtryggr. He looked furious. She’d seen anger on him before, but not like this.
Drifa quickly followed him inside. They appeared to be arguing.
“I did not know he would do this!” she fumed. “I also did not know that bastard was back.”
‘That bastard’ had to be the scarred man that threw the axe.
“I did not think Ivar would be so foolish,” Sigtryggr rebuked.
The two of them were so engaged in their argument that they did not see Stiorra standing there, until she stood between them before hands could be thrown.
“Would you please stop arguing,” she yelled, “and one of you tell me what is going on?”
The two warriors, one descended from the greatest of their time, the other perhaps considered the most powerful on Earth froze and stared at her incredulously.
Sigtryggr froze mid-sentence. He’d never heard Stiorra yell before. For some reason, he liked it.
Perhaps he could make her do that again.
Drifa just stood there looking like she had no idea who Stiorra was. I guess she’s never heard her shout either.
Stiorra seemed to notice the surprise. She huffed, and repeated, pointedly, “What is going on?”
Still neither of them answered.
Stiorra huffed, clenching her jaw.
“Who was that man?” she asked.
Sigtryggr sighed, frowning. Today was not a good day.
“His name is Skoll Grimmarsson,” Drif answered for him. “Grim as his name, and Ivar’s trusted friend.”
“If friend is how you want to describe them,” Sigtryggr scoffed. “Ivar once said to me that Skoll was more his brother than I, and that he understood the meaning of loyalty.”
Of course, Skoll just wanted power, and land, and the freedom to do as he wished. He did not care for anyone but himself. And Ivar allowed all of it.
Stiorra nodded, pursing her lips. “They just encourage each other’s…” he paused, searching for a word that could possibly begin to describe the kinds of things they got up to. Alone, they were a threat. Together, nothing would make Ivar back down.
Drifa hurled a chair halfway across the cavernous room, yelling some curse (or at least, that is what is sounded like).
Outburst apparently over, the Jarl straitened, breathed in deeply, and marched towards the healing quarters, leaving Sigtryggr and Stiorra staring after her.
After a moment, they turned to look at each other.
“Well, then,” Sigtryggr said. “That was something.”
Neither of them could hold in the laughter rising up.
They both fell in each other’s arms from the force of this laughter. It was needed. Today had not been a good day. Perhaps now it could be better.
Panting hard, laughter finally over, he cupped her face between his hands. The skin was so soft as he stoked it.
“Stiorra,” he said solomly, “I do not think I need to warn you to stay away from Skoll, but still, he is dangerous.”
She reached up, holding her palm to his left cheek, tracing the scar there.
“I know,” she assured. “You and Drifa have trained me well.”
“That is another thing. Your training resumes tomorrow.”
Stiorra groaned.
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ritual-unions · 11 months
🎃 Trick or Treat 🎃
In regard to this post.
How about drabble from a chapter of a fic I think I will never finish? It originally started from a prompt and then had a mind of its own and I could not stop. It my version if Katya had a Ivar’s child without his knowledge and eventually ends up in Kattegat (here is the other chapters if your interested in an Ivar fic).
Thanks for playing along anon!
His uncle’s fingers are pressed around his throat before his eyes can adjust to the darkness of the Great Hall. He only knows it is Ivar by the way the metal crutch reverberates harshly against his knee causing him to hiss in pain, a foolish endeavor that leaves him with even less air than he is currently being offered. His uncle’s anger tosses him off balance, his head crashing against the wooden floorboards. He chokes, gasping for breath.
“Uncle,” he finally manages to wheeze, fingers uselessly clawing at Ivar’s shoulders.
“You could have killed her,” his uncle snarls, his breath hot against his ear.
Ragnar’s head swims as he tries to make right of his world. He had never expected to die this way but the heavy weight of his uncle on top of him makes it impossible for his lungs to work. He will find himself in Niflheim searching mindlessly among the fog, a shallow hollow of himself. He will not have the glory like his namesake. He will not sup with his grandfather in Valhalla. He will die here by the hands of his cripple uncle. A disgrace to his -
His uncle’s name is a quiet roar in Ragnar’s ears as he sucks in a deep gulp of air. His vision is blurry but he can hear the distinct lit of his father’s voice snarling something in the distance.
“- but she is not dead!”
Ivar snarls something Ragnar cannot make out back. His vision still has not cleared but he has been witness to enough fights between his father and uncle that he can see the way Ivar’s fingers curl around the handle of the small knife tucked on his hip and hear his father sit down in the nearest chair a huff of exasperation blowing out his nose. His father will not run away from Ivar. Not anymore. He had enough chances to kill him.
Tenderly Ragnar rubs his neck, trying to scrub away the fear of death that had only moments ago seeped into his very core.
The ear piercing scream that echoes in his ears is enough to pull him out of the depths of his self pity. He grimaces, shaking his head. It is the sound of a bone being reset. Ragnar remembers all too well the sound of his younger brother breaking his shoulder after falling from a tree.
The icy cold stare that slices across Ragnar’s face is enough to bring him back to the present. His father is on his feet again, his hand resting on Ivar’s shoulder, a silent warning. Ragnar swallows the heady matter suddenly thick in his mouth. He can still feel the weight of Ivar’s hands as they close around his throat. His uncle is old, twice his age, half crippled, but there is no winning a fight against him. Ragnar has heard enough stories about his brutality to know when to back down.
He was no match against Ivar the Boneless.
“Uncle, I am -” Ragnar wheezes, his vocal cords swollen under the pressure. The smile that creeps along Ivar’s face is one of pleasure. He is relishing in Ragnar’s apparent state of stress. “I am sorry. I did not expect my horse to shy like that. He has never been one to spook. I should have held -”
“I would not be so worried about apologizing to me,” Ivar laughs, leaning against his crutch to turn away. “It is Freydis you will have to apologize to. She will be queen one day, after all.”
“Uncle!” Ragnar rasps, his throat contracting in pain. He struggles to rise to his feet. The panic bubbling in his belly is making his limbs weak. He has been heir for as long as he can remember. He has spent his entire life preparing for the task. Now some foreign woman stumbles into Kattegat claiming to be Ivar’s daughter and he is all but thrown to the curb. “You cannot.”
“I can do anything I want!” Ivar barks, causing Ragnar to take half a step back. “I am king!”
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Hush My King...
PAIRING: IvarxF!Reader
WORDS: 943
WARNING: Smut below the cut.
TW: Angst-ish | Unruly Ivar | Opera Singing: SMUUUUUUUUUUUT | Oral (Male Receiving) | Vaginal Unprotected Sex | Breeding Kink | Ejaculation
IMAGE CREDIT: @therealcalicali
My Masterlist | Taglist | REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN
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You loved him, adored him, would do anything for him. But sometimes, he just didn't shut up. Ivar would talk to hear himself talk these days, yet would often go off on the most random things; for the oddest reason. What was eating at your King? What was getting him so worked up over at times nothing? What was pushing his mental buttons? You sit back and question, watching him. What was it that was making him so... unruly?
"This is madness! Why is the goat wandering?!" he yelled. "HEY! HEY YOU! GET BACK HERE!" He yelled at one of the people passing by.
"Here we go again." you mutter to yourself, but you smile, watching him. "My King, it's just a goat. Come have a seat. Let me ease your mind." you suggest with a kind, loving smile.
"No one listens to me. Why doesn't anyone listen?" He snarled, taking a seat next to you.
"My King, people listen to you, but you've been a bit... tense, are you okay?" you ask him with concern.
"I'm fine. HEY! SLAVE! BRING ME A--" he stops a moment and looks at you. "What are you doing?" he asks with an arched brow.
"I am helping you, now Hush my, King." You state. "Leave us." you call as the others in the area scatter.
Getting to your knees in front of him. Looking over his face a moment, you undo his pants, taking his cock into your hand, and slowly and firmly work the flesh in your hands. You watch him, and he has his eyes on you. You feel him start to harden in your hand, and you move your head down to lick the tip, and you begin to work your lips around him, loose at first, but the harder he gets, the more full his cock becomes, the more taught your lips become around him.
Taking what you can of him into your mouth, you use your hand to stroke the remainder. Your head bobbing. His jaw unclenches, his eyes observing you carefully, his breathing hitches, and a hand moves to your head. Your tongue swirls slightly and pushes against the thick vein on the underside of his cock; you gradually move your lips to the tip and sucking along the right side of his length. Weaving your way slowly back to the head, and your lips wrap around his head again.
His head drops back as he lets out a heavy groan and his fingers start to grip at your hair. His breathing becomes more labored as his cock twitches in your mouth. Looking over you, he lets out a snarl, Ivar clutches your hair tightly and pulls your head from his cock, and he looks you in the face.
"Get on." He demands.
"Are you--"
"I said. Get. On." He snarls.
"Yes, My King." you whisper softly.
Lifting your dress, you look over his face as you straddle his lap and ease yourself onto his hard, literally throbbing cock. You let him a soft moan as he thrusts his hips up into you, and he grips at your hips tightly.
"Fuck your King." He demands as he presses your hips making you take all of him.
You whimper and let out a jagged breath. You move your hips back and forth while using the chair to your advantage; when it comes to sliding up and down on and you press Ivar's cock deep inside you. Your breathing hitches, and your hands' grip at his shirt, clenching the fabric in your fists.
Your pussy clenches around his member as you move up and down. His jaw slacks and he presses his head into the back of the chair and lets out a groan.
"Cum for me, My King, cup inside me." you whimper.
"Beg for it, My Goddess. Beg for your King's seed."
"Please, My King, cum in me, give me your seed. Please. Breed me, My King!" Your whimpers turn to moans, and your moans turn to screams.
"Breed you, My Goddess? Beg for it. Earn my seed." He demands you.
Your hips move faster but at the same time at a steady pace, a pause now and again to ease yourself down on him and going in a slow circular pattern only to pick up the pace again, keeping the rhythm you look over his face.
"Please, My King. Breed me, cum deep in your Goddess. Give me your child." You whisper against his lips as your legs begin to shake.
Ivar lets out a gasp and grips your hips tightly, forcing you harder as he presses into you, and he buries his face into your neck and lets out a heavy moan.
"Cum for me... cum for me, and I will give you what you want." He demands.
