#jellybees draws
jocelynstudios · 2 years
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Jelly Buddies! JellyBat JellyBunny & JellyBee! #art #drawing #scrawlrbox #scrawlrchallenge #chaosconfined https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAmeIwt2Sm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aures-rose · 4 years
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Dear Diary,
I've been having these weird dreams. The world is green again, like the summer. But everything is too green. There's moss and vines and green leaves and mushrooms but it's overrunning everything. I don't realise at first and I'm trying to walk through it but I get stuck in the mud and then vines start to creep towards me and my face is hot and wet with tears and there's a lump in my throat but finally I get free and I start to run through the brush but there's pine needles and vines and it's all reaching for me. And then I wake up. I think I'm longing for summer and feeling trapped.
I guess a lot has happened since the last time I wrote but also seems like very little has. I found Lars, since Jamie had told me he'd been looking for me. I found him by the Winged Horses reading. I came over and we talked some and he said the fox agreed to meet me! I just have to wait for him to tell me he's ready. He gave me a coin that he did some magic to. He also let me interview him for the Owl Post but I haven't seen Tom to finish it! Though, I haven't seen Magnus either, at least, not alone without a girl with him. Anyways, I interviewed him but I upset him, I guess. I asked him if he thinks the French Champion was trying to make him fall in love with her- because of what they put in Witch Weekly- but that upset him because he says it's a silly question. He got angry at me and it… I don't know why but it kind of hurt. He said he was mad at me when I asked him if he was. I left to go back to the castle but when I told him I was sorry and asked him to please not be mad at me, he sort of smiled and said as long as I learned my lesson. And I said I had.
Next, was Professor Macauley's class. When we all entered his class, Professor Macauley and Professor Blightly were there and they had all these goblets laid out on our desks. Professor Macauley told us it was a very dangerous potion and let us guess what it was. A bunch of people thought maybe it was a bunch of potions I'd never heard of, but also someone said truth potion. Anyways, we all ended up taking the potion before Professor Macauley told us the potion would make us confess our deepest secrets. Some people got really upset and left or tried to leave and then… everything went wrong. Everyone was saying or shouting their secrets and Talula said she was afraid her yabos were too small and I went to try and help her but then I just said what came to my head and that was that I thought she was mean and I didn’t really like her. Then she yelled at me about how I never want to grow up and that I’m bigger than everyone else and that my bum is too big! Eventually after I told Professor Macauley that he’s my favourite professor, he revealed that the potion really didn’t do anything and that we were all spilling our secrets just because we thought we were going to. A lot of people got really upset about that and Talula even screamed and ran out. I get why they were upset but… It was kind of… Well, it’s something the Fae would do, isn’t it? 
Next was the Gryffindor House Meeting which was… I think everything has been pretty weird this week. Well, anyways, Andie and I went together and I thought that maybe Dumb Vicky would yell at her for having pink hair but he didn’t. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because he never does anything. Anyways, Jamie was there but I didn’t go sit with them because I didn’t want to leave Andie or make them be around each other. So Andie and I sat down and we learned we were playing a game where someone draws something and everyone else has to guess what it is. I wanted to play a prank so I let loose a jellybee and it stung Dumb Vicky which was great! Or it would have been but then one of the prefects started yelling at me and Andie. She threatened to keep me from going to the Hearty Party with Jamie! Luckily Dumb Vicky woke up and told everyone to calm down. Andie almost got into a fight with Ramon though and Jamie stormed out and so Dumb Vicky lectured us all about being Gryffindor and working together. He was all blah blah work it out or come to me if you can’t. I’d rather go to Professor Mac though, at least he helps with things so I left.
Then another day, I went into the Great Hall and found… Jamie and Andie fighting again. Everyone says it was Andie’s fault and… I know it probably was because she’s… well… Andie. I didn’t run after Jamie because I know sometimes they need space and everyone looked like I was the bad guy because I didn’t run after them! I just asked Andie what happened but… I think she lied to me. Anyways, I went to go find Jamie and… well… Nora was talking to Jamie and… said that she wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who was friends with someone like Andie. I tried to explain to her that if everyone’s mean to Andie, she’ll never learn how to be nice. I don’t really think Andie will ever learn to be nice and I don’t really think I can teach anyone to be nice, but I don’t think I’m a bad person because I want to be Andie’s friend. No one else paid me attention really until Andie was nice to me. Anyways, I found out Andie told Nora to “shut her fat gob” when Nora was inviting Jamie to the Hufflepuff… talent show like thing they were doing. And that Andie told Jamie the reason Jamie didn’t like her was because I like Andie better. Andie won’t admit she said that, but Jamie’s too good to lie. Jamie and I talked about everything for a while, about how she and Andie don’t have to be friends for me to still like them, they thought that I wouldn’t like them if they couldn’t be friends with Andie. We talked for a while and eventually… they asked me if we were dating now. Apparently someone asked them if we were and so I asked what dating would mean. Jamie says in the movies, dating means spending time together, going on dates, and deciding if we want to be a couple. I figured, we are spending time together and we were going on a date, so that we were dating. It’s kind of scary, really. Dating. I don’t why, but it’s… Scary.
