#jimmy gets mad his ass turns into a shapeshifter on god
shirtlesssammy · 5 years
7x03 : The Girl Next Door
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A meme was born for many fans
Dean Winchester is at Sioux Falls General getting his broken leg set and cast. Sam is getting an MRI due to potentially severe head trauma. Yeah, whatever is happening in Sam’s head isn’t going to show up on an MRI. Dean needs to get out of there but they dose him with a sedative. He wakes still at Sioux Falls General, groggy and determined to get the fuck out of there.
(Sidenote: Season 7 Grief Dean might be Peak Dean, guh
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In his attempt to escape, he falls out of bed. Bobby shows up and Dean can’t believe that he’s alive (Oh, Dean, hold on to that feeling). Bobby hands him his clothes and tells him to meet him at the ambulance bay. He’s going to find Sam.
While Dean makes his escape, Dr. Leviathan learns about the WInchesters. Bobby finds Sam and they make a mad dash to escape the leviathan on their asses. They make it just in time.
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Whitefish, Montana
Three Weeks Later
In a cabin in the woods, Sam’s busy reading books on lore and Dean’s busy watching telenovelas. Bobby comes in and Dean fills him in on what he’s missed (Ricardo. Suicidio.) I don’t know why I love this so much, but MY GOD DO I LOVE IT.
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Bobby fills the boys in on what’s been going on in the world. Leviathan are like shapeshifters and nothing can kill them. “Good times.” Sam has a brief dissociative moment, but grounds himself by pushing on his hand wound. Ugh. Lucifer. Bobby says that he’s going out to collect all the copies of books he had in his now burned down house. Dean kicks Sam out to get rations (Pie specifically). He wants to talk about Sam’s state of mind. Bobby doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about.
Sam’s at the local Gas ‘n Sip (I love the woodsy Gas ‘n Sip aesthetic. I’ve spent many a vacation in rural, woodsy areas and this would fit right in). He finds a newspaper with a headline about the “Ice Pick Killer Strikes Again” (Sam, your love of serial killers is showing), and then pays for his stuff with a credit card (Sam, your lack of street smarts is showing).
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That swipe alerted the leviathan as to where they are.
Sam gets back to the cabin (sans pie) and Bobby is gone. Dean asks how he’s doing and he admits that he’s still seeing things that aren’t there, but he’s managing.
Much later, after Dean’s passed out on the couch, Sam pulls out the paper to read it. We flash back to baby Sam talking to Dean on an ancient cell phone about a Kitsune. Present Sam heads out while Dean sleeps (Things of note: Dean ate some of the cake, there’s a slasher flick playing on the TV --oh, I think this was the movie Jensen was in.)
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In a shady part of the outskirts of town, a drug dealer is a gross, awful, and disgusting asshole to a local washout. Sirens blare and they both take off. As drug dealer man runs through a skate park, he’s attacked, blood oozing from his head.
Dean wakes the next morning to see the note Sam left him: “Back in a few days. I’m fine. Sam.” I mean, great, but Dean’s got a broken leg, what’s he going to do all alone? Oh, he calls Bobby (and drops a Rear Window reference. My heart. Also, my ass he hasn’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life. If he’s seen one Jimmy Stewart movie, he’s seen them all.) Bobby tells Dean to cool it and wait until he gets his cast off to hunt down Sam. (Uh, A) where are all these cars they need to drive coming from? B) How is Dean supposed to get to the doctor to remove his cast alone?)
Cut to Dean cutting his own cast off. (I should have known.)
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Sam’s busy investigating the Ice Pick Killer. All the victims are stabbed right behind the ear. Sam wonders if their brains are missing.
Dean heads to the local Gas ‘n Sip (where the attendant is watching Looney Tunes!) Dean asks about Sam and learns that he bought a newspaper.
At the morgue, Sam finds out that all the victims are missing their pituitary glands.
While at the library, Baby Sam discovers the Kitsune need pituitary glands to survive.
Adult Sam makes a murder board.
Baby Sam figures out that these murders are happening on the outskirts of town, one town at a time.
Adult Sam guesses where the next killing will happen.
Baby Sam gets his Triple Red Eye coffee and follows a girl back into the library. He’s not so subtle as he watches her in the library.
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Adult Sam sees someone pull up at the abandoned park he’s staking out.
Baby Sam finds books and love in the library stacks. He also tells Dean on the phone that to kill a Kitsune, “You stab it in the heart!” He gets a “shush” for that, which doesn’t necessarily warrant it but it is kind of disturbing to hear. Also, Sam asks Dean how to talk to girls. #Bless.