On command, your body trembles, and you let out a heavy moan, your head drops back, your legs shake, pussy quivering massaging his cock, almost as if milking every last drop from him as he presses himself into you, giving you exactly what you asked for. His breathing hitches and your body shaking.
"That's my Goddess... good girl." He whispers against your neck. Holding you close, he looks at you and smiles, "Thank you." He says softly.
Smiling you, slowly ease off of him, and he puts himself away, adjusting in the chair. Sitting in your place at his feet, your head rests on his knees as he looks out the door. "Feast tonight, my brothers!" He calls out, and the people outside cheer with excitement. He looks down at you placing a hand on your head and smiles softly.
Tagging: @luciferslittleastre
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therealcalicali · 4 years
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Ivar - Series Finale
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inforapound · 4 years
Ease The Dawn Pt.2 Ch.18
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A/N -  The 36th and final chapter to this story (started nearly ten months ago). Thanks everyone for loving this pair as much as I do and you all deserve a metal for reading part one. Wow, I will edit it at some point. Previous Chapter 17.  FYI - my story Emboite is my Ivar and Aethelswith modern AU. MASTERLIST.
Pairing - Ivar and Aethelswith   Words - 1,400  
The door was yanked open with such force, it blew Hvitserk's hair out of place.
"What!" Ivar barked, standing on the threshold of his chamber, his ceremonial white tunic making him look especially commanding.
"My bride is waiting for me, Hvitserk,"  he rasped, impatiently.
"I am aware, I apologize, but ships have entered the harbour."
Straightening, his expression went slack. "How many?"
"Sixty-eight....so far."
"Fuck." Turning, he peered over his shoulder at Aethelswith who sat on the edge of the bed. Still in her ivory high-waisted gown, her hair hung loose in smooth curls out from under her pearl headpiece.
Tipping her head to one side, she scrunched her nose, her expression asking if all was well. Looking back to Hvitserk, Ivar pulled the door tight to his side, shielding her from view.
"Alfred does not have sixty-eight ships," Hvitserk continued. "Ten or twelve at the most."
Staring down at the floor, Ivar's shook his head. "It is my wedding day and there is only one man brazen enough to see it spoiled. Those ships belong to Finehair."
"Harald? But sixty-eight? He does not have his entire fleet in one place this early in the season...unless..."
"Bjorn!" they said in unison, locking eyes with each another.
"He wants Bjorn on the throne," Ivar added. "He is a simpleton and easy for Harald to control. What ever offer was dangled, Bjorn would not have been able to resist Kattegat."
"All the bloodshed just to replace one brother with another? There must be something else. What does Harald want? The port?"
Lifting his brows, Ivar stared at Hvitserk, pushing the door wide open, bringing Aethelswith into Hvitserk's line of sight.
"No," Hvitserk's mouth gaped, looking back to Ivar.
Ivar nodded.
"We will not let that happen," Hvitserk said, dropping the volume of his voice.
"How long until they reach the beach?"
"Just over two hours. Maybe longer."
"We will lose the light in four. Get Loni and Brana. Bring them here and then sound the horns."
"What is the order, Ivar?
"Prepare the army."
Holding his sword steady, Hvitserk sprinted up the mucky path toward the gates on the North wall. When all were usually in their homes preparing for the last meal, the city, instead, was buzzing, preparing for battle. Villagers raced in all directions carrying baskets and weapons, and a young woman dashed out of a small thatched home, snatching up a toddler from the path.
"Ivar?" Hvitserk shouted as he reached the top of the slope. "Ivar?" he called again, spotting his brother standing, waiting, with Aethelswith sitting up on the chariot behind.
Stopping face to face with him, Hvitserk noticed that a bench, wide enough for two, had been built across Ivar's seat. Looking into Ivar's bright blue eyes, realization struck.
"What are you doing?" Hvitserk asked.
Nana and Gussr approached on the far side of the chariot, pulling Aethelswith's attention away. Raising his arm, Ivar flicked his hand, indicating for Hvitserk to follow him.
"Is everyone in place?" Ivar asked, stopping a few paces away, ignoring Hvitserk's question.
"How long?"
"The first ships will reach the dock in an hour." Hvitserk's eyes again darted to the chariot. "Are you going to tell me what is happening?"
The sounds of rattling wheels interrupted them as a flatbed wagon, pulled by two horses, passed by stopping behind the chariot. Driven by Loni with Brana sitting next, Hvitserk could see crates in the back, partially covered with a canvas, filled with what looked like provisions.
"Heading over the mountains to Gussr's son's near Gata," Ivar replied. "From there a boat west."
"You are sending her with Loni and Brana?" Glancing back, Hvitserk watched Aethelswith lean over the edge and embrace Gussr. An emotional looking Nana stood behind, drying her cheeks with a handkerchief.
Hvitserk eyes snapped back to Ivar's. "You are getting on the boat with them?" he asked already knowing the answer.
"Aethelswith deserves to see her brothers one last time and tell them, herself, about Burgred and our marriage. If Alfred loves her, and I believe he does, he will deliver justice to that snake. I will be there to see to it. Following that, I am not certain. Brana told Aethelswith about a place north called Dublin."
"You are surrendering." It was a statement.
"Never." Ivar frowned. "You have trained this army, and this is your chance to carve out your own legacy among selfish brothers."
"You want me to fight Bjorn and Harald?"
"I do."
"And, you are leaving the throne?"
"Your skinny ass will keep it warm," Ivar replied, a sparkle returning to his eyes.
"Will you be back, Ivar?"
"Why not stay and fight? They will not defeat us."
"I will not risk being parted from her. For anything," he adjusted his crutch under his arm. "My entire life I have felt that I had to fight. Had to show the world how ruthless I was, how cunning. This winter," he shook his head, "the finality of death....it all felt so...hallow. I never needed working legs or stacks of gold or to be the most famous king in Scandinavia, I needed Aethelswith and now I need to keep my family safe."
"You could lose your kingdom?"
"She is my kingdom."
"Ivar..." looking down, Hvitserk shifted his boot in the muck, "I underestimated you, brother."
"You would not be the first." With a quick nod, he turned and moved toward the chariot, sliding his crutch across the floor and dropping to sit. Unbuckling his braces, he slid them off and in beside him before turning and pulling himself up to sit next to Aethelswith.
Shifting on the seat, he lifted his arm for her to slide in close. Placing her hand on his thin thigh, she smiled as he wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her against him.
"You are certain?" she asked, resting the side of her face against his arm.
"I am," he replied, reaching forward to grab the lead.
"I love you," she whispered, glancing up at his profile.
Keeping his gaze forward he squeezed her tighter to his side. "I know."
Circling the chariot, Hvitserk, approached the side, stopping next to Nana and Gussr.
"Farewell sister," he bowed his head. "I hope to see you again."
Reaching her hand out, Hvitserk grabbed on. "Farewell Hvitserk," her soft blue eyes shone. "Be safe today. I know that you will lead well."
Nodding his thanks, he let go and Aethelswith returned her hand to rest, protectively, on her round tummy, barely noticeable through her heavy cloak. Picking up the reigns in one gloved hand, Ivar jerked his head to the guards, ahead, anxious to be underway.
"Ivar!" Hvitserk called out, stepping back to the chariot.
Both Ivar and Aethelswith turned to look.
"The Seer... he was right. It was never about Freydis or Burgred, or Harald for that mater. It was about Aethelswith; her strength to fight and her love for you, and the will of that little life inside her to survive the poison....and you," his eyes locked with Ivar's, "it was about you and what you would give for love. This Ivar, this," he raised his hands in the air, "is the ultimate sacrifice."
Looking over, Ivar studied her face, her rosy full cheeks and perfect bowed lips, strawberry flaxen hair, and face shaped like a heart. An unfamiliar feeling rolled through his body, spreading like the warmth of a flame. It was peace...contentment, a sensation confirming he was precisely where he needed to be, at her side, leaving the chaos and triviality behind.
The brightness in his eyes gave away his emotions as he stared into her beaming, grey-blue eyes; her pink lips softly smiling. Feeling the rise of tears, he quickly looked back to Hvitserk.
"Does not feel like I am sacrificing a thing."
Dipping down, he pressed his lips to hers, breathing in her sweet scent, finally, understanding that she had never been a prize or a reward for his suffering. Aethelswith was, in fact, his journey; the light guiding him to his destiny. Sweeping his eyes over her face once last time, he looked up and nodded his goodbyes.
Facing forward, they watched the guards pull the heavy gates open before signaling back that it was clear to go. With hearts filled with devotion and arms embracing the other, Ivar and Aethelswith looked ahead of the chariot, toward their uncertain future. Ivar cracked the reigns.
@youbloodymadgenius​​  @whenimaunicorn​​ @ceridwenofwales​​  @jaydelesley4​​  @sweeneythots​​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​​@redama​​ @mdredwine​​ @didiintheblog​   @londongal2810​ @fields-and-fields-of-poppies​  @littlecarolina94​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @youbelongeverywhere @blonddnamedhandz​ @hecohansen31​ @naaladareia​
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Sharing Is Caring:
Boxer! Ivar The Boneless+Reader+Boxer! Roman Godfrey.
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Still not in the best headset, but since I don’t like leaving my projects to die, in my Word, here it is a little thing I manage to “finish” for @walkxthexmoon, who introduced me to this OT3, plus those two, plus boxing and my ovaries are on the ground begging for mercy... don’t mind me...
I am rather sorry I wasn’t able to write smut, I swear I honestly tried, but also... I just haven’t felt up to smut till this morning and I think that this fit better without it, so that your imagination can do a better job than my writing (and if you have any request, REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN... I am just very slow at catching up and write fanfic in the middle...).
So that was all and I hope you’ll enjoy this.
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex, Threesome, Jealousy, Poly-Relationship, Jealousy and Envy, Mentions of Substance Abuse and Blood.
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Ivar couldn’t help but have a problem with her.
With “her” being his best friend’s girlfriend.
He couldn’t help but have this kind of awkwardness around her.
At first, he had thought it was because he was used to it being only him and Roman, the golden bachelors of boxing, with them always supporting each other through their ups and down.
It was an understatement that he had been less than thrilled to meet the ‘special lady’ Roman had been lusting after since a month.
But she had been truly angelical, and never ever had tried to break apart them, giving to them their own time and their own thoughts, never interfering with their nights-out and being gentle and calm towards him.
On his part he had been quite grumpy with her, mostly due to that uneasiness that he felt whenever she was around.
