judedeluca · 5 years
LoSH Appreciation Week 2019 - Jude’s Favorite Villains
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Glorith of Baaldur
A one-shot minion who somehow became the Legion’s archfoe.
Originally a servant to the Time Trapper, as a result of the future’s malleable state Glorith was brought back to life in the “Mordruverse.” She inserted herself into the plan to restore the universe to its rightful state (or as close as possible) and usurped the Time Trapper as the Legion’s creator,
What I love about Glorith is the sheer depths of her pettiness which arguably made her more human and entertaining than the Time Trapper. While the Trapper messed with the Legion as a whole, Glorith individually fucked with its members whenever they got on her bad side. She was an opportunistic witch who caught a lucky break, and by God did she make the most of it.
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Absolute Power - Saturn Queen
A survivor of happenstance.
This version of Eve Aries traveled back in time alongside Cosmic King and Lightning Lord as part of a bizarre, ambitious scheme to rule the 21st Century. How you ask? By raising Superman and Batman from childhood and turning them into bloodthirsty tyrants.
As Bruce and Clark’s mother, Eve successfully warped the World’s Finest. The plan only really failed because of Wonder Woman and the Freedom Fighters’ intervention, which caused a domino effect leading to Bruce and Clark remembering the old universe.
It eventually turned out Eve and Mekt’s real goal was to alter the past so their version of the 31st Century wouldn’t be erased by the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Yet somehow, when their world was reborn and destroyed again during Infinite Crisis, Eve survived through sheer force of will and wound up in the Phantom Zone.
This version of Saturn Queen’s been at the center of many of my Legion ideas alongside Dark Angel, if only because this woman survived the deaths of multiple timelines and universes JUST BECAUSE SHE COULD.
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FYL - Prince Evillo
I can’t say much for Evillo’s Pre-Crisis stories, but I’m fond of his role in the FYL era. He became, for lack of a better term, Matter-Eater Lad’s somewhat arch enemy when Tenzil helped overthrow his tyranny. And more importantly, he brought back all of Evillo’s rather pissed off wives. He was mainly a breath of fresh air among the more serious villains of the FYL era.
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Terrus
I have no clue what your deal is Terrus but I love you. The most mysterious of the Legion of Super-Villains, Terrus is dressed like a scarecrow and seems to have some control over Earth and rocks. No one knows who he is or where he comes from.
And even more shockingly, when Blok punched him Terrus’ suit exploded into what appeared to be a swarm of insects! Was this a byproduct of the spell casting done by the White Witch? Or was this his true form?
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Silver Slasher
Not much to say about her other than I’ve always loved her sleek design and, as a horror movie buff, the “Slasher” part of her name has always appealed to me.
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Reboot - Emerald Legion
No I don’t want Violet to be a villain again but the Emerald Vi story is one I keep going back to. The creators originally planned for Kinetix to become the new Emerald Empress but switched tactics realizing this was too obvious. The play on words with Vi’s name was great and I love how, even when the Eye was controlling her one of her villainous deeds was to figure out how to revive Gim Allon.
And then there were the costumes when the Legionnaires got Emerald makeovers.
I still can’t decide whether to hate or love them they’re all so ridiculous.
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judedeluca · 5 years
Okay so apparently I was REALLY late to LoSH Appreciation Week 2019
So I’m just gonna do a bunch of posts about my favorite Legionnaires, Legion villains, which Legion I prefer, favorite ship, my AU, and such to catch up.
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Saturn Girl
Imra Ardeen-Ranzz you are a blonde disaster and I love you.
No but seriously this woman’s a total hardass and it’s amazing. She rigged Legion elections and had all the members suspended after stealing their powers for the sole purpose of looking like a complete bitch when she planned to take on an entire alien armada and sacrifice herself so no else would have to.
But then Lightning Lad stopped her and she was determined to sacrifice herself anyway to bring him back from the dead.
Not to mention this woman fucking stared down DARKSEID to get her other son back. DARKSEID.
I hate how Johns ripped out Imra’s spine but thank God Paul Levitz brought Iron-Ass Imra back.
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Lightning Lad
My other moron love, my ginger farm boy house husband.
