#j4x vibes
annikuh · 7 months
uh oh Annika’s rambling abt Panathir again, jeez louise‼️
(putting it under the cut bc it’s truly a ramble/thinking-out-loud type of thing after I went back thru my game notes)
doing some Panathir work & I’m VERY indecisive about how magically inclined he is. I’m looking back at the notes I had taken when he first appeared in the dnd game & he was like…very strong. like a true blue sorcerer.
however, this makes zero sense in my canon now bc Jax has zero magical ability, and they were both created and trained to be the same, which means they were both created to be dual-wielding melee warriors. like I think he could’ve honed some magical ability, but I don’t think it would be enough to be doing all the craziness he had done in the first encounter. man was like earth bending and shit LOL.
however however…it’s so fucking cool. like he kidnapped one of Jax’s friends and psychologically tortured him by like slowing down time and altering his reality and stuff, & he had set up his lair in the sewers with trap doors and invisible doors. and it was really fucking scary in the game. like he slowed down time and made it seem like the friend had been there for two weeks, but it was only like an hour in real time, and there was a scary ass moment where he was shaving the friend’s face with a knife very gently & me and all the players were sitting there like 😬‼️
but then again I did have him doing some really crazy rune and soul magic that I refuse to take out…but it also is very inherently nepherit since they do deal in minor soul magic already to switch bodies. but also the villains he’s working with are only using him bc they believe he is a necromancer…which he isn’t LOL. but I would assume he’s honed his magic more intently since then, right????
and if he can do all that psychological torture magic, part of me is like “well he wouldn’t use it on Jax bc he respects them and wants their genuine love” but another part is like “ok well he literally fried an entire family just to get Jax’s attention, so he’s not a particularly clear thinker” and also “if he’s already manipulating them, then it’s not particularly genuine love, eh?” but who’s to say he recognizes that. I don’t think he does.
it is tricky to adopt a character, esp one that was kinda made based on cool vibes LOL. like my partner did a lot of DM’ing on the fly in the moment and occasionally it would not add up; this happened often with Panathir imo LMAO (sorry to my dear partner). also technically I’m his third owner, but when he was first created for a one-shot by one of the players (hilariously the same one who was tortured by him later), he wasn’t intended to be a nepherit. he was just some guy & then my partner yoinked him and put him in the real game.
ALSO another weird fun fact is that he said his name was Burlin—the original name he was made with by that player—and at some point that I entirely missed like years later, my partner changed his name to Panathir & I have no idea why. like it’s better than Burlin, but idk why he changed it LOL. like i kinda know why he goes by Panathir in my canon (when the nepherits were free, they started choosing real names. some were based on their nepherit code, which is what Jax had done, but since they both shared a similar code [J4X-11 & J4X-115], Panathir went his own way [hashtag mgtow] and wanted to separate himself from that forced comparison). he’s a character of many names ig!
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