Mostly in some kind of undressed state.
Such as the one time he had come to wake up Roman early for practice, just to be welcomed by her on the threshold, wearing Roman’s sweatshirt, a bit too big for her and slightly short…
… enough that as she had raised to kiss Roman’s cheeks as a “goodbye” he had caught the elastic of her lacey panties, a cerulean blue that he had dreamed after his workout, coming onto his hand, in the shower.
He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but he got it bad for his best friend’s girlfriend.
But there was no way that she would be even slightly interested into him, not to talk about the fact that Ivar was Roman’s dearest friend and he shouldn’t have even thought about her like that.
That time after he had gotten himself off, he had just felt dirty and hadn’t been able to look either her or Roman in the face for a week.
He had tried avoiding her, but Roman had asked worried, if maybe… he just didn’t like you:
“I mean… she is perfect man, but if you…”.
“No no, Roman, you look great together” he had tried to stop the question, but sometimes Roman would just irk him badly and he would need a cold shower, since the exhibitionist that Roman had always been didn’t save him any details about his fiery nights with her.
One night, he had dreamed about him doing those things with her.
But it had all stopped when he had realized that, in the dream, his legs were working.
And he had been horrified by it enough that he had spent the first sleepless night of many.
He respected Roman with all his heart.
He had been one of the first to believe in Ivar, even with his legs, getting him not only to start his own try-outs, but also continuously supporting him through the entire journey to fame, no matter the fact that he had himself quite some problems, mostly with substance abuse.
That is another reason why she was perfect for him: Ivar hadn’t seen him shoving anything up his nose, since they had started going out and he appreciated her for that.
“Sometimes I wonder whether I am just another pretty thing on his arm” she had mumbled once, after Roman had won the umpteenth match, they had been watching from the stands, just for a flock of girls in scant-clad costumes running up to him, with thrilling screams and promises.
Ivar had seen her truly scared as if she didn’t understand that Roman was the one lucky being with an angel like her.
He would have cherished her enough that she wouldn’t have ever wondered whether she was the only one or not.
But he had just muttered that Roman would never cheat: yeah, he might have a wandering eye, but he would never disrespect her like that.
“Uhm” she had mumbled, not convinced, before coming close to him, closer than he felt comfortable with, since he could totally smell the pretty perfume she had worn, although it would be soon covered by smelly fried food and sweat, something flowery but discreet, with a deeper accent to it “… sometimes I am jealous of you… you know him so well… and sometimes… I can never guess what is going on in that pretty head”.
Ivar had just blushed and shrugged off, before he had moved to the locker rooms to talk with Roman.
“Shit… I am pretty lucky to have her, am I not?” had asked, there, Roman, meanwhile he unlaced his bandages from his hands, confronting with Ivar his technique, since he was the only one, he truly trusted.
“Yeah, you better not forget it” he had mumbled, almost not even thinking about his words, which had taken Roman quite by surprise, and he had immediately shot him a confused look, with his sharp eyes.
“What do you mean?” he had shot back, stretching his fingers and his legs, quickly before slumping up, meanwhile Ivar settled himself onto his crutches, almost wanting to escape this conversation, although he knew it was impossible.
“She doesn’t feel very cherished… with you fawning over those girls, instead of coming to her, once the match is over” he had replied, knowing that he could have simply said nothing, and he would have seen his friend maybe lost his pretty girl.
Then he might have had a chance.
But he knew better than to try out this, since he knew perfectly that it would have destroyed Roman.
He couldn’t do it to his best friend. Just for a girl.
“You mean I need to do the entire “Adriana” thing” had joked Roman, before strutting off the locker room, waiting for him to catch up “I’ll keep it in mind, my dear friend”.
And he had.
For the entire house party, on Halloween he had followed Ivar’s suggestion, remaining attached to his girlfriend, even for the silliest of things: Rocky and Adriana indeed, with her looking like a true angel, even in that awkward and last minute costume, meanwhile Roman comfortably stayed shirtless, joking about both Rocky and him being great boxers.
It was low key awkward for him to be standing between them, but things soon got even stranger, when she leaned onto him, moving softly closer to him to whisper something stupid in his ear, which he didn’t quite grasp, suddenly concerned with the nearness of her hand to the bulge in his pants, spurred by her action.
“… Ivar are you listening to me?” she asked, when she saw his unfocused gaze, and he simply shook his head.
“Sorry the music is just too loud” he justified, before moving away, with the suggestion that he could get them some drinks, which was welcomed by Roman, with full thumbs up, but he used the occasion to get away from them just to breath properly.
Accidental touches like that weren’t something he was unused, but other people avoided him like he had the plague, thinking that whatever he had on his legs might spread to them.
So, he couldn’t help but be a bit shaken by the way she had moved onto him, giving him a good show of her cleavage, although he was sure it was totally accidental.
He truly didn’t understand how could such a girl would go for him, when she could have had someone like Roman.
His friend was one of the best boxers of the year, training and getting his life back from the tunnel of serious drugs he had started his career with; he had been the one sponsoring Ivar’s training, since nobody in his family wanted to support what they had called “his decision to kill himself”, alongside the fact that coaches wouldn’t even try anything with him.
He was too broken for anyone.
Except Roman.
So, he honestly needed to cool himself down, before he stood up to face them, again.
When he came back, she was alone and he made himself a mental note to tell Roman that he shouldn’t leave such precious girls all alone, mostly with him as a big bad wolf, wanting desperately to taster her.
She seemed totally ok, comfortable with him, meanwhile she explained that Roman was on a smoke break.
“Can I ask you something silly, Ivar?” he was low key busy trying to understand whether it would have been considered rude for him to join Roman, leaving her there, or if he could stand next to her, without popping a boner.
There was no chance he could when she smiled like that and blushed so divinely.
“Go ahead” he tried not to seem too affected by it all, meanwhile he played around with his costume, a simple “this is my Halloween costume” sweatshirt, since he honestly couldn’t be bothered by these commercial things.
(He low key had thought about going to the party, in his Viking costume, but he hadn’t wanted for anybody to ask him who the hell he was, alongside somebody spilling his beer onto it).
“Do you not like me?” her shyness could be heard in the softness of his voice, meanwhile she played around with her hair.
He was honestly taken aback by this, but he could seen where this was coming from, although he was sure that Roman had probably just told her that he was simply grumpy.
She took his silence as a confirmation of her thoughts, but this didn’t stop her from moving closer to him, nudging her shoulder against his.
“… you just never seem happy to be around me, and I thought that at first it was simply missing your best-friend, but nothing seems to work”.
How could he tell her that honestly was attracted by her, but had this grumpy persona to keep himself from ruining his friendship with his best-friend?
“It’s nothing personal…” he started, trying to avoid facing her, but she somehow found a way to face him and make him face her: she was pretty headstrong, and Ivar could see why Roman liked her so much.
And why he, himself, did too.
“Then, please tell me, because I don’t want to put some dent in your relationship”.
‘Then please just go around with a bag of paper on your head’ he would have gladly mumbled, but he just couldn’t and before he could do anything, she was damnably close to him and he felt her perfume all over him: she had changed it, to something darker, much more dense, although it was still extremely feminine.
It had remained tangled in her hair and he could see the power of it shifting as she played with them, to keep her mind off, and waiting for an answer.
But he was too focused on her lips: she had worn some kind of red lipstick, which had been roughly smeared by Roman’s kisses and the few drinks she had taken, letting Roman finish them for her, in a disheveled detail that drove Ivar wild.
And crazy enough that with no knowledge of the entire thing he pushed himself to finally kiss those smeared lips, pushing himself onto her with such a strength that he felt her tighten under his hold, before she gently relaxed, somehow her lips becoming warm as if they were accepting his, as they gently delved to return the kiss.
And in that moment Ivar realized that he had fucked up.
For Odin’s sake he was kissing his best friend’s girlfriend!
He pushed himself away, meanwhile she gently looked at him, surprised as if she hadn’t expected it.
Which was probably the reality of the things, since Ivar had kept up this entire “I don’t like you” persona with her.
“So, this is what happens when I go out for a smoke break?” Roman’s voice caught him by surprise, and he felt her tremble against him, since they were close enough, and he pushed himself even closer as if to shield her from Roman.
He wouldn’t be certainly violent towards her, but he wanted to avoid his drunken state making him do something that he might regret.
And in the end, it was all Ivar’s fault.
But as he turned around, he found that his friend wasn’t in the slightest annoyed but instead was smirking, hiding it barely behind a glass of whiskey, he had probably picked up from his smoke break.
“Honestly I was hoping this might happen, sooner…” he mumbled, as he set himself down on the little sofa in front of them, setting his glass down”… it was kind of annoying to see you dance around each other… so painfully awkward”.
“You knew about my crush?” asked Ivar, suddenly realizing that it was true: Roman had known about it all “You knew about my fucking crush and let me fucking continue on this road, you fucked up son of a bitch”.
In the meanwhile, she raised up, looking at both the guys, before throwing a pillow in Roman’s face, who quickly caught it.
“You lead us onto this” realization shook also her face.
“Oh c’mon, you couldn’t expect me not to do anything, after you confessed me that you thought that Ivar was fucking hot in that match in Chicago”.
Her face turned flushed red and Ivar’s mind went back to that match: he had gone down a few times, eventually coming on top of the entire match, with his nose broken and his lips swollen, and he was barely able to stand enough to be called the winner.
He remembered that since it was summer she had worn a pretty sundress, with sunflowers on it, and it somehow had highlighted the type of innocent beauty she owned, and to think that she had lusted for him almost as much he had lusted for her…
… well it was a strong aphrodisiac.
Meanwhile they were both bashing in embarrassment, Roman finished his glass of whiskey, settling it down with enough force that the noise startled them both.
“Now that you know, don’t you want to act out on those fantasies?” he almost seemed the snake that had tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, his own tongue coming up from between his lips, licking them.
“What would you gain from it?” asked Ivar at the same time she mumbled.
“Are you trying to prostitute me to your best friend?”.
Roman shook his head laughing, before he sent a look at Ivar.
“I know that little Ivar here is a bit shy on these things, alongside the fact that he is quite the loyal dog so he is too scared to even go and try anything with you, but I can see that he fucking wants it, and I know that he won’t control enough for longer…” and then his face grew softer, facing her and holding an hand out for her “… I don’t mind sharing, if you don’t, too”.