Sam approaches said girl - moderately awkwardly - and tries to say “hi.” She shuts him down immediately; she’s not supposed to talk to boys. She leaves the library and Sam watches two creepy teens trail her. He follows THEM and when they threaten her Sam (who has yet to hit his growth spurt) kicks their asses. Sam, meet Amy!
In the present, a woman walks through the woods. Sam trails her like a PANTHER.
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The woman approaches a drunk guy trying to get in his car and drive (what a lowlife) but Sam stops her and she turns, revealing her face. It’s Kaylee! I mean, Amy! His old library pal. “You got tall, huh?” she asks him. Flattery will get you nowhere, lady. Sam wants to know what she’s up to. She protests that she has a steady job, a mortgage, and a cat. And therefore she’s up to absolutely nothing shady in the woods at night.
In the past, Amy patches up Baby Sam after his fight. She grabs a cool drink from the totally normal fridge. They bond over moving around the country.
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Present Amy begs Sam for mercy. She’s not a murderer, she’s desperate. When he hesitates, she knocks him out. (Ticks another check on the ol’ Sam brain injury chart.)
Dean, meanwhile, is busy following in Sam’s footsteps. At the morgue, he examines the dealer’s body for clues and the morgue attendant clues him in on the missing pituitary glands. Now he knows that they’re hunting a kitsune.
For Pidgeon-Cam Dean Science:
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Amy frantically goes through her house, hiding family photos and packing, when Sam shows up in her bedroom like some murdery Edward Cullen.
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She’s got fresh blood on her hand, indicating that she’s killed while on her way back to her house. Sam tells her that he’s going to have to kill her. Once again, she implores for him to remember her in the past.
Baby Sam spills a drink and in the flurry to clean it up, we learn that both their parents have bad tempers. “You don’t want to see [my dad] when he’s drinking,” Sam reveals. YIKES EMOJI. Sam insists that she’s a good person - he can just tell.
Present Amy shows Sam why she’s killing - she has a son.
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Her kid got sick and the dead people’s pituitary glands she gets from her mortician job weren’t enough to help him. She needed live glands to help him get better. She swears up, down, and sideways that she’s done killing now that his fever has broken. She reminds Sam of something she’d done in the past for him….
Flashback. Amy’s mom bursts in and Baby Sam hides while she begins to pack up. Some hunters in an Impala have tracked her down and it’s time to blow town fast. Her mom heads out again to gas up the van while Amy vows to pack. Sam emerges with a knife, puts two and two together, and they learn the truth about each other. A family of hunters and a family of monsters! Ah, ill-fated young love.
Adult Sam heads for his motel room some indeterminate amount of time later and gets walloped in the face by big bro Dean.
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Dean, there are healthier ways to deal with your feelings. Dean’s pissed that Sam stole his car to go hunt on his own for a few days. Sam insists that the case is over and he, uh, let her go.
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In the past, Amy’s mom sniffs out Baby Sam. She tells her daughter that Sam’s food, not a friend.
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Baby Sam’s about to get his brains carved out when Amy stabs her mom from behind, killing her and saving Sam. Sam tells her to grab as much cash as she can and get on the first bus out of town.
Dean tries to wrap his head around Sam’s story. He insists that Sam’s thinking is messed up. To make it clear, Dean insists on monster bad. Human good. If she’s killing people, they have to kill her. Sam insists that it isn’t that simple. He’s a freak and so is Amy - but they’re managing their lives. “You don’t trust her...fine. Trust me.” Dean reluctantly agrees.
Sam and Dean blow town. In another town, Dean sends Sam into a motel office to get them booked and makes up an excuse to drive off on his own. He tracks Amy to her motel room.
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Dean confronts her. “People...they are who they are.” Dean paints her as a killer who will kill again someday - it’s only a matter of time. And then he stabs her. Her kid, Jacob, walks in to find Dean standing over his mother’s body. (This episode always wounds me because Dean is so messed up but determined that his judgment is the only one intact. This scene does such a great job of turning this vigilante hunter show into something brutal and incredibly tragic.)
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Dean interrogates Jacob and tells him that if he kills anyone, then Dean will kill him. There’s only one person Jacob plans to kill, and that’s Dean. (I’m still patiently waiting for Dabb to bring this story around again.)
In the convenience store where Sam and Dean bought newspapers, a leviathan updates the head office about his Winchester hunt right before he pours molten cheese over the desk clerk and eats him.
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Don’t Worry, Everything’s Quotey, Captain:
They still making spleenburgers?
Hey, look, a monster broke my leg
Do you see any other strange charges on your statement? The May 27th charge to "Mistress Magda," perhaps? Oh. Sorry for asking.
Where's the pie?
All the coolest people are freaks
I’ve been around enough bad to know good when I see it.
Plain old people taste fine, but everything is better... with cheese.
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