Despite seemingly being the unluckiest Legionnaire ever, Garth’s been given a lot to be thankful for. He got super powers alongside his twin sister, got to meet and befriend his idol and inspiration, married the love of his life and had two (in one continuity four) kids with her, and they own a house and a farm.
One thing to love about Garth’s devotion to Imra is, I have to wonder if the two would’ve just kept dying to revive the other in some weird cycle because the moment Garth came back to life he immediately said “I don’t want to live at the expense of Saturn Girl’s life!”
Not only that but he was shown to a great dad who was more than happy to stay home and watch the kids while Imra went back to being a Legionnaire, and no one saw this as a joke.
I’m just glad Levitz toned down the anger problems Johns gave him so he wasn’t always snapping at Imra.
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Pre-Crisis - Sensor Girl
Because seriously this costume is fucking gorgeous. I know she was originally supposed to be Supergirl back from the dead, but I def prefer Projectra as Sensor Girl over Princess Projectra. Not because there was anything wrong with it (what she did to Nemesis Kid was amazing). I just liked the whole mystery aspect built over who Sensor Girl was and why Saturn Girl vouched for her.
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FYL - Matter-Eater Lad
Despite the problems with the FYL era, Tenzil’s spotlight issues were probably the highlight of the entire run. They took a character who was treated as a joke because of his seemingly useless ability and made him into this ridiculous, larger than life lovable idiot all because he played up how ridiculous he was.
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FYL - Ultra Boy
Jo Nah does NOT have ratty hair and God damn you for saying it. Despite the grossness around Phantom Girl getting fridged, Jo still got an impressive amount of character development in the FYL era. Especially in regards to how he figured out Glorith’s manipulations before anyone else and worked doubly hard to play up his dumb muscle persona to subtly undermine her.
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FYL - Spider-Girl/Wave
Again, the FYL gave minor baddie Spider-Girl an actual personality by making her a lovable dumbass and semi-reformed thief who showed surprising depth when she supported Ultra Boy going after Phantom Girl in the 20th Century despite how Sussa clearly felt for Jo.
It’s a pity Geoff Johns turned her into a future Neo Nazi.
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SW6 - Computo II
Danielle’s a low key fave I don’t discuss much, which kind of makes sense when in “Legionnaires” #1 while everyone else is freaking out about how the Earth domes are gonna crash into each other Danielle goes “No yeah I fixed that like five minutes ago.”
Her clashing with Chameleon was also pretty funny.
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Reboot - Monstress
Fuck Abnett and Lanning for what they did to her just to prove how unstable Element Lad became.
Candi’s fucking amazing. She’s sweet, strong, caring, has a great fashion sense, is observant, and isn’t afraid to tell people when they get on her bad side.
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Threeboot - Theena
Poor Theena never truly got a chance to shine, which is a pity due to her unique design and power which stood her apart from the others. Granted it wasn’t much useful in combat but it would’ve been cool to see her as a sort of permanent mission control, keeping tabs on all the Legionnaires.
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Threeboot - Gazelle
Another victim of how underutilized the Threeboot was, Gazelle never really got her chance to shine too. She wasn’t even included in Legion of 3 Worlds!
As an outcast just about everywhere, when Gazelle first appeared she hated the Legionnaires but slowly began to warm up to them after they helped her (despite how poorly she thought of them) and eventually joined their ranks.
What’s especially frustrating about how she was handled involves the proposed actual finale Jim Shooter wanted to do for his story. Invisible Kid had been nursing a crush on her it seemed, but in Shooter’s draft it seems Lyle would’ve come out as a transgender woman who viewed Gazelle as the type of woman Lyle wanted to be.
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Cartoon - Lightning Lad
I didn’t care about Garth until season 2 came around. Aside from the gorgeous redesign I enjoyed the amount of depth he began to display and the soft side to his personality. His unwavering love for his sister and his surprisingly decent bedside manner. Here we had a guy who used to be a glory hog, and he passed up an awards ceremony to spend time with his sick teammates in the hospital.
I know what they say about loving bad boys but I didn’t care about Garth Ranzz until I saw the kindness he was capable of.
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