shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Jotaro Headcanon(s)
Okay, so I’m sure everyone who’s watched or read Stardust Crusaders is familiar with the knife scene in the Jotaro vs. Dio fight. After Jotaro gets stabbed and hits the ground, it’s revealed that he stuffed his shirt with magazines, which is what saved him. But I don’t remember him mentioning his hat, not would his hat fit one. Add in the fact that we see blood when a knife hits his hat, and it can be concluded that Jotaro definitely took a knife to the forehead. Which isn’t just something you can shrug off.
So, with that lengthy explanation over, I have this headcanon where Jotaro suffers from pretty bad migraines from the end of Part 3 onwards.
More information on this (additional explanation + fic draft maybe?) under the cut. ((also sorry if this is messy I typed it on my phone at midnight, oops))
I haven’t finished anything past Part 4, so I can’t say if there’s anything in canon that directly contradicts this, but I’m pretty sure it’s completely possible. I’m not an expert in head wounds either, but having an inch+ of steel embedded in your skull doesn’t sound like something a person could do without any side effects, so that’s what I’ve been thinking.
And as for some more headcanons…. I also like to imagine that since Joseph and Polnareff were so badly injured and down by the end of the fight, while Jotaro was still standing, he got shoved to the side when it came to medical care. As in, the SPW concentrated on those two while Jotaro just watched and hoped Joseph would be okay, sitting patiently but still bleeding out. He wouldn’t have taken the magazines out of his shirt before getting picked up, so they’d still be in there as Polnareff and Joseph were getting cared for, soaking up any blood that came out of his stab wounds. Which would exist because if you compare the lengths of the knives with the thickness of the magazines, there’s no way they didn’t stab Jotaro at least a little.
Moving on, Jotaro is sitting there bleeding out while the other two are being fussed over by the SPW, telling anyone who does take the time to notice him that the blood isn’t his, and that it came from Dio’s injuries when the two of them got too close while fighting. It would be a lie that he half believed, half didn’t, but wanted to be true anyway. Three people had already died on him that day, and he didn’t want anyone the mortality rate of his trip to Egypt to climb any higher because the doctors that should have been saving them were occupied with the less injured Jotaro.
The doctors/nurses/whatever would listen to Jotaro’s refusals, since the magazines absorbing his blood meant his shirt didn’t show how much he had bled, and his hat helped hide his head wound. The blood on his face he again attributed to Dio, since the vampire had squirted it with blood from his leg (how it was possible to make blood to that far and with such precision, Jotaro didn’t knoe). Thus, the conclusion was that Jotaro miraculously wasn’t that injured.
It wasn’t until after Joseph woke up and hugged Jotaro that the extent of the teen’s injuries were revealed. Jotaro had been trying his hardest to stay awake and alert while Joseph was out, but he started slipping once the old man woke up. During their hug, Joseph felt the odd angles of the magazines jab into him, and asked Jotaro about it, who told him about them. Joseph then made a silly comment about how it was such a waste of good material and pulled up Jotaro’s shirt, making the magazines tumble out. At this point Jotaro would be too dazed from blood loss to stop Joseph in time, so his hands just kind of shoot toward Joseph’s arm in a delayed reaction, freezing when he sees how bad the scene looks.
Because when the magazines tumble out, they weren’t the white and blues they had originally been, but pinks and reds, with some crusty brown on top. There are gashes in his chest too, ones that he never noticed, but does then. As does Joseph, who starts asking Jotaro about it, but the teen just replies that he thought the magazines had stopped the knives from hitting him, and that he hasn’t felt them in his skin, so he hasn’t noticed.
At this point his words are slurring a bit, and the SPW doctors hear him and start assembling stuff to work on Jotaro because oh god they messed up and it turns out he’s more injured than they thought and what are they going to do it a Joestar dies because they were careless (his last name not actually being Joestar an unimportant thing at the moment, because he has the blood and he has the birthmark and that’s all that matters).