I ran into Jamie in the library a few days later and we sat and talked. We talked about them being a Seer and my being a veela. And learning things about what you are. We also talked about Everlina. She talked to Jamie about me, I don’t know what all they talked about, but some of it was me. Jamie says they think Everlina’s a real friend to me. She gave them the ‘don’t hurt my friend or I’ll kill you’ talk, which I didn’t know was a talk people gave but I guess it must be. I haven’t had a chance yet, but I want to find Eve and talk about it when I can. Well, talk about stuff, not that talk.
After we talked about stuff, Jamie and I went back to the common room because I asked them if they wanted to hear me play. I felt pretty happy so, I wanted to play something like that for them. I played for them and they seemed to really enjoy it. We talked about anger some too. About what it feels like to lose your temper and… How they deal with it. They walk away so that they don’t say or do something they’ll regret, which makes sense I guess. I told them that Eve would always pull me away from whatever it was that upset me and they said they’d try that if I was getting upset.
Mother wrote back to me the next day. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear. She basically told me to keep my eye hidden so that no one makes fun of me and that she’d send for me to attend the St. Mungo’s outreach. She also told me not to try to be a famous musician. She says I should focus on other studies so that I can get a job that will make money when I'm older. It made me so angry but I thought I'd talk to Professor Macauley about it after his next class.
After his class, Jamie kissed me on the cheek and left me to speak with Professor Mac. I told him about Mother's letter and he said that maybe, if it really is a curse, she didn't tell me because she's embarrassed. He says I should be easy on her. I was trying to listen to him but I just kept getting more and more angry so I took my calming draught. Professor Macauley though said that he didn't think I should take Calming Draughts. He says that if I swallow down all my anger that I'm meant to feel, I'll end up losing my temper and hurting someone, maybe with a dark spell! And I mean Professor Mac would know, right? He teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts!
Anyways, the next thing that happened was the Hearty Party. I told Jamie that I wanted to look like a Princess and so I took the whole long way from the common rooms so that I could come down the stairs like they do in all the Faery Tales. I didn't expect Jamie to look so… charming! I came down the stairs and they were at the bottom, dressed like a Faery Tale prince! There were so many buttons on their coat and they had a crown and everything. They gave me a rose to wear on my wrist and we went to see the Great Hall. It was beautiful there! It was like a big garden with statues everywhere. Everyone looked so beautiful, like they belonged in a Faery Tale! Jamie and I people watched for a bit and Andie even told Jamie and I we looked nice! She was in a hoodie and it had a bunch of pink on it and we told her pink suited her. She'd never got to find Artie to ask him to go to the party with her so she left to go find him. Jamie and I went to get food then. There was cheesecake and it was delicious. I saw Eve with Bobby and waved to them but then Jamie and I started to dance. They kept saying all these sweet things that made my face feel all hot while we danced and I asked them to be my Valentine. They agreed and we said we'd have a picnic. I'll have to write about that later, I'm getting very sleepy, Diary. I ended up having to run away, which also felt like a Faery Tale, but I gave Jamie a kiss on the cheek before I did! I think that's everything. I'll write to you about the picnic later, I think I'd like to play something sad before I go to sleep. Good night!
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archivedart001 · 4 years
Hola jellybee! 💕 (new nickname perhaps 👀) Hope you’re having a great day/night, lub ya! 💚🌿
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Hi Issy C:
I love that new nickname! I appreciate all the nicknames y’all give me 💕
Thank you for checking up on me I really appreciate it! Sorry this took a bit, wanted to doodle a Chris for ya but he kinda... looks like a fusion of Brad, Chris and somewhat Piers, bUT I hope you like him nonetheless. He was never the easiest character to draw for me (it’s the hair..) but I still hope you like em’
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kittishu-cerezo · 6 years
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A dumb doodle of a hybrid-creature drawing that I remember doing back in middle school. It was a Jellybee 🐟 girl that I remember. I think I still have the drawing that also had an 🦅-🐶 with a robo-tail with an eye on the end of the tail. (Might post it) #artistoninstagram#traditionallineart#digitalcoloring#gijinkafusion#kittishuart https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHOncwB02S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s7stpymxy9xs
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