The choice was in her hands, and Ivar felt like it was already going to be a “no”.
Yeah, she might have returned the kiss, but he was pretty sure that she would be too ashamed to event try anything with him.
She wouldn’t be the first and she wouldn’t be the last to think that
“… you won’t get pissed at me, will you?” she asked, shyly.
Roman shook his head slowly, although Ivar was thinking that he was simply lying.
Roman was pretty territorial with his things and his people, but…
… no sign of annoyance was found in his pretty eyes.
And she gently turned toward Ivar, offering her hands to help him up, which he automatically took, steadying himself, meanwhile he raised from the sofa, and Roman quickly exited from his pockets his car keys.
He was definitely in for a thrill.
When they all arrived at Roman’s apartment, Ivar couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous mostly because he felt like Roman might realize that this was just a HUUUGEE mistake and she might do the same.
But as soon as they were behind closed door, she returned the soft kiss he had laid onto her lips, at the party, with definitely much more passion than what he had expected, gently pushing him against the door, meanwhile Roman chuckled, throwing the keys of his house aside, as he slipped out of his shoes.
Ivar didn’t know what had gotten over you and before he even knew it, her hand had gone back to his thigh, and this time he was definitely unable to avoid popping a boner.
He was extremely thankful that she didn’t move further, although he felt himself almost moaning at the loss of her body against his, immediately cold and her fragrance mixed with her arousal, definitely less strong than when she was all over him.
She swayed her lips to move towards Roman, who looked like he quite enjoyed the show (almost as much as Ivar, who got to see all of her ass), leaning down to kiss her slowly, showring Ivar the entire anatomy of the kiss, as he pushed his tongue gently in hers, after he had bitten her upper lip, soothing the small hurt with a delicate kiss on it.
It was definitely quite arousing and Ivar couldn’t help but be slightly ashamed of his inexperience, immediately comparing his clumsy kiss to their, but he tried to avoid looking further, meanwhile Roman gently pushed her down in an half dip, getting her to giggle for him.
“Don’t be silly, Roman” she mumbled, before turning to Ivar, a bright smile on her face, almost making him blush even a more reddish color, with purple hues “… not in front of a guest”.
“Sweetheart” he gently took all her attention, bringing his hips onto her forehead, facing him as if he was expecting him to do anything and then turned her around, making her giggle “… don’t be a meanie, in front of the guest, or what will he think of us?”.
“That we are heathens” she muttered and then turned towards Ivar, sending him a deep look, before she pushed her lips out, sending a kiss in the air for him to catch “… but I don’t think that he minds it”.
He didn’t and gently pushed himself closer onto his crutches, grinding lightly against her till her mouth opened in a soft “O”, meanwhile Roman hid a smirk in her neck, before he donned it with pretty marks.
He could share but he still needed to mark his territory.
“… I don’t think that you could ever be an heathen, sweetheart” he whispered in your ear, softly, before biting down on your earlobe, making her yelp and push herself closer to Roman, who hugged her tenderly, but his expression held nothing of the sweetness he showed.
“This is just because you haven’t slept with her…” Roman’s smirk was seriously a Cheshire cat’s smile “… yet”.
“Well than shouldn’t you be doing something about it?” she taunted him, smirking softly, before she ran away from the two men, gaining a head start from them both and sprinting towards the bedroom.
Roman and Ivar just shared a look, before they moved to follow her.
Almost bumping into each other in their rush to reach her.
That would be a fun night.
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With your hands tied together above your head, you waited impatiently for Ivar to touch you. He could be cruel when he wanted to but above all else he liked you to beg. 
"Please Ivar, don't stop." You moan out as his fingertips lightly graze your inner thighs. The small contact made your whole body shiver with excitement. 
With Ivar, you never knew what was coming next. One moment he was gentle and sweet, the next you had a knife pressed to your throat. Literally. 
You liked it, the danger and uncertainty but most of all you liked Ivar. You had fallen head over heels for the youngest son of Ragnar and were all too happy to play along with his whims. 
"Didn't I tell you to stop moving?" A smirk crosses his lips as he pushes you down, hands holding your hips still, "Bad girls need to be punished, remember?"
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castielsangelsx · 4 years
I See You (Ivar x Blind!Reader) Part 2
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A.N: request for @unabashedgentlemenpirate​ for a part 2 to I see you and others who have wanted a part where Ivar comes back!!!! Original request by @queenofthe-nerds​.  Let me know what you think!!
Summary: since Ivar has left, Kattegat has changed, a new queen has risen and another dead. you and Ivar’s relationship is tested as he returns, you find Ivar more lost than you imagined.
Part One
Chaos. That was the best way to describe Kattegat after Ivar had departed for England with Ragnar. I had tried my hardest to stay near Aslaug, her comfort and guide were welcomed, and she was the closest thing, besides Ivar's brothers, that helped remind me of her youngest son.
The day Lagertha took Kattegat was the day I had lost Aslaug and found myself spending more time by the ocean. That's where I sat daily, waiting for the day Ivar would return. Life in Kattegat was more lonely than I had thought, Magrethe's company was boring.
So here I was, sitting at the edge of the shoreline with my feet in the sand and my ears on high alert at the sound of footsteps and horns blaring in the distance. 
I had dreamed of the day Ivar would return; in my mind, I envisioned I would be able to kiss him and feel him again. I missed his voice, and I knew that Ivar was not going to feel well to the news of his dead mother following these tough times. I had heard the disapproval of Ubbe and even Sigurd.
 I knew that Ivar would not take lightly - considering he always took what he wanted. Revenge was no different. To be honest, I couldn't wait for that.
"Y/n!" Turning my head to the side, unable to pinpoint the sound's location, I recognize Ubbe's voice. "Ivar has returned... with the Christians."
"What?" Ubbe laughs lightly at my words.
"That is what I thought, he needs to see you first before we break the news. And I know how much you miss him, he too." You nodded at his words and giddily hopped up, Ubbe's arm bumped your own, and you linked yours with him for a guide. I usually carried a stick or went about with my instinct and hearing people's conversations, but human help was always welcome.
Ubbe guided me up off the sand and weaved me through the streets. His touch was gentle, a lot like Ivar's. Something I gathered Ubbe for, Sigurd and Hvitserk, were not so much willing and were harsher in their handling. Sigurd rushed a lot, causing a lot of unnecessary arguments with Ivar.
The grounds texture was much less rough from the gravel, it was smoother. The sound of the waves accompanied and affirmed me that the docks were at my feet. The tones were much more hushed in the docks than I had heard them, underlining the fact the Christians were here. The nerves built in my gut, I did not know where to focus my attention on.
Twisting my head to focus on the direct sounds coming from the rocking of the boat as Ubbe releases from my grip. My senses heightened in an attempt to guide my own self. I searched and wracked my brain for Ivar's voice or presence.
"Y/n?" Ivar. His voice was croaky and weak, and I stepped forward to continue and follow the sound of shuffling.
"Iva-." I am interrupted by Ubbe's voice, I recognize.
"We must bring him inside y/n, he is unwell, hold onto my arm." Feeling disheartened and anxiety-ridden, I grasp his elbow. His movements are much quicker, and his body is leaned at the the sound of Ivar's feet sounded to be dragging as I attempted to keep up with their long strides. 
Making it to a makeshift hut, an area of Kattegat I was not too familiar with. The feeling of the walls was different, and the ground was much coarser in gravel than others.
Ubbe shakes off my arm, and I reach out for Ivar whos hands outstretch to grasp on my own. At an arms reach away, I rush towards him, wrapping my arms around his hunched form. 
I imagined a tired Ivar, an Ivar who's traveled and experienced more than he should. Ivar weakly wraps his arm around my back as I grasp at his body firmly. Hoping to savor this moment, ensuring he couldn't get the chance to leave again.
Revealing to Ivar about the casualties that left Kattegat at the hands of the first wife of Ragnar and the death of his mother drove Ivar in a state of tension and anger. His hands never left my side after the news. Held at my hips or resting on my thigh.
We lay beside one another now, after Ivar had been given proper care by the healers. Ivar's presence soon calmed my previous nerves and anxieties that awaited his return. He was home, and that was what mattered most now, nothing else.
“Did they hurt you?” I asked, rubbing my hand along his stomach as I lie on my side with Ivar seemingly parallel to me. Ivar takes a deep breath, it fans my nose. He says nothing, though. His lack of conversation proves his internal struggle. Losing two members of the family is difficult, mainly to Ivar. “I am happy that you are safe,” filling in the gap from Ivar, I speak.
Ivar gives me no time to continue as he wraps his arm around my neck. I bask in his body warmth and comfort. His hand glides against my back, and I sigh in content.
“Lagertha will pay for what she has done,” I smile at his words. 
“Of course Ivar, I will help.” he releases his grip, but his face nears mine as I feel the feeling of his lips closer to my own. 
“I have missed you. I am grateful the gods have blessed me with such a perfect woman.” I feel the heat of cheeks rise, and warmth swallows my whole face at his words.
“Kattegat was lonely without you. After Lagertha, she had me moved to lay beside Margrethe in her chamber. No one in Kattegat is like you Ivar, they do not fill my heart like you do or understand me like you do.” Ivar’s cold palm runs over my cheek. His lips come closer to my own.
The softness engulfed me, the kiss was soft and gentle. Lasting only for a few seconds, we pull apart. We rest our heads comfortably in the bed we have chosen to share for the night in the smaller shack Lagertha has given them from prior living arrangements.
“I’ve missed this, Ivar,” you smile smugly at your words and move closer towards him.
“I see you.” He says, rubbing his thumb against my closed eyelid. “You have gotten more beautiful.” I shake my head and give a breath-like laugh.
“I see you, Ivar.” His lips meet my eyelid one after the other before he shifts closer and rests his hands. My own hands entangled with his own.
His hands were laced in my hair, a fistful of it in his hand. His cold fingers caused chills down my spine, it was calming nonetheless. His breaths fanned my face; my breaths matched his own as I rest my eyelids to sleep. Finally, next to Ivar, who I knew was mine forever. From tonight to the day, he proves to all of Kattegat who the Boneless can be.