Jotaro then makes a sort of offhand comment that his head hurts or that he has a headache or something, and Joseph immediately takes off his grandson’s hat and rubs his good hand against Jotaro’s head. Not only does he see the blood from the wound left there, but he sees the shine of a blade and gasps. He asks Jotaro about it, to which Jotaro replies that Star Platinum must have knocked the handle/base (whatever it’s called) off when he was blocking the road sign. Which freaks Joseph out, because he has no idea what that means (why would Star Platinum be blocking a road sign?? (because Dio, of course, but Joseph was unconscious/dead/whatever for that)).
Then Jotaro just kind of mutters and passes out on Joseph’s shoulder, sending the old man into a complete panic. His family had a history of dying young, and maybe he had avoided that, but that was probably because he tricked death by having a funeral at age 18, so that didn’t count. And what would he tell Holly if her only son died? Wait, was Holly even okay? Did they kill Dio in time? Did that actually solve the Stand problem? He needed to call Suzy, too, to make sure Holly was still okay….
So then Jotaro becomes the SPW medical team’s top priority and they remove the blade, leaving Jotaro unconscious for a little while, but alive. He eventually wakes up with a pounding headache, one that would be just a taste of the many nights and days to come spent staring at a chart or wall as the world distorted around him and his head felt like it was partying with a sledgehammer.
Loud noises would tend to bring on headaches, as would strong smells and bright lights, so Jotaro would grow even more fond of being alone. And, eventually, the ocean. Sure the water had a slight smell to it, and the hum of whatever machinery ran the boat he was on or the equipment he was using meant he wasn’t always in complete silence, but it was a lot better than while on land. Plus, the ocean could be dark. No bright flashing lights from a nighclub in its middle, and no one holding up a stereo or yelling at their boyfriend floating on its waves (for the most part, that was. Sometimes drunks would find their way into the water, but that usually didn’t happen in places where he studied).
Occasionally his migraines would be bad enough that he’d have to take the day off, but for the most part he could manage. On bad days he’d just take some pain pills and glower his way out of any conversations, succeeding in avoiding confrontations that would aggravate his condition for the most part. His co-workers learned not to ask him what was wrong, either, which was good. Because Egypt was a secret kept between him, his grandfather, and Polnareff. And his mother and grandmother, to an extent (not to mention the SPW), but mainly the three who survived it. And only his grandfather and the foundation knew about the head wound, too. He had never managed to tell his mother about it, because he knew shed worry. Suzy had probably managed to figure something out along the line, but neither he nor Joseph had explicitly told her, so she likely didn’t know the exact details.
And that was the way Jotaro liked it. Migraines were a pain, and he would love to get rid of them, but if they were the price he had to pay for living, he didn’t mind too much.
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Whenever I want a reference for some JoJo drawing and I have to look up “buff guy” or “buff guy in tank top” or whatever, I always silently pray that I don’t accidentally end up with a result list full of por/n.
I love you Araki, but man is searching for good references hard sometimes.
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
It's kind of surprising how few time travel/fix-it fics there are for JJBA on AO3. Especially considering how much it would fit in universe. It makes me want to write one.
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
((i read somewhere that drabble originally was a term for a fic that was 100 words long exactly? so these are all exactly 100 words long, not including the title. it was an interesting challenge, to get that to work out. also these are so cheesy. normally i write fics in the 3k+ range))
Drabble 1: Digging
Sharp rocks pierced his hands as he dug through the like before him, breathing heavily as tears filled his eyes.
This couldn’t be happening.
He couldn’t be…
A pool of red slowly trickled out from beneath the cross shaped stone. It mocked him, telling him that what he was doing was pointless. That he was too late.
But he wouldn’t listen.
He would keep digging, keep struggling until Lisa Lisa dragged him away screaming, tears blurring his vision so badly he couldn’t even tell if the red he saw was from the puddle before him, or his own raw hands.
Drabble 2: Jealousy
“Oh, Caesar, do you really mean it? Do you really like me?”
