#john vc: this guy's making explosives in his house and people say I'M disturbing to be around?? hello??????
talentforlying · 11 months
@normaltothemax / continued.
the thought process is simple: it's a pointy stick with a doodad on the end of it, what's the harm in spinning it around a bit? ( well, a lot, going off that reaction. ) even the strength of clint's reaction and the resulting clench in the pit of his stomach doesn't stop constantine from scowling as it's snatched away, yanking his hands back like he's been stung. ' oi! proprietary, ennye? '
ah, well, exploding. that'll explain it. actually, no it fucking won't, and how does he always end up hanging around the sort who meddle with projectile bombs?! like the immaterial and intangible isn't bad enough already.
' exploding and unstable. ' he looks between the arrow and clint, back to the arrow. back to clint, with an eyebrow raised like a judge's scorecard after a high dive, and the number on it is disgracefully low. ' and you play with those in yer flat? don't you lot have lairs and shite? '
no comment on holes; just an insouciant grin out the side of his mouth as he edges around the table — on big, dramatic, scooby-doo tiptoes for effect — to snoop through the rest of the apartment. preferably as far away from anything more flammable than bad wiring as he can get. ' it's no bloody wonder the news is always talking shite on you vigilante types. calling yer little flying boomsticks a fuckin' trick, jesus wept. anything else i should be minding, 'sides the pizza boxes? trapdoors? pressure plates? 'orrible taste in music? '
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