#jesus I didn't think just considering experiencing live music was supposed to be this fucking stressful.
I knew the way I went to bed in a bad mood last night was going to affect my day today, but man, I didn't think the prospect of missing out on seeing two of my favorite bands live was going to be this stressful.
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dead-thorin · 2 years
i have so many thought about it but cbs ghosts sucks lol
the acting did get better over the first season but Jesus. I skipped episodes bc i just didnt care about what the plot was going to be for some. Thor and Flower are just the stereotypes from their era which is just... bad writing. Like flower was separately in a cult and a commune? Man pick a struggle. I understand that people did those things and did drugs and yada yada, everything she's got going on people did back then, but it feels like they did that because they wanted to make her interesting instead of actually exploring why and how people did those things.
Honestly Trevor is a stereotype too and he just... doesn't really grow I feel like? Again skipped around so maybe im wrong but I get it, he's sexist, he parties, etc etc. I didn't know Isaac was supposed to be closeted for half this season and then I looked it up and I'm just like???? Idk that's not how I did shit when I was closeted so I'm comparing it to that. I don't like how they wrote about Hetty's era because they just made it too direct. "Oh women shouldn't vote theyre small minded, they shouldnt go to college" like yes write about those things, but make them more subtle? She just directly says those things like what? She mentioned once about how children can see ghosts until like age 5 and then by 6 theyre off to the mines, like that was a good throwaway.
Honestly, my biggest pet peeve is that these characters are just... flat. Like I simply don't care. They don't really grow, the writers barely showed their dynamics and how they interacted with each other before sam came into the picture, and when they do there's no depth. Like Thor sang to hetty when she was a child (which was about violence bc haha get it??? VIKINGS!!!!) and I guess it was supposed to highlight that he was hurt that they were no longer close, but it just felt not that deep. Esp when you consider that it's been at least like 150 years. Like if they had shown how he's tried throughout the years to reconnect with her, sure that would've been good, but no. Also apparently Isaac and Hetty had been friends for that long as well and I just didn't really get that.
Robin from the BBC version is a caveman, but he learned to play chess with julian. He knows about fire and about new technologies, he fucking speaks English for God's sake. It's hard for the ghosts because the previous resident didn't have technologies, like tv, but he changed with the times in those small ways that isn't as apparent then when they all experienced those changes (like using a laptop). And I really wish that type of thing was shown in the CBS series. Like if Thor had tried to learn to play chess or cards or some shit with Hetty to try and reconnect with her. Pete and Isaac and Flower talk about camping in the woods and what makes a good campsite. Crash and Alberta discuss music. Like it wouldve shown the dynamic between each other and how they adapted to modern times. Also really mad that like Pete's schedule for the day is mentioned like once and that's it. In the BBC version it demonstrated that they really lived with each other and befriended each other and that could've been used in this series.
The headless guy (aka Crash) also showed up the first episode and that was it. Like in the BBC one, Humphrey isn't always in the episode, but he's there enough and there was an episode revolving around him. Why show off brand James Dean and then never talk about him again? Like at least have the characters ask about him. "Oh where's crash?" "I think I saw him in the attic". Which btw, I didn't know his name was crash, like I had to look it up bc again, they straight up just dont talk about him.
I don't like the main couple. At this point I doubt Jay knows Sam's name because he just calls her babe. And, idk, it feels like they knew each other for a few months and then eloped. Like idk how to describe their dynamic, I feel like Jay definitely supports her, but she isn't giving back as much and then sometimes I feel like he doesn't believe that she sees ghosts? Like obviously couples have problems at times, but the resolution is just them being oh ok its fine, and then never talking about it. It just doesn't seem like a good dynamic and they dont have conflict. The conflict they had in the DnD episode was so bad. She lied about what the ghosts said and like that shouldve broken the trust the ghosts had with her, but everyone brushed it off. Jay, I feel like, shouldve been way more pissed off bc that was his friend group that he lost and he really loves DnD and found another group, and then she was selfish enough to do that? And then its brushed away? Man, come on lol
Some of these actors were... a choice to make. I dont like Isaac's actor for that role. I think he's a good actor, but eh. I don't like Thorfinn's actor maybe? Like I just don't like the character because he's loud and violent and, again, just a stereotypical viking, like tone it down, we get it. He plays the stereotype well, I guess?I don't like Sam's actress, she was good in iZombie, but this aint it. Jay is fine I guess? It's like Thor where it might just be the writing, idk. I do really like the acting from Sas and Hetty, they're pretty good. Pete and Alberta's acting also got better over the first season and I like the storyline about Alberta and her trying to seek fame, I actually thought that episode was pretty good. I also do like the Isaac/Nigel thing going on, I just wish their relationship was explored a bit more and it demonstrated them being better friends outside of their daily walks.
I know the first series is like rough because theyre trying to find a rhythm, and I want to give season two a shot, but Jesus Christ. I honestly do not understand why it has such good reviews, i really dont.
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