“Of course I do. Never before have I seen one as…”
Joseph turned his head away, concentrating on the sound of the river running just outside the restaurant. He had never liked listening to other people flirt. It was cheesy and annoying. Something that too often reminded him of his own single status.
But for some reason, he didn’t feel like that was the reason he was so bothered this time.
Was the burning feeling he felt in his chest there because Caesar was the one doing it…?
Drabble 3: Fistfight
“Damn you!” Joseph shouted, shooting his foot out at Caesar’s stomach only to find himself blocked.
“It’s your fault, bastard!” the blond replied, grabbing the younger man’s foot and pulling him forward.
With a quick movement Joseph freed himself, maneuvering his heel so it caught Caesar’s face, breaking his nose.
Blood dripped down soft lips as the Italian stared at him, furious.
In that moment, Joseph felt terribly guilty. He paused.
“You know what, I’m sorr-”
Caesar took advantage of his stillness and punched back, breaking Joseph’s nose in the process. Joseph blinked and Caesar threw another punch, knocking him out.
Drabble 4: Funeral
“C’mon, what’s wrong? Why are you looking at me so-” Joseph’s eyes widened. There on the gravestone was his own name. “Wait…”
This funeral… was his!? But he was alive! He had survived the encounters with the Pillar Men. If anything, the one whose funeral they should have been holding was-
A breath caught in Joseph’s throat. “It’s good to be back.”
After all, someone else never would.
Had there been a funeral for him? Would there be one? Could there be one? They had never retrieved the body.
He looked to Lisa Lisa with a question.
She turned away.
Drabble 5: Chilly
Blond hair felt silky beneath his fingers, soft, light feathers rubbing the edges of his hand on  one side. Underneath, a youthful face was tilted up toward his own, pale lips curled slightly.
One hand curled up against his own, long fingers wrapping themselves around a callused palm, trying to comfort Joseph, it seemed. It wasn’t warm, nor was it freezing.
It was just barely cold, chilling without warm blood being pumped through it anymore.
How could there be, with its owner dead, and all their blood spilled onto the stone floor beneath them?
In his dreams, he saw red.
Drabble 6: Nightmare
“Caesar! You’re alive!” Joseph ran toward the Italian at full speed, pulling Caesar into a hug once he was within reach.
The older man froze momentarily before pulling away. He had a perplexed look on his face.
“I’m sorry, but… who are you?”
The world splintered, and Joseph felt his heart crack.
Then his view exploded, and Joseph shot up from his bed, gasping for air.
It was just a dream, just a dream…
But what if that was the case? If Caesar could come back, but he wouldn’t remember their time together?
Would that be even worse?
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Okay so yesterday I was talking to a few people about what I’ll be majoring in and whatnot, as well as what fields I’m thinking of going into, and we started going into what we thought the others would be good as. I’m really into environmental science end ecology and all that, so when I said that the two people I was speaking with just kind of looked at each other and whispered and said “You know, I think you’d be really good at the sea scientist thing! What’s it called? The biologist? Sea biologist, ocean biologist, what…?” and so I replied with “Marine biologist? and they both started kind of cheering me on and confirming that that was what they meant.
….and in that moment all I could think of was Jotaro and how I actually really love marine biology and biology in general, and that I was so honored that they said that. And amazed that they came up with it without me really hinting at anything ocean related until they were looking for the term.
So basically two people said I’d make a great Marine Biologist and that that’s what they envisioned me as, and all I could think of was anime and how cool it was that I had a common interest with a character in that anime.
I’m such a dork. ((but I was seriously honored. Thank you two, you have no idea how much that meant to me…))
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Mm. I sort of want to post some more headcanons but. They don't have any base in canon? So I don't know if anyone would be interested/if they'd get anyone mad. Then again this is my blog so there's no reason not to. As long as I use slashes I should be able to keep them out of the main tags. Hmmmmmmmm.
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Whoever voiced Speedwagon must have had a great time screaming for a good half of their lines.
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