TAGLIST: @youbloodymadgenius​ @gruffle1​
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty *this is the longest chapter I have ever written! So make sure you bring your snacks and strap yourself in;)*
Word Count: over 6k
Warning: sex without consent, smut, fluff and heavy angst
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You did not get much sleep on that night and neither did your beloved. His heart rate did not lower as the hours progressed. His jaw stayed clenched at the thought of his friend's attempt to kiss you. You are very beautiful, he gives him that, but that gives him no right to kiss his wife. He would never do that to Katya, so why would he do this to him? Oh, that is right. Him and Katya shared a kiss on that one night before the battle to win Kattegat back from his brother Bjorn. But how could Prince Oleg know? He pondered that question in his head over and over again. The only possible reason for him to do such a thing is because he found out about him and Katya's quick moment. She must have told him, or someone else did but he was not stupid enough to ask such a question. So he stayed still as he watched your eyelids struggle to stay closed. He knew that you were not sleeping either, but still, he held you in his arms and never let you go. And he made sure that his ax was by his bed and his dagger was on his waistband. He was not letting anyone touch you, or harm you in any way, shape, or form. You are his and his alone. If Prince Oleg thought differently, he has another thing coming for him, that is certain. 
Soon enough, the sunshine crept its way through the windows of your chambers and Ivar lifted both of your bodies up from the warm pillows. You both sigh from the lack of sleep but he knew from the look on your face that you are struggling more than him. With you being several months pregnant, you need the sleep for both you and the baby. 
Ivar "Sweetheart, you did not sleep at all?" You shake your head no, "Why? I was not going to let anyone-"
"I know, I know.."
Ivar "So why did you not sleep, hmm?" He places stray hairs behind your ears.
"Just an unnerving feeling. I don't like perverted men, Ivar. I thought that he was your friend."
Ivar "He is."
"Friends do not try to get their friend's wives into their bed, Ivar. He even offered!"
Ivar "I am aware Y/n. I will take care of this."
"If Hvitserk hasn't done that already." You snapped. 
Ivar snickers, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Hvitserk stopped him last night Ivar, that is what I meant."
Ivar "You-do not sit here and tell me that I never save you, that I never protect you! I am your king! I am your husband! Treat me like it huh?!" You laugh at his reaction. But it made you think: has Ivar ever saved you? Has he ever helped you? Helped you, oh absolutely! Saved you, no. Hvitserk has always been the one to save you. Hell, you were taken from your own home while Ivar slept beside you. So you laugh and get out of bed. 
Ivar "And where do you think you are going?"
"I need to stretch my legs..beloved." You put on a fur blanket around your arms and chest to cover yourself up a bit before leaving the room. You had to walk away from Ivar, or else it would be a fight and you did not wish to have one with Ivar. It is useless. You would both feel like they're right so what is the point? It would only bring on a migraine, to which you already have one from the lack of sleep. Ivar just watches you leave and puts his head into the palms of his hands at the realization that you are absolutely right. Hvitserk was there for you last night..he was not. Hvitserk seems to always be there when you need him the most, but it should be the other way around and that makes Ivar feel like a horrible husband and king. He will never forgive himself for that night, because he could have stopped King Harald.
Ivar "What can I do?" He whispered to himself as he looked at the door his wife just left. 
You meet Katya in the hallway and she stops you out of concern from the look on your face and the dark circles. 
Katya "Oh darling, are you alright?"
"Oh yes, I am fine. Thank you."
Katya "Do not lie, there is no need for that, Y/n. I know that I met you yesterday but I have grown to like you. I am here for you, woman to woman, queen to queen..are you alright?"
"Just very tired. This baby is becoming too big for my body." You force a laugh because it was a lie. Your belly is very large but nothing that you cannot handle. You just did not feel like talking at the moment.
Katya "Oh, alright then. Could I do anything? Run you a bath, perhaps?"
"Oh that is too kind, but no thank you. I am actually going to go out for a walk-"
Ivar "Not without me, I hope." He says as he comes up from behind you. You look at him and then back at Katya. Her smile quickly fades when she sees that your smile is obviously not sincere. 
"Of course, my love. You can walk with me." He smiles. 
Ivar "Good morning, Princess. How was your night?"
Katya "It was fine, thank you for asking. And yours?"
Ivar "Just as fine, thank you. Now, If you'll excuse us."
Katya "Of course." She moves out of the way and lets the both of you pass her in the hallway. She can tell that something is off but she doesn't not know what. 
Once you and Ivar are out of the doors of Prince Oleg's kingdom, he opens his mouth. 
Ivar "I am sorry." You do not respond. "You do not accept my apology?"
"What exactly are you apologizing for, Ivar?"
Ivar "For not saving you, like I promised. I did not save you on-"
"We've gone over that millions of times, I forgive you."
Ivar "And I am sorry for not being there last night. I sensed something was..wrong when it took you so long. But I ignored my own thoughts. And I shouldn't have. I am sorry."
You nod, "Thank you. And I forgive you." He walks closer to you and kisses you on the forehead. 
Ivar "I love you Y/n. I love you more than everything."
"I know. And I love you too-"
Prince Oleg "Ah, there you two are! Good morning!" You jolt when you hear his voice and you walk a few paces backwards. 
Ivar "Mm, hello Oleg. Good morning."
Prince Oleg "What is the matter?! You two seem so down on this bright and lovely day."
"No sleep."
Prince Oleg "Oh, that is a shame. Was it the bed-"
Ivar "No, not at all. It was someone's actions that made the both of us uneasy." He says with direct eye contact, making Prince Oleg take a step back. 
Prince Oleg "Oh, well..today is a new day. New beginnings! So, in celebration of your return..I have arranged a little play to be had in my front field, in a few hours." 
"And what does this play entail?"
Prince Oleg "Uh uh uhh, that will be discovered when you arrive."
Ivar "We will be there.."
Prince Oleg "Wonderful. I will see you two very soon." He says as he pats Ivar on his shoulder and walks in the opposite direction. You look at Ivae in shock.
"He does plays now?"
Ivar "He has a weird skit thing that he does..little Igor even have dolls that he uses for reenactments."
"Wonderful. Why did you fail to tell me how Oleg really is, hmm?"
Ivar "I did tell you."
"All of the good things, but none of his strange tendencies."
Ivar "If you do not like him, why don't you leave? You are a queen, you can come and go as you please. If you do not like Prince Oleg, you can go home to Kattegat."
"I know that you do not mean that Ivar. So I am not going to take that to heart. But if you do not take care of what happened last night, and not take responsibility and accountability for me, I will be taking Ryuu and I will be gone within an hour. Do you understand me?" He smirks and chuckles a bit but then his eyes start to fill with tears. He does not speak, he only nods 'yes' and you walk away from him yet again.
Hvitserk finds you sitting on the balcony, talking to the daughter in your belly and he stands there for only a moment, to admire you. You catch him and open your arms for him to hug you. You need his comfort after the long night and the argumentative morning that you have been having. 
Hvitserk hums once you are in his arms and you just inhale his scent that engulfs your senses and warms your soul. 
Hvitserk "I've got you." He says as he rubs small circles around the small of your back and you smile. 
"How did you sleep?" You say as he lets go.
Hvitserk "Not even a single hour..and you?"
"Notta.." you both laugh at the deliriousness. 
Hvitserk "I just sat in the doorway and kept an eye on your room. I didn't like what happened last night."
"You did that?"
Hvitserk "Of course I did."
"You did not have too, Ivar slept with his-"
Hvitserk "Dagger. Yeah, he always does. Ever since that night, he always sleeps with it on him.. or next to him. But, a dagger is useless if you do not wake up in enough time to use it, aye?"
You nod, "Yeah, I guess you are right."
Hvitserk "What is on your mind, kitten."
"I am just looking forward to going home. Ivar and I have been arguing all morning."
Hvitserk "I figured that. But it is normal..it is okay to have arguments. It is okay to have outbursts and tiffs..but you fight with love. It's never anger, it is out of love."
"That is a great way to put it, Hvitserk. I will have to remember that."
Hvitserk "So, what were you telling our little angel in there?" He says as he places his hands over your belly. 
"Ohh, just a lullaby."
Hvitserk "Sing it to me." He smiles once you smile and he lies his head on your belly as you sing it to him. You fiddle with his braids as you sing and he rubs your belly for you. And occasionally kisses it, making you giggle because it tickles you. 
Hvitserk "You aren't ticklish there when we are in bed-" your jaw drops and you smack his arm playfully, making him burst out laughing. "I am not wrong."
"I know but shush, come back and let me finish my lullaby." He complies and you sing until the very end. Once it ends, he leans up and kisses you before helping you up from the lounge chair.
Hvitserk "That was beautiful, princess."
"You think she heard it?"
Hvitserk "Of course she did. And she smiled, but we cannot see that yet."
"Hmm. Prince Oleg has a play..it is supposed to start in a hour or so."
Hvitserk "Ah yes, I remember his plays. They are quite interesting."
"Help me pick out a dress, will you?"
Hvitserk "It would be my pleasure." You walk back into the home and he helps you pick out a beautiful white dress for the scheduled play. Today is going to be a warm day which excites you and Hvitserk. Because your little one is going to be born in the summer season!
Ivar thinks long and hard on how he is going to confront Prince Oleg without it becoming a huge fight and someone ending up hurt or worse. Having two ill-tempered kings is not a good mix but somehow, they are friends? Nonetheless, he found Prince Oleg talking to a few of his people, trying to prep them for the play when Ivar interrupts him. 
Ivar "We need to have a little talk, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Can it wait?"
Ivar "No, I'm afraid it is urgent." Prince Oleg looks at his people, whispered a few words and then they left Ivar and him to talk in private.
Prince Oleg "What is it, my friend?"
Ivar "It has come to my knowledge that you made advances to my wife, last night."
Prince Oleg "And who told you that?"
Ivar "My wife!"
Prince Oleg "And you believe everything that woman tells you?"
Ivar "Of course I do. I love her and she loves me-"
Prince Oleg "Ohh, poor Ivar..so nai-"
Ivar "I am telling you right now, if you do not keep your hands and your perverted mouth away from my wife, you are asking for a war. Do you understand me, huh?!" Ivar was not going to allow this man to twist his marriage when he was in the wrong. So he shouted that, for his people to overhear and they began to stare. That made Prince Oleg feel the pressure and realize that he needs to agree or he would be having a war in a few days time. 
