#jolyne calling him 'beansprout'
senseiofbullshit · 2 years
Thinking about Dad!Josuke who got to know Jolyne when he was young so they’re very close and she always video chats with Josuke after Bean is born. She visits 2-3 times a year and Bean LOVES her. She’ll take Bean out for the day and they’ll just have a blast together. When she brings him back he’s practically asleep with his messy shirt and his tongue some deep color from all the sugary treats she let him have. If there’s anyone who will spoil Bean absolutely rotten, it’s Jolyne. She will give him anything he asks for. He doesn’t even need to use his infamous puppy dog eyes or pout. She shows interest in every little thing that he does. If Bean wants to pretend to be a Teletubby, she'll pretend to be a Teletubby. Whenever he hears the song ‘Jolene’ by Dolly Parton, he continues to sing it for days, often calling Jolyne just to sing it to her and show her a new dance he’s made to accompany his singing. He spins until he falls singing "Jolene! Jolene! Jolene! JoLEEEEEEEEENE!".
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