Prince Oleg starts to laugh out of shock and nervousness, "Okay, okay..I heard you Ivar the Boneless."
Ivar "Have I made myself clear, my friend? She is mine and mine alone. She is not a slave nor is she going to be your play-thing...understood?"
Prince Oleg sighs, "But she is-" Ivar takes out his dagger and places it to Oleg's throat. Specifically, right on his vein that would kill him in a matter of seconds if cut. 
Ivar "If you want to play this game, Prince Oleg...would you like to die by my blade.. or by dragon?" Prince Oleg stammers and looks at the massive creature that is licking his lips as he stares at the man that his father has a blade to. 
Prince Oleg "Oka-okay! We have an understanding! I am sorry, just get off of me!" Ivar backs off and puts his blade in his waistband. 
Ivar "Good. Now, go on and finish getting your people ready for this play of yours. Wouldn't want to displease us, now would you? You have already been so rude to your guest, wouldn't want-"
Prince Oleg "She will love the play, I am sure of it."
Ivar "Good, that is good huh?!" He playfully hits Oleg on the shoulder. 
Prince Oleg "Of course. I sincerely apologize Ivar.."
Ivar "Good. After the play or before..you can apologize to the woman that you treated with disrespect. And see if she accepts your apology." He walks away before Oleg has the chance to respond. Leaving him out of breath from that shock of fear, it was startling to say the least. He looks at Ivar and back at Ryuu who is still gawking at him with his fangs out. Prince Oleg hurries his way to his people and pretends like nothing happened.
When you are finished getting ready with Hvitserk, Ivar is coming into the doors of the palace. Katya is goofing around with Igor in the foyer. She smiles when she sees you walking in the room.
Katya "Well, don't you look gorgeous!"
"Thank you, beautiful! So are you." She thanks you and gives you a quick hug while Hvitserk walks up to Ivar.
Hvitserk "Did you make it clear?"
Ivar "Of course I did, my brother. "
Hvitserk "What did you tell him?"
Ivar "Ahh let's just say, it was either he died by my blade or by Y/n's dragon so he apologized." They both burst out laughing, making you and Katya look in their direction.
Katya "What is it?"
Ivar "Oh I just scared your husband a little bit..!"
Katya "Oh, of course you did. You can't help yourself, can you?"
Ivar "He deserved it."
Katya "What did he do and what did you do?" Ivar crutches his way over to Katya and looks down at you and then back at her. 
Ivar "Your husband tried to touch and kiss my wife." She looks at you and you look down. That is all the confirmation that she needed. "So I told your husband to stop his perverted attempts at getting with my pregnant wife or me or Y/n's dragon will take care of him for his actions."
Katya "Y/n I-I am so sorry! I had no idea-"
"Katya it is okay."
Katya "It is not okay. You are now my friend and I care for you. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just wanted to forget about it, to tell you the complete truth. I have been through a lot in my life and I am used to that behavior..so I am fine, trust me."
Katya "What do you mean? How could one get used to that?"
Hvitserk "Alright, let's go outside and enjoy this weather..shall we?" 
"Mm, yes. Ivar, is it warm out yet?"
Ivar "It is warming up, my love."
"Good! Let's go then-"
Igor "Are you alright?" You look down at the young man and you place your hand on his shoulder, and smile down at him.
"I am now, thank you for asking. Hey," you crouch to his level, "how would you like to pet a dragon?"
Igor "I can pet him?"
"Mhm. He is very kind and very gentle." 
Igor "Then I would love to!" 
"Okay, let's go see him then." He takes your hand and you thank Ivar with your eyes and he smiles at you with pure love. 
Hvitserk "Let's join her." Katya and Ivar nod and walk after you. Katya is in shock that her husband did that and she had no idea of that even occurring. Normally, he would brag about it to Katya to make her feel worthless but not last night. This was news to her and sad news at that. She has grown fond of you so to know that that happened, angers and saddens her. But thankfully, Ivar took care of it. He saved you. This time, he saved you.
Igor spent a good long while with Ryuu: bonding with him, pet his scales, he even got to hug his leg! He thanked you for that opportunity and hugged you for what felt like an eternity. A hug from a child or in this case, a young man, is a hug like no other. It brings you a joy that does not come from an adult or an elder. It makes you feel so good about yourself and it makes you feel a sense of adoration that no other age can offer. Hvitserk and Ivar watched as Igor clung to your waist with smiles on their faces. Knowing how wonderful of a mother you are going to be. 
Katya "Alright, young Prince..let her breathe now.."
Igor "Oop, sorry!"
"No need to be sorry! I love your hugs!" He smiles and you kiss Ryuu's snout as a 'good boy' because Igor and Katya do not know that you can communicate with your dragon(s). So with that kiss, he knew that he was a good boy. Then suddenly, a bell was rung and everyone was meant to gather around to watch the play.
Igor "Bye Ryuu!" He said as he ran to the front yard. You all giggle at how cute that whole encounter was. 
Katya "How did you train him to be so..tamed?"
"I raised him. I got him along with two of his siblings. They were given to me for my 20th birthday. Ever since then, I have raised them and cared for them. Along with Ivar and Hvitserk."
Katya "You raised dragons?" She looked at Ivar.
Ivar chuckles, "She is giving me too much credit. When I met them, they were very little, but not quite babies. I simply helped feed them and cared for them. Y/n did all of the hard stuff."
Katya nods, "Well, you are an incredible woman Y/n. You should be proud of all of your achievements."
"Thank you, Katya. That means a lot to me." She smiles and she continues to walk with the three of us to the front yard to join the people of Kiev.
As the play began, everything was normal and simple. Very complex and artistic play that was very amusing. That is until Prince Oleg called his wife down to join him for a skit. She hesitated for a minute and then gave into his need because he gave her the 'look'. 
"Oh gods, what is he going to do to her?"
Ivar "Nothing bad, I am sure of it."
"If he starts, he is going to become ashes.."
Hvitserk "Shh, kitten. He's not going to hurt his own wife." Ivar looks at him and then he remembers that Oleg killed his first wife. One of the reasons why him and Ivar bonded was because Ivar did the same thing and Prince Oleg admired that, for some sickening reason that Hvitserk could never comprehend.��
Hvitserk "Nevermind..just relax Y/n. Katya is strong, like you. She can handle her own." You don't respond, you only keep an eye on her and his movements. 
Prince Oleg began to talk his nonsense and started to dance with her. It was sort of beautiful to watch two lovers dance before your eyes. Your nerves calmed down quite a bit, however, that was only for a split second. Prince Oleg switched like a light switch on a wall, and pinned her to the ground. You look over at Ivar and he does not move, his emotions just change. 
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Hvitserk "What the hell.." Hvitserk could not finish before Prince Oleg undressed his wife in front of everyone in Kiev and used her to please himself. You had to get up and walk away because she was screaming in agony, not ecstacy. Hvitserk follows you but Ivar stays to watch. 
Hvitserk "Are you alright?"
"Flashbacks..I'll be fine I just need to catch my breath."
Hvitserk "Hey, shh shh shh..I've got you." He holds you close and walks you far enough away from the yard to where you could not hear Katya no longer.
"I want to kill that man."
Hvitserk "You cannot kill him, Y/n. If you could, I would help you..but we cannot."
"He deserves it after what he is doing to her. He is humiliating her, torturing her, using her-"
Hvitserk "I kn-"
"How can I stand there and watch a woman go through what I went through? What can I do to help her?"
Hvitserk "I do not know, kitten. He is the king-"
"And I am a queen."
Hvitserk "Yes you are, but you are not in Kattegat. You are in his kingdom."
"His kingdom..we'll see about that." You push your way through Hvitserk and rush your way through the crowd that is dancing around Prince Oleg and Katya. He is still using her when you push him off of her. When he is on the ground, you help your friend off of the ground and hurriedly get her covered up. When she is covered up, she punches her husband so hard in the mouth that his lip spits. You pull her back and she just bursts out crying on your arms, almost pushing you over because you are so off-balance being as pregnant as you are.
Prince Oleg "How dare you defy me?!"
"How dare you do this to your wife?! How dare you use her like your slave? How dare you humiliate her in front of her people? You should be ashamed of yourself." He is speechless. You walk her through the ground when all of a sudden, you hear women start to cheer for you. Cheering for your bravery and your strength to stand up for women like you did. When you look around you, you find Ivar standing up and clapping for you. He mouths, "I am so proud of you." You just smile and continue on walking Katya back to the palace. 
When she gets in, she stops you and hugs you so tight that you can barely breathe. You just hold onto her as you ride out the emotions with her.
"I could not let him do that to you any longer. You did not deserve, nor will you ever deserve to be treated in such a way."
Katya "I am used to it. But this, this was the first."
"I am used to it as well."
Katya "Ivar-"
"No no, never Ivar. For a long time, it was my own father, then it was another king who took me from Kattegat and tortured me for many days. So yes, I know how you felt. How you feel right now."
Katya "What did you do?"
"Well, for a while, I just took it. But when I found Ivar, he gave me the strength to do what needed to be done."
Katya "Tell me what you did."
"The king that tortured me in my own father's dungeon...was burned to ashes as he stood. And for my father, well...he ended up with the same fate."
Katya "Oh my gods.."
"Men like them should not be allowed to continue."
Katya nods, "I will take care of him. When I am strong enough. But as of right now, I am in a lot of pain, I am going to take a shower. Y/n, thank you so much for what you did back there. I don't know how I could ever repay you."
"There is no need. I am glad that I was there to help you. Go on now, but remember to take it easy."
Katya "I will, I will see you when I can." You nod and when she is out of your sight, you walk your way to a chair that is the closest to you and collapse on it. 
Ivar "My love, are you alright?" He shouts when he finds you sitting there.
"Fine, just fine."
Ivar "You always amaze me, my love. You are stronger than I am."
"I just stand up for what is right. I could not allow him-"
Prince Oleg "How dare you?!"
"Me? How dare you?" Hvitserk and Ivar stand in front of you to guard you from Prince Oleg.
Hvitserk "Back up!"
Prince Oleg "How dare you interrupt me!? I was almost finished, you know!"
Ivar takes a few steps forward and gets in Oleg's face, "I know why you did that to Katya, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Oh..?"
Ivar "You did not get my wife last night so you used your wife instead." He does not answer, only smirks. "I bet, you imagined fucking my wife..didn't you?" He chuckles, "That is all of the validation that I need. My love, we are leaving now."
"But Katya, how can I leave her?"
Ivar "I care about your life and your safety, not hers. We need to leave."
Hvitserk "Ivar is right."
"I need to say goodbye, keep him out of her room." They both nod and keep an eye on you as you rush into her room. She is still in the shower but you do not care. You hug her and whisper in her ear, "I have to go, my friend. I am not safe here any longer, but I need to tell you something. If you ever feel unsafe, please come to my home. You are always welcome and you are more than welcome to stay for as long as you need. Please, take up for yourself, dear friend..be safe."
Katya "Thank you, I will." You rush out and take your husband's hand and rush out of the palace.
Prince Oleg "Please do return soon! You are always welcome in my home, Y/n." Hvitserk helps you up on Ryuu and Ivar gets in his carriage. 
Ivar "Do not expect to hear from me or any of us, ever again.."
Prince Oleg "Oh do not be like this, Ivar! You are my friend."
Ivar "I was, not anymore. You stay away from my family." He strikes his horse once Hvitserk is mounted on his horse and you lift off on Ryuu. Gladly heading home.
The journey home felt like it took forever. Your energy is completely spent and your body hurts from the lack of sleep. All you can think about is being home with Ivar and Hvitserk and seeing Ubbe and Torvi. Then you realize that you were supposed to stay for a week! A week in that kingdom! All you know is that Ubbe is definitely going to ask questions but you are honestly dreading answering them. Hopefully Ivar will do the answering for you so that you can rest. Hvitserk can sense your exhaustion and just wants to make you feel better and at ease. Hopefully once you are home, you will feel ease. 
Neith and Eldr fly up in the air to greet you and Ryuu. You swear that your dragons are just as needy as toddlers even though they are massive in size. 
"Hi, my loves. You have been good, I hope." Ryuu lands and you use his wing to get down gently. Ubbe is already by your side as soon as you look up from the ground. 
Ubbe "Hey sis..why are you-"
"Long story. Maybe ask Ivar or Hvitserk what all went down in Kiev but I am so glad to see you." He pulls you into his arms and holds you for what feels like hours. His brotherly love is what you missed and what you needed. 
Ubbe "Are you alright? You seem sad, Y/n."
"I am just glad to be home, where is Torvi?"
Ubbe "She is inside, feeding the kids." Ivar and Hvitserk ride up and you hug Ubbe one more time before going inside to search for Torvi. Your people stop you of course, telling you that they are happy to see you but questioning why you are back so early. You inform them that everything is fine but we all just needed to come home. They did not question any further and let you get inside. You find Torvi in no time at all but her daughter runs to you first. 
"Y/N!!" She runs to you and you pick her up in your arms. 
"Hi my lovebug!" 
"You are home early!"
"We are! We all just missed you so much."
Torvi "Alright, you are hogging her..it's my turn." She takes her daughter from your arms and places her back down to the ground. You get choked up once you are in her embrace but you knock yourself out of it. "Are you okay?" She whispered to you.
"I am now." 
Torvi "What has happened? You all were supposed to stay a week, maybe even longer."
"It is a long story. But we needed to get home."
Torvi "Well, whenever you are ready to tell me, I am all ears."
"Okay, I love you."
Torvi "I love you too. I am glad that you are home." 
"Me too." Soon enough, Ivar and Hvitserk come in with Ubbe and Ubbe looks infuriated. You gather that one of them told him what Oleg has done to you and Katya. 
@hvitserkmarcosource @a-mess-of-fandoms @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @heavenly1927 @saldelys @herestherealproblem
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Forgetting Everyone Else
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A/N: okay! The things italicized is the song they are singing, I have the part two to this almost done, it I just couldn’t make this supper long because tumblr is dumb. This is fluffy, but the next part is kinda bad (not really??) Gif: Ivckskywalker | enjoy!
Your fingers ran through the tight curls of the little girl who sat in front of you, you hummed as you placed intricate braids through out them. The children of Kattegat always asked you to play, so you did as they wished. But sometimes joining them in a game of catch was not enough, they all seemed to form at your feet, asking for you to sing, or tell a story, craving new words to come from your lips.
I dreamed a dream last night
of silk and fair furs
You smiled as you heard their little voices trying to keep up. They didn't know the words fully, but they tried their best.
Of a pillow so deep and soft,
a peace with no disturbance.
You couldn't help but feel eyes on you, watching as you joined the children, holding their hands and forming a makeshift circle, spinning as the song continued.
and in the dream I saw
As though through a dirty window
You eyes drifted from their tiny hands to a dark haired man, you knew him, you had seen him before. But when you matched eyes with the blue hue, you placed the name to the face, Ivar. The king of Kattegat stood next to a few other men, laughing at some mindless jokes, but staring you down. You get your body turn away from him, the children almost pulling you to continue the song.
the whole ill-fated human race,
a different fear upon each face.
When you turned back, he wasn't there. You could feel the frown on your face, but nevertheless, your worries were with the children, not the king. You smiled as your hair tickled your forehead, almost covering your vision.
The number of their worries grow
and with them the number of their solutions —
but the answer is often a heavier burden,
even when the question hurts to bear.
"Y/N! Spin faster!" The children around you giggled, but you smiled, picking up your skirt higher to match their speed.
As I was able to sleep just as well,
I thought that would be best —
to rest myself here on fine fur,
and forget everyone else.
Your eyes danced back up to see the young king again, though this time he stood next to his brother, Hvitserk. You flashed him a small smile before returning back to the children.
Peace, if it is to be found, is where
one is furthest from the human noise —
and walling oneself around, can have a dream
of silk and fine furs.
"Again!" One whined next to you.
You smiled, picking the child up on your hip, almost out of breath by all the spinning, "if you asked to do it again, we will be doing it all day." They all let out a whine, which only made you laugh again, "your parents are awaiting you, go show them what you have learned, hm?" Their eyes perked up with joy, and they almost ran away from you faster then they had arrived. You could always get them away with a simple 'chore,' knowing their parents would love to hear the things they had learned from you. You shook your head, picking up the small basket next to you, now your job was to pick up food, not entertain children. You felt Ivar creeping behind you, he didn't want to disturb you, he just wanted to let you know he was there. You hand gripped a potato, "why are you staring?"
You eyes fluttering back to him, he almost looked baffled at your words, "what?"
You smiled, your eyes going back to the colorful food infront of you, "I asked you why you are staring?" Your looked to the man at the wooden stand, "I'll have 3 please," motioning to the potatoes within your hands.
He nodded his head, "Here you go," you dropped some money into his free hand and turned into the direction of your home.
You almost smiled as you felt Ivar walking behind you, "what is your name?"
Your eyes never left the rocks folded within the grass, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he held your eyes. Even for a moment, a man like him would turn those moments into hours. "Y/n," you muttered, stepping over a larger rock.
You heard his curse under his breathe as his cane sunk into the moist ground, "I am Ivar."
You couldn't help but smile, the king was introducing himself as though you didn't already know him, "I know who you are."
"Oh, well then," he took a moment, grunting as he walked up the hill, "May I ask you eat with me tonight?"
You turned your head to finally look at him, his features looked beautiful. A small scar was perfectly cut into his cheek bone and his eyes, the eyes that had been placed on you. You laughed to yourself, but then sighed, "I'm sorry my king, but I have a husband."
He frowned, "It is dinner, not marriage."
You rolled your eyes, he wouldn't let you say no, "tonight?" He nodded his head again, you bit your lip, "what time?"
He smiled, "when dinner begins."
You felt your eyes dance over the view of the open sea, what would your husband say? He would probably be overcome with joy to see you eat with a king, thinking the gods have blessed you, "I will try."
You could see the smile creep across his face, "Well, if you don't make it, I'm sure they'll be other nights."
You nodded your head, turning back up to your hut. Why did you say yes? You couldn't say no, he was your king, but you knew the way he looked at you. Your husband looked at you that way, well used to. It made you feel warm inside, like a ball of happiness spread through out your legs, making you weak. You pushed the door open and noticed your husbands body sitting at the table, slurping down his soup in a large bowl. His eyes lit up with joy when you walked in, "How was the town? The children?"
You smiled, placing the basket next to him and taking a seat across from him, "oh, the children were great. I sang to them, and we danced,"
His brows raised, "sounds fun."
You picked at the wood, "but, you know, the funniest thing happened."
He leaned back, "what?"
You felt yourself scratching at your scalp, "the-the uh king, He asked me to eat with him. . . tonight."
"What?" He looked as though he couldn't believe what you were saying, "the king? Ivar the boneless." You nodded your head, "well, what did you tell him?"
"I, ugh, told him I would try."
"Try? Y/N, he's our king," you nodded, "gods! We're invited to eat with the king!" We're, he didn't get it. You couldn't tell him he wasn't invited, that would hurt his heart. You just smiled and nodded, hoping Ivar wouldn't notice the 250 pound man who stood next to you.
You changed into your best dress, the dress you married Ake in, it was red, and a little tight, but in the right places. Your hair was pulled in a half up braid, little white flowers decorating it. "Are you ready?" You called, tying your shoes in place.
"Yep!" Ake rushes towards you, a wide smile on his face as he grabbed your arm, "the king!" He squealed  again.
You gave a small smile, "the king," yours less enthusiastic.
He grabbed your arm tight, walking the whole way with you like this, and even when you stepped in the great hall, his hand never left yours. "Y/N!" You head turned to Ivar, he sat on a tall throne, a cup in his right hand.
You walked towards him, bowing your head a little when you reached him, "Ivar."
You looked back up with him, a frown spreading as he looked to your husband, "and this is?"
You turned to him, "this is Ake, my husband."
"It is an honor, your highness," you could see his nervousness.
Ivar gave a laugh, "well, please, drink until dinner."
"Thank you," you turned around, but was stopped by Ivars words.
"Y/n, come sit by me."
You slowly turned back to him, Ake gave you a concerned look, but you squeezed his arm, "go, have fun." When he left your side, you sat on a small chair next to Ivar, it was no throne, but it was comfortable.
He took a bite of a cherry, "Your husband doesn't seem to know how to talk to a king."
You gave a weak smile, "he is nervous, your highness."
He corrected you, "Ivar, call me Ivar." You only nodded your head, looking back to the crowd of people dancing, "Are you scared of me?"
You turned back at him, his eyes scanning your face, "no, why would I be scared?"
He smiled, taking another cherry in his mouth, "others are."
"I believe it is idiotic to be scared of any human, the gods yes, but no one is more powerful than them."
"But you are not scared of me?" He almost pouted, wanting you to say yes.
You smiled, "no, I'm not afraid of you Ivar the boneless."
He nodded his head, turning back to the crowd of people drinking, "good, I need someone who is not afraid of me."
You brows moved together, "Iva-"
"Do you have children?"
You smiled down at your hands, "no, I do not have any children."
"But you dance with them?"
You looked back up to him, his eyes dancing across your body, "I teach them, sometimes their parents would rather give them in the hands of someone else than teach them themselves," you leaned closer to him, "like your mother did?"
His eyes squinted at you, but it turned into a smile, "you have done your research?"
"No, but you may forget you are our king, and word does travel," you looked back up, a group of thralls watching as you talked, looking disgusted to see you sitting by the king. "Like how tomorrow I will hear how I have become the kings new fuck toy."
He popped another cherry in his mouth, "for a teacher to children, you sure have a potty mouth."
You smiled, "where are the children?"
"I like you."
You could feel you cheeks burn, "thank you, my king-"
"Ivar," he corrected you again, "the children seem to like you."
"I would hope so."
You saw him thinking, and before he said another word, he took a sharp inhale, "I need someone like you, to give me children and teach them, the way I was taught." You raised your brows almost stunned by his words.
Tags: @ivarslittlebadgirl @hail-kattegat @naaladareia @tephi101
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
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Ivar the Boneless x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1188 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader is King Ecbert’s daughter, who is interested in Ivar and wants to get close to him though it’s difficult to manuever
Read Part 2 here 
Read Part 3 here 
The second Ragnar Lothbrok entered Wessex, every one of you were put on high alert, but you said nothing as you watched the circle of guards beat at the man, leaving a second, only a boy, sprawled across the back of a horse. 
You could tell that he was hurting, you were a princess after all and had received all the best medical training. 
You took what seemed like an involuntary step forward, toward him, but were held back by one of the guards, who frowned upon your strange actions.
You shot him a look that no one would have questioned, which basically forced the man to let you go, he knew that your father would hear of his actions if he didn't do as you suggested. 
The second your father entered Wessex, you shoved past your brother and tried your best to get your words out without Aethelwulf fighting you on it, as he always seemed too. "Father-Ragnar is back" He says in the same moment, you shoved him to the side. "Father, Ragnar's son Ivar, I wish to look after him, he is crippled" you inform, willing to do anything at this point to get what you wanted.
Your father looked almost amused at your behavior, you reminded him of your mother and that often meant that you could do much more than your brother was allowed. 
"And why would you want to do that?" he asks, ignoring your brother in favor of humoring you fully "He's hurting father, and I do not want him to be in pain" you hum, clasping your hands together in your own way of praying, both for your father and the Lord above. 
"Very well, you can take care of him" Ecbert allows, giving you a small kiss on the cheek before ushering you away, as he went to see the man he cared for once again.
You entered the small room in which the crippled man was being held and tried your best to be as welcoming and kind as possible although it was hard with a man like that scowling at you so intently. 
"Hello, you must be Ivar-I'm princess Y/N, of Wessex" You greet, still keeping a fair enough distance away as to not scare him but coming a bit closer than before. 
At first, Ivar said nothing, he did nothing but stare at you with the same vile look on his face, as if he would like nothing more than to flay you alive.
The two of you continued this way for days, you would show up and he would refuse to speak to you, so you would sit in silence for a few moments and then you would leave him be-regardless of your reluctance. 
Until one morning you decided that you would no longer be ruled by a crippled man that needed your help, and showed up with a new found strength and force. You walked with purpose as you stormed through the door and continued further until you were face to face with the son of Ragnar.
He didn't back away like you assumed he would, in fact, he seemed entertained by your apparent anger. He muttered something in his language that you had no chance in understanding, causing your face to twist up in response, confusion evident there. 
"You will not avoid me any longer, I'm here to help you, and you are going to let me" you seethe, not thinking in that moment because you were so frustrated with the man in front of you. 
Instead of speaking, he smirked, growling deeply in his throat and sufficiently scaring the hell out of you, although you would never let him know that.
You didn't understand why Ivar was the way he was but even in this moment as he grinned at you, you could see the anger that he held in his eyes. 
"I've learned much about your condition and I want nothing more than to help you feel better" You assure him, sliding out of your seat gingerly to kneel on the ground in front of him, he looked at you with a devilish grin dressing his face but you made the choice to ignore it. 
He could be as crude as he wished, but you were here to do God's work and that was something much higher than he was.
"Stop that you beast, let me look at your legs" you order, and although Ivar couldn't understand you, he seemed to know what you wanted as you pulled lightly at the buckles of his bracers, loosening them just enough to pull them from his legs completely. 
The brackets that held his legs in place were so tight that they dug into the flesh beneath, and formed bruises of purple and green. You knew that he couldn't feel the painful looking gashes, but still you felt a pang in your soul for him.
He had been cast out by his people and he would be cast out by yours too, assuming that he ever got out of this dark room they considered his holding cell.
 "You cannot feel this?" you ask, just making sure before you went poking and prodding about his flesh. He nodded, understanding the meaning of your words by the caring nature of your speech and the gentle touch that lingered on his skin. 
His answer brought you only a small amount of peace but that didn't keep your fingers from just lightly massaging his legs. The muscle there was shriveled from years of neglect which was a bit strange due to the contrast of his upper body which was sheer boundless muscle.
Once you had finished relieving the pressure to his lower extremities that the braces created you stood, Ivar had made it very clear earlier that he didn't want your presence if he didn't need it and you were intent to oblige him. 
You didn't get very far though before he grabbed your wrist a little too tightly and pulled you back to him. He used so much force that you nearly fell to the floor but he stopped you before you could land. "Iva-!" you started intent on scolding him for his actions, though he interrupted you before you could. 
"Talk too much" he growled, surprising you with his slight knowledge of your language. You didn't have much time to be surprised though before Ivar pressed a hot kiss to your jaw, his hands greedily knotting in the fabric of your gown.
You hardly had room for your thighs between his knees but Ivar seemed to find this as a plus because he got to pull you into his lap, thus that much closer to his face 
"Ivar...what are you doing?" you wondered, backing away from him lightly to fix your appearance, the last thing you needed was someone walking in on you in a very compromising position with the prisoner. 
Once again, that same sick smirk found its way onto his face as he hummed deeply in his throat, the sound came out more like a growl than anything else and sent a chill down your spine. Ivar was determined to make this hard on you.
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lordavanti · 7 years
Crossover: Game of Thrones x Vikings
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My dearest friend @sereniti9 had a really arwfull day and for that I wanted to write her something! She asked for a litte crossover between two of the most epic series ever. Who am I to deny that. Hope you enjoy it love, it isn’t much but if you want I keep writing. You deserve that much. <3
Fandom: Game of Thrones x Vikings Pairing: Ivar The Boneless x Daenerys Targaryen Words: 652
That raven scouted over the wind, white eyes sharpening on the white wall parting Westeros from a whole army of dead. The raven flew a little lower, looking over the army of the dead, the horses that hardly were horses, the night king standing in front of his army. His blue eyes looked up and the raven lost consciousness by the enormous ice dragon crossing his paths, roaring his screams in the air before it landed on the ice wall and all things became lost. The seer snapped out of his vision and Ivar squeezed his eyes a little together. ‘What did you see old men?’ He asked curious. The seer turned his head away from the fire. ‘Westeros is divided.’ He grasped in the darkness of the wooden shed. ‘Who is sitting on the Iron Throne?’ ‘Nobody and everybody on the same time. Winter has come, the army of the dead will soon cross the wall.’ He whispered further. Ivar didn’t liked his way of talking when he was eager for an answer but he kept it in for now, patiently waiting for the wise words of the seer. ‘Viserion is fallen, they numbers are to great for Westeros to conquer them alone.’ He chuckled in the fire and Ivar clenched his teeth, looking aside him to his elder brother. ‘It is time.’ The seer announced. ‘Time for what?’ Ubbe asked softly. The seer putted up his finger, pointing it towards Ivar. ‘For Ivar The Boneless to rise, for you to fulfill your destiny, to be the legend they all sing about.’ The seer nodded. Ivar straitened his back, lifting his chin while looking in the fire. ‘You slay the night king and whole Westeros will remember you if they ever forgot.’ The seer ended, turning his back, looking into the red flames dancing around the wood. Ivar loosened the grip around his jaw and turned around, pulling his body out of the shed over the muddy path towards the mountains. Here they lived, for years now. Not a soul in Westeros that knew about this strange and primitive race that lived here. It was a legend, hardly something they spoke about. Here, between the mountains lived a whole army of those man and Ivar … He became the new commander after his fathers dead, killed by a Lannister Ivar was eager to return the favor. ‘Prepare the army.’ He said, crawling the last part to a cliff hanging over the depths. ‘Will you go alone?’ Ubbe asked. Ivar slowly shook his head, that grit tempting his face while they hold still. ‘I’m never alone.’ He whispered, looking up to the mountains. ‘What if they attack you?’ Ubbe asked. Ivar crawled a little further, looking how a shadow stroked the mountain tops. ‘They won’t.’ The confident in his voice came from the shadow dropping down. A black dragon flew out of the clouds, landing with his enormous body on the cliff. The groun shifted beneaths Iva his fingers. The animal groaned as his body moved forward, hardly fitting between the two mountain tops. His black wings hooked on the mountain he held still, lowering his head until he looked to Ivar and Ubbe, heat breath crossing their faces. ‘She won’t.’ Ivar repeated himself, looking up to the dragon that even on of hers couldn’t handle. ‘Isn’t it Ragnear?’ Ivar asked with a dark smile. A booming sound produced from Ragnear his chest, echoing through the mountains as he seemed to answer Ivar. Black as the night Ragnear was named after Ivar his lost father, a dragon tamed by a boy that couldn’t walk. That was the prophecy of every witch that served the Lord of light. One day that boy would return, on day he would save Westeros from its down fall and that not only with a forgotten dragon but also with a secret army, or like he loved to say for himself, a Heathen army.
Who want’s to be tagged in maybe further parts, shoot a message.
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